971 resultados para eggshell porosity and conductance
A suite of petrophysical properties - velocity, resistivity, bulk density, porosity, and matrix density - was measured on 88 core plugs from the CRP-3 drillhole. Core-plug bulk densities were used to recalibrate both whole-core and downhole bulk density logs. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the whole-core and downhole bulk density logs to porosity. Both velocity and formation factor (a normalized measure of resistivity) are strongly correlated with porosity. The velocity/porosity pattern is similar to that for the lower part of CRP-2A and is consistent with the empirical relationship for sandstones. Core-plug and whole-core measurements of P-wave velocity at atmospheric pressure exhibit excellent agreement. Measurements of velocity as a function of pressure indicate a significantly higher velocity sensitivity to pressure than has been observed at CRP-1 and CRP-2A; rebound or presence of microcracks at CRP-3 may be responsible. The percentage difference between velocities at in situ pressures and atmospheric pressures increases downhole from 0% at the seafloor to 9% at the bottom. This pattern can be used to correct whole-core velocity data, measured at atmospheric pressure, to in situ velocities for depth-to-time conversion and associated comparison to the seismic profile across the drillsite
La cuenca del Río Quequén Grande constituye una región representativa de los sistemas agrícolas pampeanos. El acuífero en esta región es la principal fuente de abastecimiento de agua para todos los usos, lo que pone de manifiesto la importancia de desarrollar los elementos necesarios para el estudio de la movilidad de los contaminantes a través de los suelos hacia la zona saturada. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue obtener parámetros hidráulicos bajo condiciones de saturación en columnas intactas de distintos tipos de suelos de la región, contemplando suelos de uso agrícola y natural. Se estudiaron dos series de suelo: Serie Azul y Serie Semillero Buck, con muestras tomadas en dos sectores próximos a las localidades de Lobería y La Dulce, respectivamente. Las columnas fueron eluidas con una solución acuosa de iones cloruro y se midió el incremento progresivo de conductividad. A partir de las curvas de arribo obtenidas, se ajustó la ecuación de transporte, obteniendo los valores de dispersividad y porosidad. Dichos parámetros no presentaron diferencias significativas según el uso para los suelos de Lobería, de textura franco arcillosa, indicando que la labranza no produciría modificaciones evidentes en el perfil del suelo. En La Dulce, donde los suelos poseen una textura más arenosa, los parámetros variaron según el uso del suelo, presentando una mayor dispersividad y menor porosidad del suelo bajo explotación agrícola extensiva.
During the International Indian Ocean Expedition (1964/65) sediment cores were taken on six profiles off the western coast of the Indian Subcontinent. These profiles run approximately perpendicular to the coast, from the deep-sea over the continental slope to the continental shelf. Additional samples and cores were taken in a dense pattern in front of the delta of the Indus River. This pattern of sampling covered not only marine sediments, but also river and beach sediments in Pakistan. The marine samples were obtained with piston, gravity and box corers and by a Van Veen grab sampler. The longest piston core is about 5 meters long. 1. Distribution of the elements on the sediment surface The area of maximal carbonate values (aprox. 80-100% CaCO3) essentially coincides with the continental shelf. The highest Sr values were observed largely within this area, but only in the vicinity of the Gulf of Cambay. Mainly the aragonitic coprolites are responsible for those high Sr contents. The Mg contents of the carbonates are comparatively low; surprisingly enough the highest Mg concentrations were also measured in the coprolites. The maximum contents of organic matter (Core) were found along the upper part of the continental slope. They coincide with the highest porosity and water content of the sediments. Frequently the decomposition of organic matter by oxydation is responsible for the measured Corg contents. On the other side the quantity of originally deposited organic material is less important in most cases. The enrichment of the "bauxitophile" elements Fe, Ti, Cr and V in the carbonate- and quartz-free portions of the sediments is essentially due to the influence of coarse terrigenous detritus. For the elements Mn, Ni and Cu (in per cent of the carbonateand quartz-free sediment) a strong