810 resultados para classes (groups of students)


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No mundo dos negócios as organizações colocam-se numa procura contínua por diferenciações estratégicas e buscam o talento humano em profissionais cada vez mais competentes. A competência está relacionada ao desempenho e pode ser treinada e desenvolvida de acordo com as atividades e o trabalho prestado. A educação para o trabalho adquire maior importância à medida que aumenta seu papel na dinâmica da sociedade moderna que exige atualização contínua dos saberes e busca reduzir a evasão dos cursos como um de seus desafios. Esta pesquisa procura compreender a evasão escolar a partir da diferença salarial entre grupos de estudantes que abandonaram e finalizaram o curso, entre outras análises. Os dados foram coletados entre alunos ingressantes em dez cursos técnicos de nível médio de uma escola técnica estadual na cidade de São Paulo entre os anos 2009 e 2011. A pesquisa permite concluir que os alunos formados conseguem melhores salários que os evadidos, sendo a média dos salários dos que conseguiram se formar superior em 16,6% à média salarial dos evadidos. A maioria dos alunos evadidos aponta o trabalho como principal causa da evasão escolar. Evidencia-se a presença das políticas públicas para o crédito educacional entre os respondentes, já que 34,8% da amostra possuem bolsas de estudo, do PROUNI ou do crédito educativo do FIES.


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Lifelong learning is a ‘keystone’ of educational policies (Faure, 1972) where the emphasis on learning shifts from teacher to learner. Higher Education (HE) institutions should be committed to developing lifelong learning, that is promoting learning that is flexible, diverse and relevant at different times, and in different places, and is pursued throughout life. Therefore the HE sector needs to develop effective strategies to encourage engagement in meaningful learning for diverse student populations. The use of e-portfolios, as a ‘purposeful aggregation of digital items’ (Sutherland & Powell, 2007), can meet the needs of the student community by encouraging reflection, the recording of experiences and achievements, and personal development planning (PDP). The use of e-portfolios also promotes inclusivity in learning as it provides students with the opportunity to articulate their aspirations and take the first steps along the pathway of lifelong learning. However, ensuring the uptake of opportunities within their learning is more complex than the students simply having access to the software. Therefore it is argued here that crucial to the effective uptake and engagement of the e-portfolio is embedding it purposefully within the curriculum. In order to investigate effective implementation of e-portfolios an explanatory case study on their use was carried out, initially focusing on 3 groups of students engaged in work-based learning and professional practice. The 3 groups had e-Portfolios embedded and assessed at different levels. Group 1 did not have the e-Portfolio embedded into their curriculum nor was the e-Portfolio assessed. Group 2 had the e-Portfolio embedded into the curriculum and formatively assessed. Group 3 also had the e-Portfolio embedded into the curriculum and were summatively assessed. Results suggest that the use of e-Portfolios needs to be integral to curriculum design in modules rather than used as an additional tool. In addition to this more user engagement was found in group 2 where the e-Portfolio was formatively assessed only. The implications of this case study are further discussed in terms of curriculum development.


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This paper draws upon the findings of an empirical study comparing the expectations and concerns of engineering students with students enrolled on business and management programs. It argues that whilst the two groups of students have very similar expectations, motivations and concerns before their start their studies, once at university, engineering students are twice as likely to drop-out than are their compatriots in business studies. Drawing upon the study findings, recommendations are made as to what might be done to counteract this. The conclusion argues that there is a need for more in-depth research to be conducted in this area in order to identify the reasons behind the different attrition rates and to further enhance engineering undergraduate experience.


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The goal of the study was to investigate differences in how two groups of students activated mathematical competencies in the mathematical kangaroo (MK). The two groups, group 1 and 2, were identified from a sample of 264 students (grade 7, age 13) through high achievement (top 20 %) in only one of the tests: the MK or a curriculum bounded test (CT). Analysis of mathematical competencies showed that the high achievers in the MK, activated the problem solving competency to a greater extent than the high achievers in the CT, when doing the MK. The results indicate the importance of using non-traditional tests in the assessment process of students to be able to find students that might possess good mathematical competencies although they do not show it on curriculum bounded tests.


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In Fall 2015, the Engineering and Physical Science Library (EPSL) began lending anatomical models as part of its course reserves program. EPSL received a partial skeleton and two muscle model figures from instructors of BSCI105. These models circulate for 4 hours at a time and are generally used by small, collaborative groups of students in the library. This poster will look at the challenges and rewards for adding these items to EPSL’s course reserves.


