955 resultados para digraphic sequences


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Previous claims that auditory stream segregation occurs in cochlear implant listeners are based on limited evidence. In experiment 1, eight listeners heard tones presented in a 30-s repeating ABA-sequence, with frequencies matching the centre frequencies of the implant's 22 electrodes. Tone A always stimulated electrode 11 (centre of the array); tone B stimulated one of the others. Tone repetition times (TRTs) from 50 to 200 ms were used. Listeners reported when they heard one or two streams. The proportion of time that each sequence was reported as segregated was consistently greater with increased electrode separation. However, TRT had no significant effect, and the perceptual reversals typical of normal-hearing listeners rarely occurred. The results may reflect channel discrimination rather than stream segregation. In experiment 2, six listeners performed a pitch-ranking task using tone pairs (reference = electrode 11). Listeners reported which tone was higher in pitch (or brighter in timbre) and their confidence in the pitch judgement. Similarities were observed in the individual pattern of results for reported segregation and pitch discrimination. Many implant listeners may show little or no sign of automatic stream segregation owing to the reduced perceptual space within which sounds can differ from one another. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To elucidate the structures of orgamc molecules in solution using pulse FT NMR, heteronuclear pulse sequence experiments to probe carbon-13 (13C) and proton (1H) spin systems are invaluable. The one-dimensional insensitive nucleus detected PENDANT experiment finds popular use for structure determination via one-bond 13C-1H scalar couplings. PENDANT facilitates the desired increase in 13C signal-to-noise ratio, and unlike many other pulse sequence experiments (e.g., refocused INEPT and DEPT), allows the simultaneous detection of 13C quaternary nuclei. The tlrst chapter herein details the characterisation of PENDANT and the successful rectification of spectral anomalies that occur when it is used without proton broadband decoupling. Multiple-bond (long-range) l3C-1H scalar coupling correlations can yield important bonding information. When the molecule under scrutiny is devoid of proton spectral crowding, and more sensitive 'inverse' pulse sequence experiments are not available, one may use insensitive nucleus detected long-range selective one-dimensional correlation methods, rather than more time consuming and insensitive multidimensional analogues. To this end a novel long-range selective one-dimensional correlation pulse sequence experiment has been invented. Based on PENDANT, the new experiment is shown to rival the popular selective INEPT technique because it can determine the same correlations while simultaneously detecting isolated 13C quaternary nuclei. INEPT cannot facilitate this, potentially leaving other important quaternary nuclei undetected. The novel sequence has been modified further to yield a second novel experiment that simultaneously yields selective 13C transient nOe data. Consequently, the need to perform the two experiments back-to-back is conveniently removed, and the experimental time reduced. Finally, the SNARE pulse sequence was further developed. SNARE facilitates the reduction of experimental time by accelerating the relaxation of protons upon which pulse sequences, to which SNARE is appended, relies. It is shown, contrary to the original publication, that reiaxation time savings can be derived from negative nOes.


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The present thesis tested the hypothesis of Stanovich, Siegel, & Gottardo (1997) that surface dyslexia is the result of a milder phonological deficit than that seen in phonological dyslexia coupled with reduced reading experience. We found that a group of adults with surface dyslexia showed a phonological deficit that was commensurate with that shown by a group of adults with phonological dyslexia (matched for chronological age and verbal and non-verbal IQ) and normal reading experience. We also showed that surface dyslexia cannot be accounted for by a semantic impairment or a deficit in the verbal learning and recall of lexical-semantic information (such as meaningful words), as both dyslexic subgroups performed the same. This study has replicated the results of our published study that surface dyslexia is not the consequence of a mild retardation or reduced learning opportunities but a separate impairment linked to a deficit in written lexical learning, an ability needed to create novel lexical representations from a series of unrelated visual units, which is independent from the phonological deficit (Romani, Di Betta, Tsouknida & Olson, 2008). This thesis also provided evidence that a selective nonword reading deficit in developmental dyslexia persists beyond poor phonology. This was shown by finding a nonword reading deficit even in the presence of normal regularity effects in the dyslexics (when compared to both reading and spelling-age matched controls). A nonword reading deficit was also found in the surface dyslexics. Crucially, this deficit was as strong as in the phonological dyslexics despite better functioning of the sublexical route for the former. These results suggest that a nonword reading deficit cannot be solely explained by a phonological impairment. We, thus, suggested that nonword reading should also involve another ability relating to the processing of novel visual orthographic strings, which we called 'orthographic coding'. We then investigated the ability to process series of independent units within multi-element visual arrays and its relationship with reading and spelling problems. We identified a deficit in encoding the order of visual sequences (involving both linguistic and nonlinguistic information) which was significantly associated with word and nonword processing. More importantly, we revealed significant contributions to orthographic skills in both dyslexic and control individuals, even after age, performance IQ and phonological skills were controlled. These results suggest that spelling and reading do not only tap phonological skills but also order encoding skills.


