714 resultados para deglaciation
Over the past 13 kyr the most significant natural changes in the Reykjanes ridge region took place within 13-7.8 kyr B.P. They resulted from alternating intensifications of the influence of the Labrador (LWM) and Norwegian-Greenland (NGWM) water masses. During 13-11.7 kyr B.P. natural conditions were governed by influence of LWM with sea surface temperature (SST) 3-5°C lower present one. During 11.7-10.3 kyr B.P. NGWM with SST 6-7°C lower present one predominated. During 10.3-9.5 kyr B.P. oceanographic conditions were rapidly transforming and approaching present ones controlled by interaction between LWM and North Atlantic water masses; SST abruptly increased almost to the present value. During 9.5-8.3 kyr B.P. intensification of NGWM led to small decrease of SST (1.5-2.5°C below present value; between 8.3 and 7.8 kyr B.P. natural conditions had approximated present ones and later on remained relatively stable; SST fluctuated with an amplitude of about 1.5°C.
Taxonomic composition and distribution of planktonic foraminifera are studied in section of Core GC-11 penetrated through Upper Quaternary sediments of the Bowers Ridge western slope, south Bering Sea. It is shown that structure of foraminiferal assemblage and productivity varied substantially during the last 32000 calendar years in response to changes in surface water temperatures and water mass circulation in the North Pacific including the Bering Sea. Productivity was maximal during the deglaciation epoch, being notably lower in Holocene and minimal at glaciation time.
Environmental changes in the surface and bottom water layers of the Ingøydjupet Basin and history of Atlantic water inflow to the southwestern Barents Sea during the last 16 ka are reconstructed on the base of planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. A multiproxy study of sediment cores PSh-5159R and PSh-5159N, including AMS 14C dating, provides time resolution of about 200 years for the deglaciation period, 100 years for Holocene, and 25-50 years for the last 400 years. Stable polar conditions with sea ice on the surface were typical for the early deglaciation period. Unstable bottom settings and onset of ice rafting marked Oldest Dryas. Cold Atlantic water inflow increased notably during the Boiling-Allerod interstadial nearby the site location and then decreased during the Younger Dryas. Early Holocene was characterized by abrupt warming in the bottom and surface water layers, especially ~9.7-7.6 ka BP. Stable conditions prevailed during Middle Holocene. Remarkable changes in the sea-surface temperature and bottom environments occurred during last 2.5 cal. ka BP.
Benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca from a Florida Current sediment core documents the history of the northward penetration of southern source waters within the surface return flow of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Cd seawater estimates (CdW) indicate that intermediate-depth southern source waters crossed the equator and contributed to the Florida Current during the Bølling-Allerød warm period of the last deglaciation, consistent with evidence of only a modest AMOC reduction compared to today. The CdW estimates also provide the first paleoceanographic evidence of a reduction in the influence of intermediate-depth southern source waters within the Florida Current during the Younger Dryas, a deglacial cold event characterized by a weak North Atlantic AMOC. Our results reveal a close correspondence between the northward penetration of intermediate-depth southern source waters and the influence of North Atlantic Deep Water, suggesting a possible link between intermediate-depth southern source waters and the strength of the Atlantic AMOC.
It is shown that sediments accumulated in the Southern Novaya Zemlya Trench at both deglaciation and marine stages. Permanent sea ice sheet existed during the deglaciation, and glacier meltwater was intensely delivered to the bottom layer. Along with the dominant sediment supply from the Southern Island of Novaya Zemlya, southern continental sources also played a noticeable role at that stage. Seasonal sea ice freezing led to the formation of cold brines at the marine stage. Like paleoproductivity, these processes were irregular. Dissolution of calcareous benthic foraminiferal tests considerably intensified after about 7 ka BP owing to a stronger Atlantic water advection into the Western Arctic and consequent increase in paleoproductivity, whereas the relative role of southern sedimentary provenances decreased. Sedimentation rates were constant (45 cm/ka) during the entire marine stage.
