975 resultados para depth perception
Objective: This study provides a longitudinal assessment of distress in longer-term oesophageal cancer carers, while examining illness perception schema as a possible determinant of change in distress over time.
Methods: Oesophageal cancer carers (n=171), 48-months post-diagnosis, were assessed at baseline and 12-months later with the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, Cancer Coping Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Concerns About Recurrence Scale.
Results: Findings report deterioration from normal to probable anxiety in 35.7% of carers and probable depression in 28.7% carers over time. Fear of recurrence remained stable. Changes in control, consequence and cause beliefs were identified as key determinants of a change in psychological morbidity.
Conclusions: Illness beliefs appear to be valuable targets for psychological intervention to improve wellbeing among carers of people with oesophageal cancer.
Background: Cachexia has been defined as an on-going loss of skeletal muscle mass that cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support. It can be found in up to 80% of patients with advanced cancer and has profound psycho-social consequences for patients and their families. There is a paucity of studies examining the role and experience of healthcare professionals in relation to cachexia and existing studies suggest that professional staff have limited understanding and do not intervene effectively.
Aim: To identify barriers and facilitators to good practice in cachexia care in order to inform future developments in service provision.
Design: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted employing semi-structured interviews with a range of healthcare professionals recruited purposefully from an Australian hospital. Interviews were conducted in private rooms within the hospital.
Setting/participants: A range of healthcare professionals responsible for cancer care were recruited from a large Australian teaching hospital.
Results: Interviews were conducted with 8 healthcare professionals responsible for delivering cancer care. Four themes were identified: formal and informal education, knowledge and understanding, truth telling in cachexia and palliative care, and, a multi-disciplinary approach. Findings show how improved knowledge and understanding across a staff body can lead to improved staff confidence and a willingness to address cancer cachexia and its consequences with patients and their families.
Conclusion: Comparison with previous studies illustrates the importance of improving knowledge and understanding about cachexia and how this can contribute to staff having the skills and experience necessary to address cachexia and provide an improved care experience for patients and carers.
Accurately encoding the duration and temporal order of events is essential for survival and important to everyday activities, from holding conversations to driving in fast flowing traffic. Although there is a growing body of evidence that the timing of brief events (< 1s) is encoded by modality-specific mechanisms, it is not clear how such mechanisms register event duration. One approach gaining traction is a channel-based model; this envisages narrowly-tuned, overlapping timing mechanisms that respond preferentially to different durations. The channel-based model predicts that adapting to a given event duration will result in overestimating and underestimating the duration of longer and shorter events, respectively. We tested the model by having observers judge the duration of a brief (600ms) visual test stimulus following adaptation to longer (860ms) and shorter (340ms) stimulus durations. The channel-based model predicts perceived duration compression of the test stimulus in the former condition and perceived duration expansion in the latter condition. Duration compression occurred in both conditions, suggesting that the channel-based model does not adequately account for perceived duration of visual events.
O processo de convergência europeu da educação superior, mais conhecido por Processo de Bolonha, tem promovido mudanças profundas ao nível do Ensino Superior (ES). Entre as várias diretrizes propostas, destaca-se a necessidade de se usarem Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), no sentido de promover uma participação mais ativa, participativa e autónoma dos estudantes nos processos de aprendizagem. No entanto, a escassez de estudos abrangentes não permite a construção de uma visão fundamentada do uso de Tecnologias da Comunicação (TC) ao nível do ES. Surge assim a necessidade de se identificar e caracterizar o uso de TC, numa tentativa de construir uma imagem atual sobre quais as TC que são usadas, em que contextos, com que finalidades e como é que o seu uso é percecionado pelos estudantes. A tese aqui apresentada tem, assim, como objetivo principal procurar contribuir para uma compreensão mais alargada do uso de TC no Ensino Superior Público Português (ESPP), partindo das perceções dos estudantes e dando especial enfoque ao estudo da influência do género na perceção e avaliação do uso dessas tecnologias para suporte à aprendizagem. Para a prossecução dos objetivos propostos e, tendo presente a questão de investigação, desenvolveu-se um estudo nacional de cariz descritivo e exploratório, tendo os dados sido recolhidos e tratados com recurso a métodos quantitativos e, posteriormente, interpretados de forma mais qualitativa. A recolha de dados decorreu entre 27 de outubro de 2010 e 11 fevereiro de 2011, período em que esteve disponível para participação um questionário online dirigido a todos os estudantes do ESPP. Durante este período foram levadas a cabo diversas ações de divulgação que visaram, sobretudo, fomentar uma participação elevada neste estudo, o que se traduziu num total de 2.207 respostas validadas. Apesar das limitações identificadas, considera-se que as conclusões deste estudo são significativas sobre as características da realidade atual sobre o uso de TC por parte dos estudantes do ESPP, no sentido em que existiu uma elevada participação no questionário, a maioria das IESPP estão representadas, bem como se identificam muitas semelhanças entre os participantes e o universo em estudo. Os resultados alcançados permitem, assim, conhecer as TC usadas pelos estudantes e identificar diferenças de género na perceção desse uso, com especial evidência na perceção das atitudes, benefícios e problemas, bem como nas atividades e competências para o uso de TC. Conclui-se, ainda, que os alunos reveem utilidade nas TC que utilizam, exprimem grande concordância em relação aos benefícios e têm uma perceção positiva face aos impactos associados ao uso dessas TC.
