964 resultados para clinical psychiatry


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder of the connective tissue with a wide and heterogeneous spectrum of manifestations, with renal and neurological involvement usually related to worse prognosis. SLE more frequently affects females of reproductive age, and a high prevalence and renal manifestation seem to be associated with non-European ethnicity. The present study aims to investigate candidate loci to SLE predisposition and evaluate the influence of ethnic ancestry in the disease risk and clinical phenotypic heterogeneity of lupus at onset. Samples represented by 111 patients and 345 controls, originated from the city of Belem, located in the Northern Region of Brazil, were investigated for polymorphisms in HLA-G, HLA-C, SLC11A1, MTHFR, CASP8 and 15 KIR genes, in addition to 89 Amerindian samples genotyped for SLC11A1. We also investigated 48 insertion/deletion ancestry markers to characterize individual African, European and Amerindian ancestry proportions in the samples. Predisposition to SLE was associated with GTGT deletion at the SLC11A1 3`UTR, presence of KIR2DS2 +/KIR2DS5 +/KIR3DS1 + profile, increased number of stimulatory KIR genes, and European and Amerindian ancestries. The ancestry analysis ruled out ethnic differences between controls and patients as the source of the observed associations. Moreover, the African ancestry was associated with renal manifestations. Lupus (2011) 20, 265-273.


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Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the most important imaging modality for the evaluation of traumatic or degenerative cartilaginous lesions in the knee. It is a powerful noninvasive tool for detecting such lesions and monitoring the effects of pharmacologic and surgical therapy. The specific MR imaging techniques used for these purposes can be divided into two broad categories according to their usefulness for morphologic or compositional evaluation. To assess the structure of knee cartilage, standard spin-echo (SE) and gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequences, fast SE sequences, and three-dimensional SE and GRE sequences are available. These techniques allow the detection of morphologic defects in the articular cartilage of the knee and are commonly used in research for semiquantitative and quantitative assessments of cartilage. To evaluate the collagen network and proteoglycan content in the knee cartilage matrix, compositional assessment techniques such as T2 mapping, delayed gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging of cartilage (or dGEMRIC), T1 rho imaging, sodium imaging, and diffusion-weighted imaging are available. These techniques may be used in various combinations and at various magnetic field strengths in clinical and research settings to improve the characterization of changes in cartilage. (C)RSNA, 2011 , radiographics.rsna.org


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Previous studies have revealed semantic memory impairments in patients with schizophrenia, and suggested that certain of these impairments were related to thought disorganization. One explanation offered for this is a broadening of the boundaries of semantic categories in schizophrenia. We selected 16 semantic categories, and required a sample of 41 schizophrenia patients and 43 healthy control subjects to produce one exemplar from each category. The typicality of the subjects` responses was rated. The exemplars produced by the patients were on average less typical than those produced by the healthy controls. No significant association between typicality of the response and thought disorganization was revealed in the patient sample. Affective flattening, alogia, and anhedonia were significantly and inversely associated with the typicality score, that is, higher ratings of these symptoms were associated with more typical responses. Our results suggest that a broadening of semantic category boundaries is observed in patients with schizophrenia, but is unrelated to thought disorganization. This semantic abnormality is not a feature of the patients with high ratings of certain negative symptoms. (JINS, 2010, 16, 822-828.)


