929 resultados para habitats
The high density of meres and mosses in the Delamere area comes from numerous moraine-hollows formed after the melting of stranded ice-blocks following last glaciation. The main vegetation is of conifers along with some deciduous species and the area was designated as a National Forest Park in 1987. It has been managed since the beginning of the 19th century and is a popular tourist area with walking, orienteering, cycling and educational activities. In recent years this forest park has been attracting over half a million people per year. This paper studies the limnology of different aquatic habitats in the Delamere Forest area in order to give some insight into the waters of a coniferous, temperate forest area, which has so far been largely unexplored. The authors assume therefore, thought that despite apparent large variability in origin, age, surface area, morphometry, catchment size and hydraulic regime, the waters of Delamere Forest might share some revealing chemical and biological features. Seven water-bodies in the Delamere Forest Park area, namely, Black Lake, Blakemere Moss, Delamere Lake, Delamere Quarry, Hatchmere, Windyhowe Farm Spring and Fir Brook were sampled, their water chemistry and dissolved organic carbon and the occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species examined. In a final chapter the authors analyse their findings for patterns.
Sensitivity of sturgeons to environmental hypoxia: a review of physiological and ecological evidence
In this essay, three lines of evidence are developed that sturgeons in the Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere are unusually sensitive to hypoxic conditions: 1. In comparison to other fishes,sturgeons have a limited behavioral and physiological capacity to respond to hypoxia. Basal metabolism, growth, feeding rate, and survival are sensitive to changes in oxygen level, which may indicate a relatively poor ability of sturgeons to oxyregulate. 2. During summertime, temperatures >20°C amplify the effect of hypoxia on sturgeons and other fishes due to a temperature oxygen "squeeze" (Coutant 1987). In bottom waters, this interaction results in substantial reduction of habitat; in dry years, sturgeon nursery habitats in the Chesapeake Bay may be particularly reduced or even eliminated. 3. While evidence for population level effects due to hypoxia is circumstantial, there are corresponding trends between the absence of Atlantic sturgeon reproduction in estuaries like the Chesapeake Bay where summertime hypoxia predominates on a system-wide scale. Also, the recent and dramatic recovery of shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River (4-bid increase in abundance from 1980 to1995) may have been stimulated by improvement of a large portion of the nursery habitat that was restored from hypoxia to normoxia during the period 1973-1978.
Understanding the roles of microorganisms in environmental settings by linking phylogenetic identity to metabolic function is a key challenge in delineating their broad-scale impact and functional diversity throughout the biosphere. This work addresses and extends such questions in the context of marine methane seeps, which represent globally relevant conduits for an important greenhouse gas. Through the application and development of a range of culture-independent tools, novel habitats for methanotrophic microbial communities were identified, established settings were characterized in new ways, and potential past conditions amenable to methane-based metabolism were proposed. Biomass abundance and metabolic activity measures – both catabolic and anabolic – demonstrated that authigenic carbonates associated with seep environments retain methanotrophic activity, not only within high-flow seep settings but also in adjacent locations exhibiting no visual evidence of chemosynthetic communities. Across this newly extended habitat, microbial diversity surveys revealed archaeal assemblages that were shaped primarily by seepage activity level and bacterial assemblages influenced more substantially by physical substrate type. In order to reliably measure methane consumption rates in these and other methanotrophic settings, a novel method was developed that traces deuterium atoms from the methane substrate into aqueous medium and uses empirically established scaling factors linked to radiotracer rate techniques to arrive at absolute methane consumption values. Stable isotope probing metaproteomic investigations exposed an array of functional diversity both within and beyond methane oxidation- and sulfate reduction-linked metabolisms, identifying components of each proposed enzyme in both pathways. A core set of commonly occurring unannotated protein products was identified as promising targets for future biochemical investigation. Physicochemical and energetic principles governing anaerobic methane oxidation were incorporated into a reaction transport model that was applied to putative settings on ancient Mars. Many conditions enabled exergonic model reactions, marking the metabolism and its attendant biomarkers as potentially promising targets for future astrobiological investigations. This set of inter-related investigations targeting methane metabolism extends the known and potential habitat of methanotrophic microbial communities and provides a more detailed understanding of their activity and functional diversity.
Bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) possuem um papel importante na corrosão de ligas metálicas expostas em hábitats marinhos, óleos e solos úmidos. A redução do sulfato por estas bactérias resulta na produção de H2S, podendo influenciar os processos anódico e catódico na corrosão de materiais. Neste trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão microbiológica no aço carbono AISI 1020 foi avaliada em meio Postgate C, na presença e na ausência de BRS, as quais foram isoladas da camada de ferrugem presente numa tubulação submersa da Baía de Guanabara RJ. A taxa de corrosão e o comportamento eletroquímico do aço nas duas condições foram investigados através dos métodos de perda de massa e de polarização potenciodinâmica. A formação do biofilme e dos produtos de corrosão na superfície do aço foram observados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). Em complementação, foi realizada a quantificação das BRS (planctônicas e sésseis) pelo método do número mais provável (NMP). A presença de BRS no meio ocasionou o deslocamento do potencial de corrosão para valores mais negativos em todos os tempos de ensaio estudados, indicando um aumento no processo corrosivo. Nos ensaios de perda de massa, a taxa de corrosão do aço carbono foi maior na ausência de BRS, provavelmente devido à formação de um biofilme na superfície do metal nos ensaios com inóculo, e a uma menor tendência de haver corrosão generalizada neste tipo de meio. As micrografias de MEV revelaram a presença de agregado celular na superfície do aço carbono durante o experimento, e a presença de pites profundos após remoção do biofilme, mostrando prevalência deste tipo de corrosão. Com 35 dias de ensaio, a densidade de corrente de corrosão aumentou na presença de BRS
Lipídios como marcadores moleculares (ácidos graxos, esterois e n- alcoois) e COT foram analisados em 48 amostras de sedimento superficial (0-2 cm) em dois períodos (inverno de 2008/2009 e verão de 2009) ao longo de 12 isóbatas em 2 transectos (25 a 3000 m) na principal região de ressurgência da costa sudeste do Brasil, onde a influência do aporte fluvial é mínima. O objetivo foi (i) avaliar as fontes, transporte e regiões de acúmulo da matéria orgânica (MO) (ii) identificar a fração da MO potencialmente disponível para os orgânismos bentônicos. Este estudo faz parte do Projeto Habitats Heterogeneidade Ambiental da Bacia de Campos coordenado pelo CENPES/PETROBRAS. Lipídios derivados da produção primária (0.058 - 3.1 mg gCOT-1) e secundária (0.015 - 2.2 mg gCOT-1) representaram a maior fração da MO sedimentar, enquanto lipídios derivados de fontes alóctonas (0.043 - 0.40 mg gCOT-1) e bactérias (<0.01 - 0.43 mg gCOT-1) foram menos representativos. O padrão de transporte e acúmulo da MO no sedimento depende da associação entre fatores físicos (hidrodinâmicos) e biológicos (resposta a ressurgência), e não é influenciado sazonalmente como observado em dados prévios na mesma região. Verificou-se que regiões restritas da plataforma continental apresentam acúmulo de MO lábil e esse material é exportado para regiões do talude (400 a 1000 m de profundidade), o que representa uma fonte importante de MO biodisponível para a comunidade bentônica desta região.
