969 resultados para fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis
Under optimal non-physiological conditions of low concentrations and low temperatures, proteins may spontaneously fold to the native state, as all the information for folding lies in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. However, under conditions of stress or high protein crowding as inside cells, a polypeptide may misfold and enter an aggregation pathway resulting in the formation of misfolded conformers and fibrils, which can be toxic and lead to neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's diseases and aging in general. To avert and revert protein misfolding and aggregation, cells have evolved a set of proteins called molecular chaperones. Here, I focussed on the human cytosolic chaperones Hsp70 (DnaK) and HspllO, and co-chaperone Hsp40 (DnaJ), and the chaperonin CCT (GroEL). The cytosolic molecular chaperones Hsp70s/Hspll0s and the chaperonins are highly upregulated in bacterial and human cells under different stresses and are involved both in the prevention and the reversion of protein misfolding and aggregation. Hsp70 works in collaboration with Hsp40 to reactivate misfolded or aggregated proteins in a strict ATP dependent manner. Chaperonins (CCT and GroEL) also unfold and reactivate stably misfolded proteins but we found that it needed to use the energy of ATP hydrolysis in order to evict over- sticky misfolded intermediates that inhibited the unfoldase catalytic sites. Ill In this study, we initially characterized a particular type of inactive misfolded monomeric luciferase and rhodanese species that were obtained by repeated cycles of freeze-thawing (FT). These stable misfolded monomeric conformers (FT-luciferase and FT-rhodanese) had exposed hydrophobic residues and were enriched with wrong ß-sheet structures (Chapter 2). Using FT-luciferase as substrate, we found that the Hsp70 orthologs, called HspllO (Sse in yeast), acted similarly to Hsp70 as were bona fide ATP- fuelled polypeptide unfoldases and was much more than a mere nucleotide exchange factor, as generally thought. Moreover, we found that HspllO collaborated with Hsp70 in the disaggregation of stable protein aggregates in which Hsp70 and HspllO acted as equal partners that synergistically combined their individual ATP-consuming polypeptide unfoldase activities to reactivate the misfolded/aggregated proteins (Chapter 3). Using FT-rhodanese as substrate, we found that chaperonins (GroEL and CCT) could catalytically reactivate misfolded rhodanese monomers in the absence of ATP. Also, our results suggested that encaging of an unfolding polypeptide inside the GroEL cavity under a GroES cap was not an obligatory step as generally thought (Chapter 4). Further, we investigated the role of Hsp40, a J-protein co-chaperone of Hsp70, in targeting misfolded polypeptides substrates onto Hsp70 for unfolding. We found that even a large excess of monomeric unfolded a-synuclein did not inhibit DnaJ, whereas, in contrast, stable misfolded a-synuclein oligomers strongly inhibited the DnaK-mediated chaperone reaction by way of sequestering the DnaJ co-chaperone. This work revealed that DnaJ could specifically distinguish, and bind potentially toxic stably aggregated species, such as soluble a-synuclein oligomers involved in Parkinson's disease, and with the help of DnaK and ATP convert them into from harmless natively unfolded a-synuclein monomers (chapter 5). Finally, our meta-analysis of microarray data of plant and animal tissues treated with various chemicals and abiotic stresses, revealed possible co-expressions between core chaperone machineries and their co-chaperone regulators. It clearly showed that protein misfolding in the cytosol elicits a different response, consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of cytosolic chaperones, from protein misfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that elicited a typical unfolded protein response (UPR), consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of ER chaperones. We proposed that drugs that best mimicked heat or UPR stress at increasing the chaperone load in the cytoplasm or ER respectively, may prove effective at combating protein misfolding diseases and aging (Chapter 6). - Dans les conditions optimales de basse concentration et de basse température, les protéines vont spontanément adopter un repliement natif car toutes les informations nécessaires se trouvent dans la séquence des acides aminés du polypeptide. En revanche, dans des conditions de stress ou de forte concentration des protéines comme à l'intérieur d'une cellule, un polypeptide peu mal se replier et entrer dans un processus d'agrégation conduisant à la formation de conformères et de fibrilles qui peuvent être toxiques et causer des maladies neurodégénératives comme la maladie d'Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson ou la chorée de Huntington. Afin d'empêcher ou de rectifier le mauvais repliement des protéines, les cellules ont développé