822 resultados para formação inicial


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The overall objective of this research is to identify and analyze social representations of (the) teachers(the) Ranciere the Initial Training Program for Teachers in Office in Early Childhood Education - PROINFANTIL - UFRN/MEC on the teaching work, seeking to identify their constituent elements and understand the dynamics of your organization. We assume that these teachers work fundamentally, in the institutions of Early Childhood Education, with knowledge of common sense and related cultural inherent to be/do professor in the design of education guardian/giving handouts to ensure the physical integrity of children, causing a rift between the caring and educating. From this general objective, we elected as specific objectives: identify the social, economic and cultural backgrounds of these (the) teachers (sa); identify what is teaching work for them (the) as well as identify which the psychosocial implications driven by RS on teaching work that point to tensions between the training and the exercise teacher as activity profissional.Como theoretical foundation we opted for Social Representations Theory of Moscovici (2003), Jodelet (2001); Specificities of the teaching Work in Early Childhood Education: Kramer (2002; 2006); OliveiraFormosinho (2007); Zilma de Oliveira (2007), Teacher Training: Ramalho, Nunez and Galthier (2003) and Tardif and Lessard (2008), content Analysis: Bardin (2004). As methodological procedure, we chose the Central Nucleus theory, developed by Jean Claude Abric (2000). Contributed to the scope of this objective the 171 teachers (the) that concluded the Proinfantil NBs to participate of TALP with justifications. The corpus arising from evocations around the words suggested by Carlos Chagas Foundation: give classrooms, teacher, pupil and added the word Child Education, were subjected to a treatment with the aid of the EVOC software (2000), identifying the central nucleus. The results indicate the words more evoked and significant: Planning, child care, educating, and play. Indicating that for these (the) teachers (the) the teaching work in Early Childhood Education must have a systematic pedagogical to educate children. These words correspond to the specificity of being/doing teaching in Early Childhood Education. However, the data shows that it is a job with different characteristics of the teaching work in other stages of education


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In this dissertation we propose a Teaching Unit of Physics to teach content through environmental discussions of the greenhouse effect and global warming. This teaching unit is based on a problem-methodological intervention from the application of the method of the Arch of Charles Maguerez. The methodological foundations of the thesis are embedded in action research and this is structured in five chapters: the first chapter deals with the Physical Environment (FMA) as a subject in Degree Courses in Physics in Brazil, bringing the concern of how this discipline has been taught. We started the first chapter explaining the reasons behind the inclusion of the discipline of Physical Environment in a Physics Degree Courses. Then we did a search on the websites of Institutions of Higher Education, to know of the existence or not of this discipline on curricular. We then analyzed the menus to see what bibliographies are being adopted and what content of Physics are being worked, and how it has been done. The courses surveyed were those of Federal and Federal Institutes Universities. Thus ended the first chapter. Given the inseparability between studies in Physics Teaching and studies on competencies, skills and significant learning, wrote the second chapter. In this chapter we discuss the challenge of converting information into knowledge. Initially on initial teacher training, because even if this is not our focus, the study is a discipline on the upper reaches, therefore, offered to future teachers. Then we talked about the culture of knowledge, where we emphasize the use of a teaching approach that promotes meanings taught by content and make sense to the student. We finished the third chapter, making some considerations on skills and abilities, in order to identify what skills and competencies were developed and worked during and after the implementation of Curriculum Unit. The third chapter is the result of a literature review and study of the radioactive EarthSun interaction. The subjects researched approach from the generation of energy in the sun to topics stain solar coronal mass ejections, solar wind, black body radiation, Wien displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, greenhouse effect and global warming. This chapter deals with material support for the teacher of the aforementioned discipline. The fourth chapter talks about the arc method of Charles Maguerez; Here we explain the structure of each of the five steps of the Arc and how to use them in teaching. We also show another version of this method adapted by Bordenave. In the fifth and final chapter brought a description of how the method of Arc was used in physics classes of Environment, with students majoring in Physics IFRN Campus Santa Cruz. Here, in this chapter, a transcript of classes to show how was the application of a problem-based methodology in the teaching of content proposed for Physics Teaching Unit from the environmental discussion about the greenhouse effect and global warming phenomena


