689 resultados para honors


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Neural crest cells (NCC) are a unique population of cells in vertebrates that arise between the presumptive epidermis and the dorsal most region of the neural tube. During neurulation, NCC migrate to many regions of the body to give rise to a wide variety of cell types. NCC that originate from the neural tube at the levels of somite 1-7 colonize the gut and give rise to the enteric ganglia. The endothelin signaling pathway has been shown to be crucial for proper development of some neural crest derivatives. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene exhibit similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss, and megacolon. Thesephenotypes are due to lack of melanocytes in the skin, inner ear and enteric ganglia in the distal portion of the colon, respectively. It is well established that Ednrb is required early during the embryonic development for normal innervation of the gut. However, it is not clear if Ednrb acts on enteric neuron precursor cells or in pre-committed NC precursors. Additionally, it is controversial whether the action of Ednrb is cell autonomous or non- autonomous. We generated transgenic mice that express Ednrb under the control of the Nestin second intron enhancer (Nes) which drives expression to pre-migrating NCC. These mice were crosses to the spontaneous mouse mutant piebald lethal, which carriers a null mutation in Ednrb and exhibits enteric aganglionosis. The Nes-Ednrb was capable of rescuing the aganglianosis phenotype of piebald lethal mutants demonstrating that expression of Ednrb in pre-committed precursors is sufficient for normal enteric ganglia development. This study provides insight in early embryonic development of NCC and could eventually have potential use in cellular therapies for Hirschsprung's disease.


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Wnt signaling plays a vital role in many developmental processes. Wnt signaling has been implicated in neural crest induction and cell differentiation among other functions. In mice Wnts comprise a family of nineteen glycoproteins that bind to Frizzled (Fzd) receptors and LRP5/6 co-receptors. This activates beta-catenin, which translocates into the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor, resulting in differential gene expression. Specifically, Fzd 3 enhances Wnt 1 signaling. Wnt 1 and Fzd 3 are involved in neural crest induction and in neural crest-derived melanocyte development. We analyzed the expression pattern ofFzd 3 and the LRP 5/6 by in situ hybridization inmouse embryos. Our data suggests a role for these genes in neural crest induction and in melanocyte differentiation in the murine system. Results show Fzd 3 expression in the anterior part of the neural tube and in the hindbrain, while LRP 5 is expressed in the anterior part of the neural tube, in the hindbrain, and in the eye. We conclude that Fzd 3 and LRP 5 are expressed in the neural crest. In addition, Fzd 3 might act as the receptor while LRP 5 might act as the co-receptor for Wntl signaling in the murine system.


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Many coastal wetland communities of south Florida have been cut off from freshwater sheet flow for decades and are migrating landward due to salt-water encroachment. A paleoecological study using mollusks was conducted to assess the rates and effects of salt-water encroachment due to freshwater diversion and sea level rise on coastal wetland basins in Biscayne National Park. Modem mollusk distributions taken from 226 surface sites were used to determine local habitat affinities which were applied to infer past environments from mollusk distributions found in soil cores. Mollusks species compositions were found to be strongly correlated to habitat and salinity, providing reliable predictions. Wetland soils were cored to bedrock at 36locations. Mollusks were abundant throughout the cores and 15 of the 20 most abundant taxa served as bioindicators of salinity and habitat. Historic accounts coupled with mollusk based inference models indicate (1) increasing salinity levels along the coast and encroaching into the interior with mangroves communities currently migrating westward, (2) replacement of a mixed graminoid-mangrove zone by a dense monoculture of dwarf mangroves, and (3) a confinement of freshwater and freshwater graminoid marsh to landward areas between urban developments and drainage canals.