des protéines appelées chaperonnes. Dans ce travail, je me suis intéressé aux chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70 (DnaK) et HspllO, la co-chaperones Hsp40 (DnaJ), le complexe CCT/TRiC et GroEL. Chez les bactéries et les humains, les chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70s/Hspl 10s et les « chaperonines» sont fortement activées par différentes conditions de stress et sont toutes impliquées dans la prévention et la correction du mauvais repliement des protéines et de leur agrégation. Hsp70 collabore avec Hsp40 pour réactiver les protéines agrégées ou mal repliées et leur action nécessite de 1ATP. Les chaperonines (GroEL) déplient et réactivent aussi les protéines mal repliées de façon stable mais nous avons trouvé qu'elles utilisent l'ATP pour libérer les intermédiaires collant et mal repliés du site catalytique de dépliage. Nous avons initialement caractérisé un type particulier de formes stables de luciférase et de rhodanese monomériques mal repliées obtenues après plusieurs cycles de congélation / décongélation répétés (FT). Ces monomères exposaient des résidus hydrophobiques et étaient plus riches en feuillets ß anormaux. Ils pouvaient cependant être réactivés par les chaperonnes Hsp70+Hsp40 (DnaK+DnaJ) et de l'ATP, ou par Hsp60 (GroEL) sans ATP (Chapitre 2). En utilisant la FT-Luciferase comme substrat nous avons trouvé que HspllO (un orthologue de Hsp70) était une authentique dépliase, dépendante strictement de l'ATP. De plus, nous avons trouvé que HspllO collaborait avec Hsp70 dans la désagrégation d'agrégats stables de protéines en combinant leurs activités dépliase consommatrice d'ATP (Chapitre 3). En utilisant la FT-rhodanese, nous avons trouvé que les chaperonines (GroEL et CCT) pouvaient réactiver catalytiquement des monomères mal repliés en absence d'ATP. Nos résultats suggérèrent également que la capture d'un polypeptide en cours de dépliement dans la cavité de GroEL et sous un couvercle du complexe GroES ne serait pas une étape obligatoire du mécanisme, comme il est communément accepté dans la littérature (Chapitre 4). De plus, nous avons étudié le rôle de Hsp40, une co-chaperones de Hsp70, dans l'adressage de substrats polypeptidiques mal repliés vers Hsp70. Ce travail a révélé que DnaJ pouvait différencier et lier des polypeptide mal repliés (toxiques), comme des oligomères d'a-synucléine dans la maladie de Parkinson, et clairement les différencier des monomères inoffensifs d'a-synucléine (Chapitre 5). Finalement une méta-analyse de données de microarrays de tissus végétaux et animaux traités avec différents stress chimiques et abiotiques a révélé une possible co-expression de la machinerie des chaperonnes et des régulateurs de co- chaperonne. Cette meta-analyse montre aussi clairement que le mauvais repliement des protéines dans le cytosol entraîne la synthèse de chaperonnes principalement cytosoliques alors que le mauvais repliement de protéines dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) entraine une réponse typique de dépliement (UPR) qui consiste principalement en la synthèse de chaperonnes localisées dans l'ER. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que les drogues qui reproduisent le mieux les stress de chaleur ou les stress UPR pourraient se montrer efficaces dans la lutte contre le mauvais repliement des protéines et le vieillissement (Chapitre 6).
PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term outcome (up to 7 years) of presumed ocular tuberculosis (TB) when the therapeutic decision was based on WHO guidelines. METHODS: Twelve out of 654 new uveitic patients (1998-2004) presented with choroiditis and positive tuberculosis skin test (TST) (skin lesion diameter >15 mm). Therapy was administered according to WHO recommendations after ophthalmic and systemic investigation. The area size of ocular lesions at presentation and after therapy, measured on fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographies, was considered the primary outcome. Relapse of choroiditis was considered a secondary outcome. The T-SPOT TB test was performed when it became available. RESULTS: Visual acuity significantly improved after therapy (p=0.0357). The mean total surface of fluorescein lesions at entry was 44.8 ± 20.9 (arbitrary units) and decreased to 32.5 ± 16.9 after therapy (p=0.0165). The mean total surface of indocyanine green lesions at entry was 24.5 ± 13.3 and decreased to 10.8 ± 5.4 after therapy (p=0.0631). The T-SPOT TB revealed 2 false TST-positive results. The mean follow-up was 4.5 ± 1.5 years. Two relapses out of 10 confirmed ocular TB was observed after complete lesion healing, 2.5 years and 4.5 years after therapy, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A decrease of ocular lesion mean size and a mean improvement of VA were observed after antituberculous therapy. Our long-term follow-up of chorioretinal lesions demonstrated relapse of ocular tuberculosis in 10% of patients with confirmed ocular TB, despite complete initial retinal scarring.