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La inclusin de los nios con discapacidad en la educacin infantil, adems de ser un tema poco planteado en la comunidad cientfica, es un reto actual en lo que se refiere a la prctica docente. Basndose en este aspecto, nuestro objetivo en esta investigacin realizada, que result en la elaboracin de este trabajo, fue analizar cmo se procesa la prctica docente con vistas a la inclusin escolar de un nio con parlisis cerebral, en un Centro Municipal de Educacin Infantil (CMEI), en la ciudad de Natal / RN. Ms especficamente, buscamos: reflexionar sobre la prctica de la profesora responsable por la clase, en lo que se refiere al desarrollo del nio con parlisis cerebral; analizar las interacciones entre educador y nio con parlisis cerebral; observar la prctica docente en la perspectiva de favorecer la interaccin entre el nio con parlisis cerebral y otros nios. Para ello, realizamos una pesquisa exploratoria, cualitativa, y as que optamos por el mtodo del Estudio de Caso. Utilizamos como procedimientos metodolgicos el anlisis documental, la investigacin bibliogrfica, la entrevista semiestructurada, la observacin y la filmacin de escenas relacionadas a la prctica docente. Los sujetos de la investigacin fueron la profesora y el nio con parlisis cerebral. Los datos construidos durante la investigacin sealaron el hecho de que la prctica de la profesora no estaba encaminada a las necesidades especficas de la alumna con parlisis cerebral, todava, se desarrollaba de una manera similar para todos los nios en la clase. La presencia de limitaciones significativas para la inclusin de la nia con parlisis cerebral en la educacin infantil puede ser considerado como el resultado de la ausencia de una adecuada preparacin docente, tanto en el nivel de la formacin inicial, cuanto de una formacin continua y tambin la escasez de directrices para el maestro, en proceso; directrices estas acerca de la educacin de los nios con parlisis cerebral, lo que haca imposible a la profesora contribuir de manera efectiva a su mayor desarrollo cognitivo y social.


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Nos dias atuais, oferecer uma educao para o exerccio da cidadania funo primordial das polticas pblicas educacionais, conforme estabelece a constituio brasileira e a legislao de ensino. Essa funo vem sendo defendida por muitos professores no Ensino Mdio, atribuindo-se a disciplina de Qumica o papel de proporcionar um ensino crtico, participativo, reflexivo e humano. Segundo os documentos oficiais brasileiros para o Ensino de Qumica, o estudo do conceito de energia deve favorecer o desenvolvimento de competncias para que o aluno compreenda a produo e o seu uso em diferentes fenmenos e possam interpret-los de acordo com modelos explicativos, alm de saber avaliar e julgar os benefcios e riscos da produo e do uso de diferentes formas de energia nos sistemas naturais construdos pelo homem, articulando com outras reas de conhecimento na procura de promover a interdisciplinaridade. As unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas (UEPS), tomam como base um conjunto de teorias de aprendizagem que tem o intuito de promover um ensino com base na aprendizagem significativa e podem ajudar os estudantes nas diferentes relaes que um conceito pode ter. Neste sentido, o estudo do conceito da energia a partir do trabalho com UEPS, pode ser uma importante proposta que favorece um ensino de Qumica na perspectiva construtivista. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho construir e avaliar uma proposta didtica para o contedo de termoqumica na perspectiva das unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas de Moreira com alunos do Ensino Mdio de uma escola pblica do Municpio de Campina Grande-PB. Inicialmente a UEPS foi avaliada por 22 professores em formação inicial de duas instituies pblicas de ensino superior. Em seguida, ela foi aplicada para 15 alunos do 2 ano da Escola Estadual de Ensino Mdio Prof. Raul Crdula, localizada na cidade de Campina Grande-PB. A coleta dos dados para os professores em formação inicial teve como base um instrumento de validao de elaborao de unidades didticas baseada na Engenharia Didtica proposta por Artigue (1996 apud Guimares e Giordan, 2011). J para os alunos do ensino mdio, os dados foram coletados no decorrer da UEPS e a avaliao final sobre a proposta didtica ocorreu atravs de um questionrio tomando como base a escala de Likert e o uso de mapas conceituais. Para a descrio dos dados, foram utilizados os pressupostos da anlise de contedo de Bardin. Como produto educacional foi elaborado a Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa e um DVD contendo orientaes de como trabalhar com a proposta. Os resultados deste trabalho apontam uma avaliao positiva quanto proposta de ensino elaborada para a Educao Bsica, onde se observa atravs do instrumento de validao aplicado, que a maioria das respostas atribudas pelos professores, ficou entre os itens suficiente e mais que suficiente. Em relao aos momentos de aprendizagem dos alunos do Ensino Mdio durante a aplicao da UEPS, foi possvel observar que a proposta gerou motivao no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos conceitos da termoqumica, como tambm se percebe que os mapas conceituais apresentados pelos alunos apresentaram mais proposies conceituais em uma segunda tentativa de elaborao, logo a proposta de ensino foi aprovada por mais de 90 % dos estudantes do nvel mdio. Portanto fica evidente que a proposta didtica contribuiu no processo de ensino aprendizagem, despertando interesse e motivao nos estudantes pelo contedo de Termoqumica.