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Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Yet, with their recent declines due to disease, climate change, and overfishing, restoration of these habitats is one of the main concerns for ecologists, resource managers, and government organizations. Coral reef restoration aims to promote key ecosystem processes to shift these habitats to their historical state of high coral cover, but few studies have focused on effective ways to promote resilience. In addition, little is known about the impact of restoration on the fish communities. The aim of this study is to understand how the community of herbivorous fishes is affected by the density of coral outplants inside a special protection area located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Grazing rates, number of visits and time spent foraging were compared using video footage of sites previously devoid of corals, and six months after coral restorations had occurred. Coral transplantations did not appear to attract herbivores nor increase grazing rates of fishes. Instead Sparisoma and Acanthurus fishes appear to respond to changes in the environment by modifying their grazing behavior. However, there was an observed increase in visits by Acanthurus species after transplantation for all the sites sampled within the reef. These fishes seemed to prefer low coral cover sites for grazing. This study highlights the importance of examining coral restorations impacts at the community level. Understanding how restoration influences herbivores and other guilds of reef fishes will allow individuals to not only determine if these habitats are returning to their “original” state, but provide more information on the ways these systems cope with changes in the environment.


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High-stakes testing and accountability have infiltrated the education system in the United States; the top priority for all teachers must be student progress on standardized tests. This has resulted in the predominance of reading for test-taking, (efferent reading), in the English, language arts, and reading classrooms. Authentic uses of print activities, like aesthetic reading, that encourage students to engage individually with a text, have been pushed aside. ^ During a 3-week time period, regular level, English 3/American literature students in a Title I magnet high school, participated in this quasi-experimental study (N = 62). It measured the effects of an intervention of reading American literature texts aesthetically and writing aesthetically-evoked reader responses on students' self-efficacy beliefs regarding their comprehension of American literature. One trained teacher and the researcher participated in the study: student participants were pre- and post- tested using the Confidence in Reading American Literature Survey which examined their self-efficacy beliefs regarding their comprehension of American literature. Several statistical analyses were performed. The results of the linear regression analyses partially supported a positive relationship between aesthetically-evoked reader responses and students' self-efficacy beliefs regarding their comprehension of American literature. Additionally, the results of the 2 (sex) x 2 (treatment) ANCOVAs conducted to test group differences in self-efficacy beliefs regarding the comprehension of American literature between treatment and control groups indicated a main effect for treatment (but not sex; nor was there a significant sex x treatment interaction), suggesting the treatment was partially effective in increasing students' self-efficacy beliefs. Seven of the twelve ANCOVAs indicated a statistically significant increase in the treatment group's adjusted group mean self-efficacy belief scores as a result of being exposed to the intervention. In six of these seven analyses, increases in self-efficacy beliefs occurred in tasks that required three or more higher-order levels of thinking/learning. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical, empirical and practical significance. Future research is recommended to extend the intervention beyond the narrow confines of a Title I magnet school to settings where the intervention could be tested longitudinally, e. g., honors and gifted students, elementary and middle schools.^


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Quorum sensing is a communication mechanism employed by many bacteria. The bacteria secrete signal molecules known as acyl homoseriene lactones (AHLs) that cue to population size/density. Bacteria can be alerted of this optimum population by the concentration of these signal molecules. When the concentration of AHLs exceed a threshold valve, they enter the bacterial cell and causes the transcription of genes encoding virulence factors necessary for their colonization and survival. The marine algae Delise a pulchra, found off the coast of Australia is thought to produce compounds that inhibit the activity of the AHLs. The algae employ these compounds, known as furanones, as an anti-fouling agent. We postulated that marine algae of South Florida might contain similar activity; we screened 30 different algal species and found 22 species had the activity. Algal extracts were made from Halimeda incrassata using hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol as solvents. The extracts were assayed for anti-quorum sensing activity. The results showed many of the South Florida green algae to possess anti-quorum sensing activity, however extracts of H incrassata did not show quorum sensing inhibition.


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Fall 2010 Worlds Ahead Symposium. Speakers included President Mark B Rosenberg, Honors College Dean Lesley Northup, Executive Director of Miami-Dade Expressway Authority Javier Rodriguez, and Vice President of Engagement Divina Grossman. Speakers present various videos that are of relevance to the topic of community development in Florida International University.