In bottom-up proteomics, rapid and efficient protein digestion is crucial for data reliability. However, sample preparation remains one of the rate-limiting steps in proteomics workflows. In this study, we compared the conventional trypsin digestion procedure with two accelerated digestion protocols based on shorter reaction times and microwave-assisted digestion for the preparation of membrane-enriched protein fractions of the human pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Produced peptides were analyzed by Shotgun IPG-IEF, a methodology relying on separation of peptides by IPG-IEF before the conventional LC-MS/MS steps of shotgun proteomics. Data obtained on two LC-MS/MS platforms showed that accelerated digestion protocols, especially the one relying on microwave irradiation, enhanced the cleavage specificity of trypsin and thus improved the digestion efficiency especially for hydrophobic and membrane proteins. The combination of high-throughput proteomics with accelerated and efficient sample preparation should enhance the practicability of proteomics by reducing the time from sample collection to obtaining the results.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to characterize oligonucleotide-polyethylenimine (ODN/PEI) complex preparation for potential transfection of retinal cells in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: The effect of medium preparation [HEPES-buffered saline (HBS), water] on particle size and morphology was evaluated. Cultured Lewis rat retinal Müller glial (RMG) cells were transfected using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-ODN/PEI complexes specifically directed at transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta)-2. Efficacy of transfection was evaluated using confocal microscopy, and regulation of gene expression was assayed using quantitative real-time RT-PCR and ELISA assay. One, 24, and 72 h after injection of FITC-ODN/PEI complexes into the vitreous of rat eyes, their distribution was analyzed on eye sections. RESULTS: Complexes prepared in HBS were smaller than complexes prepared in pure water and presented a core-shell structure. These particles showed a high cellular internalization efficacy, along with a significant and specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression and production in RMG cells, correlating with specific inhibition of cell growth at 72 h. In vivo, complexes efficiently transfect retinal cells and follow a transretinal migration at 24 h. After 72 h, ODN seems to preferentially target RMG cells without inducing any detectable toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression using ODN/PEI complexes may have potential interest for the treatment of retinal diseases associated with glial proliferation.
UNIVERSITE DE LAUSANNE - FACULTE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE MEDECINE Médecine Ophtalmologie Etude clinique et angiographique lors de la Syphilis Oculaire THESE préparée sous la direction du Docteur Yan Guex-Crosier et présentée à la Faculté de biologie et de médecine de l'Université de Lausanne pour l'obtention du grade de DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE par Konstantinos BALASKAS Médecin diplômé de la Grèce Originaire d'Athènes (Grèce) ι Lausanne 2012 Une recrudescence des cas de syphilis a été observée ces dernières années. Son diagnostic clinique reste particulièrement difficile en l'absence de signe pathognomonique. Sur le plan oculaire elle présente un vaste spectre de manifestations diverses lui ayant valu le surnom de « la grande imitatrice ». Sa rareté et son hétérogénéité ont empêché l'identification et la vérification statistique des facteurs liés à un pronostic défavorable. Le but de cette étude a été d'explorer les paramètres cliniques et para-cliniques déterminant la sévérité et influençant l'évolution de la maladie. Ce travail comprend deux volets, la première partie intitulée : «Analysis of significant factors influencing visual acuity in ocular syphilis» publiée dans le British Journal of Ophthalmology a démontré qu'une mauvaise acuité visuelle initiale est associée de façon statistiquement significative à la sévérité de l'amputation du champ visuel, à la présence d'un oedème maculaire ou d'une neuropathie optique. Une amélioration de l'acuité visuelle grâce au traitement antibiotique est associée à la présence d'une vasculite (visible à l'angiographie