996 resultados para geotechnical


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One of the biggest issues for underground construction in a densely built-up urban environment is the potentially adverse impact on buildings adjacent to deep excavations. In Singapore, a building damage assessment is usually carried out using a three-staged approach to assess the risk of damage caused by major underground construction projects. However, the tensile strains used for assessing the risk of building damage are often derived using deflection ratios and horizontal strains under 'greenfield' conditions. This ignores the effects of building stiffness and in many cases may be conservative. This paper presents some findings from a study on the response of buildings to deep excavations. Firstly, the paper discusses the settlement response of an actual building - the Singapore Art Museum - adjacent to a deep excavation. By comparing the monitored building settlement with the adjacent ground settlement markers, the influence of building stiffness in modifying the response to excavation-induced settlements is observed. Using the finite element method, a numerical study on the building response to movements induced by deep excavations found a consistent relationship between the building modification factor and a newly defined relative bending stiffness of the building. This relationship can be used as a design guidance to estimate the deflection ratio in a building from the greenfield condition. By comparing the case study results with the design guidance developed from finite element analysis, this paper presents some important characteristics of the influence of building stiffness on building damages for deep excavations.


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Relatively new in the UK, soil mix technology applied to the in-situ remediation of contaminated land involves the use of mixing tools and additives to construct permeable reactive in-ground barriers and low-permeability containment walls and for hot-spot soil treatment by stabilisation/ solidification. It is a cost effective and versatile approach with numerous environmental advantages. Further commercial advantages can be realised by combining this with ground improvement through the development of a single integrated soil mix technology system which is the core objective of Project SMiRT (Soil Mix Remediation Technology). This is a large UK-based R&D project involving academia-industry collaboration with a number of tasks including equipment development, laboratory treatability studies, field trials, stakeholder consultation and dissemination activities. This paper presents aspects of project SMiRT relating to the laboratory treatability study work leading to the design of the field trials. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Portland cement (PC) is the most widely used binder for ground improvement. However, there are significant environmental impacts associated with its production in terms of high energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Hence, the use of industrial by-products materials or new low-carbon footprint alternative cements has been encouraged. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), a by-product of the steel industry, has been successfully used for such an application, usually activated with an alkali such as lime or PC. In this study the use of MgO as a novel activator for GGBS in ground improvement of soft soils is addressed and its performance was compared to the above two conventional activators as well as PC alone. The GGBS:activator ratio used in this study was 9:1. A range of tests was performed at three curing periods (7, 28 and 90 days), including unconfined compressive strength (UCS), permeability and microstructure analysis. The results show that the MgO performed as the most efficient activator yielding the highest strength and the lowest permeability indicating a very high stabilisation efficiency of the system. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Factors that affect the engineering properties of cement stabilized soils such as strength are discussed in this paper using data on these factors. The selected factors studied in this paper are initial soil water content, grain size distribution, organic matter content, binder dosage, age and curing temperature, which has been collated from a number of international deep mixing projects. Some resulting correlations from this data are discussed and presented. The concept of Artificial Neural Networks and its applicability in developing predictive models for deep mixed soils is presented and discussed using a subset of the collated data. The results from the neural network model were found to emulate the known trends and reasonable estimates of strength as a function of the selected variables were obtained. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Physical models are widely used in the study of geotechnical earthquake engineering phenomena, and the comparison of modelling results to observations from field reconnaissance provides a transparent means of evaluating the design of our physical models. This paper compares centrifuge tests of pile groups in laterally spreading slopes with the response of piled bridge abutments in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. We show that the model foundation's fixity conditions strongly affect the success with which the mechanism of response of the real abutments is replicated in the tests. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Hydraulic fracturing in clayey soils can be triggered by either tensile or shear failure. In this paper, the physical meanings of various equations to predict fracture initiation pressure proposed in the past are discussed using the cavity expansion theory. In particular, when fracturing pressure is plotted against initial confining pressure, published laboratory test results as well as analytical models show a linear relationship. When the slope is close to 2, fracture is initiated by tensile failure of the clay, whereas when the slope is close to 1, it is initiated by shear failure of the clay. In this study, the analytical models, validated only on laboratory test data to date, were applied to unique data from field grouting work in which extensive soil fracturing was carried out to improve the mechanical characteristics of the soft silty clay underlying a bell tower in Venice, Italy. By a careful assessment of initial confining pressure in the field, the variation in recorded injection pressures with confining pressure was examined. Results suggest that the fractures at this site were likely to be initiated by shear failure of the clay, and the values were similar to what was predicted by the model with the shear failure criterion. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This paper describes a new formulation of the material point method (MPM) for solving coupled hydromechanical problems of fluid-saturated soil subjected to large deformation. A soil-pore fluid coupled MPM algorithm based on Biot's mixture theory is proposed for solving hydromechanical interaction problems that include changes in water table location with time. The accuracy of the proposed method is examined by comparing the results of the simulation of a one-dimensional consolidation test with the corresponding analytical solution. A sensitivity analysis of the MPM parameters used in the proposed method is carried out for examining the effect of the number of particles per mesh and mesh size on solution accuracy. For demonstrating the capability of the proposed method, a physical model experiment of a large-scale levee failure by seepage is simulated. The behavior of the levee model with time-dependent changes in water table matches well to the experimental observations. The mechanisms of seepage-induced failure are discussed by examining the pore-water pressures, as well as the effective stresses computed from the simulations © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A new simple shear testing device capable of applying multidirectional loading to soil specimens has been developed. The Texas A&M University multidirectional simple shear (TAMU-MDSS) device provides the ability to apply a large range of shear stresses and complex loading paths, such as figure-eight and circular patterns, to a cylindrical soil specimen confined by a wire-reinforced membrane. The load and torque experienced by the sample are directly measured by a multi-axis load cell installed above the specimen. Backpressure saturation of the specimen is made possible by the devicés ability to apply pressure in the chamber and backpressure to the water lines. Excess pore pressure is measured by a pressure transducer during the shearing phase of the testing. This paper describes the development of the TAMU-MDSS system and the capabilities of the device and presents test results on saturated clay soil specimens subjected to monotonic, unidirectional cyclic, and multidirectional loading. Copyright © 2013 by ASTM International.