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A partir da abordagem investigativa da multirreferencialidade, com base em Jacques Ardono, e tendo como lentes tericas os conceitos de cultura e de gnero, discutidos respectivamente por Victor Hell, Stuart Hall, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, e Joan Scott, Guacira Lopes Louro, Dagmar Meyer, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as implicaes da presena de homens docentes na Educao Infantil, problematizando as relaes de gnero a partir de um amlgama de atravessamentos sociais, histricos e culturais. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois homens que exercem a funo de educador infantil na rede pblica de ensino do Municpio de Natal/RN/Brasil. A anlise das entrevistas possibilitou a organizao dos dados em quatro focos de discusso. O primeiro deles refere-se s figuras masculinas (re)produzidas no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, cujas representaes discursivas constroem o homem como perigoso, poderoso e respeitado, ajudando a perpetuar os vnculos histrica e culturalmente estabelecidos entre a figura masculina e as imagens de autoridade, liderana, comando, ao mesmo tempo em que refora o suposto carter natural das relaes entre a figura feminina e o cuidado infantil. O segundo foco de discusso trata da polarizao entre os elementos do binmio masculino/feminino, ativado constantemente nas relaes que se estabelecem entre homens e mulheres no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, tornando as instituies desta etapa de ensino um local de concretizao dos mais diversos significados de gnero. O terceiro foco de discusso problematiza a necessidade de afirmao da heterossexualidade dos educadores infantis entrevistados, destacando-se a associao (geralmente feita por gestores, por colegas de trabalho e pelas famlias das crianas) entre a heterossexualidade masculina e o adequado exerccio da funo docente. O quarto e ltimo foco de discusso trata das lacunas da formação inicial e continuada de educadores infantis, enfatizando que, de modo geral, os cursos que formam professores para atuar em instituies de Educao Infantil tendem a desconsiderar a insero profissional de homens nessa etapa de ensino. Assim, a Dissertao que ora apresentamos tem como escopo a desnaturalizao de esteretipos de gnero no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, entendendo que este tambm um contexto muito profcuo para o exerccio de resistncia s imagens cultural e historicamente associadas a homens e mulheres.


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Esta investigacin parte del inters en la comprensin de la cuestin de los conocimientos enseanza, precisamente el conocimiento necesario para el profesor profesional relacionada enseanza, es decir, cules son los conocimientos, los profesores a construir en su contexto de trabajo. Somos conscientes de que el escenario es un momento de importancia fundamental para el desarrollo del conocimiento inicial de la profesin docente y la construccin de la identidad profesional. Tratando de entender estos aspectos nos preguntamos: Qu conocimientos de los futuros profesores construyen o se movilizan durante la prctica docente desarrollado en el escenario? Nuestro objetivo es entender el proceso de identidad de estudiantes Pedagoga UFRN e identificar el conocimiento construido sobre la prctica docente desarrollada durante el entrenamiento supervisado de dicho curso. Se trata de una investigacin cualitativa, y tena como instrumento de recoleccin de datos, entrevistas semi-estructuradas con diez (10) en 2014.1 acadmicos que haban ocupado la prctica docente en el entrenamiento supervisado. Las entrevistas fueron sometidas a anlisis de contenido propuesto por Bardin (2011). Como marco terico, los autores tambin apoyan en tan Tardif (2012), Pimenta (2012), Nvoa (1995), Perrenoud (2002), entre otros, se trata de la enseanza de conocimientos dentro de la profesionalizacin docente, estableciendo relacin con el proceso de identidad. Los resultados indican que, en lo que respecta a la identidad profesional, estudios tericos en el curso de formacin inicial, junto con las experiencias vividas en su mayora en el escenario, contribuyeron a cambiar lo que los estudiantes saban acerca de ser un maestro. Por lo tanto, algunos han fortalecido la identidad con la profesin, mientras que otros han renunciado a invertir en la carrera docente. En cuanto a conocimiento construido, se puede decir que los alumnos se dan cuenta de la pluralidad de conocimientos necesarios para una profesin tan compleja como la enseanza. Sin embargo, a modo de sntesis, este conocimiento a su vez a aprender a planificar lecciones considerando las necesidades de los estudiantes y su contexto social. Los participantes declaran saber cmo llevar a cabo la mediacin del aprendizaje a travs del dilogo y actividades bien estructuradas y afecto contribuye al aprendizaje. En este sentido, se entiende que las construcciones de conocimiento en el escenario se articularon a reflexionar sobre su propia prctica e indican lo que era ms importante en trminos de aprendizaje de la percepcin de los estudiantes. Sobre la base de este entendimiento, creemos que los momentos de observacin (primero paso en el escenario) y el muy regencia podran considerarse en el proceso de formacin, para que los estudiantes se registre el aprendizaje proporcionado por la prctica. Es necesario, por tanto, que los estudiantes investiguen su propia actividad pedaggica, convirtiendo sus conocimientos en una continua construccin y reconstruccin de sus identidades a partir de la importancia social que conceden a la enseanza.