fluorescéinique), d'une neurosyphilis ou d'une uvéite antérieure. Une récidive inflammatoire est fortement associée à une durée prolongée des symptômes avant l'introduction du traitement et à la présence de douleur comme signe d'appel. L'utilité clinique principale de ces résultats statistiques permet de conclure que les formes inflammatoires sévères associées à la triade (vasculite, neurosyphilis et uvéite antérieure) constituent un phénomène réversible pour autant qu'un traitement précoce et adéquat ait été introduit. Le deuxième volet de l'étude analyse les manifestations angiographiques (à la fluorescéine (AF) et au vert d'indocyanine (AICG)) de la syphilis oculaire et a été publié dans le journal du Graefes Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology sous le titre suivant : "Fluorescein and indocyanine-green angiography in ocular syphilis: an exploratory study". Des associations faibles ont été démontrées entre la présence d'une vasculite lors de AF et d'une uvéite antérieure, d'une hyalite et d'un âge plus jeune. Une association forte est identifiée entre la présence des «dark dots» sur l'AICG et d'une uvéite antérieure ainsi qu'entre la présence des «hot spots» sur l'AICG et d'une durée prolongée des symptômes. Les conclusions d'importance clinique significative lors de la syphilis oculaire sont que les « dark dots » ou hypofluorescences en AICG évoquent la présence d'une atteinte inflammatoire oculaire sévère et que les « hot spots » ou hyperfluorescences en AICG sont significatifs d'une atteinte chronique. Cette étude contribue à modifier les attitudes cliniques lors de la syphilis oculaire surtout en ce qui concerne l'urgence à traiter afin d'assurer une récupération optimale. Elle aide aussi à redéfinir le rôle de l'angiographie dans la syphilis oculaire pour déterminer la sévérité, la durée de la maladie ainsi que le pronostic visuel.
Prospective comparative evaluation of patent V blue, fluorescein and (99m)TC-nanocolloids for intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping during surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ten patients with peripherally localised clinical stage I NSCLC underwent thoracotomy and peritumoral subpleural injection of 2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10% fluorescein and 1ml of (99m)Tc-nanocolloids (0.4 mCi). The migration and spatial distribution pattern of the tracers was assessed by direct visualisation (patent V blue), visualisation of fluorescence signalling by a lamp of Wood (fluorescein) and radioactivity counting with a hand held gamma-probe ((99m)Tc-nanocolloids). Lymph nodes at interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10) and mediastinal (right ATS 2,4,7; left ATS 5,6,7) levels were systematically assessed every 10 min up to 60 min after injection, followed by lobectomy and formal lymph node dissection. Successful migration from the peritumoral area to the mediastinum was observed for all three tracers up to 60 min after injection. The interlobar lympho-fatty tissue (station ATS 11) revealed an early and preferential accumulation of all three tracers for all tumours assessed and irrespective of the tumour localisation. However, no preferential accumulation in one or two distinct lymph nodes was observed up to 60 min after injection for all three tracers assessed. Intraoperative SLN mapping revealed successful migration of the tracers from the site of peritumoral injection to the mediastinum, but in a diffuse pattern without preferential accumulation in sentinel lymph nodes.
PURPOSE: To investigate six cases of annular cyclitis. METHODS: All patients with impairment of visual acuity underwent complete ophthalmologic examination, color fundus photography, laboratory tests and fluorescein angiography. Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography and B-scan ultrasonography were also performed in three cases in order to diagnose the disease. RESULTS: All patients presented a unilateral or bilateral granulomatous uveitis, associated with inflammatory annular cyclitis. They had a shallow anterior chamber, a mildly elevated intraocular pressure (under 25 mm Hg) and an annular serous retinal detachment. A resolution was observed after specific therapy associated with systemic prednisolone therapy and antiglaucomatous drops. CONCLUSION: This is the first description of an observational study of six patients with inflammatory annular cyclitis.
