951 resultados para crack


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An experimental study to ascertain the ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) in a bulk metallic glass (BMG) was conducted. Results of the impact toughness tests conducted at various temperatures on as-cast and structurally relaxed Zr-based BMG show a sharp DBT. The DBT temperature was found to be sensitive to the free-volume content in the alloy. Possible factors that result in the DBT were critically examined. It was found that the postulate of a critical free volume required for the amorphous alloy to exhibit good toughness cannot rationalize the experimental trends. Likewise, the Poisson's ratio-toughness correlations, which suggest a critical Poisson's ratio above which all glasses are tough, were found not to hold good. Viscoplasticity theories, developed using the concept of shear transformation zones and which describe the temperature and strain rate dependence of the crack-tip plasticity in BMGs, appear to be capable of capturing the essence of the experiments. Our results highlight the need for a more generalized theory to understand the origins of toughness in BMGs.


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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The structural integrity of any member subjected to a load gets impaired due to the presence of cracks or crack-like defects. The notch severity is one of the several parameters that promotes the brittle fracture. The most severe one is an ideal crack with infinitesimal width and infinitesimal or zero root radius. Though analytical investigations can handle an ideal crack, experimental work, either to validate the analytical conclusions or to impose the bounds, needs to be carried out on models or specimens containing the cracks which are far from the ideal ones. Thus instead of an ideal crack with infinitesimal width the actual model will have a slot or a slit of finite width and instead of a crack ending in zero root radius, the model contains a slot having a finite root radius. Another factor of great significance at the root is the notch angle along which the transition from the slot to the root takes place. This paper is concerned with the photoelastic determination of the notch stress intensity factor in the case of a “crack” subjected to Mode 1 deformation.


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A three-dimensional analysis is presented for the bending problem of finite thick plates with through-the-thickness cracks. A general solution is obtained for Navier's equations of the theory of elasticity. It is found that the in-plane stresses and the transverse normal stress at the crack front are singular with an inverse square root singularity, while the transverse shear stresses are of the order of unity. Results from a numerical study indicate that the stress intensity factor, which varies across the thickness, is influenced by the thickness ratio in a significant manner. Results from a parametric study and those from a comparative study with existing finite element values are presented.


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An attempt is made to study the fracture behavior of ferrocement beams using J-integral and critical crack opening displacement approaches. Ferrocement beams with three different relative notch depths and different percentages of mesh reinforcement were tested in four-point bending (third-point loading). The experimental results were used to evaluate the apparent J-integral and CODc values. Results show that the apparent J-integral does not seem to follow any particular trend in variation with notch depth, but is sensitive to the increase of mesh reinforcement. Hence, the apparent J-integral appears to be a useful fracture criterion for ferrocement. The computed values of CODt are found to be dependent on the depth of notch and, thus, cannot possibly be considered as a suitable fracture criterion for ferrocement.


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The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) characteristics of agr-titanium sheets in a bromine-methanol solution have been studied in the annealed and cold-rolled conditions using longitudinal and transverse specimens. The times to failure for annealed longitudinal specimens were longer than those for similarly tested transverse specimens. The cold-rolled specimens developed resistance to SCC, but failed by cleavage when notched, unlike the intergranular separation in annealed titanium. The apparent activation energy was found to be texture dependent and was in the range 30 to 51 kJ mol–1 for annealed titanium, and 15kJ mol–1 for cold-rolled titanium. The dependence of SCC behaviour on the texture is related to the changes in the crack initiation times. These are caused by changes in the passivation and repassivation characteristics of the particular thickness plane. The thickness planes are identified with the help of X-ray pole figures obtained on annealed and cold-rolled material. On the basis of the activation energy and the electrochemical measurements, the mechanism of SCC in annealed titanium is identified to be the one involving stress-aided anodic dissolution. On the other hand, the results on the cold-rolled titanium are in support of the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism consisting of hydride precipitation. The cleavage planes identified from the texture data match with the reported habit planes for hydride formation.


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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An attempt has been made experimentally to investigate the acoustic emission (AE) energy release in high-strength concrete (HSC) beams subjected to monotonically increasing load. Acoustic emission energy release during the fracture process of the HSC beams is measured. Stress waves released during the fracture process in materials cause acoustic emissions. AE energy released during the fracture of a notched three-point bend plain concrete beam specimens having 28-day compressive strengths of 50.0 MPa, 69.0 MPa and 78.0 MPa and mortar (cement: sand (1: 4) by weight) specimens are studied. Mortar consists of one part cement and four parts sand by weight. The specimens were tested by a material testing system of 1200 kN capacity employing crack mouth opening displacement control at the rate of 0.0004 mm/s. The fracture energy and the AE energy released during the fracture process of all the tested TPB and mortar specimens are compared and discussed. The observations made in the present experimental study have some applications for monitoring the integrity of structures.


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A finite element model for the analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shells with through cracks is presented. The analysis takes into account anisotropic elastic behaviour, bending-extensional coupling and transverse shear deformation effects. The proposed finite element model is based on the approach of dividing a cracked configuration into triangular shaped singular elements around the crack tip with adjoining quadrilateral shaped regular elements. The parabolic isoparametric cylindrical shell elements (both singular and regular) used in this model employ independent displacement and rotation interpolation in the shell middle surface. The numerical comparisons show the evidence to the conclusion that the proposed model will yield accurate stress intensity factors from a relatively coarse mesh. Through the analysis of a pressurised fibre composite cylindrical shell with an axial crack, the effect of material orthotropy on the crack tip stress intensity factors is shown to be quite significant.


