976 resultados para ground penetrating radar


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The surface of superground Mn-Zn ferrite single crystal may be identified as a self-affine fractal in the stochastic sense. The rms roughness increased as a power of the scale from 10(2) nm to 10(6) nm with the roughness exponent alpha = 0.17 +/- 0.04, and 0.11 +/- 0.06, for grinding feed rate of 15 and 10 mu m/rev, respectively. The scaling behavior coincided with the theory prediction well used for growing self-affine surfaces in the interested region for magnetic heads performance. The rms roughnesses increased with increase in the feed rate, implying that the feed rate is a crucial grinding parameter affecting the supersmooth surface roughness in the machining process.


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Complete mitochondrial genome plays an important role in the accurate revelation of phylogenetic relationships among metazoans. Here we present the complete mitochondrial genome sequence from a sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), which is the first representative from the subclass Aspidochirotacea. The mitochondrial genome of A. japonicus is 16,096 bp in length. The heavy strand consists of 31.8% A, 20.2% C, 17.9% G, and 30.1% T bases (AT skew = 0.027: GC skew = 0.062). It contains thirteen protein-coding genes (PCGs), twenty-two transfer RNA genes, and two ribosomal RNA genes. There are a total of 3793 codons in all thirteen mitochondrial PCGs, excluding incomplete termination codons. The most frequently used amino acid is Leu (15.77%), followed by Set (9.73%), Met (8.62%), Phe (7.94%), and Ala (7.28%). Intergenetic regions in the mitochondrial genome of A. japonicus are 839 bp in total, with three relatively large regions of Unassigned Sequences (UAS) greater than 100 bp. The gene order of A. japonicus is identical to that observed in the five studied sea urchins, which confirms that the gene order shared by the two classes (Holothuroidea and Echinoidea) is a ground pattern of echinoderm mitochondrial genomes. Bayesian tree based on the cob gene supports the following relationship: (outgroup, (Crinoids, (Asteroids, Ophiuroids, (Echinoids, Holothuroids)))). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermophily, fishing season and central fishing ground of Japanese pilchard (Sardinops melanosticta) were studied by using satellite remote sensing (SRS) and other methods in Haizhou Bay and Tsushima waters during 1986-1990. A rapid prediction method of fishing ground is presented. Moreover, the results indicated that the thermophilic values of the fish stock are 11-20 degrees C and both fishing grounds are in increasing temperature process from the beginning to the end of the fishing period. The Japanese pilchards gather vigorously at the sea surface temperature of 15-17 degrees C. The water temperature is a key factor affecting the fishing season and the catch of the fishing ground. The increasing temperature process restricts the fishing season development and central fishing ground formation. The accuracy of 15 predictions made in the Haizhou Bay fishing ground is up to 91.3%, and 37 predictions made in the Tsushima, fishing ground shorten the fish detection time by 13.4% - 22% on the average.


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A new wave retrieval method for the Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (AT-InSAR) phase image is presented. The new algorithm, named parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA), uses the full nonlinear mapping relations. It differs from previous retrieval algorithms in that it does not require a priori information about the sea state or the wind vector from scatterometer data. Instead, it combines the observed AT-InSAR phase spectrum and assumed wind vector to estimate the wind sea spectrum. The method has been validated using several C-band and X-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR observations collocated with spectral buoy measurements. In this paper, X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images of ocean waves are first used to study AT-InSAR wave imaging fidelity. The resulting phase spectra are quantitatively compared with forward-mapped in situ directional wave spectra collocated with the AT-InSAR observations. Subsequently, we combine the parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA) with X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images to retrieve ocean wave spectra. The results show that the ocean wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights estimated from the retrieved ocean wave spectra are in agreement with the buoy measurements.


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Near-space, defined as the altitude region between 20 and 100 km, offers many capabilities that are not accessible for low Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites or airplanes because it is above storm and not constrained by orbital mechanics and high fuel consumption. Hence, a high flying speed can be obtained for the maneuvering vehicles operating in near-space. This offers a promising solution to simultaneous high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging. As such, one near-space wide-swath SAR imaging technique is presented in this letter. The system configuration, signal model, and imaging scheme are described. An example near-space SAR system is designed, and its imaging performance is analyzed. Simulation results show that near-space maneuvering vehicle SAR indeed seems to be a promising solution to wide-swath SAR imaging.