Esta tese tem como principal objetivo analisar as características, a importância e o papel da inovação territorial em turismo e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento dos destinos. Consiste num estudo multidisciplinar suportado numa exaustiva revisão da literatura sobre temas como desenvolvimento, inovação e modelos de inovação territorial. Com base nas principais conclusões de natureza conceptual, considerou-se o modelo dos sistemas regionais de inovação como o mais adequado para aplicação ao sistema turístico, e a constituição de redes como estruturas fundamentais para a sua operacionalização. A partir desta abordagem teórica, foi desenvolvido um quadro conceptual para a análise da inovação sistémica no sector do turismo. Esta abordagem permitiu a definição de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais foram testadas através dos resultados da parte empírica da tese. Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos distintos, mas complementares nas regiões do Douro e de Aveiro. O primeiro teve como objetivo inquirir empresas turísticas, enquanto o segundo foi dirigido a instituições regionais com intervenção no sector do turismo ou na inovação. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a importantes conclusões sobre o desempenho das empresas e regiões em termos de inovação, os padrões de networking desenvolvidos no âmbito de processos de inovação, a importância do conhecimento existente nas regiões e os fatores específicos das mesmas para a inovação em turismo, a perceção das empresas turísticas sobre o ambiente de inovação e o seu contributo para a evolução e para o sucesso dos destinos turísticos. A tese recorre a uma abordagem quantitativa que inclui estatística descritiva e indutiva e ao método da análise de redes (sociometria). A combinação de métodos levou a importantes conclusões sobre a inovação em turismo, com uma focalização especial no que a relaciona com os sistemas regionais de inovação. As conclusões permitem avançar com um conjunto de implicações e sugestões para futuros projetos de investigação sobre o tema, bem como para a gestão dos destinos turísticos, uma vez que contribui para um maior e mais aprofundado conhecimento do fenómeno da inovação em turismo desenvolvida a nível regional. Os resultados demonstram que diferentes regiões apresentam sistemas regionais de inovação distintos. Assim, não existe um modelo único que possa ser aplicado indistintamente em todas as regiões. Contudo, as conclusões apontam para a existência de padrões e práticas que aperfeiçoam o seu funcionamento, aumentando o desempenho ao nível da inovação, bem como a competitividade global do destino.
This thesis addresses the problem of word learning in computational agents. The motivation behind this work lies in the need to support language-based communication between service robots and their human users, as well as grounded reasoning using symbols relevant for the assigned tasks. The research focuses on the problem of grounding human vocabulary in robotic agent’s sensori-motor perception. Words have to be grounded in bodily experiences, which emphasizes the role of appropriate embodiments. On the other hand, language is a cultural product created and acquired through social interactions. This emphasizes the role of society as a source of linguistic input. Taking these aspects into account, an experimental scenario is set up where a human instructor teaches a robotic agent the names of the objects present in a visually shared environment. The agent grounds the names of these objects in visual perception. Word learning is an open-ended problem. Therefore, the learning architecture of the agent will have to be able to acquire words and categories in an openended manner. In this work, four learning architectures were designed that can be used by robotic agents for long-term and open-ended word and category acquisition. The learning methods used in these architectures are designed for incrementally scaling-up to larger sets of words and categories. A novel experimental evaluation methodology, that takes into account the openended nature of word learning, is proposed and applied. This methodology is based on the realization that a robot’s vocabulary will be limited by its discriminatory capacity which, in turn, depends on its sensors and perceptual capabilities. An extensive set of systematic experiments, in multiple experimental settings, was carried out to thoroughly evaluate the described learning approaches. The results indicate that all approaches were able to incrementally acquire new words and categories. Although some of the approaches could not scale-up to larger vocabularies, one approach was shown to learn up to 293 categories, with potential for learning many more.