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This study analyzes differences in metacognitive skills and executive functioning between two groups of students (10-12 years) with different levels of metacognitive knowledge (high n = 50, low n = 64). Groups were established based on students' score on a test of knowledge of strategy use. Metacognitive skills were assessed by means of self-report. Students reported the frequency with which they applied these strategies during the phases of planning, execution, and evaluation of learning. Information about student executive functioning was provided by families and teachers, who completed two parallel forms of a behavior rating scale. The results indicated that: a) the group with high levels of metacognitive knowledge reported using their metacognitive skills more frequently than their peers in the other group. These differences were statistically significant in the phases of planning and execution; b) both family and teachers informed of better levels of executive functioning in the students with high metacognitive knowledge. Statistically significant differences were found in planning, functional memory, focus, and sustained attention. These results show the existence of an association between different levels of metacognitive knowledge, and differences in metacognitive skills and executive functions, and suggest the need to emphasize this set of variables in order to encourage students to acquire increasing levels of control over their learning process.


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O Teste Apercetivo Temático Aeronáutico (TAT-AERO) é um teste projetivo utilizado na Força Aérea Portuguesa (FA) na avaliação psicológica prévia ao Programa de Dessensibilização do Enjoo Aeronáutico (PDEA). A presente investigação, norteada para o estudo do TAT-AERO aplicado ao PDEA, foi desenvolvida com recurso à metodologia de investigação qualitativa assente num método hipotético-dedutivo e num desenho de pesquisa comparativo. Tendo como pergunta de partida (PP) “Que aspetos do funcionamento emocional salientam as respostas dos protocolos TAT-AERO dos alunos de pilotagem que realizaram o PDEA e dos alunos de pilotagem sem sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico?”, passou pela aplicação do TAT-AERO a dois grupos de alunos de pilotagem. Em concreto, a um grupo que não apresentou sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico e a um outro grupo que, por ter apresentado esta sintomatologia, havia realizado o PDEA. Os dados obtidos da comparação dos protocolos destes dois grupos, revelaram a existência de diferenças entre os dois grupos de alunos de pilotagem (sem sintomatologia ligada ao enjoo aeronáutico e que haviam realizado o PDEA), em concreto na forma como lidam com a temática da morte, o conflito familiar e o seu distanciamento em relação à história que relatam. Abstract: The Thematic Apperception Aeronautical Test ( TAT- AERO ) is a projective test used in Portuguese Air Force in the previous psychological evaluation to Desensitization Program for Airsickness ( PDEA ). In present investigation, guided for the study of the TAT- AERO applied to PDEA, the research was developed using the qualitative research methodology based on a hypothetical-deductive method, the research design was comparative. The investigation had the departure question (PP) " What aspects of emotional functioning stress responses of TAT- AERO protocols of pilotage students who performed the PDEA and pilot students without symptoms linked to airsickness?" The TAT-AERO was applied to a group of pilot students have shown no symptoms linked to airsickness, and the respective protocols such as the protocols of pilotage students who performed the PDEA were compared in order to assess any specific each of the groups. The data revealed that there are differences between the two groups of students (without symptoms linked to airsickness and performed the PDEA) in the way they deal with the theme of death, family conflict and distancing itself from the story reported.