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We present a new nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (AT-INSAR) image spectrum. The AT-INSAR, which is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) employing two antennas displaced along the platform's flight direction, is considered to be a better instrument for imaging ocean waves than the SAR. This is because the AT-INSAR yields the phase spectrum and not only the amplitude spectrum as with the conventional SAR. While the SAR and AT-INSAR amplitude spectra depend strongly on the modulation of the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) by the long ocean waves, which is poorly known, the phase spectrum depends only weakly on this modulation. By measuring the phase difference between the signals received by both antennas, AT-INSAR measures the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the ocean waves, which is related to the ocean wave height field by a well-known transfer function. The nonlinear integral transform derived in this paper differs from the one previously derived by Bao et al. [1999] by an additional term containing the derivative of the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the long ocean waves. By carrying out numerical simulations, we show that, in general, this additional term cannot be neglected. Furthermore, we present two new quasi-linear approximations to the nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the AT-INSAR phase spectrum.


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Analytical representations of the high frequency spectra of ocean wave and its variation due to the variation of ocean surface current are derived from the wave-number spectrum balance equation. The ocean surface imaging formulation of real aperture radar (RAR) is given using electromagnetic wave backscattering theory of ocean surface and the modulations of ocean surface winds, currents and their variations to RAR are described. A general representation of the phase modulation induced by the ocean surface motion is derived according to standard synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging theory. The detectability of ocean current and sea bottom topography by imaging radar is discussed. The results constitute the theoretical basis for detecting ocean wave fields, ocean surface winds, ocean surface current fields, sea bottom topography, internal wave and so on.


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A parametric method that extracts the ocean wave directional spectra from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is presented. The 180 degrees ambiguity of SAR image and the loss of information beyond the azimuthal cutoff can be overcome with this method. The ocean wave spectra can be obtained from SAR image directly by using iteration inversion mapping method with forward nonlinear mapping. Some numerical experiments have been made by using ERS-1 satellite SAR imagette data. The ocean wave direction retrieved from SAR imagette data is in agreement with the wind direction from the scatterometer data.


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A new nonlinear integral transform of ocean wave spectra into Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (ATI-SAR) image spectra is described. ATI-SAR phase image spectra are calculated for various sea states and radar configurations based on the nonlinear integral transform. The numerical simulations show that the slant range to velocity ratio (R/V), significant wave height to ocean wavelength ratio (H-s/lambda), the baseline (2B) and incident angle (theta) affect ATI-SAR imaging. The ATI-SAR imaging theory is validated by means of Two X-band, HH-polarized ATI-SAR phase images of ocean waves and eight C-band, HH-polarized ATI-SAR phase image spectra of ocean waves. It is shown that ATI-SAR phase image spectra are in agreement with those calculated by forward mapping in situ directional wave spectra collected simultaneously with available ATI-SAR observations. ATI-SAR spectral correlation coefficients between observed and simulated are greater than 0.6 and are not sensitive to the degree of nonlinearity. However, the ATI-SAR phase image spectral turns towards the range direction, even if the real ocean wave direction is 30 degrees. It is also shown that the ATI-SAR imaging mechanism is significantly affected by the degree of velocity bunching nonlinearity, especially for high values of R/V and H-s/lambda.


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Shipboard X-band radar images acquired on 24 June 2009 are used to study nonlinear internal wave characteristics in the northeastern South China Sea. The studied images show three nonlinear internal waves in a packet. A method based on the Radon Transform technique is introduced to calculate internal wave parameters such as the direction of propagation and internal wave velocity from backscatter images. Assuming that the ocean is a two-layer finite depth system, we can derive the mixed-layer depth by applying the internal wave velocity to the mixed-layer depth formula. Results show reasonably good agreement with in-situ thermistor chain and conductivity-temperature-depth data sets.


