946 resultados para cyanocobalamin deficiency
Nitrogen (N) is an essential plant nutrient in maize production, and if considering only natural sources, is often the limiting factor world-wide in terms of a plant’s grain yield. For this reason, many farmers around the world supplement available soil N with synthetic man-made forms. Years of over-application of N fertilizer have led to increased N in groundwater and streams due to leaching and run-off from agricultural sites. In the Midwest Corn Belt much of this excess N eventually makes its way to the Gulf of Mexico leading to eutrophication (increase of phytoplankton) and a hypoxic (reduced oxygen) dead zone. Growing concerns about these types of problems and desire for greater input use efficiency have led to demand for crops with improved N use efficiency (NUE) to allow reduced N fertilizer application rates and subsequently lower N pollution. It is well known that roots are responsible for N uptake by plants, but it is relatively unknown how root architecture affects this ability. This research was conducted to better understand the influence of root complexity (RC) in maize on a plant’s response to N stress as well as the influence of RC on other above-ground plant traits. Thirty-one above-ground plant traits were measured for 64 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the intermated B73 & Mo17 (IBM) population and their backcrosses (BCs) to either parent, B73 and Mo17, under normal (182 kg N ha-1) and N deficient (0 kg N ha-1) conditions. The RILs were selected based on results from an earlier experiment by Novais et al. (2011) which screened 232 RILs from the IBM to obtain their root complexity measurements. The 64 selected RILs were comprised of 31 of the lowest complexity RILs (RC1) and 33 of the highest complexity RILs (RC2) in terms of root architecture (characterized as fractal dimensions). The use of the parental BCs classifies the experiment as Design III, an experimental design developed by Comstock and Robinson (1952) which allows for estimation of dominance significance and level. Of the 31 traits measured, 12 were whole plant traits chosen due to their documented response to N stress. The other 19 traits were ear traits commonly measured for their influence on yield. Results showed that genotypes from RC1 and RC2 significantly differ for several above-ground phenotypes. We also observed a difference in the number and magnitude of N treatment responses between the two RC classes. Differences in phenotypic trait correlations and their change in response to N were also observed between the RC classes. RC did not seem to have a strong correlation with calculated NUE (ΔYield/ΔN). Quantitative genetic analysis utilizing the Design III experimental design revealed significant dominance effects acting on several traits as well as changes in significance and dominance level between N treatments. Several QTL were mapped for 26 of the 31 traits and significant N effects were observed across the majority of the genome for some N stress indicative traits (e.g. stay-green). This research and related projects are essential to a better understanding of plant N uptake and metabolism. Understanding these processes is a necessary step in the progress towards the goal of breeding for better NUE crops.
Objective: To assess serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in the first trimester and to determine the factors affecting deficiency levels and its association with pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Serum 25(OH)D concentrations were measured at 11-14 weeks’ gestation in 229 singleton pregnancies using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: The median serum 25(OH)D concentration was 10.8 ng/mL and 45.9% of women had severe vitamin D deficiency with concentrations of <10 ng/mL. Logistic regression analysis revealed that covered dressing style, lack of multivitamin intake, season of blood sampling (November-April) were factors associated with 25(OH)D deficiency. There was a negative correlation between 25(OH)D levels and gestational age at sampling. Low 25(OH)D levels were not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Higher rate of cesarean section (CS) was noted in women with 25(OH)D ≥10 ng/mL compared to those with 25(OH)D < 10mg/ml ( p= 0.01). Conclusion: A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was observed in early pregnancy which was related to dress code, use of multi-vitamins and season at sampling. Low 25(OH)D levels were not related with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women with severe vitamin D deficiency were more likely to deliver vaginally.
