957 resultados para heparin - occurrence and function


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In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten sind Fernerkundung und GIS in den Geowissenschaften zunehmend wichtiger geworden, um die konventionellen Methoden von Datensammlung und zur Herstellung von Landkarten zu verbessern. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung von Fernerkundung und geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS) für geomorphologische Untersuchungen. Durch die Kombination beider Techniken ist es vor allem möglich geworden, geomorphologische Formen im Überblick und dennoch detailliert zu erfassen. Als Grundlagen werden in dieser Arbeit topographische und geologische Karten, Satellitenbilder und Klimadaten benutzt. Die Arbeit besteht aus 6 Kapiteln. Das erste Kapitel gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über den Untersuchungsraum. Dieser umfasst folgende morphologische Einheiten, klimatischen Verhältnisse, insbesondere die Ariditätsindizes der Küsten- und Gebirgslandschaft sowie das Siedlungsmuster beschrieben. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit der regionalen Geologie und Stratigraphie des Untersuchungsraumes. Es wird versucht, die Hauptformationen mit Hilfe von ETM-Satellitenbildern zu identifizieren. Angewandt werden hierzu folgende Methoden: Colour Band Composite, Image Rationing und die sog. überwachte Klassifikation. Kapitel 3 enthält eine Beschreibung der strukturell bedingten Oberflächenformen, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Tektonik und geomorphologischen Prozessen aufzuklären. Es geht es um die vielfältigen Methoden, zum Beispiel das sog. Image Processing, um die im Gebirgskörper vorhandenen Lineamente einwandfrei zu deuten. Spezielle Filtermethoden werden angewandt, um die wichtigsten Lineamente zu kartieren. Kapitel 4 stellt den Versuch dar, mit Hilfe von aufbereiteten SRTM-Satellitenbildern eine automatisierte Erfassung des Gewässernetzes. Es wird ausführlich diskutiert, inwieweit bei diesen Arbeitsschritten die Qualität kleinmaßstäbiger SRTM-Satellitenbilder mit großmaßstäbigen topographischen Karten vergleichbar ist. Weiterhin werden hydrologische Parameter über eine qualitative und quantitative Analyse des Abflussregimes einzelner Wadis erfasst. Der Ursprung von Entwässerungssystemen wird auf der Basis geomorphologischer und geologischer Befunde interpretiert. Kapitel 5 befasst sich mit der Abschätzung der Gefahr episodischer Wadifluten. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihres jährlichen Auftretens bzw. des Auftretens starker Fluten im Abstand mehrerer Jahre wird in einer historischen Betrachtung bis 1921 zurückverfolgt. Die Bedeutung von Regentiefs, die sich über dem Roten Meer entwickeln, und die für eine Abflussbildung in Frage kommen, wird mit Hilfe der IDW-Methode (Inverse Distance Weighted) untersucht. Betrachtet werden außerdem weitere, regenbringende Wetterlagen mit Hilfe von Meteosat Infrarotbildern. Genauer betrachtet wird die Periode 1990-1997, in der kräftige, Wadifluten auslösende Regenfälle auftraten. Flutereignisse und Fluthöhe werden anhand von hydrographischen Daten (Pegelmessungen) ermittelt. Auch die Landnutzung und Siedlungsstruktur im Einzugsgebiet eines Wadis wird berücksichtigt. In Kapitel 6 geht es um die unterschiedlichen Küstenformen auf der Westseite des Roten Meeres zum Beispiel die Erosionsformen, Aufbauformen, untergetauchte Formen. Im abschließenden Teil geht es um die Stratigraphie und zeitliche Zuordnung von submarinen Terrassen auf Korallenriffen sowie den Vergleich mit anderen solcher Terrassen an der ägyptischen Rotmeerküste westlich und östlich der Sinai-Halbinsel.


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Yawning is a phylogenetically old behavior of ubiquitous occurrence. The origin and function of this conspicuous phenomenon have been subject to speculation for centuries. A widely held hypothesis posits that yawning increases the arousal level during sleepiness; thus, providing a homeostatic regulation of vigilance.


