970 resultados para graphene nanodots


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The passage of an electric current through graphite or few-layer graphene can result in a striking structural transformation, but there is disagreement about the precise nature of this process. Some workers have interpreted the phenomenon in terms of the sublimation and edge reconstruction of essentially flat graphitic structures. An alternative explanation is that the transformation actually involves a change from a flat to a three-dimensional structure. Here we describe detailed studies of carbon produced by the passage of a current through graphite which provide strong evidence that the transformed carbon is indeed three-dimensional. The evidence comes primarily from images obtained in the scanning transmission electron microscope using the technique of high-angle annular dark-field imaging, and from a detailed analysis of electron energy loss spectra. We discuss the possible mechanism of the transformation, and consider potential applications of “three-dimensional bilayer graphene”.


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The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Fe and Ti atomic wires and the complete covering when adsorbed on graphene are presented through ab initio calculations based on density functional theory. The most stable configurations are investigated for Fe and Ti in different concentrations adsorbed on the graphene surface, and the corresponding binding energies are calculated. The results show a tendency of the Ti atoms to cover uniformly the graphene surface, whereas the Fe atoms form clusters. The adsorption of the transition metal on the graphene surface changes significantly the electronic density of states near the graphene Fermi region. In all arrangements studied, a charge transfer is observed from the adsorbed species to the graphene surface due to the high hybridizations between the systems.


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(i) The electronic and structural properties of boron doped graphene sheets, and (ii) the chemisorption processes of hydrogen adatoms on the boron doped graphene sheets have been examined by ab initio total energy calculations. In (i) we find that the structural deformations are very localized around the boron substitutional sites, and in accordance with previous studies (Endo et al 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5670) there is an increase of the electronic density of states near the Fermi level. Our simulated scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images, for occupied states, indicate the formation of bright (triangular) spots lying on the substitutional boron (center) and nearest-neighbor carbon (edge) sites. Those STM images are attributed to the increase of the density of states within an energy interval of 0.5 eV below the Fermi level. For a boron concentration of similar to 2.4%, we find that two boron atoms lying on the opposite sites of the same hexagonal ring (B1-B2 configuration) represents the energetically most stable configuration, which is in contrast with previous theoretical findings. Having determined the energetically most stable configuration for substitutional boron atoms on graphene sheets, we next considered the hydrogen adsorption process as a function of the boron concentration, (ii). Our calculated binding energies indicate that the C-H bonds are strengthened near boron substitutional sites. Indeed, the binding energy of hydrogen adatoms forming a dimer-like structure on the boron doped B1-B2 graphene sheet is higher than the binding energy of an isolated H(2) molecule. Since the formation of the H dimer-like structure may represent the initial stage of the hydrogen clustering process on graphene sheets, we can infer that the formation of H clusters is quite likely not only on clean graphene sheets, which is in consonance with previous studies (Hornekaer et al 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 186102), but also on B1-B2 boron doped graphene sheets. However, for a low concentration of boron atoms, the formation of H dimer structures is not expected to occur near a single substitutional boron site. That is, the formation (or not) of H clusters on graphene sheets can be tuned by the concentration of substitutional boron atoms.


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We performed a first-principles investigation on the structural and electronic properties of group IV (C, SiC, Si, Ge, and Sn) graphene-like sheets in flat and buckled configurations and the respective hydrogenated or fluorinated graphane-like ones. The analysis on the energetics, associated with the formation of those structures, showed that fluorinated graphane-like sheets are very stable and should be easily synthesized in the laboratory. We also studied the changes of the properties of the graphene-like sheets as a result of hydrogenation or fluorination. The interatomic distances in those graphane-like sheets are consistent with the respective crystalline ones, a property that may facilitate integration of those sheets within three-dimensional nanodevices.


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The use of the spin of the electron as the ultimate logic bit-in what has been dubbed spintronics-can lead to a novel way of thinking about information flow. At the same time single-layer graphene has been the subject of intense research due to its potential application in nanoscale electronics. While defects can significantly alter the electronic properties of nanoscopic systems, the lack of control can lead to seemingly deleterious effects arising from the random arrangement of such impurities. Here we demonstrate, using ab initio density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green`s functions calculations, that it is possible to obtain perfect spin selectivity in doped graphene nanoribbons to produce a perfect spin filter. We show that initially unpolarized electrons entering the system give rise to 100% polarization of the current due to random disorder. This effect is explained in terms of different localization lengths for each spin channel which leads to a new mechanism for the spin filtering effect that is disorder-driven.


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We investigate the optical properties of edge-fiinctionalized graphene nanosystems, focusing on the formation of junctions and charge-transfer excitons. We consider a class of graphene structures that combine the main electronic features of graphene with the wide tunability of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. By investigating prototypical ribbon-like systems, we show that, upon convenient choice of functional groups, low-energy excitations with remarkable charge-transfer character and large oscillator strength are obtained. These properties can be further modulated through an appropriate width variation, thus spanning a wide range in the low-energy region of the UV-vis spectra. Our results are relevant in view of designing all-graphene optoelectronic nanodevices, which take advantage of the versatility of molecular functionalization, together with the stability and the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures.