enrichment was observed in the deep-sea realm. The strong increase in Mn toward the deep-sea is explained by authigenesis of Mn-Fe-concretions. Mn-nodules form only under oxydizing conditions which obviously are possible only at very low rates of deposition. The Mg, B and, probably also Mn contents in the clay minerals increase with increasing distance from the continent. This can be explained by the higher adsorption of those elements from sea water because of increasing duration of the clay mineral transport. The comparison of median contents of some elements in our deep-sea samples with deep-sea sediments described by TUREKIAN & WEDEPOHL (1961) shows that clear differences in concentration exist only in the case of "bauxitophile" elements Cr and Be. The Cr and Be contents show a clear increase in the Indian Ocean deep-sea samples compared to those described by TUREKIAn & WEDEPOHL (1961) which can obviously be attributed to the enrichment in the lateritic and bauxitic parent rocks. The different behaviour of the elements Fe, Ti and Mn during decomposition of the source rocks, transport to the sea and during oxydizing and reducing conditions in the marine environment can be illustrated by Ti02/Fe and MnO/Fe ratios. The different compositions of the sediments off the Indus Delta and those of the remaining part of the area investigated are characterized by a different distribution of the elements Mn and Ti. 2. Chemical inhomogenities in the sediments Most longer cores show 3 intervals defined by chemical and sedimentological differences. The top-most interval is coarse-grained, the intermedial interval is fine grained and the lower one again somewhat coarser. At the same time it is possible to observe differences from interval to interval in the organogenic and detrital constituents. During the formation of the middle interval different conditions of sedimentation from those active during the previous and subsequent periods have obviously prevailed. Looking more closely at the organogenic constituents it is remarkable that during the formation of the finer interval conditions of a more intensive oxydation have prevailed that was the case before and after: Core decreases, whereas P shows a relative increase. This may be explained by slower sedimentation rate or by a vertical migration of the oxygen rich zone of the sea-water. The modifications of the elements from minerals in detrital portion of the sediments support an explanation ascribing this fact to modifications of the conditions of denudation and transportation which can come about through a climatic change or through tectonic causes. The paleontological investigations have shown (ZOBEL, in press) that in some of the cores the middle stratum of fine sedimentation represents optimal conditions for organic life. This fact suggests also oxydizing conditions during the sedimentation of this interval. In addition to the depositional stratification an oxydation zone characterized by Mn-enrichment can be recognized. The thickness of the oxidation zone decreases towards the coast and thins out along the middle part of the continental slope. At those places, where the oxydation zone is extremely thin, enrichment of Mn has its maximum. This phenomenon can probably be attributed to the migration of Mn taking place in its dissociated form within the sediment under reducing conditions. On the other side this Mn-migration in the sediment does not take place in the deep-sea, where oxydizing conditions prevail. 3. Interstitial waters in the sediments Already at very small core depths, the interstitial waters have undergone a distinct modification compared with the overlying sea water. This distinct modification applies both to total salinity and to the individual ions. As to the beginning of diagenesis the following conclusions can be drawn: a) A strong K-increase occurs already at an early stage. It may be attributable to a diffusion barrier or to an exchange of Mg-ions on the clays. Part of this increase may also originate from the decomposition of K-containing silicates (mica and feldspars). A K-decrease owing to the formation of illite (WEAVER 1967), however, occurs only at much greater sediment depth. b) Because of an organic protective coating, the dissolution of carbonate is delayed in recent organogenic carbonates. At the same time some Ca is probably being adsorbed on clay minerals. Consequently the Ca-content of the interstitial water drops below the Ca-content of the sea water. c) Already at an early stage the Mg adsorption on the clays is completed. The adsorbed Mg is later available for diagenetic mineral formations and transformations.
Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) studies at Site 570 on the landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala allow for the first time a quantitative estimate of the methane hydrate content in the massive mudstones deposited there. Drilling across the Guatemalan transect on DSDP Legs 67 and 84 has resulted in the greatest number of visual observations of gas hydrate in any marine area. At Site 570, a 1.5-m-long section of massive methane hydrate was unexpectedly cored in an area where none of the usual signs of gas hydrate in seismic records were present. The sediment section is similar to that recovered at the other eight sites off Guatemala, but drilling at Site 570 may have penetrated through a fault zone that provided the space for accumulation of massive gas hydrate. The methane hydrate was analyzed using the following well logs: density, sonic, resistivity, gamma-ray, caliper, neutron porosity, and temperature. The density, sonic, and resistivity logs define a 15-m-thick hydrated zone within which a 4-m-thick nearly pure hydrate section is contained. The methane gas content ranges from 240 m**3 to 1400 m**3 per m**2 of lateral extent; and if the body extends a square kilometer, its total volume of stored gas could be from 240*10**6m**3 to 1400*10**6m**3. Because the acoustic impedance of hydrate calculated from the sonic and density logs shows no anomalous values, the shape and extent of the hydrate body cannot be defined in seismic records. Thus the body is theoretically nonreflective in contrast to the base of the hydrate reflection. The base of the gas hydrate reflection is presumed to be the result of the velocity contrast between sediment containing gas hydrate and sediment containing free gas.
The sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 565 and University of Texas Marine Science Institute Cores IG-24-7-38 to -42 taken on the landward slope of the Middle America Trench exhibit characteristics of material subject to reworking during downslope mass flow. These characteristics include a generally homogeneous texture, lack of sedimentary structures, pervasive presence of a penetrative scaly fabric, and presence of transported benthic foraminifers. Although these features occur throughout the sediments examined, trends in bulk density, porosity, and water content, and abrupt shifts in these index physical properties and in sediment magnetic properties at Site 565 indicate that downslope sediment creep is presently most active in the upper 45 to 50 m of sediment. It cannot be determined whether progressive dewatering of sediment has brought the material at this depth to a plastic limit at which sediment can no longer flow (thus resulting in its accretion to the underlying sediments) or whether this depth represents a surface along which slumping has occurred. We suspect both are true in part, that is, that mass movements and downslope reworking accumulate sediments in a mobile layer of material that is self-limiting in thickness.
A detailed study has been made of the physical properties of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 395A. The properties include: density, porosity, compressional and shear wave velocity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical resistivity. Of particular importance are the relations among the parameters. Most of the variations in the basalt properties follow the porosity, with smaller inferred dependence on pore structure, original mineralogy differences, and alteration. The sample measurements give very similar results to (and extend previous data from) Mid-Atlantic Ridge drillholes, the sample data from this site and previous data are used to estimate relations between porosity and other large-scale physical properties of the upper oceanic crust applicable to this area. These relations are important for the analysis and interpretation of downhole logging measurements and marine geophysical data.
Samples obtained in Hole 803D for shipboard determination of index properties were analyzed to determine their microfossil constituents. The resulting data are compared to shipboard-measured physical properties data to assess the relationships between small-scale fluctuations in physical properties and microfossil content and preservation. The establishment of relationships involving index properties of these highly calcareous sediments is difficult because of the role of intraparticle porosity. Relationships were observed between calculated interparticle porosity and microfossil content. Impedance, calculated using bulk density based on interparticle porosity, exhibits an increase with increasing grain size. Variations in the coarse fraction constituents appear to exert more control over physical properties than variations in the fine-fraction constituents, although the fine fraction make up greater than 85% of the samples by weight.
A method was developed to measure porosity and dissolved interstitial silicate at millimeter intervals or less in a sediment core. In cores from Emerald Basin (Scotian Shelf), interstitial concentrations near the sediment surface did not drop rapidly to bottom-water concentrations as measured in bottle casts (28 µM) but remained as high as 166 µM in the upper 0.5 mm of sediment High rates of benthic silicate release were measured which could not be accounted for by interstitial concentration gradients or by ventilation of macro-invertebrate burrows. The silicate discontinuity observed between the sediments and water column suggests that a diffusive sublayer exists in a zone of viscous flow above the sediment surface. This is possible only if a surface reaction is primarily responsible for silicate release. By assuming a linear concentration gradient across this diffusive sublayer, the silicate release rates were used to estimate the thickness of the sublayer to be about 2 mm.
