946 resultados para glycerin complexation and charcoal adsorption


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Vegetation changes in the Maya Lowlands during the Holocene are a result of changing climate conditions, solely anthropogenic activities, or interactions of both factors. As a consequence, it is difficult to assess how tropical ecosystems will cope with projected changes in precipitation and land-use intensification over the next decades. We investigated the role offire during the Holocene by combining macroscopic charcoal and the molecular fire proxies levoglucosan, mannosan and galactosan. Combining these two different fire proxies allows a more robust understanding of the complex history of fire re- gimes at different spatial scales during the Holocene. In order to infer changes in past biomass burning, we analysed a lake sediment core from Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala, and compared our results with millennial-scale vegetation and climate change available in the area. We detected three periods of high fire activity during the Holocene: 9500 e 6000 cal yr BP, 3700 cal yr BP and 2700 cal yr BP. We attribute the first maximum mostly to climate conditions and the last maximum to human activities. The rapid change between burned vegetation types at the 3700 cal yr BP fire maximum may result from human activity.


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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications are usually coated with organic molecules to form a steric barrier against agglomeration. The stability of these coatings is well established in the synthesis medium but is more difficult to assess in physiological environment. To obtain a first theoretical estimate of their stability in such an environment, we perform density functional theory calculations of the adsorption of water, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating molecules, as well as the monomer and dimer of glycine as a prototype short peptide, on the (110) surface of magnetite (Fe3O4) in vacuo. Our results show that PVA binds significantly stronger to the surface than both PEG and glycine, while the difference between the latter two is quite small. Depending on the coverage, the wateradsorption strength is intermediate between PVA and glycine. Due to its strongly interacting OH side groups, PVA is likely to remain bound to the surface in the presence of short peptides. This stability will have to be further assessed by molecular dynamics in the solvated state for which the present work forms the basis.


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It is well known that gases adsorb on many surfaces, in particular metal surfaces. There are two main forms responsible for these effects (i) physisorption and (ii) chemisorption. Physisorption is associated with lower binding energies in the order of 1–10 kJ mol−¹, compared to chemisorption which ranges from 100 to 1000 kJ mol−¹. Furthermore, chemisorption only forms monolayers, contrasting physisorption that can form multilayer adsorption. The reverse process is called desorption and follows similar mathematical laws; however, it can be influenced by hysteresis effects. In the present experiment, we investigated the adsorption/desorption phenomena on three steel and three aluminium cylinders containing compressed air in our laboratory and under controlled conditions in a climate chamber, respectively. Our observations from completely decanting one steel and two aluminium cylinders are in agreement with the pressure dependence of physisorption for CO₂, CH₄, and H₂O. The CO₂ results for both cylinder types are in excellent agreement with the pressure dependence of a monolayer adsorption model. However, mole fraction changes due to adsorption on aluminium (< 0.05 and 0 ppm for CO₂ and H₂O) were significantly lower than on steel (< 0.41 ppm and about < 2.5 ppm, respectively). The CO₂ amount adsorbed (5.8 × 1019 CO₂ molecules) corresponds to about the fivefold monolayer adsorption, indicating that the effective surface exposed for adsorption is significantly larger than the geometric surface area. Adsorption/desorption effects were minimal for CH₄ and for CO but require further attention since they were only studied on one aluminium cylinder with a very low mole fraction. In the climate chamber, the cylinders were exposed to temperatures between −10 and +50 °C to determine the corresponding temperature coefficients of adsorption. Again, we found distinctly different values for CO₂, ranging from 0.0014 to 0.0184 ppm °C−¹ for steel cylinders and −0.0002 to −0.0003 ppm °C−¹ for aluminium cylinders. The reversed temperature dependence for aluminium cylinders points to significantly lower desorption energies than for steel cylinders and due to the small values, they might at least partly be influenced by temperature, permeation from/to sealing materials, and gas-consumption-induced pressure changes. Temperature coefficients for CH₄, CO, and H₂O adsorption were, within their error bands, insignificant. These results do indicate the need for careful selection and usage of gas cylinders for high-precision calibration purposes such as requested in trace gas applications.


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Modern savannah grasslands were established during the late Miocene and Pliocene (8-3 million years ago). In the tropics, grasslands are dominated by grasses that use the C4 photosynthetic pathway, rather than the C3 pathway. The C4 pathway is better adapted to warm, dry and low-CO2 conditions, leading to suggestions that declining atmospheric CO2 levels, increasing aridity and enhanced rainfall seasonality allowed grasses using this pathway to expand during this interval. The role of fire in C4 expansion may have been underestimated. Here we use analyses of pollen, microscopic charcoal and the stable isotopic composition of plant waxes from a marine sediment core off the coast of Namibia to reconstruct the relative timing of changes in plant composition and fire activity for the late Miocene and Pliocene. We find that in southwestern Africa, the expansion of C4 grasses occurred alongside increasing aridity and enhanced fire activity. During further aridification in the Pliocene, the proportion of C4 grasses in the grasslands increased, while the grassland contracted and deserts and semi-deserts expanded. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that ecological disturbance by fire was an essential feedback mechanism leading to the establishment of C4 grasslands in the Miocene and Pliocene.


