888 resultados para colony productivity
During a 3-month period, small-colony variant phenotypes of both Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from respiratory secretions of 8.2% and 9.2%, respectively, of 98 patients with cystic fibrosis, particularly those with advanced pulmonary disease and prolonged antibiotic exposure.
Since the introduction of the rope-pump in Nicaragua in the 1990s, the dependence on wells in rural areas has grown steadily. However, little or no attention is paid to rope-pump well performance after installation. Due to financial restraints, groundwater resource monitoring using conventional testing methods is too costly and out of reach of rural municipalities. Nonetheless, there is widespread agreement that without a way to quantify the changes in well performance over time, prioritizing regulatory actions is impossible. A manual pumping test method is presented, which at a fraction of the cost of a conventional pumping test, measures the specific capacity of rope-pump wells. The method requires only sight modifcations to the well and reasonable limitations on well useage prior to testing. The pumping test was performed a minimum of 33 times in three wells over an eight-month period in a small rural community in Chontales, Nicaragua. Data was used to measure seasonal variations in specific well capacity for three rope-pump wells completed in fractured crystalline basalt. Data collected from the tests were analyzed using four methods (equilibrium approximation, time-drawdown during pumping, time-drawdown during recovery, and time-drawdown during late-time recovery) to determine the best data-analyzing method. One conventional pumping test was performed to aid in evaluating the manual method. The equilibrim approximation can be performed while in the field with only a calculator and is the most technologically appropriate method for analyzing data. Results from this method overestimate specific capacity by 41% when compared to results from the conventional pumping test. The other analyes methods, requiring more sophisticated tools and higher-level interpretation skills, yielded results that agree to within 14% (pumping phase), 31% (recovery phase) and 133% (late-time recovery) of the conventional test productivity value. The wide variability in accuracy results principally from difficulties in achieving equilibrated pumping level and casing storage effects in the puping/recovery data. Decreases in well productivity resulting from naturally occuring seasonal water-table drops varied from insignificant in two wells to 80% in the third. Despite practical and theoretical limitations on the method, the collected data may be useful for municipal institutions to track changes in well behavior, eventually developing a database for planning future ground water development projects. Furthermore, the data could improve well-users’ abilities to self regulate well usage without expensive aquifer characterization.
In 2009 and 2010 a study was conducted on the Hiawatha National Forest (HNF) to determine if whole-tree harvest (WTH) of jack pine would deplete the soil nutrients in the very coarse-textured Rubicon soil. WTH is restricted on Rubicon sand in order to preserve the soil fertility, but the increasing construction of biomass-fueled power plants is expected to increase the demand for forest biomass. The specific objectives of this study were to estimate biomass and nutrient content of above- and below-ground tree components in mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands growing on a coarse-textured, low-productivity soil, determine pools of total C and N and exchangeable soil cations in Rubicon sand, and to compare the possible impacts of conventional stem-only harvest (CH) and WTH on soil nutrient pools and the implications for productivity of subsequent rotations. Four even-aged jack pine stands on Rubicon soil were studied. Allometric equations were used to estimate above-ground biomass and nutrients, and soil samples from each stand were taken for physical and chemical analysis. Results indicate that WTH will result in cation deficits in all stands, with exceptionally large Ca deficits occurring in two stands. Where a deficit does not occur, the cation surplus is small and, chemical weathering and atmospheric deposition is not anticipated to replace the removed cations. CH will result in a surplus of cations, and will likely not result in productivity declines during the first rotation. However even under CH, the surplus is small, and chemical weathering and atmospheric deposition will not supply enough cations for the second rotation.