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Résumé : Cette recherche descriptive a pour origine une question de praticienne-chercheure : Quels sont les stratégies et les actes pédagogiques à privilégier par un enseignant en sciences au collégial, afin de stimuler la motivation des étudiants à s’engager dans leurs activités d’apprentissage? Les enjeux pédagogiques au niveau collégial sont d’importance. Les études scientifiques sont caractérisées par un grand nombre d’abandons, un faible niveau de motivation et d’engagement des étudiants dans leurs études et un taux de réussite sous les seuils visés. L’enseignant peut jouer un rôle-clef pour stimuler l’engagement des étudiants, tant par ses stratégies pédagogiques ou ses choix d’activité d’apprentissage que par le support qu’il peut apporter à l’apprenant. La particularité du milieu collégial, où se côtoient formation pré-universitaire et formation technique, n’a pas encore été étudiée, dans une perspective comparative sur la dynamique motivationnelle, en lien avec l’engagement dans une formation scientifique. L’objectif général de cette recherche est de décrire les perceptions des étudiants quant à leur motivation, selon différents actes et stratégies pédagogiques mis en place par les enseignants de deux programmes scientifiques au niveau collégial, soit le programme pré-universitaire Sciences de la nature et pour le programme Techniques de laboratoire, profil Biotechnologies. Chacun des 16 enseignants participants de biologie ou de physique des deux programmes ont été observés durant une ou deux séances de cours totalisant 58 heures d’enseignement, pour 29 groupes d’étudiants, de façon à identifier la stratégie pédagogique générale de la séance et les actes pédagogiques qui ont été concrétisés en classe. Les étudiants ont ensuite complété un questionnaire en ligne sur leurs perceptions en lien avec la motivation concernant ces stratégies et actes pédagogiques. Les questionnaires de 272 répondants ont été traité, analysés et interprétés, de façon à dresser un portrait de la dynamique motivationnelle par groupes de comparaison, par analyses statistiques et analyse qualitative des commentaires spontanés des répondants. Les étudiantes et étudiants de Biotechnologies ont des perceptions plus favorables à la motivation en accordant plus de valeur aux activités d’apprentissage que les répondants de Sciences de la nature. Ils ont également un désir d’engagement plus élevé. Les hommes de Biotechnologies se sentent significativement plus compétents que les femmes du même programme et les répondants des deux genres en Sciences de la nature, ils ont une plus grande facilité à participer aux activités d’apprentissage en classe et ne mentionnent que très peu d’émotions négatives en lien avec les activités de leurs séances de cours. Les étudiantes et étudiants des deux programmes ont des perceptions très diversifiées sur les activités d’apprentissage et stratégies pédagogiques; elles sont même opposées entre certains étudiants pour une même séance de cours, ce qui indique que d’offrir une bonne variété d’actes pédagogiques à chaque séance de cours est à privilégier pour stimuler la motivation du plus grand nombre.


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ANTECEDENTES: Los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos DME son una de las alteraciones más frecuentes y una de las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en el continente americano, y Unión Europea, generando graves repercusiones económicas a nivel empresarial, de la salud pública, y del empleado. Esto es debido a una sobrecarga laboral causada por los trabajos repetitivos, posturas mantenidas, y requerimientos de fuerza muscular, por lo que se hace importante identificarlos a través de distintos métodos ergonómicos con el objeto de generar programas de prevención que permitan la mitigación de los mismos. OBJETIVO: Determinar los síntomas músculo-esqueléticos y su relación con las condiciones de trabajo de los docentes de instituciones educativas distritales de la localidad de Usme, Bogotá, D. C. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 192 docentes que se evaluaran con el cuestionario Nórdico estandarizado de síntomas musculo esqueléticos y preguntas sociodemográficas de la encuesta de condiciones de trabajo y salud (ECTS) para caracterizar la población estudio. Para el análisis estadístico se realizó distribución de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. La evaluación de las posibles asociaciones se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson, con intervalos de confianza del 95%, la prevalencia fue ajustada por género con los intervalos de confianza. RESULTADOS: El 57,8% de los participantes era de sexo femenino, el 41,7% tenían edades entre los 30 y 39 años de edad, el 82,8% de los encuestados manejaban grupos de estudiantes que oscilan entre los 20 a 60 estudiantes, del total de los encuestados el 42,7% (IC95%: 35.9-49.5) presentan un DME ya diagnosticado por un médico o servicio de salud. El 77,1% respondieron afirmativamente a la presencia de esta variable con un IC95%: de 70,3-82,8. En cuanto a la localización del dolor, se observó que la región del cuello con el 51.6% (IC 44.3-58.9) y región lumbar con el 49% (IC95%: 42.2-56.3) fueron las dos regiones anatómicas valoradas con mayor presencia de dolor. Se encontró asociación entre la edad y el dolor (chi-cuadrado: 6,858), el sexo y dolor (chi-cuadrado: 0.250) y el número de estudiantes con el dolor (chi-cuadrado: 2,179) CONCLUSIONES: los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio confirman la relación existente entre la presencia de desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos (DME) y la actividad docente, pero se hace pertinente la realización de más estudios que permitan valorar los DME con el riesgo psicosocial, jornada laboral y tipo de asignatura que imparten los docentes en sus cátedras para este tipo de población.