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BACKGROUND: Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a valuable alternative to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) because it allows full karyotype analysis. However, this approach requires the cryopreservation of biopsied embryos until results are available. The aim of this study is to reduce the hybridization period of CGH, in order to make this short-CGH technique suitable for PGS of Day-3 embryos, avoiding the cryopreservation step. METHODS: Thirty-two fibroblasts from six aneuploid cell lines (Coriell) and 48 blastomeres from 10 Day-4 embryos, discarded after PGS by FISH with 9 probes (9-chr-FISH), were analysed by short-CGH. A reanalysis by the standard 72 h-CGH and FISH using telomeric probes was performed when no concordant results between short-CGH and FISH diagnosis were observed. The short-CGH was subsequently applied in a clinical case of advanced maternal age. RESULTS: In 100% of the fibroblasts analysed, the characteristic aneuploidies of each cell line were detected by short-CGH. The results of the 48 blastomeres screened by short-CGH were supported by both 72 h-CGH results and FISH reanalysis. The chromosomes most frequently involved in aneuploidy were 22 and 16, but aneuploidies for the other chromosomes, excepting 1, 10 and 13, were also detected. Forty-one of the 94 aneuploid events observed (43.6%) corresponded to chromosomes which are not analysed by 9-chr-FISH. CONCLUSIONS: We have performed a preliminary validation of the short-CGH technique, including one clinical case, suggesting this approach may be applied to Day-3 aneuploidy analysis, thereby avoiding embryo cryopreservation and perhaps helping to improve implantation rate after PGS.


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Studies have provided evidence of the important effects of omega-3 fatty acid on the brain in neurological conditions, including epilepsy. Previous data have indicated that omega-3 fatty acids lead to prevention of status epilepticus-associated neuropathological changes in the hippocampal formation of rats with epilepsy. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has resulted in extensive preservation of GABAergic cells in animals with epilepsy. This study investigated the interplay of these effects with neurogenesis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The results clearly showed a positive effect of long-term omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on brain plasticity in animals with epilepsy. Enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF levels and preservation of interneurons expressing parvalbumin were observed. Parvalbumin-positive cells were identified as surviving instead of newly formed cells. Additional investigations are needed to determine the electrophysiological properties of the newly formed cells and to clarify whether the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on brain plasticity are accompanied by functional gain in animals with epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder in both dogs and humans. Although the pharmacological options for treatment of epilepsies have increased. it has been reported that two-thirds of dogs with epilepsy are refractory to antiepileptic drug therapy. To our knowledge, there are no experimental Studies in the literature that show an effect of omega-3 supplementation oil epilepsy in dogs. Our case study describes the effectiveness of daily intake of a moderate amount of fish oil in a case of canine epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate oral feeding capacity, the swallowing process, and risk for aspiration, both clinically and during fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, in infants with isolated Robin sequence treated exclusively with nasopharyngeal intubation and feeding facilitating techniques. Design: Longitudinal and prospective study. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalies Craniofaciais, University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil. Patients: Eleven infants with isolated Robin sequence, under 2 months of age, treated with nasopharyngeal intubation. Interventions: Feeding facilitating techniques were applied in all infants throughout the study period. The infants were evaluated clinically and through fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at first, second, and, if necessary, third week of hospitalization (T1, T2, T3). The mean volume of ingested milk was registered during clinical evaluation, and events were registered during feeding. Results: The respiratory status of all infants was improved after nasopharyngeal intubation; 72% of them presented risk for aspiration during fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at T1. This risk was less frequent when thickened milk was given to the infants and at subsequent evaluations (T2 and T3). Conclusions: Nasopharyngeal intubation aids in stabilizing the airway in isolated Robin sequence, but it does not relate directly to feeding. The risk for aspiration was present in most of the infants, mainly during the first week of hospitalization, and improved within a few weeks, after the use of feeding facilitating techniques.