ntense liver regeneration and almost 100% survival follows partial hepatectomy of up to 70% of liver mass in rodents. More extensive resections of 70 to 80% have an increased mortality and partial hepatectomies of >80% constantly lead to acute hepatic failure and death in mice. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of systemically administered granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on animal survival and liver regeneration in a small for size liver remnant mouse model after 83% partial hepatectomy (liver weight <0.8% of mouse body weight). Methods: Male Balb C mice (n=80, 20-24g) were preconditioned daily for five days with 5μg G-CSF subcutaneously or sham injected (aqua ad inj). Subsequently 83% hepatic resection was performed and daily sham or G-CSF injection continued. Survival was determined in both groups (G-CSF n=35; Sham: n=33). In a second series BrdU was injected (50mg/kg Body weight) two hours prior to tissue harvest and animals euthanized 36 and 48 hours after 83% liver resection (n=3 each group). To measure hepatic regeneration the BrdU labeling index and Ki67 expression were determined by immunohistochemistry by two independent observers. Harvested liver tissue was dried to constant weight at 65 deg C for 48 hours. Results: Survival was 0% in the sham group on day 3 postoperatively and significantly better (26.2% on day 7 and thereafter) in the G-CSF group (Log rank test: p<0.0001). Dry liver weight was increased in the G-CSF group (T-test: p<0.05) 36 hours after 83% partial hepatectomy. Ki67 expression was elevated in the G-CSF group at 36 hours (2.8±2.6% (Standard deviation) vs 0.03±0.2%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) and at 48 hours (45.1±34.6% vs 0.7±1.0%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) after 83% liver resection. BrdU labeling at 48 hours was 0.1±0.3% in the sham and 35.2±34.2% in the G-CSF group (Rank sum test: p<0.0001) Conclusions: The surgical 83% resection mouse model is suitable to test hepatic supportive regimens in the setting of small for size liver remnants. Administration of G-CSF supports hepatic regeneration after microsurgical 83% partial hepatectomy and leads to improved long-term survival in the mouse. G-CSF might prove to be a clinically valuable supportive substance in small for size liver remnants in humans after major hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of living related liver donation.
Conditioning with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) promotes liver regeneration in an experimental small-for-size liver remnant mouse model. The mechanisms involved in this extraordinary G-CSF effect are unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of G-CSF on the hepatic microvasculature in the regenerating liver. The hepatic sinusoidal microvasculature and microarchitecture of the regenerating liver were evaluated by intravital microscopy in mice. Three experimental groups were compared: (1) unoperated unconditioned animals (control; n = 5), (2) animals conditioned with G-CSF 48 h after 60% partial hepatectomy (G-CSF-PH; n = 6), and (3) animals sham conditioned 48 h after 60% PH (sham-PH; n = 6). PH led to hepatocyte hypertrophy and increased hepatic sinusoidal velocity in the sham-PH and G-CSF-PH groups. Increased sinusoidal diameter and increased hepatic blood flow were observed in the G-CSF-PH group compared to the sham-PH and control groups. Furthermore, there was a strong positive correlation between spleen weight and hepatic sinusoidal diameter in the G-CSF-PH group. The increased hepatic blood flow could explain the observed benefit of G-CSF conditioning during liver regeneration. These results elucidate an unexplored aspect of pharmacological modulation of liver regeneration and motivate further experiments.
Abstract to be posted.
So far, seed limitation as a local process, and dispersal limitation as a regional process have been largely neglected in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research. However, these processes can influence both local plant species diversity and ecosystem processes, such as biomass production. We added seeds of 60 species from the regional species pool to grassland communities at 20 montane grassland sites in Germany. In these sites, plant species diversity ranged from 10 to 34 species m(-2) and, before manipulation, diversity was not related to aboveground biomass, which ranged from 108 to 687 g m(-2). One year after seed addition, local plant species richness had increased on average by six species m(-2) (29%) compared with control plots, and this increase was highest in grasslands with intermediate productivity. The increased diversity after adding seeds was associated with an average increase of aboveground biomass of 36 g m(-2) (14.8%) compared with control plots. Thus, our results demonstrate that a positive relationship between changes in species richness and productivity, as previously reported from experimental plant communities, also holds for natural grassland ecosystems. Our results show that local plant communities are dispersal limited and a hump-shaped model appears to be the limiting outline of the natural diversity-productivity relationship. Hence, the effects of dispersal on local diversity can substantially affect the functioning of natural ecosystems.