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Tunnelling in urban areas continues to increase and has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the impact of tunnel excavations on existing buildings. This paper considers the influence of surface structures on ground displacements caused by tunnelling in sand through finite element modelling and centrifuge testing. First, the importance of modelling assumptions is evaluated by comparing centrifuge modelling results to finite element modelling results for various soil constitutive models: both a Young's modulus that linearly increases with depth and a power law relation between the soil stiffness and stresses are considered. Second, the most effective soil constitutive model was used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of different factors governing the structural response. In particular, the effect of the building stiffness and weight on the modification of soil displacements is investigated by introducing a simple surface structure. The use of a no-tension interface between the building and the soil was found to be essential to investigate the effect of weight on gap formation between the soil and the structure, as observed during the experimental tests. Results show the importance of considering the relation between the building weight and the relative stiffness between the building and the soil when assessing the structural response. © 2014 Korean Geotechnical Society.


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This paper describes part of the monitoring undertaken at Abbey Mills shaft F, one of the main shafts of Thames Water's Lee tunnel project in London, UK. This shaft, with an external diameter of 30 m and 73 m deep, is one of the largest ever constructed in the UK and consequently penetrates layered and challenging ground conditions (Terrace Gravel, London Clay, Lambeth Group, Thanet Sand Formation, Chalk Formation). Three out of the twenty 1-2 m thick and 84 m deep diaphragm wall panels were equipped with fibre optic instrumentation. Bending and circumferential hoop strains were measured using Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry and analysis technologies. These measurements showed that the overall radial movement of the wall was very small. Prior to excavation during a dewatering trial, the shaft may have experienced three-dimensional deformation due to differential water pressures. During excavation, the measured hoop and bending strains of the wall in the chalk exceeded the predictions. This appears to be related to the verticality tolerances of the diaphragm wall and lower circumferential hoop stiffness of the diaphragm walls at deep depths. The findings from this case study provide valuable information for future deep shafts in London. © ICE Publishing: All rights reserved.


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Geoacoustic properties of the seabed have a controlling role in the propagation and reverberation of sound in shallow-water environments. Several techniques are available to quantify the important properties but are usually unable to adequately sample the region of interest. In this paper, we explore the potential for obtaining geotechnical properties from a process-based stratigraphic model. Grain-size predictions from the stratigraphic model are combined with two acoustic models to estimate sound speed with distance across the New Jersey continental shelf and with depth below the seabed. Model predictions are compared to two independent sets of data: 1) Surficial sound speeds obtained through direct measurement using in situ compressional wave probes, and 2) sound speed as a function of depth obtained through inversion of seabed reflection measurements. In water depths less than 100 m, the model predictions produce a trend of decreasing grain-size and sound speed with increasing water depth as similarly observed in the measured surficial data. In water depths between 100 and 130 m, the model predictions exhibit an increase in sound speed that was not observed in the measured surficial data. A closer comparison indicates that the grain-sizes predicted for the surficial sediments are generally too small producing sound speeds that are too slow. The predicted sound speeds also tend to be too slow for sediments 0.5-20 m below the seabed in water depths greater than 100 m. However, in water depths less than 100 m, the sound speeds between 0.5-20-m subbottom depth are generally too fast. There are several reasons for the discrepancies including the stratigraphic model was limited to two dimensions, the model was unable to simulate biologic processes responsible for the high sound-speed shell material common in the model area, and incomplete geological records necessary to accurately predict grain-size