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Recurrent event data are largely characterized by the rate function but smoothing techniques for estimating the rate function have never been rigorously developed or studied in statistical literature. This paper considers the moment and least squares methods for estimating the rate function from recurrent event data. With an independent censoring assumption on the recurrent event process, we study statistical properties of the proposed estimators and propose bootstrap procedures for the bandwidth selection and for the approximation of confidence intervals in the estimation of the occurrence rate function. It is identified that the moment method without resmoothing via a smaller bandwidth will produce curve with nicks occurring at the censoring times, whereas there is no such problem with the least squares method. Furthermore, the asymptotic variance of the least squares estimator is shown to be smaller under regularity conditions. However, in the implementation of the bootstrap procedures, the moment method is computationally more efficient than the least squares method because the former approach uses condensed bootstrap data. The performance of the proposed procedures is studied through Monte Carlo simulations and an epidemiological example on intravenous drug users.


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.


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Transplantation of fetal dopaminergic (DA) neurons offers an experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). The low availability and the poor survival and integration of transplanted cells in the host brain are major obstacles in this approach. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor with growth- and survival-promoting capabilities for developing DA neurons. In the present study, we examined whether pretreatment of ventral mesencephalic (VM) free-floating roller tube (FFRT) cultures with GDNF would improve graft survival and function. For that purpose organotypic cultures of E14 rat VM were grown for 2, 4 or 8 days in the absence (control) or presence of GDNF [10 ng/ml] and transplanted into the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. While all groups of rats showed a significant reduction in d-amphetamine-induced rotations at 6 weeks posttransplantation a significantly improved graft function was observed only in the days in vitro (DIV) 4 GDNF pretreated group compared to the control group. In addition, no statistical significant differences between groups were found in the number of surviving tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons assessed at 9 weeks posttransplantation. However, a tendency for higher TH-ir fiber outgrowth from the transplants in the GDNF pretreated groups as compared to corresponding controls was observed. Furthermore, GDNF pretreatment showed a tendency for a higher number of GIRK2 positive neurons in the grafts. In sum, our findings demonstrate that GDNF pretreatment was not disadvantageous for transplants of embryonic rat VM with the FFRT culture technique but only marginally improved graft survival and function.


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The central nervous system (CNS) is tightly sealed from the changeable milieu of blood by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB). While the BBB is considered to be localized at the level of the endothelial cells within CNS microvessels, the BCSFB is established by choroid plexus epithelial cells. The BBB inhibits the free paracellular diffusion of water-soluble molecules by an elaborate network of complex tight junctions (TJs) that interconnects the endothelial cells. Combined with the absence of fenestrae and an extremely low pinocytotic activity, which inhibit transcellular passage of molecules across the barrier, these morphological peculiarities establish the physical permeability barrier of the BBB. In addition, a functional BBB is manifested by a number of permanently active transport mechanisms, specifically expressed by brain capillary endothelial cells that ensure the transport of nutrients into the CNS and exclusion of blood-borne molecules that could be detrimental to the milieu required for neural transmission. Finally, while the endothelial cells constitute the physical and metabolic barrier per se, interactions with adjacent cellular and acellular layers are prerequisites for barrier function. The fully differentiated BBB consists of a complex system comprising the highly specialized endothelial cells and their underlying basement membrane in which a large number of pericytes are embedded, perivascular antigen-presenting cells, and an ensheathment of astrocytic endfeet and associated parenchymal basement membrane. Endothelial cell morphology, biochemistry, and function thus make these brain microvascular endothelial cells unique and distinguishable from all other endothelial cells in the body. Similar to the endothelial barrier, the morphological correlate of the BCSFB is found at the level of unique apical tight junctions between the choroid plexus epithelial cells inhibiting paracellular diffusion of water-soluble molecules across this barrier. Besides its barrier function, choroid plexus epithelial cells have a secretory function and produce the CSF. The barrier and secretory function of the choroid plexus epithelial cells are maintained by the expression of numerous transport systems allowing the directed transport of ions and nutrients into the CSF and the removal of toxic agents out of the CSF. In the event of CNS pathology, barrier characteristics of the blood-CNS barriers are altered, leading to edema formation and recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS. In this review we will describe current knowledge on the cellular and molecular basis of the functional and dysfunctional blood-CNS barriers with focus on CNS autoimmune inflammation.