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The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex is an extensively studied cluster of genes with immunoregulatory function. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of infecting individuals with weakened immune systems, and is associated with a high mortality rate. Previous genetic studies of the HLA region have found correlations between bacterial infection and its effect on regulating HLA gene expressions to establish their infection. This project analyzes the expression of classical HLA loci (A, B, C, DR, DQ, DP) in human B cells and macrophage cells during the infection of virulent strains of P. aeruginosa. Cells were cultured and infected with different virulent live, and heat-killed strains of P. aeruginosa for different time periods. The mRNA was extracted and converted into cDNA followed by real-time quantitative PCR and data analysis. The Western Blot technique was used to identify the targeted protein’s cell surface expression. Infection with P. aeruginosa was found to inhibit the expression of HLA proteins. The PA14 strain inhibited expression of all targeted genes in all experiments. Infections with PA01 and PA103 showed different patterns depending on the incubation time and the targeted gene. These differences suggest that the three strains use various mechanisms to inhibit HLA protein expression.


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To navigate effectively in three-dimensional space, flying insects must approximate distances to nearby objects. Humans are able to use an array of cues to guide depth perception in the visual world. However, some of these cues are not available to insects that are constrained by their rigid eyes and relatively small body size. Flying fruit flies can use motion parallax to gauge the distance of nearby objects, but using this cue becomes a less effective strategy as objects become more remote. Humans are able to infer depth across far distances by comparing the angular distance of an object to the horizon. This study tested if flying fruit flies, like humans, use the relative position of the horizon as a depth cue. Fruit flies in tethered flight were stimulated with a virtual environment that displayed vertical bars of varying elevation relative to a horizon, and their tracking responses were recorded. This study showed that tracking responses of the flies were strongly increased by reducing the apparent elevation of the bar against the horizon, indicating that fruit flies may be able to assess the distance of far off objects in the natural world by comparing them against a visual horizon.


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Top predators are known for their ability to 1) affect their communities through predation and 2) induce behavioral modifications. Recent research suggests that they may also play “bottom-up” roles in ecosystems, including transporting materials within and across habitat boundaries. The Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) is an “upside-down” oligotrophic estuary where productivity decreases from the mouth of the estuary to freshwater marshes. Therefore, movements of predators may be important in ecosystem dynamics. While other estuarine predators in the FCE have been shown to potentially move nutrients among ecosystems, the potential for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to play a similar role in the systems has not been investigated. Stable isotope analysis of biopsy samples were used to investigate spatial variation in trophic interactions of dolphins to see if they might transport nutrients. Values of δ15 N suggest dolphins feed at a trophic level similar to other top predators in the ecosystem while δ13 C suggest that dolphins forage largely within food webs where they were sampled rather than transporting nutrients across ecosystem boundaries. The exception may be dolphins foraging in rivers, which may transport nutrients downstream; a pattern opposite to that of bull sharks and alligators in these habitats. Further research is necessary to predict how future changes occurring due to restoration and climate will affect the ecological roles of dolphins.


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Wolbachia pipientis are bacterial endosymbionts carried by millions of invertebrate species, including ~40% of insect species and some filarial nematodes. In insects, basic Wolbachia research has potential applications in controlling vector borne disease. Conversely, Wolbachia of filarial nematodes are causative agents of neglected tropical diseases such as lymphatic filariasis and African river blindness. However, remarkably little is known about how Wolbachia interact with their hosts at the molecular level. Understanding this is important to inform the basis for symbiosis and help prevent human disease. I used a high-throughput proteomics approach to study how Drosophila host cells are modified by Wolbachia infection. This analysis identified 23 Drosophila proteins that significantly changed in amount as a result of Wolbachia infection. A subset of differentially abundant host proteins were consistent with Wolbachia-associated phenotypes reported previously. This study also provides the first ever discovery-based evidence for a Wolbachia-associated change in maternal germline histone loads, which has possible implications in Rescue of a common Wolbachia-induced reproductive manipulation known as Cytoplasmic Incompatibility.


