996 resultados para few-cycle pulse


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Le but de cette thèse a été d'investiguer la relation entre, d'une part le temps de propagation de l'onde de pouls artérielle du coeur vers les membres inférieurs, et d'autre part le temps séparant, au niveau de l'aorte ascendante, la génération de l'onde antérograde du retour des ondes réfléchies. Le principe de la méthode employée a été de mesurer ces deux temps par deux méthodes indépendantes, ce en les faisant varier par changement rapide de la position du corps, chez sujets humains volontaires. Le facteur gravitationnel a en effet une influence majeure sur la pression transmurale des artères, dont dépend largement la vitesse de propagation des ondes de pouls, tant dans le sens antérograde que rétrograde. Vingt sujets jeunes, en bonne santé, dontIO hommes et 10 femmes, ont été examinés sur une table de tilt, dans deux positions différentes : tête vers le bas (angle de tilt : - 10°) et tête vers le haut (+45°).Dans chaque position, le temps de propagation carotido- femorale (Tcf, succédané du temps aorto-fémoral) et carotido-tibial (Tct, succédané du temps aorto-tibial) a été mesuré avec l'appareil Complior. De même, dans chaque position la pression aortique centrale a été enregistrée par tonométrie radiale en utilisant l'appareil SphygmoCor qui applique une fonction de transfert généralisé pour reconstruire la forme de l'onde de pouls aortique. L'analyse de celle-ci permet ensuite de calculer les temps d'aller-retour des ondes réfléchies atteignant l'aorte pendant la systole (début de l'onde réfléchie, sT1 r) et pendant la diastole (temps de transit moyen de l'onde diastolique réfléchie dMTT). Le changement de position de tête vers le haut à tête vers le bas, a provoqué une augmentation importante du temps de propagation Tct (chez le femmes de 130±10 à 185±18msec, P<0,001 et chez les hommes de 136±9 à 204±18msec P<0.001) ainsi que du temps moyen de transition de l'onde diastolique réfléchie dMTT (chez les femmes de 364±35 à 499±33msec P<0,001 et chez les hommes de 406±22 à 553±21msec, P<0,001). Un modèle de régression mixte montre qu'entre les deux positions, les variations de dMTT sont environ le double de celles de Tct (coefficient de régression 2.1; 95% intervalle de confiance 1.9-2,3, P<0,001). Ces résultats suggèrent que les ondes diastoliques observées dans l'onde de pouls aortique central reconstruites par tonométrie radiale, correspondent, du moins en partie, aux ondes réfléchies générées au niveau des membres inférieurs.


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The reproductive biology of the Mediterranean Snake cel, Ophichthus Rufus (Ophichthidae), was studied on the basis of microscopic and macroscopic analysis. Results show that O.rufus is an oviparous species with a group synchronous ovary type. The maturation process of the gonads starts in December and progress until August, when ovulation and a pawing take place. It is a fractional spawned with buoyant eggs. Potential annual fecundity estimates ranged from 1426 to 23.605 oocytes. Except for small sizes, a clear predominance of females was observed


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Most fishes produce free-living embryos that are exposed to environmental stressors immediately following fertilization, including pathogenic microorganisms. Initial immune protection of embryos involves the chorion, as a protective barrier, and maternally-allocated antimicrobial compounds. At later developmental stages, host-genetic effects influence susceptibility and tolerance, suggesting a direct interaction between embryo genes and pathogens. So far, only a few host genes could be identified that correlate with embryonic survival under pathogen stress in salmonids. Here, we utilized high-throughput RNA-sequencing in order to describe the transcriptional response of a non-model fish, the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea, to infection, both in terms of host genes that are likely manipulated by the pathogen, and those involved in an early putative immune response. Embryos were produced in vitro, raised individually, and exposed at the late-eyed stage to a virulent strain of the opportunistic fish pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. The pseudomonad increased embryonic mortality and affected gene expression substantially. For example, essential, upregulated metabolic pathways in embryos under pathogen stress included ion binding pathways, aminoacyl-tRNA-biosynthesis, and the production of arginine and proline, most probably mediated by the pathogen for its proliferation. Most prominently downregulated transcripts comprised the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, the citrate cycle, and various isoforms of b-cell transcription factors. These factors have been shown to play a significant role in host blood cell differentiation and renewal. With regard to specific immune functions, differentially expressed transcripts mapped to the complement cascade, MHC class I and II, TNF-alpha, and T-cell differentiation proteins. The results of this study reveal insights into how P. fluorescens impairs the development of whitefish embryos and set a foundation for future studies investigating host pathogen interactions in fish embryos.


