974 resultados para cold surface layer
Caustis blakei produces an intriguing morphological adaptation by inducing dauciform roots in response to phosphorus (P) deficiency. We tested the hypothesis that these hairy, swollen lateral roots play a similar role to cluster roots in the exudation of organic chelators and ectoenzymes known to aid the chemical mobilization of sparingly available soil nutrients, such as P. Dauciform-root development and exudate composition (carboxylates and acid phosphatase activity) were analysed in C. blakei plants grown in nutrient solution under P-starved conditions. The distribution of dauciform roots in the field was determined in relation to soil profile depth and matrix. The percentage of dauciform roots of the entire root mass was greatest at the lowest P concentration ([P]) in solution, and was suppressed with increasing solution [P], while in the field dauciform roots were predominately located in the upper soil horizons, and decreased with increasing soil depth. Citrate was the major carboxylate released in an exudative burst from mature dauciform roots, which also produced elevated levels of acid phosphatase activity. Malonate was the dominant internal carboxylate present, with the highest concentration in young dauciform roots. The high concentration of carboxylates and phosphatases released from dauciform roots, combined with their prolific distribution in the organic surface layer of nutrient-impoverished soils, provides an ecophysiological advantage for enhancing nutrient acquisition.
This paper describes the results of atmospheric corrosion testing and of an examination of patina samples from Brisbane, Denmark, Sweden, France, USA and Austria. The aim was threefold: (1) to determine the structure of natural patinas and to relate their structure to their appearance in service and to the atmospheric corrosion of copper; (2) to understand why a brown rust coloured layer forms on the surface of some copper patinas; (3) to understand why some patinas are still black in colour despite being of significant age. During the atmospheric corrosion of copper, a two-layer patina forms on the copper surface. Cuprite is the initial corrosion product and cuprite is always the patina layer in contact with the copper. The growth laws describing patina formation indicate that the decreasing corrosion rate with increasing exposure time is due to the protective nature of the cuprite layer. The green patinas were typically characterised by an outer layer of brochantite, which forms as individual crystals on the surface of the cuprite layer, probably by a precipitation reaction from an aqueous surface layer on the cuprite layer. Natural patinas come in a variety of colours. The colour is controlled by the amount of the patina and its chemical composition. Thin patinas containing predominantly cuprite were black. If the patina was sufficiently thick, and the [Fe]/[Cu] ratio was low, then the patina was green, whereas if the [Fe]/[Cu] ratio was approximately 10 at%, then the patina is rust brown in colour. The iron was in solid solution in the brochantite, which might be designated as a (copper/iron) hydroxysulphate. In the brown patinas examined, the iron was distributed predominately in the outermost part of the patina. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) has been used as a rocket propellant binder which is required to be stored for at least twenty years. It is found that the excellent stress-strain characteristics of this propellant can be totally lost, during this long storage, due to the deterioration of the polybutadiene chains. As a result, the propellant can not stand the service loads, which may lead to a catastrophe. The study of the HTPB binder degradation, below 80°C, has been carried out by investigating the environmental factors and the changes which occur along the macromolecular chains. Results have shown that oxygen is the main factor which causes the crosslinking and chain scission reactions. The former is the predominant reaction and proceeds rapidly under oxygen sufficient environment. The unsaturation of polymer chain, which provides the desired physical properties to the binder, was lost with the increase in crosslink density. At the same time hydroperoxides were found to form and decompose along the polymer chains. Therefore, the deterioration of the binder results from the oxidation of polymer chains. Since the oxidation reaction occurred at higher rate than oxygen diffusion rate and oxygen diffusion rate is inversely proportional to the crosslink density, the binder, below the surface layer in a thick section container, could be naturally protected under an oxygen deficient condition for a long time. Investigation of the effectiveness of antioxidants in HTPB binder has shown that the efficiency of an antioxidant depends on its ability to scavenge radicals. Generally, aromatic amines are the most effective binder antioxidants. But when a peroxide decomposer is combined with an aromatic amine at the appropriate ratio, a synergistic effect is obtained, which gives the lowest binder gel increase rate.