No clear scenario has yet been able to explain the full carbon drawdown that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); however, increased export production (EP) in the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) of the Southern Ocean due to iron (Fe) fertilisation has been proposed to have provided a key mechanism affecting the air-sea partitioning of carbon. We chronicle changes in marine EP based on four sediment cores in Subtropical Waters (STW) and SAZ around New Zealand since the LGM. For the first time in this region, we present 230-Thorium normalised fluxes of biogenic opal, carbonate (CaCO3), excess Barium (xsBa), and organic Carbon (Corg). In STW and SAZ, these flux variations show that EP did not change markedly since the LGM. The only exception was a site in the SAZ close to the STF, where we suggest the STF shifted over the core site, driving increased EP. To understand why EP was mostly low and constant we investigated dust deposition changes by measuring lithogenic fluxes at the four sites. These data are coherent with an increased dust deposition in the southwest Pacific during the LGM. Additionally, we infer an increased lithogenic material discharge from erosion and glacier melts during the deglaciation, limited to the Campbell Plateau. Therefore, we propose that even though increased glacial dust deposition may have relieved Fe limitation within the SAZ, the availability of silicic acid (Si(OH)4) limited any resultant increase in carbon export during the LGM. Consequently, we infer low Si(OH)4 concentrations in the SAZ that have not significantly changed since the LGM. This result suggests that both Si(OH)4 and Fe co-limit EP in the SAZ around New Zealand, which would be consistent with modern process studies.
We present a high-resolution paleoceanographic record of deglaciation based on diatom assemblages from a core located just south of the Polar Front in the southwest Atlantic. Core KC073 is from a sediment drift at the mouth of the Falkland Trough and contains sediments from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to present, dated using radiocarbon dates on bulk organic matter and radiolarian stratigraphy. The site lies along the path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and immediately downstream of where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is entrained into the ACC. Significant variations in ocean conditions are reflected in high-amplitude changes in diatom concentrations and assemblage composition. The diatom assemblage at the LGM indicates that winter sea ice extent was at least 5° farther north than present until at least 19.0 ka (calendar years) and summer sea ice may have occasionally extended over the site, but for the most part it lay to the south. During deglaciation, Chaetoceros resting spores (CRS) dominate the diatom assemblage with valve concentrations in excess of 500 * 10**6 valves per gram. Submillennial-scale variations in the numbers of CRS and Thalassiosira antarctica occur throughout the late deglacial and dominate the changes in diatom concentration. We propose that the influx of CRS is controlled by the flow of NADW over the Falkland Plateau. As such our data provide unique evidence that NADW impacted on this sector of the Southern Ocean during deglaciation. During the Holocene the sedimentation rate dramatically reduced. We suggest that the ACC flow increased over the site and inhibited settling and winnowed the surface sediments.
During the last glacial termination, the upper North Pacific Ocean underwent dramatic and rapid changes in oxygenation that lead to the transient intensification of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), recorded by the widespread occurrence of laminated sediments on circum-Pacific continental margins. We present a new laminated sediment record from the mid-depth (1100 m) northern Bering Sea margin that provides insight into these deglacial OMZ maxima with exceptional, decadal-scale detail. Combined ultrahigh-resolution micro-X-ray-fluorescence (micro-XRF) data and sediment facies analysis of laminae reveal an alternation between predominantly terrigenous and diatom-dominated opal sedimentation. The diatomaceous laminae are interpreted to represent spring/summer productivity events related to the retreating sea ice margin.We identified five laminated sections in the deglacial part of our site. Lamina counts were carried out on these sections and correlated with the Bølling-Allerød and Preboreal phases in the North Greenland Ice Core (NGRIP) oxygen isotope record, indicating an annual deposition of individual lamina couplets (varves). The observed rapid decadal intensifications of anoxia, in particular within the Bølling-Allerød, are tightly coupled to short-term warm events through increases in regional export production. This dependence of laminae formation on warmer temperatures is underlined by a correlation with published Bering Sea sea surface temperature records and d18O data of planktic foraminifera from the Gulf of Alaska. The rapidity of the observed changes strongly implies a close atmospheric teleconnection between North Pacific and North Atlantic regions.We suggest that concomitant increases in export production and subsequent remineralization of organic matter in the Bering Sea, in combination with oxygen-poor waters entering the Being Sea, drove down oxygen concentrations to values below 0.1ml/l and caused laminae preservation. Calculated benthic-planktic ventilation ages show no significant variations throughout the last deglaciation, indicating that changes in formation rates or differing sources of North Pacific mid-depth waters are not prime candidates for strengthening the OMZ at our site. The age models established by our correlation procedure allow for the determination of calendar age control points for the Bølling-Allerød and the Preboreal that are independent of the initial radiocarbon-based chronology. Resulting surface reservoir ages range within 730-990 yr during the Bølling-Allerød, 800-1100 yr in the Younger Dryas, and 765-775 yr for the Preboreal.