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Objective-To evaluate the efficacy of cryosurgery for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Study Design-Prospective study. Animals-Dogs (n = 20), cats (10). Methods-Cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors were treated by liquid nitrogen cryosurgical spray (1 cm from target tissue at 90 degrees until a 5-mm halo of frozen tissue was achieved) for 15-60 seconds. Malignant lesions had 3 freeze-thaw cycles benign tumors, 2 cycles. The second or third freeze cycle was performed after complete thaw of the preceding freeze. Wounds healed by second intention. Follow-up was weekly for 1 month and then twice monthly until wounds healed, and final outcome was determined by telephone interview of owners. Results-Tumor size ranged from 0.3 to 11 cm, diameter with 28 (60%) being 0.3-1 cm; 8 (17%) 1.1-3cm, and 11 (23%) >3.4cm. Complications included edema, erythema and for extremity lesions, pain and lameness. Treated lesions (n = 47) had an overall remission of 98% (mean follow-up.. 345 +/- 172.02 days [range, 150-750 days]). One malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor recurred 7 months after cryosurgical treatment. Conclusion-Cryo surgery is an efficient method for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Clinical Relevance-Cryosurgical ablation is an effective means of treating small cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats, especially in older animals where wound closure or cosmetic outcome might limit surgical excision alone. (C) Copyright 2008 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.


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Recently we conducted the molecular characterization of Rangelia vitalii, a protozoan with high pathogenicity for young dogs in southern Brazil. To date, the descriptions of the disease have been restricted to natural infection cases. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the parasitemia, biological cycles and clinical-pathological findings in dogs experimentally infected with R. vitalii in the acute phase of disease, and also aimed to test a therapeutic protocol based on the diminazene aceturate. For this study, we used 12 young dogs (females), separated into two groups. Group A was composed of healthy dogs, not-infected (n = 5), and Group B consisted of animals infected with R. vitalii (n = 7). After infection, the animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite 5 days post-infection (PI). Parasitemia increased progressively in these animals and had the highest peak of circulating parasites between 9 and 11 days PI. Subsequently, the parasitemia reduced and the protozoan was seen inside the leukocytes in days 17, 19 and 21 PI. The most prominent clinical signs observed at the 20 day PI of experiment were lethargy, fever and anorexia. We observed a decrease of hematocrit of infected animals compared with not-infected dogs, featuring a moderate anemia. Pathological evaluation of one dog in Group B at day 21 PI revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hemorrhages at necropsy. Histological examination showed only follicular hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes, and the etiologic agent in the vascular endothelium. At 21 days PI, it was performed the treatment of dogs in Group B (n = 6) with a single dose of diminazene aceturate, which showed a curative efficacy of 100% in cleaning R. vitalii from blood of infected dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This Study reports a case of parasitism by the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma renale, diagnosed in the right kidney of a domestic (log An adult female German Shepherd was attended with clinical history of prostration and hyporexia. The hemogram showed changes compatible with an inflammatory process, for that reason, an abdominal ultrasound was requested. Ultrasound image suggested the presence of D renale in the right kidney The diagnosis was confirmed after urinalysis due to the presence of dioclophymas ova in the urinary sediment. Surgical treatment was made and the animal had an excellent recovery after the nephrectomy was performed Generally. in almost all cases, parasitism by D renale in domestic dogs is a necropsy finding, nevertheless imaging techniques as sonography and laboratorial exams as urinalysis have been proven to be important tools to achieve diagnosis. The purpose of this study is to report a case of parasitism by D renale where diagnosis and treatment were made in time to allow the patient`s recovery (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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A standardised nested-PCR method that amplifies a region of the glycoprotein E gene of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) has been developed for the diagnosis of infection by Gallid herpesvirus 1. The two sets of primers employed produced the expected ampIification products of 524bp(externa I primers) and 219bp (internal primers) in the presence of ILTV DNA, whereas no Such amplicons were obtained with other avian respiratory pathogens or with DNA extracted from the cells of uninfected chickens. The identity of the 219bp amplified product was con firmed by DNA sequencing. The standardised nested-PCR method detected ILTV DNA from trachea, lung, conjunctiva and trigeminal ganglia samples from flocks of birds with and without clinical signs. and showed hi.-h sensitivity (95.4%) and specificity (93.1%) when compared with the reference test involving virus isolation in specific-pathogen-free chicken embryos. The standardised nested-PCR method described may be used to detect clinical and latent ILTV infections, and will be of significant value for both diagnostic and epidemiological Studies. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.