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A new ocean wave and sea surface current monitoring system with horizontally-(HH) and vertically-(VV) polarized X-band radar was developed. Two experiments into the use of the radar system were carried out at two sites, respectively, for calibration process in Zhangzi Island of the Yellow Sea, and for validation in the Yellow Sea and South China Sea. Ocean wave parameters and sea surface current velocities were retrieved from the dual polarized radar image sequences based on an inverse method. The results obtained from dual-polarized radar data sets acquired in Zhangzi Island are compared with those from an ocean directional buoy. The results show that ocean wave parameters and sea surface current velocities retrieved from radar image sets are in a good agreement with those observed by the buoy. In particular, it has been found that the vertically-polarized radar is better than the horizontally-polarized radar in retrieving ocean wave parameters, especially in detecting the significant wave height below 1.0 m.


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Neutral winds and electric fields in the ionospheric F layer play important roles in the variations of the ionosphere, and also affect the thermospheric circulation via the close coupling between the ionosphere and the thermosphere. By now, the neutral winds and electric drifts are generally observed with ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) and incoherent scatter radars (ISR), rockets, and satellite-borne instrument. Based on the servo theory, the ionospheric equivalent winds, which include the information of both the neutral winds and electric fields, can be derived from these characteristic parameters observed by ionosondes. This indirect derivation has potential values in climatological researches and space weather forecast. With the data set of the incoherent scatter radar observations at Millstone Hill, USA, from 1976 to 2006, we statistically analyzed the climatological variations of the vertical component of the equivalent winds (VEWs) over Millstone Hill, which are derived from the ionospheric key parameters (the peak electron number density and peak height of the F2 layer, NmF2 and hmF2) on the basis of the servo theory, Liu's method, and measurements from the ion line-of-sight velocity as well. The main results of this analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The values of VEWs over Millstone Hill during nighttime are stronger than in the daytime, and the upward drift dominates most of the day. In 1993, Hagan found that the component of the neutral winds in the magnetic meridion in daytime is weaker than during nighttime under both solar maximum and minimum conditions; he also found that the equatorward winds dominate most of the day. Both results suggest that the thermosphere in Millstone Hill is modulated by the aurorally driven high-latitude circulation cell; that is, during geomagnetic quiet periods, the average auroral activity is strong enough to drive thermospheric circulation equatorward for most of the day at Millstone Hill. Moreover, since ion drag is the strongest during daytime when F region densities are enhanced by photoionization, the wind speeds are smaller during the daytime than in the nighttime. (2) There is equinoctial symmetry in VEWs at Millstone Hill. The amplitudes and phases of VEWs in spring are quite similar to those in autumn. In contrast, the nighttime upward drift in winter is weaker than in summer and the difference becomes more significant with increasing solar activity. This solstice asymmetry indicates that, the aurorally driven circulation in the northern hemisphere at Millstone Hill latitude is weaker in winter due to arctic darkness, because the subsolar point is in the southern hemisphere. (3) The comparison of the VEWs derived from three methods, i.e., the servo theory, Liu's method, and the ISR ion line-of-sight velocity measurements, indicates that the amplitudes and main phase tendencies of these VEWs accord well with each other during nighttime hours. However, the case in the daytime is relatively worse. This daytime discrepancy can be explained in terms of the effects of photochemical processes and the choices of the servo constants. A larger servo constant gives a stronger plasma drift in daytime. Therefore, this study tells how important to choose a suitable constant for deriving VEWs at Millstone Hill.


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Ground Water Vistas软件是目前国际上盛行的三维地下水水流和溶质运移模拟的图形使用界面.本文介绍了Ground Water Vistas在三种模式下的功能,分析评述了它的优缺点.并以美国Edwards含水层Barton泉稳定流模型为实例,展示了Ground Water Vistas强大的前处理、后处理功能及其优良的三维可视化效果.Edwards含水层喀斯特发育程度极高,其模型研究对我国喀斯特地区地下水资源的评价与管理具有借鉴意义和指导作用.