The initiation of chromosomal replication must be tightly regulated so that the genome is replicated only once per cell cycle. In most bacteria, DnaA binds to the origin of replication and initiates chromosomal replication. DnaA is a dual-function protein that also acts as an important transcription factor that regulates the expression of many genes in bacteria. Thus, understanding how this protein is regulated during the bacterial cell cycle is of major importance. The α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus is an excellent model to study the bacterial cell cycle, mainly because it is possible to isolate synchronized cell cultures and because it initiates the replication of its chromosome once per cell cycle and at a specific time of the cell cycle. This latest feature is of special interest for the major aim of my thesis work, which focused on the temporal and spatial regulation of the activity of the essential DnaA protein in C. crescentus. In Escherichia coli, the Hda protein converts ATP-DnaA into ADP- DnaA by stimulating the ATPase activity of DnaA, to prevent over-initiation of chromosome replication. We propose that there exists a similar mechanism in C. crescentus, which is not only involved in the temporal control of chromosome replication, but also in the control of gene expression. First, we provided evidences indicating that the hydrolysis of the ATP bound to DnaA is essential for the viability of C. crescentus. Our results suggest that ATP-DnaA promotes the initiation of chromosome replication, since we found that cells over-expressing a DnaA protein with a mutated ATPase domain, DnaA(R357A), over-initiated chromosome replication, unlike cells expressing the wild-type DnaA protein at similar levels. By contrast, the DnaA(R357A) protein was less active than DnaA in promoting the transcription of three essential genes, suggesting that these may be more efficiently activated by ADP-DnaA than ATP-DnaA. We propose that the ATP-DnaA to ADP-DnaA switch down-regulates the initiation of DNA replication while activating the transcription of several essential genes involved in subsequent cell cycle events. Second, we studied the role of the HdaA protein, homologous to Hda, in promoting the ATP- DnaA to ADP-DnaA switch in C. crescentus. HdaA is essential for viability and its depletion in the cell leads to an over-replication of the chromosome, indicating that HdaA is a negative regulator of DNA replication. HdaA dynamically co-localizes with the replisome. In this work, we identified DnaN, the β-clamp of the DNA polymerase, as the replisome component that interacts directly with HdaA and that recruits HdaA to the replisome in live C. crescentus cells. We also showed that a mutant HdaA protein that cannot interact or co-localize with DnaN is not functional, indicating that HdaA is probably activated by DnaN. However, we found that another non-functional HdaA protein, mutated in the conserved Arginine finger of its AAA+ domain, was able to localize at the replisome, suggesting that the AAA+ domain of HdaA exerts its essential function after the recruitment of HdaA to the replisome. We propose that HdaA stimulates the ATPase activity of DnaA once DNA replication is ongoing, via its interaction with DnaN and the activity of the two conserved R fingers of DnaA and HdaA. Finally, we created different strains in which HdaA, DnaN or DnaA were over-produced. We observed that the over-production of HdaA seems to lead to a delay in chromosome replication, while the over-production of DnaN had an opposite effect. Our results also indicate that the over-production of DnaA may intensify the over-initiation phenotype of cells depleted for HdaA. We conclude that the dynamic interplay of HdaA and DnaN in the cell contributes to regulating the ATP-DnaA/ADP-DnaA ratio in the cell, to ensure once per cell cycle initiation of chromosomal replication in C. crescentus. Altogether, our work provided important information on the regulation of the activity of DnaA in C. crescentus. Since DnaA, HdaA and DnaN are well-conserved proteins, most of our findings are useful to understand how chromosome replication and gene expression are controlled by DnaA in many other bacterial species. - L'initiation de la réplication des chromosomes doit être précisément régulée de telle sorte que le génome ne soit répliqué qu'une seule fois par cycle cellulaire. Chez la plupart des bactéries, DnaA se lie à l'origine de réplication du chromosome et en initie sa réplication. DnaA est aussi un facteur de transcription qui régule l'expression de nombreux gènes bactériens. De ce fait, il est très important de comprendre comment DnaA est régulée au cours du cycle cellulaire bactérien. L'a-protéobactérie Caulobacter crescentus est un excellent modèle pour étudier le cycle cellulaire bactérien, essentiellement parce qu'il est aisé d'isoler des populations de cellules synchronisées à la même étape du cycle cellulaire et parce que cette bactérie n'initie la réplication de son chromosome qu'une seule fois et à un moment précis de son cycle. Cette dernière caractéristique est particulièrement pertinente pour l'objectif de mon travail doctoral, qui consistait