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Previous research into formulaic language has focussed on specialised groups of people (e.g. L1 acquisition by infants and adult L2 acquisition) with ordinary adult native speakers of English receiving less attention. Additionally, whilst some features of formulaic language have been used as evidence of authorship (e.g. the Unabomber’s use of you can’t eat your cake and have it too) there has been no systematic investigation into this as a potential marker of authorship. This thesis reports the first full-scale study into the use of formulaic sequences by individual authors. The theory of formulaic language hypothesises that formulaic sequences contained in the mental lexicon are shaped by experience combined with what each individual has found to be communicatively effective. Each author’s repertoire of formulaic sequences should therefore differ. To test this assertion, three automated approaches to the identification of formulaic sequences are tested on a specially constructed corpus containing 100 short narratives. The first approach explores a limited subset of formulaic sequences using recurrence across a series of texts as the criterion for identification. The second approach focuses on a word which frequently occurs as part of formulaic sequences and also investigates alternative non-formulaic realisations of the same semantic content. Finally, a reference list approach is used. Whilst claiming authority for any reference list can be difficult, the proposed method utilises internet examples derived from lists prepared by others, a procedure which, it is argued, is akin to asking large groups of judges to reach consensus about what is formulaic. The empirical evidence supports the notion that formulaic sequences have potential as a marker of authorship since in some cases a Questioned Document was correctly attributed. Although this marker of authorship is not universally applicable, it does promise to become a viable new tool in the forensic linguist’s tool-kit.


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A sequence of constant-frequency tones can promote streaming in a subsequent sequence of alternating-frequency tones, but why this effect occurs is not fully understood and its time course has not been investigated. Experiment 1 used a 2.0-s-long constant-frequency inducer (10 repetitions of a low-frequency pure tone) to promote segregation in a subsequent, 1.2-s test sequence of alternating low- and high-frequency tones. Replacing the final inducer tone with silence substantially reduced reported test-sequence segregation. This reduction did not occur when either the 4th or 7th inducer was replaced with silence. This suggests that a change at the induction/test-sequence boundary actively resets build-up, rather than less segregation occurring simply because fewer inducer tones were presented. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that a constant-frequency inducer produced its maximum segregation-promoting effect after only three tones—this contrasts with the more gradual build-up typically observed for alternating-frequency sequences. Experiment 3 required listeners to judge continuously the grouping of 20-s test sequences. Constant-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than alternating ones; this difference persisted for ~10 s. In addition, resetting arising from a single deviant (longer tone) was associated only with constant-frequency inducers. Overall, the results suggest that constant-frequency inducers promote segregation by capturing one subset of test-sequence tones into an ongoing, preestablished stream, and that a deviant tone may reduce segregation by disrupting this capture. These findings offer new insight into the dynamics of stream segregation, and have implications for the neural basis of streaming and the role of attention in stream formation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)


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A detailed knowledge of the mapping between sequence and structure spaces in populations of RNA molecules is essential to better understand their present-day functional properties, to envisage a plausible early evolution of RNA in a prebiotic chemical environment and to improve the design of in vitro evolution experiments, among others. Analysis of natural RNAs, as well as in vitro and computational studies, show that certain RNA structural motifs are much more abundant than others, pointing out a complex relation between sequence and structure. Within this framework, we have investigated computationally the structural properties of a large pool (10 molecules) of single-stranded, 35 nt-long, random RNA sequences. The secondary structures obtained are ranked and classified into structure families. The number of structures in main families is analytically calculated and compared with the numerical results. This permits a quantification of the fraction of structure space covered by a large pool of sequences. We further show that the number of structural motifs and their frequency is highly unbalanced with respect to the nucleotide composition: simple structures such as stem-loops and hairpins arise from sequences depleted in G, while more complex structures require an enrichment of G. In general, we observe a strong correlation between subfamilies-characterized by a fixed number of paired nucleotides-and nucleotide composition. Our results are compared to the structural repertoire obtained in a second pool where isolated base pairs are prohibited. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The twin arginine translocation (TAT) system ferries folded proteins across the bacterial membrane. Proteins are directed into this system by the TAT signal peptide present at the amino terminus of the precursor protein, which contains the twin arginine residues that give the system its name. There are currently only two computational methods for the prediction of TAT translocated proteins from sequence. Both methods have limitations that make the creation of a new algorithm for TAT-translocated protein prediction desirable. We have developed TATPred, a new sequence-model method, based on a Nave-Bayesian network, for the prediction of TAT signal peptides. In this approach, a comprehensive range of models was tested to identify the most reliable and robust predictor. The best model comprised 12 residues: three residues prior to the twin arginines and the seven residues that follow them. We found a prediction sensitivity of 0.979 and a specificity of 0.942.