Results from two deep sea cores from northeast of Newfoundland at 1251 and 2527 m water depth, respectively, indicate that during the time period from 160,000 to 10,000 years BP, ice rafting events in the Labrador Sea were accompanied by rapid variations in deep and surface water circulation. Twelve ice-rafting events occurred, each coinciding with high concentrations of detrital carbonate and oxygen isotopic depletion of both surface and bottom waters. Eleven of these can be correlated with the North Atlantic Heinrich events H1-H11. The remaining very conspicuous ice-rafting event took place early in MIS substage 5e, at a time when the planktic faunal assemblage suggests marked warming of the sea surface. In the shallower core, benthic d13C values rise from a minimum during the deglaciation to peak substage 5e values following the last ice-rafting event, indicating that the ventilation of intermediate depths was renewed after the deglaciation was complete and continued throughout substage 5e. The benthic foraminifera suggest that this well-ventilated water mass was comparable to the modern Labrador Sea Water (LSW). The benthic faunas suggest that a relatively warm intermediate water mass entered the SE Labrador Sea during Heinrich events. Generally low benthic d13C values indicate that this water mass was poorly ventilated and rich in inorganic nutrients. Isotope data and benthic faunal distributions indicate that North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formed in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea reached the SE Labrador Sea between the Heinrich events.
Constraining variations in marine N2-fixation over glacial-interglacial timescales is crucial for determining the role of the marine nitrogen cycle in modifying ocean productivity and climate, yet paleo-records from N2-fixation regions are sparse. Here we present new nitrogen isotope (d15N) records of bulk sediment and foraminifera test-bound (FB) nitrogen extending back to the last ice age from the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Previous studies indicate a substantial terrestrial input during the last ice age and early deglacial, for which we attempt to correct the bulk sediment d15N using its observed relationship with the C/N ratio. Both corrected bulk and FB-d15N reveal a substantial glacial-to-Holocene decrease of d15N toward Holocene values of around 2.5 per mil, similar to observations from the Caribbean. This d15N change is most likely due to a glacial-to-Holocene increase in regional N2-fixation. A deglacial peak in the FB-d15N of thermocline dwelling foraminifera Orbulina universa probably reflects a whole ocean increase in the d15N of nitrate during deglaciation. The d15N of the surface dwelling foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber and the corrected bulk d15N show little sign of this deglacial peak, both decreasing from last glacial values much earlier than does the d15N of O. universa; this may indicate that G. ruber and bulk N reflect the euphotic zone signal of an early local increase in N2-fixation. Our results add to the evidence that, during the last ice age, the larger iron input from dust did not lead to enhanced N2-fixation in this region. Rather, the glacial-to-Holocene decrease in d15N is best explained by a response of N2-fixation within the Atlantic to the deglacial increase in global ocean denitrification.