BACKGROUND: The efficacy of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for coronary collateral growth promotion and thus impending myocardial salvage has not been studied so far, to our best knowledge. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 52 patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease, age 62+/-11 years, the effect on a marker of myocardial infarct size (ECG ST segment elevation) and on quantitative collateral function during a 1-minute coronary balloon occlusion was tested in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind fashion. The study protocol before coronary intervention consisted of occlusive surface and intracoronary lead ECG recording as well as collateral flow index (CFI, no unit) measurement in a stenotic and a > or =1 normal coronary artery before and after a 2-week period with subcutaneous G-CSF (10 microg/kg; n=26) or placebo (n=26). The CFI was determined by simultaneous measurement of mean aortic, distal coronary occlusive, and central venous pressure. The ECG ST segment elevation >0.1 mV disappeared significantly more often in response to G-CSF (11/53 vessels; 21%) than to placebo (0/55 vessels; P=0.0005), and simultaneously, CFI changed from 0.121+/-0.087 at baseline to 0.166+/-0.086 at follow-up in the G-CSF group, and from 0.152+/-0.082 to 0.131+/-0.071 in the placebo group (P<0.0001 for interaction of treatment and time). The absolute change in CFI from baseline to follow-up amounted to +0.049+/-0.062 in the G-CSF group and to -0.010+/-0.060 in the placebo group (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Subcutaneous G-CSF is efficacious during a short-term protocol in improving signs of myocardial salvage by coronary collateral growth promotion.
Increasing evidence indicates that Staphylococcus aureus might be a facultative intracellular pathogen. In particular, certain subpopulations, called small colony variants (SCVs), seem to be well adapted to the intracellular milieu. When compared to 'normal' staphylococcal strains, SCVs show increased uptake by host cells, resistance to intracellular defenses and reduced stimulation of host defenses. We propose that the ability to form two subpopulations with different phenotypes might allow S. aureus the option for both extra- cellular and intra-cellular survival in the host.
Dieser Beitrag zeigt die Anwendung des Ant-Colony-System (ACS) Algorithmus auf die Sequenzierung von Querverteil-Wagen in einem Lager. Wir erweitern den Basisalgorithmus der Ant-Colony-Optimierung (ACO) für die Minimierung der Bearbeitungszeit einer Menge von Fahraufträgen für die Querverteil-Wagen. Im Vergleich zu dem Greedy-Algorithmus ist der ACO-Algorithmus wettbewerbsfähig und schnell. In vielen Lagerverwaltungssystemen werden die Fahraufträge nach dem FIFO-Prinzip (First-in-First-out) ausgeführt. In diesem Beitrag wird der ACO-Algorithmus genutzt, um eine optimale Sequenz der Fahraufträge zu bilden.
Changes in agricultural practices of semi-natural mountain grasslands are expected to modify plant community structure and shift dominance patterns. Using vegetation surveys of 11 sites in semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Jura and Swiss and French Alps, we determined the relative contribution of dominant, subordinate and transient plant species in grazed and abandoned communities and observed their changes along a gradient of productivity and in response to abandonment of pasturing. The results confirm the humpbacked diversity–productivity relationship in semi-natural grassland, which is due to the increase of subordinate species number at intermediate productivity levels. Grazed communities, at the lower or higher end of the species diversity gradient, suffered higher species loss after grazing abandonment. Species loss after abandonment of pasturing was mainly due to a higher reduction in the number of subordinate species, as a consequence of the increasing proportion of dominant species. When plant biodiversity maintenance is the aim, our results have direct implications for the way grasslands should be managed. Indeed, while intensification and abandonment have been accelerated since few decades, our findings in this multi-site analysis confirm the importance of maintaining intermediate levels of pasturing to preserve biodiversity.