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Buttressing is a trait special to tropical trees but explanations for its occurrence remain inconclusive. The two main hypotheses are that they provide structural support and/or promote nutrient acquisition. Studies of the first are common but the second has received much less attention. Architectural measurements were made on adult and juvenile trees of the ectomycorrhizal species Microberlinia bisulcata, in Korup (Cameroon). Buttressing on this species is highly distinctive with strong lateral extension of surface roots of the juveniles leading to a mature buttress system of a shallow spreading form on adults. This contrasts with more vertical buttresses, closer to the stem, found on many other tropical tree species. No clear relationship between main buttress and large branch distribution was found. Whilst this does not argue against the essential structural role of buttresses for these very large tropical trees, the form on M. bisulcata does suggest a likely second role, that of aiding nutrient acquisition. At the Korup site, with its deep sandy soils of very low phosphorus status, and where most nutrient cycling takes place in a thin surface layer of fine roots and mycorrhizas, it appears that buttress form could develop from soil-surface root exploration for nutrients by juvenile trees. It may accordingly allow M. bisulcata to attain the higher greater competitive ability, faster growth rate, and maximum tree size that it does compared with other co-occurring tree species. For sites across the tropics in general, the degree of shallowness and spatial extension of buttresses of the dominant species is hypothesized to increase with decreasing nutrient availability.


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Provision of additional floor heating (33 to 34 degrees C) at birth and during the early postnatal hours is favorable for newborn piglets of domestic sows (Sus scrofa). We investigated whether this relatively high temperature influenced sow behavior and physiology around farrowing. One-half of 28 second-parity pregnant sows were randomly chosen to be exposed to floor heating 12 h after onset of nest building and until 48 h after birth of the first piglet (heat treatment), whereas the rest of the sows entered the control group (control treatment) with no floor heating. Hourly blood sampling from 8 h before and until 24 h after the birth of the first piglet was used for investigation of temporal changes in plasma concentrations of oxytocin, cortisol, and ACTH. In addition, occurrence and duration of sow postures were recorded -8 to +48 h relative to the birth of the first piglet. There was a clear temporal development in sow behavior and hormone concentrations (ACTH, cortisol, and oxytocin) across parturition (P < 0.001), independent of treatment. In general, hormone concentrations increased from the start to the end of farrowing. The observed oxytocin increase and peak late in farrowing coincided with the passive phase where sows lie laterally with an overall reduced activity. Floor heating increased the mean concentration of cortisol (P = 0.02; estimated as 29% greater than in controls) and tended to increase the mean concentration of ACTH (P = 0.08; estimated as 17% greater than in controls), but we did not find any treatment effect on mean oxytocin concentrations, the course of parturition, or the behavior of sows. Behavioral thermoregulation may, however, have lost some function for the sows because the floor was fully heated in our study. In addition, exposure to heat decreased the between-sow variation of plasma oxytocin (approximately 31% less relative to control) and ACTH (approximately 46% less relative to control). Whether this decreased variation may be indicative of acute stress or linked to other biological events is unclear. In conclusion, inescapable floor heating (around 33.5 degrees C) may be considered a stressor for sows around farrowing, giving rise to elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol, but without concurrent changes in oxytocin or behavioral activity.


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The flood seasonality of catchments in Switzerland is likely to change under climate change because of anticipated alterations of precipitation as well as snow accumulation and melt. Information on this change is crucial for flood protection policies, for example, or regional flood frequency analysis. We analysed projected changes in mean annual and maximum floods of a 22-year period for 189 catchments in Switzerland and two scenario periods in the 21st century based on an ensemble of climate scenarios. The flood seasonality was analysed with directional statistics that allow assessing both changes in the mean date a flood occurs as well as changes in the strength of the seasonality. We found that the simulated change in flood seasonality is a function of the change in flow regime type. If snow accumulation and melt is important in a catchment during the control period, then the anticipated change in flood seasonality is most pronounced. Decreasing summer precipitation in the scenarios additionally affects the flood seasonality (mean date of flood occurrence) and leads to a decreasing strength of seasonality, that is a higher temporal variability in most cases. The magnitudes of mean annual floods and more clearly of maximum floods (in a 22-year period) are expected to increase in the future because of changes in flood-generating processes and scaled extreme precipitation. Southern alpine catchments show a different signal, though: the simulated mean annual floods decrease in the far future, that is at the end of the 21st century. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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BACKGROUND Approximately 10% of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) may stem from cardiac channelopathies. The KCNJ8-encoded Kir6.1 (K(ATP)) channel critically regulates vascular tone and cardiac adaptive response to systemic metabolic stressors, including sepsis. KCNJ8-deficient mice are prone to premature sudden death, particularly with infection. We determined the spectrum, prevalence, and function of KCNJ8 mutations in a large SIDS cohort. METHODS AND RESULTS Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and DNA sequencing, comprehensive open reading frame/splice-site mutational analysis of KCNJ8 was performed on genomic DNA isolated from necropsy tissue on 292 unrelated SIDS cases (178 males, 204 white; age, 2.9±1.9 months). KCNJ8 mutations were coexpressed heterologously with SUR2A in COS-1 cells and characterized using whole-cell patch-clamp. Two novel KCNJ8 mutations were identified. A 5-month-old white male had an in-frame deletion (E332del) and a 2-month-old black female had a missense mutation (V346I). Both mutations localized to Kir6.1's C-terminus, involved conserved residues and were absent in 400 and 200 ethnic-matched reference alleles respectively. Both cases were negative for mutations in established channelopathic genes. Compared with WT, the pinacidil-activated K(ATP) current was decreased 45% to 68% for Kir6.1-E332del and 40% to 57% for V346I between -20 mV and 40 mV. CONCLUSIONS Molecular and functional evidence implicated loss-of-function KCNJ8 mutations as a novel pathogenic mechanism in SIDS, possibly by predisposition of a maladaptive cardiac response to systemic metabolic stressors akin to the mouse models of KCNJ8 deficiency.