à comprendre comment l'activité de la protéine essentielle DnaA est régulée dans l'espace et dans le temps chez C. crescentus. Chez Escherichia coli, la protéine Hda convertie DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP en stimulant l'activité ATPasique de DnaA, ce qui empêche la sur-initiation de la réplication du chromosome. Nous proposons qu'un mécanisme similaire existe chez C. crescentus. Il serait non seulement nécessaire au contrôle de la réplication du chromosome, mais aussi au contrôle de l'expression de certains gènes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que l'hydrolyse de l'ATP lié à DnaA est un processus essentiel à la viabilité de C. crescentus. Nos résultats suggèrent que DnaA-ATP initie la réplication du chromosome, comme nous avons observé que des cellules qui sur-expriment une protéine DnaA(R357A) mutée sans domaine ATPasique fonctionnel, sur-initie la réplication de leur chromosome, contrairement aux cellules qui sur-expriment la protéine DnaA sauvage à des niveaux équivalents. Au contraire, la protéine DnaA(R357A) était moins active que la protéine DnaA sauvage pour promouvoir la transcription de trois gènes essentiels, ce qui suggère que ces derniers sont peut-être plus efficacement activés par DnaA-ADP que DnaA-ATP. Nous proposons que la conversion de DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP réprime l'initiation de la réplication, tandis qu'elle active la transcription de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans des étapes plus tardives du cycle cellulaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié le rôle de la protéine HdaA, homologue à Hda, dans la conversion de DnaA-ATP en DnaA-ADP chez C. crescentus. Cette protéine est essentielle à la viabilité de C. crescentus et sa déplétion donne des cellules qui sur-initient la réplication de leur chromosome, suggérant que HdaA est un répresseur de la réplication du chromosome. HdaA co-localise de manière dynamique avec le réplisome. Lors de mon travail doctoral, nous avons démontré que DnaN, le β-clamp de l'ADN polymérase, est l'élément qui recrute HdaA au réplisome in vivo. Nous avons aussi montré qu'une protéine HdaA mutante qui ne peut pas interagir ou co-localiser avec DnaN, n'est pas fonctionnelle, ce qui suggère que HdaA est activée par DnaN. Nous avons néanmoins aussi isolé une autre protéine HdaA non fonctionnelle, dont une arginine conservée de son domaine AAA+ était mutée, mais qui pouvait toujours co-localiser avec le réplisome, ce qui suggère que le domaine AAA+ de HdaA est nécessaire après le recrutement de HdaA au réplisome. Nous proposons que HdaA stimule l'activité ATPasique de DnaA qu'une fois que la réplication a commencé, grâce à son interaction avec DnaN et aux deux arginines conservées des protéines HdaA et DnaA. Finalement, nous avons construit différentes souches sur-exprimant HdaA, DnaN ou DnaA. Nous avons observé que la sur-production de HdaA retarde la réplication du chromosome, tandis que la sur-production de DnaN a un effet opposé. Nos observations suggèrent aussi que la sur-expression de DnaA dans des cellules déplétées pour HdaA aggrave leur phénotype de sur-initiation. Nous en concluons que HdaA et DnaN collaborent étroitement et de manière dynamique pour réguler le rapport DnaA-ATP/DnaA-ADP dans la cellule, pour s'assurer que la réplication du chromosome ne soit initiée qu'une seule fois par cycle cellulaire chez C. crescentus. Globalement, notre travail a mis en évidence des informations importantes sur la régulation de l'activité de DnaA chez C. crescentus. Comme DnaA, HdaA et DnaN sont des protéines très conservées, la plupart de nos découvertes sont utiles pour mieux comprendre comment la réplication du chromosome bactérien et l'expression des gènes sont contrôlées par DnaA chez de nombreuses autres espèces bactériennes.
In eukaryotes, Rad51 protein is responsible for the recombinational repair of double-strand DNA breaks. Rad51 monomers cooperatively assemble on exonuclease-processed broken ends forming helical nucleo-protein filaments that can pair with homologous regions of sister chromatids. Homologous pairing allows the broken ends to be reunited in a complex but error-free repair process. Rad51 protein has ATPase activity but its role is poorly understood, as homologous pairing is independent of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. Here we use magnetic tweezers and electron microscopy to investigate how changes of DNA twist affect the structure of Rad51-DNA complexes and how ATP hydrolysis participates in this process. We show that Rad51 protein can bind to double-stranded DNA in two different modes depending on the enforced DNA twist. The stretching mode is observed when DNA is unwound towards a helical repeat of 18.6 bp/turn, whereas a non-stretching mode is observed when DNA molecules are not permitted to change their native helical repeat. We also show that the two forms of complexes are interconvertible and that by enforcing changes of DNA twist one can induce transitions between the two forms. Our observations permit a better understanding of the role of ATP hydrolysis in Rad51-mediated homologous pairing and strand exchange.