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Mathematical models, for the stress analysis of symmetric multidirectional double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen using classical beam theory, first and higher-order shear deformation beam theories, have been developed to determine the Mode I strain energy release rate (SERR) for symmetric multidirectional composites. The SERR has been calculated using the compliance approach. In the present study, both variationally and nonvariationally derived matching conditions have been applied at the crack tip of DCB specimen. For the unidirectional and cross-ply composite DCB specimens, beam models under both plane stress and plane strain conditions in the width direction are applicable with good performance where as for the multidirectional composite DCB specimen, only the beam model under plane strain condition in the width direction appears to be applicable with moderate performance. Among the shear deformation beam theories considered, the performance of higher-order shear deformation beam theory, having quadratic variation for transverse displacement over the thickness, is superior in determining the SERR for multidirectional DCB specimen.


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Aluminum-Nickel alloys ranging from 0.06 pct to 6.1 pct (by wt) Ni have been developed for high strength-high conductivity applications. These alloys were produced by solidification in a permanent mold followed by homogenization, hot extrusion or hot rolling and cold drawing to wire form. This sequence of fabrication a) led to the production of fine fibrous dispersoids of NiAl3 as part of the Al-NiAl3 eutectic during the initial casting operation, b) permitted the retention of fine fibrous dispersiods of NiAl3 produced during casting without any significant coarsening during processing and c) led to uniform dispersion and general alignment of these fibrous dispersoids along a given direction in the product without any measurable fiber-matrix separation, extensive fiber-fragmentation or crack production in the matrix. These alloys can be processed to wire form as easily as aluminum and when processed by the above sequence, possess very attractive combination of high strength-high electrical conductivity. Tensile strengths range from 173 N/mm2 (at 0.6 pct Ni) to 241 N/mm2 (at 6.1 pct Ni) in combination with corresponding conductivity values between 62 pct IACS and 55.5 pct IACS. The wires also possess attractive yield strength; for instance, the 0.2 pct off-set strength of Al-6.1 pct Ni wire is 213 N/mm2. Using simple composite rules, the estimated strength and the conductivity of NiAl3 fibers were found to be 1380 N/mm2 and 18 pct IACS respectively, in these wires.


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The ultimate flexural strength behavior of isolated square tapered and beam-slab reinforced footings are presented. Yield line solutions are developed for generalized contact pressure distributions and the influence of taper, beam size, fillet size, negative moment capacity, and contact pressure distribution on the collapse load is brought out. In beam-slab footings the optimum relative beam capacity required to make the beam rigid is indicated. Results of experimental investigations on footings resting on sand reveal that tapered (with isotropic as well as with alternative reinforcement patterns) and beam-slab footings exhibit superior structural behavior in terms of normalized first crack load, collapse load, relative rigidity, relative efficiency, and failure mechanism.


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A microbeam testing geometry is designed to study the variation in fracture toughness across a compositionally graded NiAl coating on a superalloy substrate. A bi-material analytical model of fracture is used to evaluate toughness by deconvoluting load-displacement data generated in a three-point bending test. It is shown that the surface layers of a diffusion bond coat can be much more brittle than the interior despite the fact that elastic modulus and hardness do not display significant variations. Such a gradient in toughness allows stable crack propagation in a test that would normally lead to unstable fracture in a homogeneous, brittle material. As the crack approaches the interface, plasticity due to the presence of Ni3Al leads to gross bending and crack bifurcation.


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Crack loading and crack extension in pseudoelastic binary NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) miniature compact tension (CT) specimens with 50.7 at.% Ni (austenitic, pseudoelastic) was investigated using infrared (IR) thermography during in situ loading and unloading. IR thermographic measurements allow for the observation of heat effects associated with the stress-induced transformation of martensite from B2 to BIT during loading and the reverse transformation during unloading. The results are compared with optical images and discussed in terms of the crack growth mechanisms in pseudoelastic NiTi SMAs. Direct experimental evidence is presented which shows that crack growth occurs into a stress-induced martensitic microstructure, which immediately retransforms to austenite in the wake of the crack.


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In this paper, numerical modelling of fracture in concrete using two-dimensional lattice model is presented and also a few issues related to lattice modelling technique applicable to concrete fracture are reviewed. A comparison is made with acoustic emission (AE) events with the number of fractured elements. To implement the heterogeneity of the plain concrete, two methods namely, by generating grain structure of the concrete using Fuller's distribution and the concrete material properties are randomly distributed following Gaussian distribution are used. In the first method, the modelling of the concrete at meso level is carried out following the existing methods available in literature. The shape of the aggregates present in the concrete are assumed as perfect spheres and shape of the same in two-dimensional lattice network is circular. A three-point bend (TPB) specimen is tested in the experiment under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/sec and the fracture process in the same TPB specimen is modelled using regular triangular 2D lattice network. Load versus crack mouth opening isplacement (CMOD) plots thus obtained by using both the methods are compared with experimental results. It was observed that the number of fractured elements increases near the peak load and beyond the peak load. That is once the crack starts to propagate. AE hits also increase rapidly beyond the peak load. It is compulsory here to mention that although the lattice modelling of concrete fracture used in this present study is very similar to those already available in literature, the present work brings out certain finer details which are not available explicitly in the earlier works.