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During tunnel constriction the classification of rock mass is widely used in tunnel design and construction. Moreover it offers the base information about tunnel investment and security. The quick classification of rock mass is very important for not delaying tunnel construction. Nowadays the tunnel engineers usually use initial survey files which are obtained by probe drilling to design a tunnel. It brings the problem that initial surrounding rock classification is usually much different from the real condition during the tunnel construction. Because initial surrounding rock lack credibility, it need us to make real time surrounding rock classification during the tunnel construction, and feed back the result to designers and constructors. Therefore, to find a quick wall rock classification method is very important not only for the time limit for a project but also for not delaying tunnel construction. Not all but many tunnels and underground constructions do suffer form collapse during the period of construction. Although accidental collapse in a large project in civil and geotechnical engineering sometimes appears to be a local event, if it occurred, it can bring about casualties, disrupted,production, construction delay, environmental damage, capital cost etc,therefore, it has been a difficult problem ,both in theory and in practice, establishing how to prevent underground structures form collapse and how to handle such an event in case in occurs. It is important to develop effective solutions and technical measures to prevent and control the collapse. According to the tunnel collapse occurred in Cheng De this paper analyze the main collapse mechanism leading to tunnel collapse and summon up the disposal method when collapse happened. It may be useful for tunnel construction in Cheng De in future. This paper is base on tunnel surrounding rock classification and tunnel support tasks during the tunnel construction in Cheng De area. It aims at solving 4 important problems in tunnel design and construction. 1) The relationship between rock rebound strength and rock single axle compression strength. First we go to the face wall and do rebound test on the tunnel face, then we chose some pieces of rock and do point loading test. Form the tests record we try to find the relationship between rock rebound strength and rock single axle compression strength. 2) The relationship between the value [BQ] and the value Q. First in order to obtain the information of rock character, rock strength, degree of weathering, the structure of rock mass, the joint condition, underground water condition and so on, we go to the tunnel face to do field investigation. And then we use two kinds of rock classification method to make surrounding rock classification. Base on the works above, finally we analyze the relationship between the value [BQ] and the value Q. 3) Sum up the mechanism leading to tunnel collapse and it disposal method in Cheng De area According to the tunnel collapse occurred in Cheng De this paper analyze the main reasons leading to the tunnel collapse and sum up the disposal method when collapse happened. 4) Obtain the properties of steel frame grid by numerical simulation. First we establish the 3D numeral model of steel frame grid by ADINA, and then find the mechanics properties by numerical simulation in ADINA. Second Based on the rock mass geological structure model, we established steel frame grid numeral model which is installed in the tunnel by FLAC3D and simulated the progress of tunnel construction. We hope that the support effect in tunnel can be evaluated from the numerical simulation.


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Synthetic Geology Information System (SGIS) is an important constituent part of the theory of Engineering Geomechanics Mate-Synthetic (EGMS), and is the information system more suited for the collection, storage, management, analysis and processing to the information coming from engineering geology,' geological engineering and geotechnical engineering. Its contents involve various works and methods of the investigation, design, and construction in different stages of the geological engineering. Engineering geological and three-dimensional modeling and visualization is the fundamental part of the SGIS, and is a theory, method and technique by which, adopting the computer graphics and image processing techniques, the data derived from engineering geological survey and the calculated results obtained from the geomechanical numerical simulation and analysis are converted to the graphics and images displayed on the computer screen and can be processed interactively. In this paper, the significance and realizing approaches of the three-dimensional modeling and visualization for the complex geological mass in the engineering geology are discussed and the methods of taking advantage of the interpolation and fitting for the scattered and field-surveyed data to simulate the geological layers, such as the topography and earth surface, the groundwater table and the stratum boundary, are researched into. At the mean time, in mind the characteristics of the structure of the basic data for three-dimensional modeling, its visual management can be resolved into the engineering surveyed database management module, plot parameter management module and data output module and the requirement for basic data management can be fulfilled. In the paper, the establishment and development of the three-dimensional geological information system are probed tentatively, and an instance of three-dimensional visual Engineering Distribution Information System (EDIS), theConstruction Management Information System for an airport, in which the functions, such as the real-time browse among the three-dimensional virtual-reality landscapes of the airport construction from start to finish, the information query to the airport facility and the building in the housing district and the recording and playback of the animation sets for the browse and the takeoff and landing of the planes, is developed by applying the component-mode three-dimensional virtual-reality geological information system (GIS) software development kits (SDK), so the three-dimensional visual management platform is provided for the airport construction. Moreover, in the gaper, integrated with the three-dimensional topography visualization and its application in the Sichuan-Tibet Highways, the method of the digital elevation model (DEM) data collection from the topographic maps is described, and the three-dimensional visualization and the roaming about the terrain along the highway are achieved through computer language programming. Understanding to the important role played by the varied and unique topographical condition in the gestation and germination of the highly-dense, frequently-arising and severely-endangered geological hazards can be deepened.