OBJECTIVE-Chronic exercise and obesity both increase intra-myocellular triglycerides (IMTGs) despite having opposing effects on insulin sensitivity. We hypothesized that chronically exercise-trained muscle would be characterized by lower skeletal muscle diacylglycerols (DAGs) and ceramides despite higher IMTGs and would account for its higher insulin sensitivity. We also hypothesized that the expression of key skeletal muscle proteins involved in lipid droplet hydrolysis, DAG formation, and fatty-acid partitioning and oxidation would be associated with the lipotoxic phenotype.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-A total of 14 normal-weight, endurance-trained athletes (NWA group) and 7 normal-weight sedentary (NWS group) and 21 obese sedentary (OBS group) volunteers were studied. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by glucose clamps. IMTGs, DAGs, ceramides, and protein expression were measured in muscle biopsies.RESULTS-DAG content in the NWA group was approximately twofold higher than in the OBS group and similar to 50% higher than in the NWS group, corresponding to higher insulin sensitivity. While certain DAG moieties clearly were associated with better insulin sensitivity, other species were not. Ceramide content was higher in insulin-resistant obese muscle. The expression of OXPAT/perilipin-5, adipose triglyceride lipase, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase protein was higher in the NWA group, corresponding to a higher mitochondrial content, proportion of type 1 myocytes, DAGs, and insulin sensitivity.CONCLUSIONS-Total myocellular DAGs were markedly higher in highly trained athletes, corresponding with higher insulin sensitivity, and suggest a more complex role for DAGs in insulin action. Our data also provide additional evidence in humans linking ceramides to insulin resistance. Finally, this study provides novel evidence supporting a role for specific skeletal muscle proteins involved in intramyocellular lipids, mitochondrial oxidative capacity, and insulin resistance. Diabetes 60:2588-2597, 2011
In eukaryotes, heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that associates with numerous client proteins. HtpG, a prokaryotic homolog of Hsp90, is essential for thermotolerance in cyanobacteria, and in vitro it suppresses the aggregation of denatured proteins efficiently. Understanding how the non-native client proteins bound to HtpG refold is of central importance to comprehend the essential role of HtpG under stress. Here, we demonstrate by yeast two-hybrid method, immunoprecipitation assays, and surface plasmon resonance techniques that HtpG physically interacts with DnaJ2 and DnaK2. DnaJ2, which belongs to the type II J-protein family, bound DnaK2 or HtpG with submicromolar affinity, and HtpG bound DnaK2 with micromolar affinity. Not only DnaJ2 but also HtpG enhanced the ATP hydrolysis by DnaK2. Although assisted by the DnaK2 chaperone system, HtpG enhanced native refolding of urea-denatured lactate dehydrogenase and heat-denatured glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. HtpG did not substitute for DnaJ2 or GrpE in the DnaK2-assisted refolding of the denatured substrates. The heat-denatured malate dehydrogenase that did not refold by the assistance of the DnaK2 chaperone system alone was trapped by HtpG first and then transferred to DnaK2 where it refolded. Dissociation of substrates from HtpG was either ATP-dependent or -independent depending on the substrate, indicating the presence of two mechanisms of cooperative action between the HtpG and the DnaK2 chaperone system.
BACKGROUND: The thiomethyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is often recycled as methionine from methylthioadenosine. The corresponding pathway has been unravelled in Bacillus subtilis. However methylthioadenosine is subjected to alternative degradative pathways depending on the organism. RESULTS: This work uses genome in silico analysis to propose methionine salvage pathways for Klebsiella pneumoniae, Leptospira interrogans, Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis and Xylella fastidiosa. Experiments performed with mutants of B. subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa substantiate the hypotheses proposed. The enzymes that catalyze the reactions are recruited from a variety of origins. The first, ubiquitous, enzyme of the pathway, MtnA (methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase), belongs to a family of proteins related to eukaryotic intiation factor 2B alpha. mtnB codes for a methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase. Two reactions follow, that of an enolase and that of a phosphatase. While in B. subtilis this is performed by two distinct polypeptides, in the other organisms analyzed here an enolase-phosphatase yields 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene. In the presence of dioxygen an aci-reductone dioxygenase yields the immediate precursor of methionine, ketomethylthiobutyrate. Under some conditions this enzyme produces carbon monoxide in B. subtilis, suggesting a route for a new gaseous mediator in bacteria. Ketomethylthiobutyrate is finally transaminated by an aminotransferase that exists usually as a broad specificity enzyme (often able to transaminate aromatic aminoacid keto-acid precursors or histidinol-phosphate). CONCLUSION: A functional methionine salvage pathway was experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, in P. aeruginosa. Apparently, methionine salvage pathways are frequent in Bacteria (and in Eukarya), with recruitment of different polypeptides to perform the needed reactions (an ancestor of a translation initiation factor and RuBisCO, as an enolase, in some Firmicutes). Many are highly dependent on the presence of oxygen, suggesting that the ecological niche may play an important role for the existence and/or metabolic steps of the pathway, even in phylogenetically related bacteria. Further work is needed to uncover the corresponding steps when dioxygen is scarce or absent (this is important to explore the presence of the pathway in Archaea). The thermophile T. tengcongensis, that thrives in the absence of oxygen, appears to possess the pathway. It will be an interesting link to uncover the missing reactions in anaerobic environments.