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Neste estudo apresenta-se uma avaliação do impacto da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), na perspetiva dos estudantes e observando alguns dados relativos ao uso da Biblioteca FCUP. A investigação recorre a uma análise de métodos mistos, isto é, avalia dados qualitativos, que descrevem mas não mensuram as características, em especial as ações humanas, e dados quantitativos que apresentam forma numérica e revelam uma quantidade certa podendo ser sujeitos a manipulação estatística. A «Notícias da Biblioteca», uma newsletter publicada bimestralmente pela Biblioteca FCUP, inclui uma seção denominada “Voz do Utilizador”, onde são incluídos pequenos textos de opinião da autoria dos utilizadores, escolhidos aleatoriamente e, que frequentam as instalações destes serviços da FCUP. Aplicando a Norma Internacional ISO16439:2014 (E) – Information and documentation – Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, examinaram-se vinte textos de opinião, sobre a biblioteca, redigidos por estudantes de várias nacionalidades, publicados de janeiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2014, na «Notícias da Biblioteca». Investigaram-se ainda 7 entrevistas. Apelando à Estatística Descritiva efetuaram-se tabelas de contingência que são úteis para conhecer a relação entre os dados em função de determinados grupos, isto é, observar a frequência de uma variável em função das categorias de outra variável. Com as tabelas de contingência obtém-se percentagens em função dos efeitos do impacto da biblioteca e dos grupos de estudantes e analisa-se a relação entre eles. O estudo utilizou ainda alguns dados estatísticos indicadores que mostram o impacto, a saber, indicadores de desempenho relativos ao uso da biblioteca – número de visitas per capita e número de empréstimos per capita. Estas avaliações em bibliotecas fornecem informações úteis para as chefias de topo, para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos e a otimização do impacto e desempenho destes serviços das instituições de Ensino Superior./ This study presents an impact assessment of the Library of the Faculty of Science, University of Porto (FCUP), from the students’ point of view and some statistical data collected from the FCUP Library use. We used a mixed methods research, i.e., qualitative data, that describes but does not measure characteristics, in particular human actions, and quantitative data represented by numbers that indicate exact amounts which can be statistically manipulated. The newsletter «Notícias da Biblioteca» published, bimonthly, by the FCUP Library includes a section called “User Voice” where we can find opinion texts expressed by library users, randomly chosen, and who usually go to the library. Applying International Standard ISO16439: 2014 (E) - Information and documentation - Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, we examined 20 opinion texts written by students of various nationalities, published from January 2013 to December 2014, in «Notícias da Biblioteca» During this period of time, we have taken seven interviews. Using the principles of Descriptive Statistics, we produced Contingency Tables to determine how the data relates in terms of certain groups, i.e., to observe the frequency of the dependent variable on another categorical variable. Working with the Contingency Tables allowed us to obtain percentages according to the effects of the impact of the library in various groups of students and study the relationship between them. This study also used some statistical data that show the impact of the library within the institution, such as: performance indicators relating to the use of the library - number of visits per capita and number of loans per capita. These assessment impact studies in libraries provide useful data for the top management, to develop new projects, thus maximizing the impact and performance of these services of higher education institutions.


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The composition of many professional services firms in the Urban Development area has moved away from a discipline specific ‘silo’ structure to a more multidisciplinary environment. The benefits of multidisciplinarity have been seen in industry by providing synergies across many of the related disciplines. Similarly, the Queensland University of Technology, Bachelor of Urban Development degree has sought to broaden the knowledge base of students and achieve a greater level of synergy between related urban development disciplines through the introduction of generic and multidisciplinary units. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of delivering core property units in a multidisciplinary context. A comparative analysis has been undertaken between core property units and more generic units offered in a multidisciplinary context from introductory, intermediate and advanced years within the property program. This analysis was based on data collected from course performance surveys, student performance results, a student focus group and was informed by a reflective process from the student perspective and lecturer/ tutor feedback. The study showed that there are many benefits associated with multidisciplinary unit offerings across the QUT Urban Development program particularly in the more generic units. However, these units require a greater degree of management. It is more difficult to organise, teach and coordinate multidisciplinary student cohorts due to a difference in prior knowledge and experience between each of the discipline groups. In addition, the interaction between lecturers/ tutors and the students frequently becomes more limited. A perception exists within the student body that this more limited face to face contact with academic staff is not valuable which may be exacerbated by the quality of complimentary online teaching materials. For many academics, non-attendance at lectures was coupled with an increase in email communication. From the limited data collected during the study there appears to be no clear correlation between large multidisciplinary student classes and student academic performance or satisfaction.