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Neodymium isotopes are becoming widely used as a palaeoceanographic tool for reconstructing the source and flow direction of water masses. A new method using planktonic foraminifera which have not been chemically cleaned has proven to be a promising means of avoiding contamination of the deep ocean palaeoceanographic signal by detrital material. However, the exact mechanism by which the Nd isotope signal from bottom waters becomes associated with planktonic foraminifera, the spatial distribution of rare earth element (REE) concentrations within the shell, and the possible mobility of REE ions during changing redox conditions, have not been fully investigated. Here we present REE concentration and Nd isotope data from mixed species of planktonic foraminifera taken from plankton tows, sediment traps and a sediment core from the NW Atlantic. We used multiple geochemical techniques to evaluate how, where and when REEs become associated with planktonic foraminifera as they settle through the water column, reside at the surface and are buried in the sediment. Analyses of foraminifera shells from plankton tows and sediment traps between 200 and 2938 m water depth indicate that only ~20% of their associated Nd is biogenically incorporated into the calcite structure. The remaining 80% is associated with authigenic metal oxides and organic matter, which form in the water column, and remain extraneous to the carbonate structure. Remineralisation of these organic and authigenic phases releases ions back into solution and creates new binding sites, allowing the Nd isotope ratio to undergo partial equilibration with the ambient seawater, as the foraminifera fall through the water column. Analyses of fossil foraminifera shells from sediment cores show that their REE concentrations increase by up to 10-fold at the sediment-water interface, and acquire an isotopic signature of bottom water. Adsorption and complexation of REE3+ ions between the inner layers of calcite contributes significantly to elevated REE concentrations in foraminifera. The most likely source of REE ions at this stage of enrichment is from bottom waters and from the remineralisation of oxide phases which are in chemical equilibrium with the bottom waters. As planktonic foraminifera are buried below the sediment-water interface redox-sensitive ion concentrations are adjusted within the shells depending on the pore-water oxygen concentration. The concentration of ions which are passively redox sensitive, such as REE3+ ions, is also controlled to some extent by this process. We infer that (a) the Nd isotope signature of bottom water is preserved in planktonic foraminifera and (b) that it relies on the limited mobility of particle reactive REE3+ ions, aided in some environments by micron-scale precipitation of MnCO3. This study indicates that there may be sedimentary environments under which the bottom water Nd isotope signature is not preserved by planktonic foraminifera. Tests to validate other core sites must be carried out before downcore records can be used to interpret palaeoceanographic changes.


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Bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton have been observed during two-year monitoring in the western Black Sea. High variability in light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton was due to change of pigment concentration and chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient. A relationships between light absorption coefficients and chlorophyll a concentration have been found: for the blue maximum (a_ph(440) = 0.0413x**0.628; R**2 = 0.63) and for the red maximum (?_ph(678) = 0.0190x**0.843; R**2 = 0.83). Chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficients decreased while pigment concentration in the Sea increased. Observed variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient at chlorophyll a concentrations <1.0 mg/m**3 had seasonal features and was related with seasonal change of intracellular pigment concentration. Ratio between the blue and red maxima decreased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (? = 2.14 x**-0.20; R**2 = 0.41). Variability of spectrally averaged absorption coefficient of phytoplankton (a'_ph ) on 95% depended on absorption coefficient at the blue maximum (y = 0.421x; R**2 = 0.95). Relation of a_ph with chlorophyll a concentration was described by a power function (y = 0.0173x**0.0709; R**2 = 0.65). Change of spectra shape was generally effected by seasonal dynamics of intracellular pigment concentration, and partly effected by taxonomic and cell-size structure of phytoplankton.


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Variations in barium (Ba) stable isotope abundances measured in low and high temperature environments have recently received increasing attention. The actual processes controlling Ba isotope fractionation, however, remain mostly elusive. In this study, we present the first experimental approach to quantify the contribution of diffusion and adsorption on mass- dependent Ba isotope fractionation during transport of aqueous Ba2+ ions through a porous medium. Experiments have been carried out in which a BaCl2 solution of known isotopic composition diffused through u-shaped glass tubes filled with silica hydrogel at 10 C and 25 C for up to 201 days. The diffused Ba was highly fractionated by up to -2.15‰ in d137/134Ba, despite the low relative difference in atomic mass. The time-dependent isotope fractionation can be successfully reproduced by a diffusive transport model accounting for mass-dependent differences in the effective diffusivities of the Ba isotope species (D137Ba/D134Ba = (m134/m137)^b). Values of b extracted from the transport model were in the range of 0.010–0.011. Independently conducted batch experiments revealed that adsorption of Ba onto the surface of silica hydrogel favoured the heavier Ba isotopes (a = 1.00015 ± 0.00008). The contribution of adsorption on the overall isotope fractionation in the diffusion experiments, however, was found to be small. Our results contribute to the understanding of Ba isotope fractionation pro- cesses, which is crucial for interpreting natural isotope variations and the assessment of Ba isotope ratios as geochemical proxies.