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Textual composition in classroom has been object of research in language studies along this last three decades in Brazil. This thematic recurrence occurs is a demonstration of the gap between writing skill teaching and learners performance. In this research, we argue that during writing process in classroom, teachers mediated actions guide students to the exotopic exercise on their texts, facing it as a fundamental phase of their composition, with meaningful effect for the development of textual authorship. In this sense, we have chosen as investigation focus the textual composition of Letters Students at Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN - to study writing processual characteristics, based on teachers mediation. The main aim of this research is to analyze students (re)writing along Letters Course, to comprehend the process of authorship construction in their texts and the effects resulted through teacher mediation in this process. More specifically, a) to analyze teacher mediation as a mechanism for authorship development in texts composed by Letters Students; b) to deduce, based on different versions of textual composition, the effects of teacher mediation on students writing; and c) to describe compositional textual process in classroom, identifying students attitudes/behaviors before writing task. We have brought several voices into the dialogue, among them we highlight those based on bakhtinian studies. Some of those authors are related to Bakhtin circle, by themselves (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV, [1929] 2006; BAKHTIN, [1979] 2003; [1963] 2008; [1975] 2010a; [1986] 2010b), their debaters (FARACO, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2010; PONZIO, 2010, 2012; GERALDI, 2010a; 2010b OLIVEIRA, 2006, 2008a, 2008b, 2010, among others), to guide us, mainly, on dialogism, author and authorship, and their conceptual implications: exotopy, finishing, esthetic activity, and ethical act. Data was constituted in teaching situation, involving teacher/researcher and 5th Term Letters/UERN students. Therefore, we have submitted an open questionnaire, textual discussion, and an article (re)writing. Data analysis has revealed subjects little experience with writing composition in the Course, as a systematic practice, in their routine, dialogued, whose social function is explored. The texts are generally written in a single version and useful only to receive a score. Data analysis show insecure students in relation the writing, and with many difficulties to do it. On the other hand, writing movements, on the analyzed articles, have revealed that the subjects show a responsive attitude in relation to the mediated activities, to respond rewriting proposal. Despite some problems remain unsolved and many others emerge in each version of the article, in general, we consider that teacher mediation had a positive effect on student writing, considering that it boosted the author exotopic movement, something indispensable to compose a text. The three interventions carried out, in some way, provided opportunity for the subjects to modify their article.