Background: Iron deficiency, and specifically iron deficiency anaemia, remains one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies in the world today. Objective: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors for iron deficiency anaemia among pre-school children in Lagos. Methodology: The study was conducted from December 2009 to February 2010 at the outpatient clinics of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos. Serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation and serum ferritin were assayed in subjects. The primary outcome measured was iron deficiency anaemia established based on the following criteria: hemoglobin <11.0 g/dl1 plus 2 or more of the following: MCV <70fl, transferrin saturation <10% or serum ferritin <15ng/ dL. Statistical analysis included Pearson Chi square analysis and logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 87 apparently healthy subjects were recruited. Only one subject had iron depletion and this child belonged to the ≤ 2 years age category. None of the recruited subjects had iron deficiency without anaemia. Nine of the study subjects (10.11%) had iron deficiency anaemia. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia was significantly higher among younger age group than in the older age group (19.1% Vs 2.1%, p = 0.022). The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia was significantly higher among subjects with weight-for-age, and weight-for-height Z scores below two standard scores (83.3% and 75.0% respectively, p = <0.001 and 0.001 respectively). Conclusion: The overall prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia among study subjects was 10.11%. Iron deficiency anaemia was more common in children aged two years and below. Weight-for-age and weight-for-height Z scores below minus two standard scores were strongly associated with iron deficiency anaemia.
Background: Under nutrition is a problem of severe magnitude in low income countries like Nigeria. Adolescent school children might also be vulnerable. The dearth of data hinders planning of school health and nutrition programmes for school children. Objective: To determine the prevalence of stunting, thinness; vitamin A and iron deficiencies among adolescent students in Nsukka urban, Nigeria and to determine factors that are associated with these nutritional problems. Methods: A total of 400 participants were randomly selected from 717 students aged 12 – 18 years in 3 randomly selected secondary schools. Questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and blood analyses were the data collection methods employed. Results: The prevalence of stunting was 33.3% and thinness 31.0%. Neither overweight nor obesity was observed. While 64.0% were anaemic; 44.0% had vitamin A deficiency (VAD). A total of 48.0% had both anaemia and stunting, 42% had VAD + thinness; while 40% had anaemia + VAD. Household income was a predictor of vitamin A status. Children from medium/ high income households had higher odds of having VAD than those from low income households (AOR=0.14; 95% CI=0.031, 0.607; P=0.009). Household income (AOR=0.12; 95% CI=0.021, 0.671; P=0.016), and age (AOR=0.09; 95% CI=0.014, 0.587; P=0.012) were independent determinants of height-for-age status. Conclusion: Among urban adolescent students in Nigeria, stunting, thinness, anaemia and VAD were problems of public health significance. Age and household monthly income played major roles.
Vitamin A (VA) deficiency (VAD) is a major nutritional public health problem among children under-5-years-old in the developing world including Kenya. A community-based cross-sectional survey among 1,630 children (aged 6-23 mos) was undertaken in Western Kenya. A questionnaire was administered to collect demographic, socio-economic and dietary intake information. Prevalence of low retinol-binding protein (RBP) concentrations was assessed using Dried Blood Spot (DBS) methodology. Analysis of RBP was carried out using rapid enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) was carried out using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to estimate VA and sub-clinical inflammation statuses, respectively. Values were adjusted for influence of inflammation using CRP (CRP >5 mg/L) and population prevalence of VAD (RBP <0.825 μmol/L, biologically equivalent to 0.70 μmol/L retinol) estimated. Anthropometric data gave three indices: stunting, wasting and underweight—all of which took age and sex into consideration. Mean (geometric± SD) concentration of RBP was adequate (1.56±0.79μmol/L) but the inflammation-adjusted mean (±SE) prevalence of VAD was high (20.1±1.1%) in this population. The level of CRP was within normal range (1.06±4.95 mg/L) whilst 18.4±0.9% of the children had subclinical inflammation (CRP>5 mg/L). Intake of VA capsule (VAC) by a child was a predictor of VAD with children who have not taken VA during the past 1 year prior to the survey having a 30% increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.3 (1.1-1.7); p=0.025. Additionally, age of the child was a predictor with older children (18-23 mos) having a 30 % increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.3 (1.1-1.9); p=0.035); the caretaker’s knowledge on VA and nutrition was also a predictor of VAD with children whose caretaker’s had poor knowledge having a 40 % increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.4 (1.0-1.9); p=0.027. A child’s district of residence was also a significant predictor of VAD. Prevalence of VAD in this sample of infants was high. Predictors of VAD included child intake of VAC in the last 1 year before the survey, older children, children whose caretakers had poor VA and nutritional knowledge and a child’s district of residence. There is a need to improve knowledge on nutrition and VA of caretakers; undertake a targeted VAC distribution, particularly in children older than 1 year and above and use a sustainable food-based intervention in the areas with severe VAD.