Amphibian declines and extinctions have been documented around the world, often in protected natural areas. Concern for this alarming trend has focused attention on the need to document all species of amphibians that occur within U.S. National Parks and to search for any signs that amphibians may be declining. This study, an inventory of amphibian species in Virgin Islands National Park, was conducted from 2001 to 2003. The goals of the project were to create a georeferenced inventory of amphibian species, use new analytical techniques to estimate proportion of sites occupied by each species, look for any signs of amphibian decline (missing species, disease, die-offs, etc.), and to establish a protocol that could be used for future monitoring efforts. Several sampling methods were used to accomplish these goals. Visual encounter surveys and anuran vocalization surveys were conducted in all habitats throughout the park to estimate the proportion of sites or proportion of area occupied (PAO) by amphibian species in each habitat. Line transect methods were used to estimate density of some amphibian species and double observer analysis was used to refine counts based on detection probabilities. Opportunistic collections were used to augment the visual encounter methods for rare species. Data were collected during four sampling periods and every major trail system throughout the park was surveyed. All of the amphibian species believed to occur on St. John were detected during these surveys. One species not previously reported, the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), was also added to the species list. That species and two others (Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus lentus) bring the total number of introduced amphibians on St. John to three. We detected most of the reptile species thought to occur on St. John, but our methods were less suitable for reptiles compared to amphibians. No amphibian species appear to be in decline at this time. We found no evidence of disease or of malformations. Our surveys provide a snapshot picture of the status of the amphibian species, so continued monitoring would be necessary to determine long-term trends, but several potential threats to amphibians were identified. Invasive species, especially the Cuban treefrog, have the potential to decrease populations of native amphibians. Introduced mammalian predators are also a potential threat, especially to the reptiles of St. John, and mammalian grazers might have indirect effects on amphibians and reptiles through habitat modification. Finally, loss of habitat to development outside the park boundary could harm some important populations of amphibians and reptiles on the island.
Diet and condition of American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)in three central Florida lakes
Understanding the diet of crocodilians is important because diet affects condition, behavior, growth, and reproduction. By examining the diet of crocodilians, valuable knowledge is gained about predator-prey interactions and prey utilization among habitats. In this study, I examined the diet and condition of adult American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in three central Florida lakes, Griffin, Apopka, and Woodruff. Two hundred adult alligators were captured and lavaged from March through October 2001, from April through October 2002, and from April through August 2003. Alligators ate a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate prey, but vertebrates were more abundant and fish dominated alligator diets in the lakes. Species composition of fish varied among the lakes. The majority of the diet of alligators from Lakes Apopka and Woodruff was fish, 90% and 84% respectively. Lake Apopka alligators consumed a significantly (P = 0.006) higher proportion of fish in their diet. Fish were 54% of the diet of Lake Griffin alligators and the infrequent occurrence of reptiles, mammals, birds, and amphibians often resulted in a large biomass. Differences in alligator diets among lakes may be due to differences in sample size (higher numbers of samples from Lake Griffin), prey availability, habitat, prey vulnerability, or prey size. Alligator condition (Fulton’s Condition Factor, K) was significantly (P < 0.001) different among the lakes. Alligators from Lake Apopka had the highest condition, followed by those from Lake Griffin, and alligators from Lake Woodruff had the lowest condition. Composition of fish along with diversity and equitability of fish in alligator diets may have contributed to differences in condition among lakes. Condition was probably also due to factors other than diet such as alligator hunting behavior, alligator density, or year-round optimal temperature that prolongs feeding. The observed diet and condition differences probably reflect both habitat differences and prey availability in these three lakes.