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Textual composition in classroom has been object of research in language studies along this last three decades in Brazil. This thematic recurrence occurs is a demonstration of the gap between writing skill teaching and learners performance. In this research, we argue that during writing process in classroom, teachers mediated actions guide students to the exotopic exercise on their texts, facing it as a fundamental phase of their composition, with meaningful effect for the development of textual authorship. In this sense, we have chosen as investigation focus the textual composition of Letters Students at Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN - to study writing processual characteristics, based on teachers mediation. The main aim of this research is to analyze students (re)writing along Letters Course, to comprehend the process of authorship construction in their texts and the effects resulted through teacher mediation in this process. More specifically, a) to analyze teacher mediation as a mechanism for authorship development in texts composed by Letters Students; b) to deduce, based on different versions of textual composition, the effects of teacher mediation on students writing; and c) to describe compositional textual process in classroom, identifying students attitudes/behaviors before writing task. We have brought several voices into the dialogue, among them we highlight those based on bakhtinian studies. Some of those authors are related to Bakhtin circle, by themselves (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV, [1929] 2006; BAKHTIN, [1979] 2003; [1963] 2008; [1975] 2010a; [1986] 2010b), their debaters (FARACO, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2010; PONZIO, 2010, 2012; GERALDI, 2010a; 2010b OLIVEIRA, 2006, 2008a, 2008b, 2010, among others), to guide us, mainly, on dialogism, author and authorship, and their conceptual implications: exotopy, finishing, esthetic activity, and ethical act. Data was constituted in teaching situation, involving teacher/researcher and 5th Term Letters/UERN students. Therefore, we have submitted an open questionnaire, textual discussion, and an article (re)writing. Data analysis has revealed subjects little experience with writing composition in the Course, as a systematic practice, in their routine, dialogued, whose social function is explored. The texts are generally written in a single version and useful only to receive a score. Data analysis show insecure students in relation the writing, and with many difficulties to do it. On the other hand, writing movements, on the analyzed articles, have revealed that the subjects show a responsive attitude in relation to the mediated activities, to respond rewriting proposal. Despite some problems remain unsolved and many others emerge in each version of the article, in general, we consider that teacher mediation had a positive effect on student writing, considering that it boosted the author exotopic movement, something indispensable to compose a text. The three interventions carried out, in some way, provided opportunity for the subjects to modify their article.


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In this research, we have as study object the identification process with the profession of students of the Undergraduate course for preparing professors for teaching Physics of the Federal University of Piau. We start from the following question: - What relationships can be established among the senses given by the students to the group of the experiences lived in their initial formation and the identity construction as teacher? The presupposition is that the process of identification with the profession can contain formative experiences that are impossible to be reduced to the situations of disciplines learning. We considered that, in the development of the process of professional identification, the articulations and the connections that the students established with themselves, with the others - their formative teachers, managers - and with the world - the University, the public school - they should be understood in the interdependence relationships, consubstantiated in the experiences lived during the initial stage of their formation. Therefore, our objective is to understand the process of identification of the students with the teaching profession, based in the senses given to their formative experiences. In order to get this aim, we used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview, and we chose as methodological and theoretical principles: the multi-referential theoretical framework, 'configuration and interdependence', the relationship among 'identity and alterity', the sensitive hearing and the 'intellectual craft'. The study is organized in two parts: the first, contains two chapters, that have introductory character. The second part is unfolded in five chapters, and it constitutes the development of the thesis. In the "paths", we revealed, starting from the actions and intentions that mobilized the students, processes involved in the choice of the course, and, this way, the initial identifications with the being an university student. We looked for to identify possible dissonances among the curriculum 'instituted and instituting', as well as the implications of its management of the formative experiences of future teachers. In short, we tried to capture, through the speeches of a group of students, the signs, the images and the senses of their formative experiences, which indicate as a vision of how their teaching profession is built. With this study, we sought to contribute for the researches on the field of degrees, taking as axis the formative processes that configure those courses. Finally, that the proposition of professor formation politics should be fundamentally based in internal demands, lived in the formative processes.