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Bacterial lipoproteins have many important functions and represent a class of possible vaccine candidates. The prediction of lipoproteins from sequence is thus an important task for computational vaccinology. Naïve-Bayesian networks were trained to identify SpaseII cleavage sites and their preceding signal sequences using a set of 199 distinct lipoprotein sequences. A comprehensive range of sequence models was used to identify the best model for lipoprotein signal sequences. The best performing sequence model was found to be 10-residues in length, including the conserved cysteine lipid attachment site and the nine residues prior to it. The sensitivity of prediction for LipPred was 0.979, while the specificity was 0.742. Here, we describe LipPred, a web server for lipoprotein prediction; available at the URL: http://www.jenner.ac.uk/LipPred/. LipPred is the most accurate method available for the detection of SpaseIIcleaved lipoprotein signal sequences and the prediction of their cleavage sites.


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A sequence of constant-frequency tones can promote streaming in a subsequent sequence of alternating-frequency tones, but why this effect occurs is not fully understood and its time course has not been investigated. Experiment 1 used a 2.0-s-long constant-frequency inducer (10 repetitions of a low-frequency pure tone) to promote segregation in a subsequent, 1.2-s test sequence of alternating low- and high-frequency tones. Replacing the final inducer tone with silence substantially reduced reported test-sequence segregation. This reduction did not occur when either the 4th or 7th inducer was replaced with silence. This suggests that a change at the induction/test-sequence boundary actively resets build-up, rather than less segregation occurring simply because fewer inducer tones were presented. Furthermore, Experiment 2 found that a constant-frequency inducer produced its maximum segregation-promoting effect after only three tones—this contrasts with the more gradual build-up typically observed for alternating-frequency sequences. Experiment 3 required listeners to judge continuously the grouping of 20-s test sequences. Constant-frequency inducers were considerably more effective at promoting segregation than alternating ones; this difference persisted for ~10 s. In addition, resetting arising from a single deviant (longer tone) was associated only with constant-frequency inducers. Overall, the results suggest that constant-frequency inducers promote segregation by capturing one subset of test-sequence tones into an ongoing, preestablished stream, and that a deviant tone may reduce segregation by disrupting this capture. These findings offer new insight into the dynamics of stream segregation, and have implications for the neural basis of streaming and the role of attention in stream formation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)


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Representational difference analysis (RDA) has great potential for preferential amplification of unique but uncharacterised DNA sequences present in one source such as a whole genome, but absent from a related genome or other complex population of sequences. While a few examples of its successful exploitation have been published, the method has not been well dissected and robust, detailed published protocols are lacking. Here we examine the method in detail, suggest improvements and provide a protocol that has yielded key unique sequences from a pathogenic bacterial genome. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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If ξ is a countable ordinal and (fk) a sequence of real-valued functions we define the repeated averages of order ξ of (fk). By using a partition theorem of Nash-Williams for families of finite subsets of positive integers it is proved that if ξ is a countable ordinal then every sequence (fk) of real-valued functions has a subsequence (f'k) such that either every sequence of repeated averages of order ξ of (f'k) converges uniformly to zero or no sequence of repeated averages of order ξ of (f'k) converges uniformly to zero. By the aid of this result we obtain some results stronger than Mazur’s theorem.


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The purpose of this paper is (1) to highlight some recent and heretofore unpublished results in the theory of multiplier sequences and (2) to survey some open problems in this area of research. For the sake of clarity of exposition, we have grouped the problems in three subsections, although several of the problems are interrelated. For the reader’s convenience, we have included the pertinent definitions, cited references and related results, and in several instances, elucidated the problems by examples.


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The following problem, suggested by Laguerre’s Theorem (1884), remains open: Characterize all real sequences {μk} k=0...∞ which have the zero-diminishing property; that is, if k=0...n, p(x) = ∑(ak x^k) is any P real polynomial, then k=0...n, p(x) = ∑(μk ak x^k) has no more real zeros than p(x). In this paper this problem is solved under the additional assumption of a weak growth condition on the sequence {μk} k=0...∞, namely lim n→∞ | μn |^(1/n) < ∞. More precisely, it is established that the real sequence {μk} k≥0 is a weakly increasing zerodiminishing sequence if and only if there exists σ ∈ {+1,−1} and an entire function n≥1, Φ(z)= be^(az) ∏(1+ x/αn), a, b ∈ R^1, b =0, αn > 0 ∀n ≥ 1, ∑(1/αn) < ∞, such that µk = (σ^k)/Φ(k), ∀k ≥ 0.