Laminated sediments spanning the last 20,000 years (though not continuously) in the Shaban Deep, a brine-filled basin in the northern Red Sea, were analyzed microscopically and with backscattered electron imagery in order to determine laminae composition with emphasis on the diatomaceous component. Based on this detailed study, we present schematic models to propose paleoflux scenarios for laminae formation at different time-slices. The investigated core (GeoB 5836-2; 26°12.61'N, 35°21.56'E; water depth 1475 m) shows light and dark alternating laminae that are easily distinguishable in the mid-Holocene and at the end of the deglaciation (13-15 ka) period. Light layers are mainly composed of coccoliths, terrigenous material and diatom fragments, while dark layers consist almost exclusively of diatom frustules (monospecific or mixed assemblages). The regularity in the occurrence of coccolith/diatom couplets points to an annual deposition cycle where contrasting seasons and associated plankton blooms are represented (diatoms-fall/winter deposition, coccoliths-summer signal). We propose that, for the past ~15,000 years, the laminations represent two-season annual varves. Strong dissolution of carbonate, with the concomitant loss of the coccolith-rich layer in sediments older than 15 ka, prevents us from presenting a schematic model of annual deposition. However, the diatomaceous component reveals a marked switch in species composition between Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sediments (dominated by Chaetoceros resting spores) and sediments somewhat younger (18-19 ka; dominated by Rhizosolenia). We propose that different diatom assemblages reflect changing conditions in stratification in the northern Red Sea: Strong stratification conditions, such as during two meltwater pulses at 14.5 and 11.4 ka, are reflected in the sediment by Rhizosolenia layers, while Chaetoceros-dominated assemblages represent deep convection conditions.
North American freshwater runoff records have been used to support the case that climate flickers were caused by shutdowns of the ocean thermohaline circulation (THC) resulting from reversals of meltwater discharges. Inconsistencies in the documentation of these meltwater switches, however, continue to fuel the debate on the cause/s of the oscillatory nature of the deglacial climate. New oxygen and carbon isotope records from the northern Gulf of Mexico depict in exceptional detail the succession of meltwater floods and pauses through the southern routing during the interval 16 to 8.9 ka (14C years BP; ka, kiloannum). The records underscore the bimodal role played by the Gulf of Mexico as a destination of meltwater discharges from the receding Laurentide Ice Sheet. The evidence indicates that the Gulf of Mexico acted as the principal source of superfloods at 13.4, 12.6, and 11.9 ka that reached the North Atlantic and contributed significantly to density stratification, disruption of ocean ventilation, and cold reversals. Gulf of Mexico lapsed into a "relief valve" position in post-Younger Dryas time, when meltwater discharges were rerouted south at 9.9, 9.7, 9.4, and 9.1 ka, thus temporarily interrupting North Atlantic-bound freshwater discharges from Lake Agassiz. The history of meltwater events in the Gulf of Mexico contradicts the model that meltwater flow via the eastern outlets into the North Atlantic disrupted the ocean THC, causing cooling, while diversions to the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River enhanced THC and warming.
Subtropical Gyres are an important constituent of the ocean-atmosphere system due to their capacity to store vast amounts of warm and saline waters. Here we decipher the sensitivity of the (sub)surface North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre with respect to orbital and millennial scale climate variability between ~140 and 70 ka, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. Using (isotope)geochemical proxy data from surface and thermocline dwelling foraminifers from Blake Ridge off the west coast of North America (ODP Site 1058) we show that the oceanographic development at subsurface (thermocline) level is substantially different from the surface ocean. Most notably, surface temperatures and salinities peak during the penultimate deglaciation (Termination II) and early MIS 5e, implying that subtropical surface ocean heat and salt accumulation might have resulted from a sluggish northward heat transport. In contrast, maximum thermocline temperatures are reached during late MIS 5e when surface temperatures are already declining. We argue that the subsurface warming originated from intensified Ekman downwelling in the Subtropical Gyre due to enhanced wind stress. During MIS 5a-d a tight interplay of the subtropical upper ocean hydrography to high latitude millennial-scale cold events can be observed. At Blake Ridge, the most pronounced of these high latitude cold events are related to surface warming and salt accumulation in the (sub)surface. Similar to Termination II, heat accumulated in the Subtropical Gyre probably due to a reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Additionally, a southward shift and intensification of the subtropical wind belts lead to a decrease of on-site precipitation and enhanced evaporation, coupled to intensified gyre circulation. Subsequently, the northward advection of these warm and saline water likely contributed to the fast resumption of the overturning circulation at the end of these high latitude cold events.