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We investigate the transport properties (IxV curves and zero bias transmittance) of pristine graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) as well as doped with boron and nitrogen using an approach that combines nonequilibrium Green`s functions and density functional theory (DFT) [NEGF-DFT]. Even for a pristine nanoribbon we verify a spin-filter effect under finite bias voltage when the leads have an antiparallel magnetization. The presence of the impurities at the edges of monohydrogenated zigzag GNRs changes dramatically the charge transport properties inducing a spin-polarized conductance. The IxV curves for these systems show that depending on the bias voltage the spin polarization can be inverted. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 111: 1379-1386, 2011


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The presence of certain kinds of defects at the edges of monohydrogenated zigzag graphene nanoribbons changes dramatically the charge transport properties inducing a spin-polarized conductance. Using an approach based on density functional theory and nonequilibrium Green`s function formalism to calculate the transmittance, we classify the defects in different classes depending on their distinct transport properties: (i) sigma-defects, which do not affect the transmittance close to the Fermi energy (E(F)); and (ii) pi-defects, which cause a spin polarization of the transmittance and that can be further divided into either electron or hole defects if the spin transport polarization results in larger transmittance for the up or down spin channel, respectively.


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We generalize the standard linear-response (Kubo) theory to obtain the conductivity of a system that is subject to a quantum measurement of the current. Our approach can be used to specifically elucidate how back-action inherent to quantum measurements affects electronic transport. To illustrate the utility of our general formalism, we calculate the frequency-dependent conductivity of graphene and discuss the effect of measurement-induced decoherence on its value in the dc limit. We are able to resolve an ambiguity related to the parametric dependence of the minimal conductivity.


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From diagnosis of life-threatening diseases to detection of biological agents in warfare or terrorist attacks, biosensors are becoming a critical part of modern life. Many recent biosensors have incorporated carbon nanotubes as sensing elements, while a growing body of work has begun to do the same with the emergent nanomaterial graphene, which is effectively an unrolled nanotube. With this widespread use of carbon nanomaterials in biosensors, it is timely to assess how this trend is contributing to the science and applications of biosensors. This Review explores these issues by presenting the latest advances in electrochemical, electrical, and optical biosensors that use carbon nanotubes and graphene, and critically compares the performance of the two carbon allotropes in this application. Ultimately, carbon nanomaterials, although still to meet key challenges in fabrication and handling, have a bright future as biosensors.


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Atomically thin sheets of carbon known as “graphene” have captured the imagination of much of the scientific world during the past few years. Although these single sheets of graphite were under our noses for years—within technologies ranging from the humble pencil, which has been around since at least 1565 (Petroski, H. The Pencil: A History of Design and Circumstance; Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1993), to modern nuclear reactors—graphene was merely considered as part of graphite’s crystal structure until 2004, when Novoselov, Geim, and colleagues (Science 2004, 306, 666−669) first presented some of the surprising electrical properties of graphene layers they had isolated by mechanically peeling sheets off graphite crystals. Today, graphene’s unique electronic structures and properties, bolstered by other intriguing properties discovered in the intervening years, threaten the dominance of carbon nanotubes, a more mature allotrope of carbon, in potential applications from electronics to sensors. In this review, we will consider the promise of graphene for producing small-scale gas sensors for environmental monitoring.


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pH sensitive graphene−polymer composites have been prepared by the modification of graphene basal planes with pyrene-terminated poly(2-N,N′-(dimethyl amino ethyl acrylate) (PDMAEA) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) via π−π stacking. The pyrene-terminal PDMAEA and PAA were synthesized using reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization with a pyrene-functional RAFT agent. The graphene−polymer composites were found to demonstrate phase transfer behavior between aqueous and organic media at different pH values. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis revealed that the thicknesses of the graphene−polymer sheets were approximately 3.0 nm when prepared using PDMAEA (Mn: 6800 and PDI: 1.12). The surface coverage of polymer chains on the graphene basal plane was calculated to be 5.3 × 10−11 mol cm−2 for PDMAEA and 1.3 × 10−10 mol cm−2 for PAA. The graphene−polymer composites were successfully characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Self-assembly of the two oppositely charged graphene−polymer composites afforded layer-by-layer (LbL) structures as evidenced by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements.


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We describe the direct electro-chemical reduction of graphene oxide to graphene from aqueous suspension by applying reduction voltages exceeding -1.0 to -1.2 V. The conductivity of the deposition medium is of crucial importance and only values between 4-25 mS cm-1 result in deposition. Above 25 mS cm-1 the suspension de-stabilises while conductivities below 4 mS cm-1 do not show a measurable deposition rate. Furthermore, we show that deposition can be carried out over a wide pH region ranging from 1.5 to 12.5. The electro-deposition process is characterised in terms of electro-chemical methods including cyclic voltammetry, quartz crystal microbalance, impedance spectroscopy, constant amperometry and potentiometric titrations, while the deposits are analysed via Raman spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The determined oxygen contents are similar to those of chemically reduced graphene oxide, and the conductivity of the deposits was found to be ~20 S cm -1.