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Most reef-building corals are known to engage in non-pathogenic symbiosis not only with unicellular dinoflagellates from the genus Symbiodinium, but also with other microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The functional details of these highly complex associations remain largely unclear. The impetus of this study is to gain a better understanding of the symbiotic interaction between marine bacteria and their coral host. Studies have shown that certain bacterial orders associate with specific certain coral species, thus making the symbiotic synergy a non-random consortium. Consequently both corals and bacteria may be capable of emitting chemical cues that enable both parties to find one another and thus generate the symbiosis. The production of these cues by the symbionts may be the result of environmental stimuli such as elevated ocean temperatures, increased water acidity, and even predation. One potential chemical cue could be the compound DMSP (Dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and its sulphur derivatives. Reef-building corals are believed to be the major producers of the DMSP during times of stress. Marine bacteria utilize DMSP as a source of sulfur and carbon. As a result corals could potentially attract their bacterial consortium depending on their DMSP production. This would enable them to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions by changing their bacterial communities to that which may aid in survival. To test the hypothesis that coral-produced DMSP plays a role in attracting symbiotic bacteria, this study utilized the advent of high-throughput sequencing paired with chemotactic assays to determine the response of coral-associated bacterial isolates towards the DMSP compound at differing concentrations. Chemotaxis assays revealed that some isolates responded positively towards the DMSP compound. This finding adds to existing evidence suggesting that coral-associated pathogens utilize chemotaxis as a host colonization and detection mechanism. Thus the symbiotic bacteria that make up the coral microbiome may also employ this process. Furthermore this study demonstrates that bacterial motility may be a strong contributing factor in the response to the chemotactic cue. Swarming motility may be better suited for bacteria that need to respond to a chemical gradient on the surface of the coral. Therefore the isolates that were able to swarm seemed to respond more strongly to the DMSP.


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Insect biodiversity is unevenly distributed on local, regional, and global scales. Elevation is a key factor in the uneven distribution of insect diversity, serving as a proxy for a host of environmental variables. My study examines the relationship of Heteroptera (true bugs) species diversity, abundance, and morphology to elevational gradients and land-use regimes on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, East Africa. Heteroptera specimens were collected from 60 research sites covering an elevational range of 3684m (866-4550m above sea level). Thirty of the sites were classified as natural, while the remaining 30 were classified as disturbed (e.g., agricultural use or converted to grasslands). I measured aspects of the body size of adult specimens and recorded their location of origin. I used regression models to analyze the relationships of Heteroptera species richness, abundance, and body measurements to elevation and land-use regime. Richness and abundance declined with greater elevation, controlling for land use. The declines were linear or logarithmic in form, depending on the model. Richness and abundance were greater in natural than disturbed sites, controlling for elevation. According to an interaction, richness decreased more in natural than disturbed sites with rising elevation. Body length increased as a quadratic function of elevation, adjusting for land use. Body width X length decreased as a logarithmic function of elevation, while leg length/body length decreased as a quadratic function. Leg length/body length was greater in disturbed than natural sites. Interactions indicated that body length and body width X length were greater in natural than disturbed sites as elevation rose, although the general trend was downward. Future research should examine the relative importance of land area, temperature, and resource constraints for Heteroptera diversity and morphology on Mt. Kilimanjaro.


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The purpose of this research study was to determine the effect of two different instructional groupings (cooperative and traditional whole-class) on student achievement and attitudes using a computer-based interactive videodisc biology unit. The subjects were 64 high school biology students assigned to two heterogeneous experimental groups, randomly selected from two preassigned summer school biology classes, one honors, the other regular. A two-group, posttest-only, control group experimental research design was utilized. Achievement at three cognitive levels and attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction were measured at the conclusion of the study. The cooperative group consistently outperformed the traditional group in achievement posttest scores. Factorial ANOVA on total (overall) achievement scores indicated that subjects in cooperative groups significantly outperformed those in the traditional group, and also that the instructional group, class level, and gender interacted in an ordinal fashion to make a significant difference in how female and male subjects were affected by the treatments depending on their class (aptitude) level. Regular level females and honors level males performed much better when in cooperative groups, whereas group membership did not appear to make a difference for either honors level females or regular level males. A t-test comparing honors level males revealed that cooperative groups were close to being significantly better in total achievement posttest scores than their traditional group counterparts. Factorial MANOVA comparing the instructional groups at three cognitive levels found no significant difference. Analysis on the attitudes posttest data also revealed that subjects in cooperative groups demonstrated more positive attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction; however these differences were not found to be significant. Significant interactions in attitudes of females and males from different class levels had the opposite effect as achievement: honors level females and regular level males demonstrated more positive attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction when in cooperative groups, whereas group membership did not appear to make a difference for honors level males, and regular level females demonstrated the lowest attitudes ratings of any group when involved in cooperative groups. This contrast between achievement and attitudinal results suggests cross-gender interaction in traditionally defined gender roles.