Clay mineralogic and inorganic geochemical investigations of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments of the western Gulf of Mexico lead to the following main conclusions. (1) Transition of lowermost Cretaceous continental to marine sedimentation is marked by a clay evaporitic stage, north of the Campeche Escarpment. (2) Existence of combined mineralogic and geochemical stratigraphy allows us to propose correlations between Sites 535 and 540, especially for the Albian. (3) Predominance of detrital clay assemblages is indicative of hot and variably humid continental climate until the early late Cenozoic. (4) Tectonic destabilization of the margins of Gulf of Mexico occurred at different periods, especially until the middle Cretaceous, with a mixed erosion of rocks and soils and temporary oxidized conditions of deposition. (5) Successive developments of confined perimarine basins occurred from the earliest Cretaceous until the Miocene, chiefly in the Florida area. The sources of inorganic materials were chiefly situated on the east of the studied area until the late Tertiary and after that in the Mississippi River basin. (6) Occasionally, volcanic activity influenced the clay mineralogy and mainly the geochemistry, and possibly contributed to the rather strong magnesian character of the deposition until the late Paleogene. (7) The argillaceous diagenesis is weak; variability of the carbonate diagenesis is marked by the relation Sr = f(CaO) and chiefly depends on the depth of burial, the clay content, the porosity, and the geologic age.
The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from Holes 842A and 842B of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The sediments consist of a combination of terrigenous (quartz, plagioclase, smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite), volcaniclastic (augite, plagioclase, and volcanic glass), and diagenetic minerals (smectite, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and opal-CT). Although biogenic silica (radiolarians and diatoms) is common in near-seafloor (<10 mbsf) sediments, biogenic calcite is rare. Variations with depth in abundances of the terrigenous minerals reflect temporal changes in the flux of eolian material to the site. Volcanogenic material derived from the Hawaiian Islands is present in lithologic Unit 1 (0-19.9 meters below seafloor) both as discrete layers and as finely disseminated silt- and clay-sized material. Volcanic glass is present only in the upper 10 m of the sediment column. In Unit 2 (19.9-35.7 mbsf), increased smectite and zeolite abundances with depth as well as indurated, zeolite-rich layers are thought to be the alteration products of volcanogenic material. The source of this older (late Oligocene to middle Miocene) volcanogenic detritus may be continental volcanism. Microfabrics imaged using back-scattered electron imaging reflect the effects of compaction and diagenesis on sediment porosity and matrix structure. As porosity decreases during burial, the matrix changes from an open, floc-like fabric, to an interlocking network of clay mineral domains, and finally to a dense intergrowth of clay minerals and zeolites. Despite the substantial changes in sediment microfabric and mineralogy, correlations between physical and acoustic properties and mineralogy are weak or absent. The sediment has maintained high porosity (>70%), and water content appears to dominate the sediment's physical character and acoustic response.
Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is being absorbed into the ocean, altering seawater chemistry, with potentially negative impacts on a wide range of marine organisms. The early life stages of invertebrates with internal and external aragonite structures may be particularly vulnerable to this ocean acidification. Impacts to cephalopods, which form aragonite cuttlebones and statoliths, are of concern because of the central role they play in many ocean ecosystems and because of their importance to global fisheries. Atlantic longfin squid (Doryteuthis pealeii), an ecologically and economically valuable taxon, were reared from eggs to hatchlings (paralarvae) under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations in replicated experimental trials. Animals raised under elevated pCO2 demonstrated significant developmental changes including increased time to hatching and shorter mantle lengths, although differences were small. Aragonite statoliths, critical for balance and detecting movement, had significantly reduced surface area and were abnormally shaped with increased porosity and altered crystal structure in elevated pCO2-reared paralarvae. These developmental and physiological effects could alter squid paralarvae behavior and survival in the wild, directly and indirectly impacting marine food webs and commercial fisheries.
Con este trabajo se pretende determinar la relación entre las características físicas y mecánicas y la estructura para espumas de aluminio de Al12Si y AA6061 obtenidas por pulvimetalurgia utilizando probetas prismáticas de dimensiones diecisiete por diecisiete por sesenta milímetros. De su estudio mecánico y de análisis de imagen se concluye que las probetas cuyas propiedades físicas y mecánicas están moderadamente por encima de la media poseen mayor número de poros medianos y paredes de poro más gruesas. Por el contrario, las propiedades resultan inferiores cuando se presentan estructuras con un mayor número de poros medianos. Aquellas espumas con estructuras obtenidas por una espumación incompleta presentan una menor porosidad y por ello mayores densidades. En aquellos casos donde la estructura presenta una elevada presencia de poros grandes, sus propiedades mecánicas disminuyen. ABSTRACT With this work we are trying to determine the relation between physical and mechanical characteristics and its structure, for Al12Si and AA6061 aluminium foams, obtained by podwer metallurgy. Aluminium foam samples with dimensions of seventeen per seventeen per sixty millimeters were used. After its mechanical and image analysis study, we conclude that samples whose physical and mechanical properties are moderately over the average, they have a major proportion of medium pores and thicker pore walls. Otherwise, properties result to be inferior when a major number of medium pores structures are presented. Those foam structures obtained with an incomplete foaming process show a lower porosity, and so higher densities. Also, properties decrease in those cases in which the structure presents a high presence of big pores.