The increased prevalence of iron deficiency among infants can be attributed to the consumption of an iron deficient diet or a diet that interferes with iron absorption at the critical time of infancy, among other factors. The gradual shift from breast milk to other foods and liquids is a transition period which greatly contributes to iron deficiency anaemia (IDA). The purpose of this research was to assess iron deficiency anaemia among infants aged six to nine months in Keiyo South Sub County. The specific objectives of this study were: to establish the prevalence of infants with iron deficiency anaemia and dietary iron intake among infants aged 6 to 9 months. The cross sectional study design was adopted in this survey. This study was conducted in three health facilities in Keiyo South Sub County. The infants were selected by use of a two stage cluster sampling procedure. Systematic random sampling was then used to select a total of 244 mothers and their infants. Eighty two (82) infants were selected from Kamwosor sub-district hospital and eighty one (81) from both Nyaru and Chepkorio health facilities. Interview schedules, 24-hour dietary recall and food frequency questionnaires were used for collection of dietary iron intake. Biochemical tests were carried out by use of the Hemo-control photochrometer at the health facilities. Infants whose hemoglobin levels were less than 11g/dl were considered anaemic. Further, peripheral blood smears were conducted to ascertain the type of nutritional anaemia. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 17, 2009. Dietary iron intake was analyzed using the NutriSurvey 2007 computer software. Results indicated that the mean hemoglobin values were 11.3± 0.84 g/dl. Twenty one percent (21.7%) of the infants had anaemia and further 100% of peripheral blood smears indicated iron deficiency anaemia. Dietary iron intake was a predictor of iron deficiency anaemia in this study (t=-3.138; p=0.01). Iron deficiency anaemia was evident among infants in Keiyo South Sub County. The Ministry of Health should formulate and implement policies on screening for anaemia and ensure intensive nutrition education on iron rich diets during child welfare clinics.
BACKGROUND: The WNT10A protein is critical for the development of ectodermal appendages. Variants in the WNT10A gene may be associated with a spectrum of ectodermal abnormalities including extensive tooth agenesis. METHODS: In seven patients with severe tooth agenesis we identified anomalies in primary dentition and additional ectodermal symptoms, and assessed WNT10A mutations by genetic analysis. RESULTS: Investigation of primary dentition revealed peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors and three individuals had agenesis of at least two primary teeth. The permanent dentition was severely affected in all individuals with a mean of 21 missing teeth. Primary teeth were most often present in positions were succedaneous teeth were missing. Furthermore, most existing molars had taurodontism. Light, brittle or coarse hair was reported in all seven individuals, hyperhidrosis of palms and soles in six individuals and nail anomalies in two individuals. The anomalies in primary dentition preceded most of the additional ectodermal symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed that all seven individuals were homozygous or compound heterozygous for WNT10A mutations resulting in C107X, E222X and F228I. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that tooth agenesis and/or peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors, severe oligodontia of permanent dentition as well as ectodermal symptoms of varying severity may be predictors of bi-allelic WNT10A mutations of importance for diagnosis, counselling and follow-up.