A promoção de uma sociedade mais inclusiva tem vindo a refletir-se numa progressiva tomada de consciência das dimensões associadas ao turismo acessível para todos. Ao mesmo tempo, no plano discursivo, assume-se cada vez mais o turismo como um bem social de primeira necessidade, essencial na qualidade de vida. No entanto, também é igualmente reconhecido que o acesso às práticas turísticas, por parte de pessoas com incapacidade, continua a ser moldado por dificuldades de vária ordem, às quais o sector do turismo não tem sabido responder, ou, pelo menos, a perceção consciente deste facto social tem sido muito débil e incipiente. Partindo destes pressupostos, a nossa investigação centrou-se, particularmente, na compreensão das dinâmicas de envolvimento e de participação das pessoas com incapacidade nas atividades turísticas. Concretamente, pretendemos analisar os aspetos associados à experiência das pessoas com incapacidade visual ou incapacidade física, identificando os fatores que restringem (inibidores) e os fatores que afetam a decisão de viajar de forma positiva (os facilitadores), procurando compreender como é que as pessoas se adaptam e se tornam viajantes ativos. Para a concretização deste objetivo utilizou-se um estudo qualitativo, baseado em entrevistas longas, que procurou dar voz aos atores com incapacidade visual e física. O tratamento da informação recolhida foi efetuado com base na análise de conteúdo de tipo temático-categorial. Os resultados assim obtidos permitem extrair as seguintes conclusões principais: a participação em atividades turísticas por parte das pessoas com incapacidade física e visual resulta de um processo dinâmico e interativo, no qual intervêm múltiplos fatores, com influência positiva ou negativa, na confluência do seu contexto pessoal, da sua condição de incapacidade e do seu ambiental social, com um impacto variável nas diferentes etapas do processo.
When developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.
The Editorial on the Research Topic: Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research
More than just a problem with faces: Altered body perception in a group of congenital prosopagnosics
It has been estimated that one out of forty people in the general population suffer from congenital prosopagnosia (CP), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty identifying people by their faces. CP involves impairment in recognising faces, although the perception of non-face stimuli may also be impaired. Given that social interaction does not only depend on face processing, but also the processing of bodies, it is of theoretical importance to ascertain whether CP is also characterised by body perception impairments. Here, we tested eleven CPs and eleven matched control participants on the Body Identity Recognition Task (BIRT), a forced-choice match-to-sample task, using stimuli that require processing of body, not clothing, specific features. Results indicated that the group of CPs was as accurate as controls on the BIRT, which is in line with the lack of body perception complaints by CPs. However the CPs were slower than controls, and when accuracy and response times were combined into inverse efficiency scores (IES), the group of CPs were impaired, suggesting that the CPs could be using more effortful cognitive mechanisms to be as accurate as controls. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate CP may not generally be limited to face processing difficulties, but may also extend to body perception
Few models can explain Mach bands (Pessoa, 1996 Vision Research 36 3205-3227) . Our own employs multiscale line and edge coding by simple and complex cells. Lines are interpreted by Gaussian functions, edges by bipolar, Gaussian-truncated errorfunctions. Widths of these functions are coupled to the scales of the underlying cells and the amplitudes are determined by their responses.
In this paper we present a brief overview of the processing in the primary visual cortex, the multi-scale line/edge and keypoint representations, and a model of brightness perception. This model, which is being extended from 1D to 2D, is based on a symbolic line and edge interpretation: lines are represented by scaled Gaussians and edges by scaled, Gaussian-windowed error functions. We show that this model, in combination with standard techniques from graphics, provides a very fertile basis for non-photorealistic image rendering.
Painterly rendering (non-photorealistic rendering or NPR) aims at translating photographs into paintings with discrete brush strokes, simulating certain techniques (im- or expressionism) and media (oil or watercolour). Recently, our research into visual perception and models of processes in the visual cortex resulted in a new rendering scheme, in which detected lines and edges at different scales are translated into brush strokes of different sizes. In order to prepare a version which is suitable for many users, including children, the design of the interface in terms of window and menu system is very important. Discussions with artists and non-artists led to three design criteria: (1) the interface must reflect the procedures and possibilities that real painters follow and use, (2) it must be based on only one window, and (3) the menu system must be very simple, avoiding a jungle of menus and sub-menus. This paper explains the interface that has been developed.
Cette étude qualitative vise à mieux comprendre la perception qu'ont des enseignantes et des enseignants québécois de leurs caractéristiques personnelles en jeu dans leur façon d'être en relation éducative. Tant dans le milieu pratique que dans les écrits scientifiques, on reconnaît l'incidence de ce que l'enseignant est personnellement sur la relation qu'il vit avec ses élèves. Or, les écrits sont peu éclairants quant à la perception que peuvent avoir les enseignants eux-mêmes du phénomène. Les résultats révèlent deux types de caractéristiques personnelles participant à leur façon d'être en relation éducative: celles qui sont individuelles ou de base, qui caractérisent les enseignants depuis toujours, et qui sont peu sujettes à changement; et celles qui sont liées au vécu professionnel, qui peuvent changer avec l'expérience professionnelle et personnelle. Selon le discours des enseignants, on assisterait à un phénomène d'intégration de ses dimensions personnelles et professionnelles, advenant avec l'âge et l'expérience.