Proportions of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nests sighted
during aerial survey in Florida were estimated based upon multiple surveys by different
observers. We compared sighting proportions across habitats, nesting seasons, and observer
experience levels. The mean sighting proportion across all habitats and years was
0.736 (SE=0.024). Survey counts corrected by the mean sighting proportion reliably
predicted total nest counts (R2=0.933). Sighting proportions did not differ by habitat
type (P=0.668) or year P=0.328). Experienced observers detected a greater proportion
of nests (P
Amphibian declines and extinctions have been documented around the world, often in protected natural areas. Concern for this trend has prompted the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service to document all species of amphibians that occur within U.S. National Parks and to search for any signs that amphibians may be declining. This study, an inventory of amphibian species in Big Cypress National Preserve, was conducted from 2002 to 2003. The goals of the project were to create a georeferenced inventory of amphibian species, use new analytical techniques to estimate proportion of sites occupied by each species, look for any signs of amphibian decline (missing species, disease, die-offs, and so forth.), and to establish a protocol that could be used for future monitoring efforts. Several sampling methods were used to accomplish these goals. Visual encounter surveys and anuran vocalization surveys were conducted in all habitats throughout the park to estimate the proportion of sites or proportion of area occupied (PAO) by each amphibian species in each habitat. Opportunistic collections, as well as limited drift fence data, were used to augment the visual encounter methods for highly aquatic or cryptic species. A total of 545 visits to 104 sites were conducted for standard sampling alone, and 2,358 individual amphibians and 374 reptiles were encountered. Data analysis was conducted in program PRESENCE to provide PAO estimates for each of the anuran species. All of the amphibian species historically found in Big Cypress National Preserve were detected during this project. At least one individual of each of the four salamander species was captured during sampling. Each of the anuran species in the preserve was adequately sampled using standard herpetological sampling methods, and PAO estimates were produced for each species of anuran by habitat. This information serves as an indicator of habitat associations of the species and relative abundance of sites occupied, but it will also be useful as a comparative baseline for future monitoring efforts. In addition to sampling for amphibians, all encounters with reptiles were documented. The sampling methods used for detecting amphibians are also appropriate for many reptile species. These reptile locations are included in this report, but the number of reptile observations was not sufficient to estimate PAO for reptile species. We encountered 35 of the 46 species of reptiles believed to be present in Big Cypress National Preserve during this study, and evidence exists of the presence of four other reptile species in the Preserve. This study found no evidence of amphibian decline in Big Cypress National Preserve. Although no evidence of decline was observed, several threats to amphibians were identified. Introduced species, especially the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), are predators and competitors with several native frog species. The recreational use of off-road vehicles has the potential to affect some amphibian populations, and a study on those potential impacts is currently underway. Also, interference by humans with the natural hydrologic cycle of south Florida has the potential to alter the amphibian community. Continued monitoring of the amphibian species in Big Cypress National Preserve is recommended. The methods used in this study were adequate to produce reliable estimates of the proportion of sites occupied by most anuran species, and are a cost-effective means of determining the status of their populations.
Since 1975 the wildlife interest of the Somerset Levels and Moors have been assessed. Detailed information has been obtained on the conservation interest of meadows, breeding and wintering bird populations and the botany of aquatic habitats (rhynes). Little work to date has been carried out on the terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate fauna. The prime aim of this survey was to sample a wide variety of rhynes in order to obtain information on the nature and distribution of aquatic invertebrates.
A series of studies on the ecology of the bullhead, Cottus gobio is described. Habitat choice, growth rate and longevity, population density, biomass and production, reproduction, life history and feeding is compared at 8 sites in England and 1 site in Wales. Evidence suggests that in Cottus gobio the prevailing environmental conditions result in considerable modifications in longevity, growth rate and egg production. It also indicates that the advantages of fast growth and high reproductive effort in favourable habitats are offset, at least partially by increases in mortality.
Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.
The segregation of habitats of fish assemblages found in the chalk streams and rivers within the Wessex, South West and Southern Water Authority boundaries in southern England have been examined. Habitat segregation is the most frequent type of resource partitioning in natural communities. The habitat of individual fish species will be defined in order to determine the following: (1) the requirements of each species in terms of depth, current velocity, substrate, cover etc.; (2) identify the essential habitat variables in the segregation of species; (3) whether species in an assemblage demonstrate resource partitioning with reference to habitat, and (4) the mechanisms behind such resource partitioning.