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Campylobacter spp., Salmonella enterica, and Yersinia enterocolitica are common causes of foodborne infections in humans with pork as a potential source. Monitoring programs at farm level are, to date, only implemented for S. enterica, while epidemiological knowledge of the other two pathogens is still lacking. This study aimed to assess the pathogen load (in the pigs' environment) in fattening pig herds, their simultaneous occurrence, and the occurrence of Campylobacter spp. and Y. enterocolitica in herds in different Salmonella risk categories. In 50 fattening pig herds in northern Germany, four pooled fecal samples and 10 swab samples from the pigs' direct environment (pen walls, nipple drinkers), indirect environment (hallways, drive boards), and flies and rodent droppings were collected from each herd and submitted for cultural examination. Campylobacter spp. were detected in 38.1% of fecal, 32.7% of direct environment, 5.3% of indirect environment, and 4.6% of flies/pests samples collected, and Y. enterocolitica in 17.1, 8.1, 1.2, and 3.1% and S. enterica in 11.2, 7.7, 4.1, and 1.5%, respectively. For Campylobacter spp., Y. enterocolitica, and S. enterica, 80, 48, and 32% of herds were positive, respectively; 22 herds were positive for both Campylobacter spp. and Y. enterocolitica, 12 for Campylobacter spp. and S. enterica, and 7 for Y. enterocolitica and S. enterica. There was no significant association between the pathogens at herd level. Campylobacter spp. and Y. enterocolitica were found more often in samples from the low Salmonella risk category (odds ratio, 0.51; confidence interval, 0.36 to 0.73, and 0.3, 0.17 to 0.57), and this was also the case for Y. enterocolitica at herd level (odds ratio, 0.08; confidence interval, 0.02 to 0.3). This study provides evidence that the pigs' environment should be accounted for when implementing control measures on farms against Campylobacter spp. and Y. enterocolitica. An extrapolation from the current Salmonella monitoring to the other two pathogens does not seem feasible.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) has been widely used in place of naturally occurring phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in reconstitution of bacterial membrane proteins. However, PC does not support native structure or function for several reconstituted transport proteins. Lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli, when reconstituted in E. coli phospholipids, exhibits energy-dependent uphill and energy-independent downhill transport function and proper conformation of periplasmic domain P7, which is tightly linked to uphill transport function. LacY expressed in cells lacking PE and containing only anionic phospholipids exhibits only downhill transport and lacks native P7 conformation. Reconstitution of LacY in the presence of E. coli-derived PE, but not dioleoyl-PC, results in uphill transport. We now show that LacY exhibits uphill transport and native conformation of P7 when expressed in a mutant of E. coli in which PC completely replaces PE even though the structure is not completely native. E. coli-derived PC and synthetic PC species containing at least one saturated fatty acid also support the native conformation of P7 dependent on the presence of anionic phospholipids. Our results demonstrate that the different effects of PE and PC species on LacY structure and function cannot be explained by differences in the direct interaction of the lipid head groups with specific amino acid residues alone but are due to more complex effects of the physical and chemical properties of the lipid environment on protein structure. This conclusion is supported by the effect of different lipids on the proper folding of domain P7, which indirectly influences uphill transport function.