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Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA breaks, especially double-stranded breaks (DSBs), by activating the DNA damage response (DDR), which encompasses DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint signaling. The DNA damage signal is transmitted to the checkpoint machinery by a network of specialized DNA damage-recognizing and signal-transducing molecules. However, recent evidence suggests that DNA repair proteins themselves may also directly contribute to the checkpoint control. Here, we investigated the role of homologous recombination (HR) proteins in normal cell cycle regulation in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. For this purpose, we used Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells expressing the Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators (Fucci). Systematic siRNA-mediated knockdown of HR genes in these cells demonstrated that the lack of several of these factors alters cell cycle distribution, albeit differentially. The knock-down of MDC1, Rad51 and Brca1 caused the cells to arrest in the G2 phase, suggesting that they may be required for the G2/M transition. In contrast, inhibition of the other HR factors, including several Rad51 paralogs and Rad50, led to the arrest in the G1/G0 phase. Moreover, reduced expression of Rad51B, Rad51C, CtIP and Rad50 induced entry into a quiescent G0-like phase. In conclusion, the lack of many HR factors may lead to cell cycle checkpoint activation, even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage, indicating that these proteins may play an essential role both in DNA repair and checkpoint signaling.


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De plus en plus de substances chimiques sont émises et détectées dans l'environnement.Parmi ces substances, on trouve les herbicides qui sont utilisés en agriculture pour luttercontre la présence des mauvaises herbes. Après leur application sur les sols, les herbicidespeuvent être entrainés par les eaux de pluie jusque dans les ruisseaux et les rivières. Lesconcentrations de ces substances varient donc de manière importante dans les systèmesaquatiques en période de pluie ou en période de temps sec. Des pics élevés de concentrationssont suivis de période de concentrations très faibles ou nulles. Les herbicides présents dans lescours d'eau peuvent engendrer des effets toxiques sur les algues et les plantes aquatiques. Orles tests classiques d'écotoxicologie effectués en laboratoire sont réalisés en exposant lesespèces vivantes à des polluants de manière continue. Ils ne permettent donc pas d'évaluer leseffets des concentrations fluctuantes comme celles des herbicides. Le but de cette thèse estd'étudier et de modéliser les effets des concentrations fluctuantes d'herbicide sur les espècesde microalgues vertes Scenedesmus vacuolatus et Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Desexpériences en laboratoire ont également été effectuées dans le but de valider le modèle.Quatre herbicides ont été testés. Il s'agit de l'atrazine (utilisé jusqu'à récemment pour lemaïs), du diuron (utilisé dans la vigne), de l'isoproturon (utilisé pour les céréales) et du Smétolachlore(utilisé pour le maïs). Les résultats de ce travail de thèse indiquent que les effetsdes concentrations fluctuantes d'herbicide peuvent être modélisés sur des algues d'eau douce.Le modèle est relativement simple pour les inhibiteurs de la photosynthèse tels que l'atrazine,le diuron ou l'isoproturon. Il nécessite la connaissance de deux paramètres, le taux decroissance de l'algue sans polluant et la courbe dose-réponse pour chaque substance.Cependant, des expériences supplémentaires doivent être réalisées si la substance étudiéeinduit un délai de l'effet et du rétablissement ou si une algue est cultivée avec une autre alguedans le même milieu de croissance. Le modèle pourrait également être adapté pour tenircompte des mélanges de substances. Appliqué pour prédire les effets sur les algues descénarios réels, le modèle montre que les longs pics de concentrations jouent le rôle le plusimportant. Il est donc crucial de les mesurer lors du monitoring des cours d'eau. D'autre part,une évaluation du risque effectuée avec ce modèle montre que l'impact des pics deconcentrations sur les espèces les plus sensibles est total. Cela met en évidence, une fois deplus, l'importance de tenir compte de ces concentrations fluctuantes dans l'évaluation durisque environnemental des herbicides, mais également des autres polluants.