AGC1 deficiency is a rare demyelinating disease caused by mutations in the SLC25A12 gene, which encodes for the mitochondrial glutamate-aspartate carrier 1 (AGC1/Alarar), highly expressed in the central nervous system. In neurons, impairment in AGC1 activity leads to reduction in N-acetyl-aspartate, the main lipid precursor for myelin synthesis (Profilo et al., 2017); in oligodendrocytes progenitors cells, AGC1 down regulation has been related to early arrest proliferation and premature differentiation (Petralla et al., 2019). Additionally, in vivo AGC1 deficiency models i.e., heterozygous mice for AGC1 knock-out and neurospheres from their subventricular zone, respectively, showed a global decrease in cells proliferation and a switch in neural stem cells (NSCs) commitment, with specific reduction in OPCs number and increase in neural and astrocytic pools (Petralla et al., 2019). Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation underlying the alterations observed in OPCs and NSCs biological mechanisms, in either AGC1 deficiency models of Oli-neu cells (murine immortalized oligodendrocytes precursors cells), partially silenced by a shRNA for SLC25A12 gene, and SVZ-derived neurospheres from AGC1+/- mice. Western blot and immunofluorescence analysis revealed significant variations in the expression of transcription factors involved in brain cells’ proliferation and differentiation, in association with altered histone post-translational modifications, as well as histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs) activity/expression, suggesting an improper transcriptional and epigenetic regulation affecting both AGC1 deficiency in vitro models. Furthermore, given the large role of acetylation in controlling in specific time-windows OPC maturation (Hernandez and Casaccia; 2015), pharmacological HATs/HDACs inhibitions were performed, confirming the involvement of chromatin remodelling enzymes in the altered proliferation and early differentiation observed in the AGC1 deficiency models of siAGC1 Oli-neu cells and AGC1+/- mice-derived neurospheres.
CDKL5 (cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the CDKL5 gene, characterized by early-onset epileptic seizures, intellectual disability, motor and visual impairment and respiratory dysregulation. Although pharmacological treatments are used to control seizures, there is currently no cure to ameliorate symptoms for CDD. Albeit delivery of a wild-type copy of the mutated gene to cells represents the most curative approach for a monogenic disease, proof-of-concept studies highlight significant efficacy caveats for brain gene therapy. The major one regards the low efficiency of gene delivery to the CNS by viral vectors. We used a secretable Igk-TATk-CDKL5 protein to enhance the efficiency of a gene therapy for CDD. In view of the properties of the Igk-chain leader sequence, the TATk-CDKL5 protein produced by infected cells is secreted via constitutive secretory pathways. Importantly, due to the transduction property of the TATk peptide, the secreted CDKL5 protein is internalized by cells. We compared the effects of a CDKL5 gene therapy with an IgK-TATk-CDKL5 gene therapy in a Cdkl5 KO mouse model to validate whether the Igk-TATk-CDKL5 approach significantly improve the therapeutic efficacy. We found that, although AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 and AAVPHP.B_CDKL5 vectors had similar brain infection efficiency, the AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 vector led to a higher CDKL5 protein replacement and Cdkl5 KO mice treated with the AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 vector showed a behavioral and neuroanatomical improvement in comparison with Cdkl5 KO mice treated with the AAVPHP.B_CDKL5 vector.
Previous studies have shown that zinc deficiency leads to apoptosis of neuronal precursor cells in vivo and in vitro. In addition to the role of p53 as a nuclear transcription factor in zinc deficient cultured human neuronal precursors (NT-2), we have now identified the translocation of phosphorylated p53 to the mitochondria and p53-dependent increases in the pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein BAX leading to a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential as demonstrated by a 25% decrease in JC-1 red:green fluorescence ratio. Disruption of mitochondrial membrane integrity was accompanied by efflux of the apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) from the mitochondria and translocation to the nucleus with a significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) after 24 h of zinc deficiency. Measurement of caspase cleavage, mRNA, and treatment with caspase inhibitors revealed the involvement of caspases 2, 3, 6, and 7 in zinc deficiency-mediated apoptosis. Down-stream targets of caspase activation, including the nuclear structure protein lamin and polyADP ribose polymerase (PARP), which participates in DNA repair, were also cleaved. Transfection with a dominant-negative p53 construct and use of the p53 inhibitor, pifithrin- , established that these alterations were largely dependent on p53. Together these data identify a cascade of events involving mitochondrial p53 as well as p53-dependent caspase-mediated mechanisms leading to apoptosis during zinc deficiency.