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Background: Providing motivationally supportive physical education experiences for learners is crucial since empirical evidence in sport and physical education research has associated intrinsic motivation with positive educational outcomes. Self-determination theory (SDT) provides a valuable framework for examining motivationally supportive physical education experiences through satisfaction of three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. However, the capacity of the prescriptive teaching philosophy of the dominant traditional physical education teaching approach to effectively satisfy the psychological needs of students to engage in physical education has been questioned. The constraints-led approach (CLA) has been proposed as a viable alternative teaching approach that can effectively support students’ self-motivated engagement in physical education. Purpose: We sought to investigate whether adopting the learning design and delivery of the CLA, guided by key pedagogical principles of nonlinear pedagogy (NLP), would address basic psychological needs of learners, resulting in higher self-reported levels of intrinsic motivation. The claim was investigated using action research. The teacher/researcher delivered two lessons aimed at developing hurdling skills: one taught using the CLA and the other using the traditional approach. Participants and Setting: The main participant for this study was the primary researcher and lead author who is a PETE educator, with extensive physical education teaching experience. A sample of 54 pre-service PETE students undertaking a compulsory second year practical unit at an Australian university was recruited for the study, consisting of an equal number of volunteers from each of two practical classes. A repeated measures experimental design was adopted, with both practical class groups experiencing both teaching approaches in a counterbalanced order. Data collection and analysis: Immediately after participation in each lesson, participants completed a questionnaire consisting of 22 items chosen from validated motivation measures of basic psychological needs and indices of intrinsic motivation, enjoyment and effort. All questionnaire responses were indicated on a 7-point Likert scale. A two-tailed, paired-samples t-test was used to compare the groups’ motivation subscale mean scores for each teaching approach. The size of the effect for each group was calculated using Cohen’s d. To determine whether any significant differences between the subscale mean scores of the two groups was due to an order effect, a two-tailed, independent samples t test was used. Findings: Participants’ reported substantially higher levels of self-determination and intrinsic motivation during the CLA hurdles lesson compared to during the traditional hurdles lesson. Both groups reported significantly higher motivation subscale mean scores for competence, relatedness, autonomy, enjoyment and effort after experiencing the CLA than mean scores reported after experiencing the traditional approach. This significant difference was evident regardless of the order that each teaching approach was experienced. Conclusion: The theoretically based pedagogical principles of NLP that inform learning design and delivery of the CLA may provide teachers and coaches with tools to develop more functional pedagogical climates, which result in students exhibiting more intrinsically motivated behaviours during learning.


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This paper reviews the remarkably similar experiences of school science reported by high school students in Sweden, England, and Australia. It compares student narratives from interpretive studies by Lindahl, by Osborne and Collins, and by Lyons, identifying core themes relating to critical contemporary issues in science education. These themes revolve around the transmissive pedagogy, decontextualized content, and unnecessary difficulty of school science commonly reported by students in the studies. Their collective experiences are used as a framework for examining student conceptions of, and attitudes to, school science more generally, drawing on an extensive range of international literature. The paper argues that the experiences of students in the three studies provide important insights into the widespread declines in interest and enrolments in high school and university science courses.


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Engaging large first year classes in tertiary education poses a number of significant challenges, most of which have been discussed by others. One area that has not received the kind of attention that it warrants is the context within which the engagement activities take place. This paper examines both the processes used to engage a large first year management class in a major city university and how the context of the classes shaped activities and student responses to these activities. It was recognised that students had certain types of learning styles, but given the total number of students (in excess of 1200) it was realised that is would be impossible to cater to all possibilities. A key outcome of the exercise was the importance of context in shaping student behaviours.


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It is well recognized that professional musicians are at risk of hearing damage due to the exposure to high sound pressure levels during music playing. However, it is important to recognize that the musicians’ exposure may start early in the course of their training as students in the classroom and at home. Studies regarding sound exposure of music students and their hearing disorders are scarce and do not take into account important influencing variables. Therefore, this study aimed to describe sound level exposures of music students at different music styles, classes, and according to the instrument played. Further, this investigation attempted to analyze the perceptions of students in relation to exposure to loud music and consequent health risks, as well as to characterize preventive behaviors. The results showed that music students are exposed to high sound levels in the course of their academic activity. This exposure is potentiated by practice outside the school and other external activities. Differences were found between music style, instruments, and classes. Tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplacusis, and sound distortion were reported by the students. However, students were not entirely aware of the health risks related to exposure to high sound pressure levels. These findings reflect the importance of starting intervention in relation to noise risk reduction at an early stage, when musicians are commencing their activity as students.