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Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.


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Energy consumption and energy efficiency have become an issue. Energy consumption is rising all over the world and because of that, and the climate change, energy is becoming more and more expensive. Buildings are major consumers of energy, and inside the buildings the major consumers are heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. They usually run at constant speed without efficient control. In most cases HVAC equipment is also oversized. Traditionally heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems have been sized to meet conditions that rarely occur. The theory part in this thesis represents the basics of life cycle costs and calculations for the whole life cycle of a system. It also represents HVAC systems, equipment, systems controls and ways to save energy in these systems. The empirical part of this thesis represents life cycle cost calculations for HVAC systems. With these calculations it is possible to compute costs for the whole life cycle for the wanted variables. Life cycle costs make it possible to compare which variable causes most of the costs from the whole life point of view. Life cycle costs were studied through two real life cases which were focused on two different kinds of HVAC systems. In both of these cases the renovations were already made, so that the comparison between the old and the new, now existing system would be easier. The study indicates that energy can be saved in HVAC systems by using variable speed drive as a control method.


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The present work was undertaken to investigate, in young healthy volunteers, the relationships between the forward propagation times of arterial pressure waves and the timing of reflected waves observable on the aortic pulse, in the course of rapid changes in body position. 20 young healthy subjects, 10 men, and 10 women, were examined on a tilt table at two different tilt angles, -10° (Head-down) and + 45° (Head-up). In each position, carotid-femoral (Tcf) and carotid-tibial forward propagation times (Tct) were measured with the Complior device. In each position also, the central aortic pressure pulse was recorded with radial tonometry, using the SphygmoCor device and a generalized transfer function, so as to evaluate the timing of reflected waves reaching the aorta in systole (onset of systolic reflected wave, sT1r) and diastole (mean transit time of diastolic reflected wave, dMTT). The position shift from Head-up to Head-down caused a massive increase in both Tct (women from 130 ± 10 to 185 ± 18 msec P < 0.001, men from 136 ± 9 to 204 ± 18 msec P < 0.001) and dMTT (women from 364 ± 35 to 499 ± 33 msec P < 0.001, men from 406 ± 22 to 553 ± 21 msec P < 0.001). Mixed model regression showed that the changes in Tct and dMTT observed between Head-up and Head-down were tightly coupled (regression coefficient 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.9-2.3, P < 0.001). These results strongly suggest that the diastolic waves observed on central aortic pulses reconstructed from radial tonometric correspond at least in part to reflections generated in the lower limbs.


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Estimation of human oxygen uptake (V˙o2) during exercise is often used as an alternative when its direct measurement is not feasible. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests estimating human V˙o2 during exercise on a cycle ergometer through an equation that considers individual's body mass and external work rate, but not pedaling rate (PR). We hypothesized that including PR in the ACSM equation would improve its V˙o2 prediction accuracy. Ten healthy male participants' (age 19-48 years) were recruited and their steady-state V˙o2 was recorded on a cycle ergometer for 16 combinations of external work rates (0, 50, 100, and 150 W) and PR (50, 70, 90, and 110 revolutions per minute). V˙o2 was calculated by means of a new equation, and by the ACSM equation for comparison. Kinematic data were collected by means of an infrared 3-D motion analysis system in order to explore the mechanical determinants of V˙o2. Including PR in the ACSM equation improved the accuracy for prediction of sub-maximal V˙o2 during exercise (mean bias 1.9 vs. 3.3 mL O2 kg(-1) min(-1)) but it did not affect the accuracy for prediction of maximal V˙o2 (P > 0.05). Confirming the validity of this new equation, the results were replicated for data reported in the literature in 51 participants. We conclude that PR is an important determinant of human V˙o2 during cycling exercise, and it should be considered when predicting oxygen consumption.