BACKGROUND: Combined simultaneous occlusion of the central retinal artery and central retinal vein occurs very rarely and has been observed in patients with systemic disorders such as leukaemia. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a young man who suffered a combined retinal vascular occlusion with occlusion of the posterior ciliary arteries following blunt trauma to the face with massive haematoma of the lids. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such a sequence of events has been recorded.
BACKGROUND: The central function of dendritic cells (DC) in inducing and preventing immune responses makes them ideal therapeutic targets for the induction of immunologic tolerance. In a rat in vivo model, we showed that dexamethasone-treated DC (Dex-DC) induced indirect pathway-mediated regulation and that CD4+CD25+ T cells were involved in the observed effects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms underlying the acquired immunoregulatory properties of Dex-DC in the rat and human experimental systems. METHODS: After treatment with dexamethasone (Dex), the immunogenicity of Dex-DC was analyzed in T-cell proliferation and two-step hyporesponsiveness induction assays. After carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester labeling, CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cell expansion was analyzed by flow cytometry, and cytokine secretion was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: In this study, we demonstrate in vitro that rat Dex-DC induced selective expansion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, which were responsible for alloantigen-specific hyporesponsiveness. The induction of regulatory T-cell division by rat Dex-DC was due to secretion of interleukin (IL)-2 by DC. Similarly, in human studies, monocyte-derived Dex-DC were also poorly immunogenic, were able to induce T-cell anergy in vitro, and expand a population of T cells with regulatory functions. This was accompanied by a change in the cytokine profile in DC and T cells in favor of IL-10. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that Dex-DC induced tolerance by different mechanisms in the two systems studied. Both rat and human Dex-DC were able to induce and expand regulatory T cells, which occurred in an IL-2 dependent manner in the rat system.
PURPOSE: To report the time course of retinal morphologic changes in a patient with acute retinal pigment epithelitis (ARPE) using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). METHODS: A 30-year old man was referred for blurred vision of his right eye after five days that appeared suddenly 15 days after recovery from a flu-like syndrome. SD-OCT was performed immediately, followed by fluorescein and infracyanine angiography at eight days and then at three weeks. RESULTS: At presentation, a bubble of sub-macular deposit was observed on the right macula with central golden micronodules in a honeycomb pattern. SD-OCT showed an "anterior dislocation" of all the retinal layers up to the inner/outer segment (IS/OS) line and irregular deposits at the OS level together with thickening of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) layer. As visual acuity increased, eight days later, the OCT showed reduction of the sub-retinal deposits and an abnormal hyperflectivity of the sub-retinal and RPE layers was observed. The patient showed a positive serology for picornavirus. DISCUSSION: The acute SD-OCT sections of this patient with ARPE were compared with histological sections of a 35 day old Royal College of Surgeons rat. Similar findings could be observed, with preservation of the IS/OS line and accumulation of debris at the OS level, suggesting that ARPE symptoms could result from a transient phagocytic dysfunction of the RPE at the fovea, inducing reversible accumulation of undigested OS. Picornaviruses comprising enterovirus and coxsachievirus described as being associated with acute chorioretinitis. In this case, it was responsible for ARPE. CONCLUSION: We hypothesize that ARPE syndrome results from a transient dysfunction of RPE, which can occur as a post viral reaction.