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This study aimed to understand how the educational context contributes to the professional development of future teachers on introduction to teaching practice. To this end, we seek to characterize what the learning and the difficulties experienced in training contexts by future teachers, as well as the intrinsic elements to the training contexts that enable professional development. The investigated contexts were the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciao Docncia PIBID), specifically the sub-projects of Chemistry and Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN) and Masters in Teaching of Physics and Chemistry of the University of Lisbon (MEFQ ). In both contexts, the future teachers are in contact with the school in a systematic way. The methodology used in our study is rooted in qualitative research with interpretative guidance and the design in the study of multiple cases with instrumental purpose. Participated in this study as the main subject, 40 future teachers PIBID of Physics, 24 PIBID future teachers of Chemistry and 5 future Master Teachers in Teaching Chemistry and Physics. As supporting subjects, participated in 3 PIBID Area Coordinators, the teacher of Introduction to Professional Practice of MEFQ, and 8 teachers who teach chemistry and / or physics in public schools. Multiple data collection tools were used: naturalistic observation, descriptive questionnaire, individual interviews, focus groups, reading of written records and official documents. In analyzing the data, we used the method of questioning and constant comparison. The results showed that the main learning of future teachers are related to the strategy employed in class, the change in the understanding of the role of teacher and student in the classroom, the construction of the professional profile and the development of collaborative practices. The main difficulties were related to the development of activities, the management of time and group, the dynamics of the classroom and the material conditions of work. The characteristics inherent in training contexts investigated for professional development are: the practice itself of the research, the collaboration, the focused reflection on practice, focus on student learning and the improving public schools. From the results, it is evidenced that the training contexts centered at school have the capability to resize the practice based on the analysis of actions, in a collaborative work as well as create opportunities for awareness of the concepts, the acting and the way to understand the profession. It is needed for effective mediation trainers, so that future teachers undertake their own practice and, therefore, they can build teaching strategies that promote learning which, in addition to increase the quality of education, favor the professional development throughout life.


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Relatrio de estgio apresentado para a obteno do garu de mestre em Educao pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 ciclo do ensino bsico


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There are diverse studies about beliefs in Applied Linguistics since 1970 or so (BARCELOS, 2004), especially beliefs about teaching and learning Foreign Languages. The research about beliefs and experiences of English language teachers, who take part in a program of teaching incentive (Pibid), and, therefore, are immersed in public schools for elementary education, is relevant, once the (ac)knowledgment of these beliefs related to their teaching and learning experiences allows these teachers to reflect about the aspects that involve their teaching practice and their role as teachers of English language. The present work aims to investigate the interaction of beliefs and experiences related to foreign language teaching and learning of teachers who are participants of Pibid, in the subproject of English Language at the Federal University of Uberlndia (UFU), in 2013. The objective is to identify the beliefs and experiences about teaching and learning that the pre-service teachers (PI), the coordinator teacher (PF) and the supervisor teachers (PS) of the program show and how their beliefs and experiences influence each other and can or cannot be redefined. This is a qualitative and interpretative masters research, in which I analized one narrative of each PI, one interview of PF and another of each PS, and, also, two meetings the first between the PF and the PIs, and the second between all the participants in the subproject. All the data was collected at the end of their participation in Pibid, approximately one year and six months later. Therefore, I raised some beliefs and experiences about English language teaching and learning present in the teachers discourse and analized excerpts in their speech that evidenced the interaction with other participants and its influence to the formation, confirmation, demystification and redefinition of their beliefs. The results of this analysis bring elements that may help the constant reflection of university teachers, teachers in practice and pre-service teachers about the aspects that involve the teaching experiences in public schools.


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Tendo em vista a atual crise das licenciaturas, especialmente em termos da pouca atratividade que a formação para a docncia vem apresentando em nosso contexto educacional e, considerando, ainda, as crticas sobre a fragilidade da formação inicial de professores ocorrer na modalidade a distncia (no caso, o curso de Pedagogia), o PIBID - Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciao Docncia surge como uma poltica de incentivo e valorizao do magistrio com o propsito de contribuir para uma formação mais slida e articulada em termos da relao teoria-prtica, especialmente pela proximidade que favorece aos alunos bolsistas, com o cotidiano escolar este o foco desta investigao que teve por objetivos: refletir sobre o histrico da formação docente em interface com a desvalorizao do magistrio que, consequentemente, levou crise das licenciaturas e, a partir disso, analisar a proposio do PIBID como uma poltica pblica para o enfrentamento desta crise; analisar as representaes de bolsistas do PIBID, de um curso de Pedagogia a distncia, sobre a experincia que esto tendo, e se ela contribui, no caso dos licenciandos, para o fortalecimento da escolha pela carreira docente; verificar as contribuies do programa para a formação dos licenciandos, dos supervisores (professores das escolas pblicas parceiras) e do coordenador de rea e se este oportuniza uma complementao na preparao para o exerccio da docncia. A pesquisa realizou uma reviso da literatura sobre a crise das licenciaturas e o contexto do aparecimento do PIBID, bem como sobre a formação de professores ocorrer na modalidade a distncia, tendo como referencial terico autores como Libneo (1998), Gatti e Barreto (2009), Bahia e Duran (2011), Scheibe (2006), Sommer (2010), FCC (2009), Tardif (2005). Realizou, tambm, uma pesquisa de campo que teve como sujeitos sete bolsistas do PIBID de um curso de Pedagogia a distncia (de uma instituio de ensino superior, particular, de So Paulo), sendo: quatro licenciandas, duas supervisoras e uma coordenadora de rea do subprojeto. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos para a coleta de dados: um questionrio para o delineamento do perfil dos sujeitos e a realizao de entrevistas de aprofundamento. As reflexes realizadas a partir da reviso da literatura e das anlises dos dados coletados junto aos sujeitos indicam que: em relao proposio da formação inicial de professores a distncia, esta denota maiores crticas, diferentemente da formação continuada de professores a distncia, que apresenta uma maior aceitabilidade; em relao ao PIBID, os estudos vm apontando a positividade das diversas experincias que vm se desenvolvendo no territrio nacional e que denotam um trabalho articulado entre teoria e prtica, bem como no resgate da identidade docente, com uma nfase na valorizao, insero e permanncia dos licenciandos nos seus cursos; as representaes dos sujeitos investigados sobre a experincia que esto tendo com o PIBID apontam para: o reconhecimento de que o Programa garante, efetivamente, a reflexo e vivncia entre a teoria e prtica; a contribuio para a aquisio de maior segurana na relao com os alunos das escolas parceiras e tambm no desenvolvimento das atividades prticas; a certeza e/ou convico de que realmente querem ser professoras.