Hasta ahora, la gran mayoría de los recursos explotados de gas natural procedían de acumulaciones convencionales de gas aislado y de gas asociado y disuelto en el petróleo. Sin embargo, el gas natural se encuentra también en yacimientos que, debido a su baja porosidad y permeabilidad, tienen unas características que hacen que hasta muy recientemente no hayan sido económicamente rentables y que sólo puedan ser explotados mediante técnicas no convencionales, dando lugar al denominado gas no convencional. Las técnicas utilizadas para su extracción son la fracturación hidráulica o “fracking” y la perforación horizontal. Entre los diversos tipos de gas no convencional, es de prever que el gas de pizarra sea el que sufra mayor desarrollo a medio plazo en nuestro país, por lo que se están generando grandes debates, debido al riesgo de contaminación de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas del entorno, provocados por la elevada cantidad de agua utilizada, los aditivos empleados, los fluidos de retorno, por la alteración del medio físico, así como por la dificultad de monitorización de estos procesos. En este proyecto se identifican los riesgos ambientales y sanitarios asociados a la extracción de gas no convencional. El trabajo se basa principalmente en experiencias ocurridas en países donde el fracking se ha convertido en una práctica habitual. Se trata además de establecer las bases necesarias para la estimación de la vulnerabilidad de los acuíferos frente a la contaminación inducida por la fracturación hidráulica. Abstract Until now, most of the natural gas resources exploited were from isolated conventional gas accumulations and associated and dissolved gas in oil. However, the natural gas is also in reservoirs that, due to their low porosity and permeability, have characteristics that make until recently not been economically profitable and can be exploited only by unconventional techniques, leading to the so called unconventional gas. The techniques used for extraction are hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" and horizontal drilling. Among the various types of unconventional gas, it is expected that shale gas is the suffering greater medium-term development in our country, so it is generating much debate, due to the risks of contamination in surface waters and subterranean environment, caused by the high amount of water used, the additives used, the return fluid, by altering the physical environment, and the difficulty of monitoring these processes. In this project identifies the environmental and health risks associated with unconventional gas extraction. The work is mainly based on experiences that occurred in countries where fracking has become a common practice. This is for establish the necessary basis for estimating the vulnerability of aquifers from contamination induced by hydraulic fracturing.
Carbon fiber (CF)-reinforced high-temperature thermoplastics such as poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS) are widely used in structural composites for aerospace and automotive applications. The porosity of CF-reinforced polymers is a very important topic for practical applications since there is a direct correlation between void content and mechanical properties. In this study, inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide (IF-WS2) lubricant nanoparticles were used to manufacture PPS/IF-WS2/CF laminates via melt-blending and hot-press processing, and the effect of IF-WS2 loading on the quality, thermal and mechanical behaviour of the hybrid composites was investigated. The addition of IF-WS2 improved fiber impregnation, resulting in lower degree of porosity and increased delamination resistance, compression and flexural properties; their reinforcement effect was greater at temperatures above the glass transition (Tg). IF-WS2 contents higher than 0.5 wt % increased Tg and the heat deflection temperature while reduced the coefficient of thermal expansion. The multiscale laminates exhibited higher ignition point and notably reduced peak heat release rate compared to PPS/CF. The coexistence of micro- and nano-scale fillers resulted in synergistic effects that enhanced the stiffness, strength, thermal conductivity and flame retardancy of the matrix. The results presented herein demonstrate that the IF-WS2 are very promising nanofillers to improve the thermomechanical properties of conventional thermoplastic/CF composites.