Magnesium alloy diecasting AZ91CC, AZ61CC', AZ91HC and AZ71HC were electroplated using different pretreatment sequences which incorporated conventional zincate immersion processes. Satisfactory peel adhesion in excess of 7. 7 KNm -1 was achieved on AZ61CC using a sequence which was designated Canning. The comparatively low adhesion achieved on the AZ91HC was due to its poor surface quality as cast. Growth of deposits was monitored using a strip-and-analysis technique and the morphology of the various deposits were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Different pretreatment sequences resulted in different surface responses for the alloys but all alloys behaved in a similar manner in a particular sequence with regard to potential time-curves and the rate of zinc deposition. The role of fluoride in both the second stage solution and zinc immersion stages of the Canning pretreatment sequence was studied using techniques listed above and Auger electron spectroscopy. Complete coverage of the magnesium alloy surface with immersion zinc was achieved when fluoride was absent from the zincating solution. However, a zero adhesion value was indicated in both thermal cycling and peel tests. The presence of fluoride in the immersion zinc solution suppressed the rate of zinc deposition and affected the time taken to reach equilibrium during potential-time determinations. A mechanism is suggested to explain the significance of fluoride additions to the processing solutions. pH and composition of the zincating solution had a significant effect on the time taken to produce the step observed in the potential/time curves and hence equilibrium potential. Immersion zinc deposition occurred rapidly at first but then changed to a lower uniform rate at a point corresponding approximately to the step in the potential/time curve. Although the minimun levels of adhesion, using the Canning sequence, varied from 7.72 KNm-1 for alloy AZ61CC to 1.54 KNm-1 for alloy AZ91HC, all the alloys revealed ductile failure characteristics in the surface layer of the substrate after peel testing. Plated magnesium alloys exhibited good corrosion resistance when appropriately pretreated and overplated with adequate nickel chromium coatings. The immersion zinc layer was not preferentially attacked when pits penetrated to the coating/substrate interface. Hemispherical pits formed and attack on the substrate was severe. Of the pretreatment sequences investigated, the Canning one was the most premising with respect to peel adhesion and corrosion behaviour.
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are formed by aggregates of soil particles and communities of microbial organisms and are common in all drylands. The role of BSCs on infiltration remains uncertain due to the lack of data on their role in affecting soil physical properties such as porosity and structure. Quantitative assessment of these properties is primarily hindered by the fragile nature of the crusts. Here we show how the use of a combination of non-destructive imaging X-ray microtomography (XMT) and Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) enables quantification of key soil physical parameters and the modeling of water flow through BSCs samples from Kalahari Sands, Botswana. We quantify porosity and flow changes as a result of mechanical disturbance of such a fragile cyanobacteria-dominated crust. Results show significant variations in porosity between different types of crusts and how they affect the flow and that disturbance of a cyanobacteria-dominated crust results in the breakdown of larger pore spaces and reduces flow rates through the surface layer. We conclude that the XMT–LBM approach is well suited for study of fragile surface crust samples where physical and hydraulic properties cannot be easily quantified using conventional methods.
We studied the effects of the composition of impregnating solution and heat treatment conditions on the activity of catalytic systems for the low-temperature oxidation of CO obtained by the impregnation of Busofit carbon-fiber cloth with aqueous solutions of palladium, copper, and iron salts. The formation of an active phase in the synthesized catalysts at different stages of their preparation was examined with the use of differential thermal and thermogravimetric analyses, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and elemental spectral analysis. The catalytic system prepared by the impregnation of electrochemically treated Busofit with the solutions of PdCl, FeCl, CuBr, and Cu(NO ) and activated under optimum conditions ensured 100% CO conversion under a respiratory regime at both low (0.03%) and high (0.5%) carbon monoxide contents of air. It was found that the activation of a catalytic system at elevated temperatures (170-180°C) leads to the conversion of Pd(II) into Pd(I), which was predominantly localized in a near-surface layer. The promoting action of copper nitrate consists in the formation of a crystalline phase of the rhombic atacamite CuCl(OH). The catalyst surface is finally formed under the conditions of a catalytic reaction, when a joint Pd(I)-Cu(I) active site is formed. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
New heterogenized catalytic systems for the low-temperature oxidation of CO were synthesized by supporting solutions of Pd, Cu, and Fe salts on carbon fibrous materials (carbopon and busofit). The carbon supports were studied by elemental analysis, SEM, TGA, and TPD. The effects of the nature of the support, the concentration and composition of the active component, and the conditions of preparation on the efficiency of the catalytic system were studied. It was ascertained that attenuation of hydrophilic properties of the support led to the decrease in system activity. The investigation of the catalysts by XPS showed that sample treatment in the reaction medium results in redistribution of the components of the active phase in the near-surface layer of the catalyst. The catalytic system based on carbon fibrous material carbopon prepared by supporting active components (Pd, Cu, and Fe salts) in three stages with intermediate activation in the reaction medium ensures 95% conversion of CO under respiratory conditions, and is promising for the design of the main element of breathing masks on its basis.
A Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model is used to explore the relationship between clogging and hydraulics that occurs in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) in the United Kingdom (UK). Clogging is assumed to be caused by particle transport and an existing single collector efficiency model is implemented to describe this behaviour. The flow model was validated against HSSF TW survey results obtained from the literature. The model successfully simulated the influence of overland flow on hydrodynamics, and the interaction between vertical flow through the low permeability surface layer and the horizontal flow of the saturated water table. The clogging model described the development of clogging within the system but under-predicted the extent of clogging which occurred over 15 years. This is because important clogging mechanisms were not considered by the model, such as biomass growth and vegetation establishment. The model showed the usefulness of FEA for linking hydraulic and clogging phenomenon in HSSF TWs and could be extended to include treatment processes. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
We completed a synoptic survey of iron, phosphorus, and sulfur concentrations in shallow marine carbonate sediments from south Florida. Total extracted iron concentrations typically were 50 μmol g-1 dry weight (DW) and tended to decrease away from the Florida mainland, whereas total extracted phosphorus concentrations mostly were 10 μmol g-1 DW and tended to decrease from west to east across Florida Bay. Concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds, up to 40 μmol g-1 DW, tended to covary with sediment iron concentrations, suggesting that sulfide mineral formation was iron-limited. An index of iron availability derived from sediment data was negatively correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations in surface waters, demonstrating the close coupling of sediment-water column processes. Eight months after applying a surface layer of iron oxide granules to experimental plots, sediment iron, phosphorus, and sulfur were elevated to a depth of 10 cm relative to control plots. Biomass of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum was not different between control and iron addition plots, but individual shoot growth rates were significantly higher in experimental plots after 8 months. Although the iron content of leaf tissues was significantly higher from iron addition plots, no difference in phosphorus content of T. testudinum leaves was observed. Iron addition altered plant exposure to free sulfide, documented by a significantly higher δ34S of leaf tissue from experimental plots relative to controls. Iron as a buffer to toxic sulfides may promote individual shoot growth, but phosphorus availability to plants still appears to limit production in carbonate sediments.
Eyewall replacement cycle (ERC) is frequently observed during the evolution of intensifying Tropical Cyclones (TCs). Although intensely studied in recent years, the underlying mechanisms of ERC are still poorly understood, and the forecast of ERC remains a great challenge. To advance our understanding of ERC and provide insights in improvement of numerical forecast of ERC, a series of numerical simulations is performed to investigate ERCs in TC-like vortices on a f-plane. The simulated ERCs possess key features similar to those observed in real TCs including the formation of a secondary tangential wind maximum associated with the outer eyewall. The Sawyer-Eliassen equation and tangential momentum budget analyses are performed to diagnose the mechanisms underlying the secondary eyewall formation (SEF) and ERC. Our diagnoses reveal crucial roles of outer rainband heating in governing the formation and development of the secondary tangential wind maximum and demonstrate that the outer rainband convection must reach a critical strength relative to the eyewall before SEF and the subsequent ERC can occur. A positive feedback among low-level convection, acceleration of tangential winds in the boundary layer, and surface evaporation that leads to the development of ERC and a mechanism for the demise of inner eyewall that involves interaction between the transverse circulations induced by eyewall and outer rainband convection are proposed. The tangential momentum budget indicates that the net tendency of tangential wind is a small residual resultant from a large cancellation between tendencies induced by the resolved and sub-grid scale (SGS) processes. The large SGS contribution to the tangential wind budget explains different characteristics of ERC shown in previous numerical studies and poses a great challenge for a timely correct forecast of ERC. The sensitivity experiments show that ERCs are strongly subjected to model physics, vortex radial structure and background wind. The impact of model physics on ERC can be well understood with the interaction among eyewall/outer rainband heating, radilal inflow in the boundary layer, surface layer turbulent processes, and shallow convection in the moat. However, further investigations are needed to fully understand the exhibited sensitivities of ERC to vortex radial structure and background wind.
The major and some of the minor constituents and the rate of accumulation of manganese nodules in the western North Pacific were determined. Manganese concentration in the nodules ranged from 20 to 30 per cent in the acid soluble fraction. As to the rare earth concentration, enrichment of cerium was observed in the manganese nodule as compared with that in shales or sea water. Thorium to uranium ratio in the nodule ranged from 9.4 to 14.3, which was very much higher than that in sea water. From the distribution of excess ionium, excess protactinium and Io/Th ratio, a rate of accumulation of 7 mm per million years was obtained with the surface layer of several mm in thickness of the JEDS-4-E4 nodule.
Carbon dioxide and light are two major prerequisites of photosynthesis. Rising CO2 levels in oceanic surface waters in combination with ample light supply are therefore often considered stimulatory to marine primary production. Here we show that the combination of an increase in both CO2 and light exposure negatively impacts photosynthesis and growth of marine primary producers. When exposed to CO2 concentrations projected for the end of this century, natural phytoplankton assemblages of the South China Sea responded with decreased primary production and increased light stress at light intensities representative of the upper surface layer. The phytoplankton community shifted away from diatoms, the dominant phytoplankton group during our field campaigns. To examine the underlying mechanisms of the observed responses, we grew diatoms at different CO2 concentrations and under varying levels (5-100%) of solar radiation experienced by the phytoplankton at different depths of the euphotic zone. Above 22-36% of incident surface irradiance, growth rates in the high-CO2-grown cells were inversely related to light levels and exhibited reduced thresholds at which light becomes inhibitory. Future shoaling of upper-mixed-layer depths will expose phytoplankton to increased mean light intensities. In combination with rising CO2 levels, this may cause a widespread decline in marine primary production and a community shift away from diatoms, the main algal group that supports higher trophic levels and carbon export in the ocean.