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The aim of this study was to understand how does the teaching learning process of the agronomy professor from Universidade Federal de Uberlndia occurs, analyzing the relationship among training, knowledge and these professors professional identity. The questions which guided the research were: How does the professional identity of these professors are developed in the teaching learning process? Which are the main formation factors that influences this process? Which are the agronomy professors knowledge and how were them built and learned by these professionals in college? This is a research with a qualitative approach, in which most of the data was collected with the professors, through two questionnaires, a simplified and an in-depth one, as well as documents that depict the history of the institute and of the Agronomy department. To guide analysis, we have used, more than the scientific production in the area, the authors Cunha (2008), Tardif (2002), Pimenta (2005), Melo (2009, 2012), Malus (2005), Pachane (2009), Magalhes (2012), Dubar (2005), Imbernn (2002),Nunez andRamalho (2008), Almeida andPimenta (2012) PimentaandAnastasiou (2002), Cavallet (1999) Pachane (2006), Behrens (2007) Isaia (2008), Malus (2012) and Nvoa (1999). The analysis indicated that the teaching learning process of the agronomy professor occurs since college, with the option of been a professor, and throughout their teaching career. Their challenges are related to work conditions, although, the dilemmas between the practices related to the conceptions of traditional and progressive pedagogy can be seen in their class, teaching and teaching learning process conception. Classes are considered by professors as an interaction place but also as a knowledge transference place. This research identifies the necessity of promote cooperation between teachers, so that, the collective and integrated work in formative spaces teachers will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge necessary for teaching. The implementation of institutional initial and continuous formation, through direct dialogue between undergraduate, graduate and training and professional development programs for teachers, with better work conditions will reflect in the constant improvement of training development within universities.


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This text presents developed in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Uberlndia, in which it was intended to answer the question: What are the pedagogical implications for the fractions concept learning for students of the 6th grade of elementary school that the teaching guide activities can provide? The objectives of this research were: a) analyze the possible pedagogical implications for the learning of the fraction's concept for students of the 6th grade of elementary school through guiding teaching activities; b) using the conceptual connections of the fraction to enable students to develop an abstract thought and c) investigate whether guiding teaching activities reflect on 'how to think' and 'how to do' of the student. Five teaching activities have been developed (MOURA, 2002) from the perspective of teaching guiding activity (TGA) and had as object of study the teaching of fractions for students in 6th year of elementary school. They have been prepared and proposed activities in which it was intended to investigate the use of history of mathematics as an aid in learning the conceptual fraction links (CARAA, 1951) by students. Such activities, for analysis, were organized into episodes and scenes (MOURA, 2004) and discussed how students deal with the measurement of whole quantity (all) and subunits (part); how they represent in verbal or written language. It is hoped that the research is set up as an important contribution to mathematics teaching area and may contribute to the initial and continuing training of mathematics teacher sand the formation of theoretical thinking of elementary school students.