CDKL5 (cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a rare and severe neurodevelopmental disease that mostly affects girls who are heterozygous for mutations in the X-linked CDKL5 gene. The lack of CDKL5 protein expression or function leads to the appearance of numerous clinical features, including early-onset seizures, marked hypotonia, autistic features, and severe neurodevelopmental impairment. Mouse models of CDD, Cdkl5 KO mice, exhibit several behavioral phenotypes that mimic CDD features, such as impaired learning and memory, social interaction, and motor coordination. CDD symptomatology, along with the high CDKL5 expression levels in the brain, underscores the critical role that CDKL5 plays in proper brain development and function. Nevertheless, the improvement of the clinical overview of CDD in the past few years has defined a more detailed phenotypic spectrum; this includes very common alterations in peripheral organ and tissue function, such as gastrointestinal problems, irregular breathing, hypotonia, and scoliosis, suggesting that CDKL5 deficiency compromises not only CNS function but also that of other organs/tissues. Here we report, for the first time, that a mouse model of CDD, the heterozygous Cdkl5 KO (Cdkl5 +/-) female mouse, exhibits cardiac functional and structural abnormalities. The mice also showed QTc prolongation and increased heart rate. These changes correlate with a marked decrease in parasympathetic activity to the heart and in the expression of the Scn5a and Hcn4 voltage-gated channels. Moreover, the Cdkl5 +/- heart shows typical signs of heart aging, including increased fibrosis, mitochondrial dysfunctions, and increased ROS production. Overall, our study not only contributes to the understanding of the role of CDKL5 in heart structure/function but also documents a novel preclinical phenotype for future therapeutic investigation.
Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder (CDD), a rare neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the X-linked CDKL5 gene, is characterized by early-onset epilepsy, intellectual disability, and autistic features. To date, little is known about the etiology of CDD and no therapies are available. When overactivated in response to neuronal damage and genetic or environmental factors, microglia – the brain macrophages – cause damage to neighboring neurons by producing neurotoxic factors and pro-inflammatory molecules. Importantly, overactivated microglia have been described in several neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, suggesting that active neuroinflammation may account for the compromised neuronal survival and/or brain development observed in these pathologies. Recent evidence shows a subclinical chronic inflammatory status in plasma from CDD patients. However, it is unknown whether a similar inflammatory status is present in the brain of CDD patients and, if so, whether it plays a causative or exacerbating role in the pathophysiology of CDD. Here, we show evidence of a chronic microglia overactivation status in the brain of Cdkl5 KO mice, characterized by alterations in microglial cell number/morphology and increased pro-inflammatory gene expression. We found that the neuroinflammatory process is already present in the postnatal period in Cdkl5 KO mice and worsens during aging. Remarkably, by restoring microglia alterations, treatment with luteolin, a natural anti-inflammatory flavonoid, promotes neuronal survival in the brain of Cdkl5 KO mice since it counteracts hippocampal neuron cell death and protects neurons from NMDA-induced excitotoxic damage. In addition, through the restoration of microglia alterations, luteolin treatment also increases hippocampal neurogenesis and restores dendritic spine maturation and dendritic arborization of hippocampal and cortical pyramidal neurons in Cdkl5 KO mice, leading to improved behavioral performance. These findings highlight new insights into the CDD pathophysiology and provide the first evidence that therapeutic approaches aimed at counteracting neuroinflammation could be beneficial in CDD.