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As a marginal subject, dynamic responses of slopes is not only an important problem of engineering geology (Geotechnical problem), but also of other subjects such as seismology, geophysics, seismic engineering and engineering seismic and so on. Owning to the gulf between different subjects, it is arduous to study dynamic responses of slopes and the study is far from ripeness. Studying on the dynamic responses of slopes is very important in theories as well as practices. Supported by hundreds of bibliographies, this paper systemically details the development process of this subject, introduces main means to analyze this subject, and then gives brief remarks to each means respectively. Engineering geology qualitative analysis is the base of slopes dynamic responses study. Because of complexity of geological conditions, engineering geology qualitative analysis is very important in slopes stability study, especially to rock slopes with complex engineering geology conditions. Based on research fruits of forerunners, this paper summarizes factors influencing slopes dynamic stability into five aspects as geology background, stratums, rock mass structure, and topography as well as hydrogeology condition. Based on rock mass structure controlling theory, engineering geology model of the slope is grouped into two typical classes, one is model with obvious controlling discontinuities, which includes horizontal bedded slope, bedding slope, anti-dip slope, slide as well as slope with base rock and weathered crust; the other is model without obvious controlling discontinuities, which includes homogeneous soil slope, joint rock mass slope. Study on slope failure mechanism under dynamic force, the paper concludes that there are two effects will appear in slope during strong earthquake, one is earthquake inertia force, the other is ultra pore pressure buildup. The two effects lead to failure of the slope. To different types of slope failure, the intensity of two effects acting on the slope is different too. To plastic flow failure, pore pressure buildup is dominant; to falling rock failure and toppling failure, earthquake inertia force is dominant in general. This paper briefly introduces the principle of Lagrangian element method. Through a lot of numerical simulations with FLAC3D, the paper comprehensively studies dynamic responses of slopes, and finds that: if the slope is low, displacement, velocity and acceleration are linear enlarging with elevation increasing in vertical direction; if the slope is high enough, displacement, velocity and acceleration are not linear with elevation any more, on the other hand, they fluctuate with certain rhythm. At the same time, the rhythm appears in the horizontal direction in the certain area near surface of the slope. The distribution form of isoline of displacement, velocity and acceleration in the section of the slope is remarkably affected by the slope angle. In the certain area near the slope surface, isoline of displacement, velocity and acceleration is parallel to the surface of the slope, in the mean time, the strike direction of the extreraum area is parallel to the surface of the slope too. Beyond this area, the isoline direction and the strike direction of the extremum area turn to horizontal with invariable distance. But the rhythm appearing or not has nothing to with the slope angle. The paper defines the high slope effect and the low slope effect of slopes dynamic responses, discusses the threshold height H^t of the dynamic high slope effect, and finds that AW is proportional to square root of the dynamic elastic moduli El P , at the same time, it is proportional to period Tof the dynamic input. Thus, the discriminant of H^t is achieved. The discriminant can tell us that to a slope, if its height is larger than one fifth of the wavelength, its response regular will be the dynamic high slope effect; on the other hand, its response regular will be the dynamic low slope effect. Based on these, the discriminant of different slopes taking on same response under the same dynamic input is put forward in this paper. At the same time, the paper studies distribution law of the rhythm extremum point of displacement, velocity and acceleration, and finds that there exists relationship of N = int among the slope height H, the number of the rhythm extremum VHlhro) point N and ffthre- Furthermore, the paper points out that if N^l, the response of the slope will be dynamic high slope effect; \fN