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But de l'étude Un enregistrement spécifique EMG du sphincter strié urétral avec décharges répétitives et complexes ainsi que salves de décélération a été décrit comme pathognomonique du syndrome de Fowler, un trouble de la relaxation du sphincter strié urétral chez la femme jeune responsable d'une retention urinaire. Nous avons souhaité étudier la présence de cet enregistrement EMG spécifique chez la femme asymptomatique, ceci à différents moments du cycle menstruel. Matériel et Méthode Nous avons recruté des femmes volontaires saines âgées entre 20 et 40 ans, ayant un cycle hormonal régulier, et ne présentant aucun symptôme urinaire. Les critères d'exclusion étaient la presence d'une dysfonction mictionnelle, d'une infection urinaire, la grossesse, la prise d'une thérapie hormonale ou d'hormone contraceptive, une obésité et des antécédants d'intervention pelvienne. Nous avons procédé à deux enregistrements EMG du sphincter strié urétral des participantes éligibles, utilisant une aiguille concentrique, ceci dans la première phase du cycle (phase folliculaire) et dans la dernière phase du cycle (phase lutéale). Les taux sériques de progestérone et d'oestrogène étaient mesurés à chaque enregistrement. Résultats 15 participantes ont complété l'étude. L' enregistrement EMG du sphincter a été positif avec présence de décharges répétitives et de salves de décélération lors d'une ou des deux phases du cycle menstruel chez 8 participantes (53%). Trois participantes présentaient cet enregistrement spécifique lors des deux phases du cycle et cinq participantes présentaient cet enregistrement spécifique lors de la phase lutéale uniquement. Aucune femme ne présentait cet enregistrement spécifique en début de cycle uniquement. Il n'y avait pas de relation avec l'âge, la parité ou les taux hormonaux. Conclusions L'enregistrement EMG spécifique du sphincter strié urétral, avec décharges répétitives et salves de décélération, se retrouve chez une proportion élevée de femmes asymptomatiques. Il a été montré que ce tracé change lors du cycle menstruel, en étant retrouvé plus fréquemment dans la dernière phase du cycle. L'importance de cet enregistrement EMG dans l'étiologie de la retention urinaire de la femme jeune reste à éclaircir. Nous devons considérer que sa présence ne pose pas automatiquement un diagnostic de syndrome de Fowler chez la femme en rétention urinaire.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Alphaproteobacteria include many medically and environmentally important organisms. Despite the diversity of their niches and lifestyles, from free-living to host-associated, they usually rely on very similar mechanisms to control their cell cycles. Studies on Caulobacter crescentus still lay the foundation for understanding the molecular details of pathways regulating DNA replication and cell division and coordinating these two processes with other events of the cell cycle. This review highlights recent discoveries on the regulation and the mode of action of conserved global regulators and small molecules like c-di-GMP and (p)ppGpp, which play key roles in cell cycle control. It also describes several newly identified mechanisms that modulate cell cycle progression in response to stresses or environmental conditions.


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The tourism image is an element that conditions the competitiveness of tourism destinations by making them stand out in the minds of tourists. In this context, marketers of tourism destinations endeavour to create an induced image based on their identity and distinctive characteristics.A number of authors have also recognized the complexity of tourism destinations and the need for coordination and cooperation among all tourism agents, in order to supply a satisfactory tourist product and be competitive in the tourism market. Therefore, tourism agents at the destination need to develop and integrate strategic marketing plans.The aim of this paper is to determine how cities of similar cultures use their resources with the purpose of developing a distinctive induced tourism image to attract tourists and the extent of coordination and cooperation among the various tourism agents of a destination in the process of induced image creation.In order to accomplish these aims, a comparative analysis of the induced image of two cultural cities is presented, Girona (Spain) and Perpignan (France). The induced image is assessed through the content analysis of promotional brochures and the extent of cooperation with in-depth interviews of the main tourism agents of these destinations.Despite the similarities of both cities in terms of tourism resources, results show the use of different attributes to configure the induced image of each destination, as well as a different configuration of the network of tourism agents that participate in the process of induced image creation