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This investigation examined the clonal dynamics of B-cell expression and evaluated the role of idiotype network interactions in shaping the expressed secondary B-cell repertoire. Three interrelated experimental approaches were applied. The first approach was designed to distinguish between regulatory influences controlled by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and regulatory influences controlled by non-MHC factors including the idiotype network. This approach consisted of studies on the clonal dynamics and heterogeneity of the expressed IgG antibody repertoire of BALB/c mice. The second approach involved the analysis of the clonal dynamics of antibody responses of outbred rabbits. This analysis was coupled with studies to detect the occurrence and activity of constituents of the idiotype network. In the third approach the transfer of rabbit lymphocytes from immunized donors to MHC matched naive recipients was used to examine the effects of recipient non-MHC immunoregulatory influences on the expression of donor memory B-cells. Although many memory B cells were unaffected by non-MHC influences, these data show that non-MHC immunoregulatory influences can affect the expression of B-cells in the secondary response of inbred mice and outbred rabbits. The results also indicate that most IgG antibody responses are heterogeneous and are characterized by a stable group of dominant clonotypes. Clonal dominance and B-cell memory were found to be established early in an immune response. The expression of B memory clones appeared to be favored over the expression of virgin B cells. The injection of anti-tetanus antibody induced the antigen independent production of anti-tetanus antibody, probably through idiotypic mechanisms. These results demonstrate that both antibody and antigen can affect the expressed B-ceIl repertoire. Thus, idiotypic interactions are capable of influencing the expression of B-cells and these findings support the existence and function of an idiotype network with strong immunoregulatory potential. ^


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Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is localized in the Golgi, where it functions in oligosaccharide synthesis, as well as on the cell surface where it serves as a cell adhesion molecule. GalTase-specific adhesions are functional in a number of important biological events, including F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell adhesions. GalTase-based adhesions are formed by recognition and binding to terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on its glycoprotein counterpart on adjacent cell surfaces. The object of this work has been to investigate the formation and function of GalTase-specific adhesions during F9 cell growth and differentiation. We initially investigated GalTase synthesis during differentiation and found that the increase in GalTase activity was specific for the Golgi compartment; surface GalTase levels remained constant during differentiation. These data indicated that the increase in cell adhesions expected with increased cell-matrix interaction in differentiated F9 cells is not the consequence of increased surface GalTase expression and, more interestingly, that the two pools of GalTase are under differential regulation. Synthesis and recognition of the consociate glycoprotein component was next investigated. Surface GalTase recognized several surface glycoproteins in a pattern that changes with differentiation. Uvomorulin, lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), and laminin were recognized by surface GalTase and are, therefore, potential components in GalTase-specific adhesions. Furthermore, these interactions were aberrant in an adhesion-defective F9 cell line that results, at least in part, from abnormal oligosaccharide synthesis. The function played by surface GalTase in growth and induction of differentiation was examined. Inhibition of surface GalTase function by a panel of reagents inhibited F9 cell growth. GalTase expression at both the transcription and protein levels were differentially regulated during the cell cycle, with surface expression greatest in the G1 phase. Disruption of GalTase adhesion by exposure to anti-GalTase antibodies during this period resulted in extension of the G2 phase, a result similar to that seen with agents known to inhibit growth and induce differentiation. Finally, other studies have suggested that a subset of cell adhesion molecules have the capability to induce differentiation in EC cells systems. We have determined in F9 cells that dissociating GalTase adhesion by galactosylation of and release of the consociate glycoproteins induces differentiation, as defined by increased laminin synthesis. The ability to induce differentiation by surface galactosylation was greatest in cells grown in cultures promoting cell-cell adhesions, relative to cultures with minimal cell-cell interactions. ^


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The single-layered gut epithelium represents the primary line of defense against environmental stressors; thereby monolayer integrity and tightness are essentially required to maintain gut health and function. To date only a few plant-derived phytochemicals have been described as affecting intestinal barrier function. We investigated the impact of 28 secondary plant compounds on the barrier function of intestinal epithelial CaCo-2/TC-7 cells via transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurements. Apart from genistein, the compounds that had the biggest effect in the TEER measurements were biochanin A and prunetin. These isoflavones improved barrier tightness by 36 and 60%, respectively, compared to the untreated control. Furthermore, both isoflavones significantly attenuated TNFα-dependent barrier disruption, thereby maintaining a high barrier resistance comparable to nonstressed cells. In docking analyses exploring the putative interaction with the tyrosine kinase EGFR, these novel modulators of barrier tightness showed very similar values compared to the known tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Both biochanin A and prunetin were also identified as potent reducers of NF-κB and ERK activation, zonula occludens 1 tyrosine phosphorylation, and metalloproteinase-mediated shedding activity, which may account for the barrier-improving ability of these isoflavones.