Este estudo constitui parte do Projeto Habitats Heterogeneidade Ambiental da Bacia de Campos coordenado pelo CENPES/Petrobras, um projeto multidisciplinar de caracterização ambiental que considera as diferentes feições e habitats da margem continental do sudeste brasileiro. O objetivo desta tese foi investigar os processos relacionados com a origem, o transporte e o acúmulo de matéria orgânica (MO) em sedimentos da margem continental da Bacia de Campos (RJ). Para isso, foram determinados a composição elementar da matéria orgânica (carbono e nitrogênio) por combustão a seco e os lipídios (esteróis, álcoois e ácidos graxos) por CG-MS e CG-DIC. Foram analisadas 215 amostras de sedimento superficial (0-2 cm de profundidade), coletadas em duas amostragens (períodos seco e chuvoso de 2008/2009), distribuídas sobre 12 isóbatas (de 25 a 3000 m) ao longo de 9 transectos de norte a sul da bacia. Além disto, foram ainda consideradas as isóbatas de 400 a 1900 m em dois cânions submarinos no norte da bacia (Almirante Câmara e Grussaí). Com base nos resultados obtidos, a MO sedimentar na plataforma e talude da bacia revelou-se essencialmente autóctone, derivada de produtores primários e secundários. Com isto, a MO contém uma fração reativa significativa e, portanto, é potencialmente biodisponível para os organismos bentônicos. No entanto, foram observados gradientes espaciais significativos na qualidade e na quantidade da MO sedimentar. Na plataforma continental (25 m a 150 m de profundidade) as concentrações de lipídios foram intermediárias e houve predomínio de MO sedimentar lábil. Exceções foram as áreas influenciadas por ressurgência costeira e/ou intrusão sub-superficial (próximo à Cabo Frio, Cabo de São Tomé e no limite norte da bacia), onde as concentrações foram altas. No talude superior e médio (400 a 1300 m) as concentrações de MO foram notadamente mais elevadas, mas com maior influência de processos bacterianos de alteração de sua composição original. E no talude inferior (1900 a 3000 m) as concentrações de MO estiveram muito baixas e apenas os lipídios mais resistentes à degradação bacteriana foram encontrados em concentrações mensuráveis. Isto sugeriu a exportação de materiais da plataforma ao longo do gradiente batimétrico, possivelmente decorrente da ação de meandros e vórtices da Corrente do Brasil e das correntes de fundo atuantes na região. Além disto, por ser lábil e biodisponível, a MO no sedimento apresenta uma fração biodisponível que pode ter uma influência na ecologia das comunidades bentônicas, particularmente aquelas localizadas no talude superior. Os cânions Grussaí e Almirante Câmara se revelaram regiões de acúmulo de MO e importantes no transporte da MO com valor nutritivo para comunidades bentônicas do talude médio e inferior.
The European Water Framework Directive requires member states to restore aquatic habitats to good ecological status (quality) by 2015. Good ecological status is defined as slightly different from high status, which, according to the Directive, means negligible human influence. This poses problems enough for restoration of natural habitats but artificial reservoirs are not excluded from the Directive. They must be restored to good ecological potential. The meaning of good ecological status is linked to that of 'high' ecological status, the pristine reference condition for aquatic habitats under the Directive. From the point of view of an ecologist, this is taken to mean the presence of four fundamental characteristics: nutrient parsimony, characteristic biological and physical structure, connectivity within a wider system and adequate size to give resilience of the biological communities to environmental change. These characteristics are strongly interrelated. Ecological potential must bear some relationship to ecological status but since the reference state for ecological quality is near absence of human impact, it is difficult to see how the criteria for ecological status can be applied to a completely man-made entity where the purpose of the dam is deliberately to interfere with the natural characteristics of a river or former natural lake. Rservoirs are disabled lakes, ususally lakcing the diversity and function provided by a littoral zone. Nonetheless, pragmatic approaches to increasing the biodiversity of reservours are reviewed and conclusions drawn as to the likely effectivemess of the legislation.