997 resultados para calagem superficial
La investigación se realizó en el Caserío El Tamarindo, Cantón Las Delicias, Municipio de San Miguel, El Salvador. El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar la Calidad de Agua de Pozos de Captación Superficial para Consumo Humano, debido a que la comunidad se abastece de agua, provenientes de pozos artesanales de poca profundidad ubicados en laderas y afloramientos sub-superficiales de roca de origen volcánico con suelos de pH moderadamente ácidos y sin ningún tratamiento. Dada la situación anterior se considera el agua como factor de riesgo en aproximadamente 350 habitantes de la comunidad, se determinó a través de muestreos de tres sectores el caserío conocidos como: Tamarindo Centro, Guacamaya y Ciénaga de manera descriptiva la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica del agua, y se analizaron 18 parámetros por muestra, y se comparan con los valores de la Norma Salvadoreña Obligatoria para Agua Potable, NSO 13.07.01:08 vigente. El agua de todos los pozos analizados mostró contaminación por Coliformes Totales y Fecales además las concentraciones de Mercurio y Plomo superan los valores de la Norma. Se determinaron los parámetros además en un pozo de control lejos de los pozos en estudio, para comparar los datos; sin embargo, la presencia de metales y contaminación microbiológica está fuera de norma. Los resultados muestran el deterioro de la calidad del agua respecto a los parámetros químicos y microbiológicos que constituyen un factor de riesgo para la salud de la población es por ello que fueron entregados a un líder de la comunidad para gestione la mejora de la calidad del agua.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.
Na fabricação de componentes mecânicos precisos, que necessitam de alta resistência mecânica e ao desgaste, utiliza-se o processo de retificação, para conferir o acabamento final desejado e, também, para eliminar as deformações ocorridas durante a têmpera do aço. No entanto, as condições de retificação devem ser adequadas, para que não sejam introduzidas falhas na peça. Novos conceitos de lubrificação e refrigeração, para o processo de retificação, estão sendo pesquisados, de forma a diminuir os custos e os danos ambientais causados pelos fluidos de corte. Nesse trabalho, é analisada a influência das técnicas de mínima quantidade de lubrificante (MQL), refrigeração otimizada e refrigeração convencional, com diferentes vazões e velocidade de aplicação do fluido de corte, na qualidade das peças produzidas com aço ABNT 4340 endurecido, no processo de retificação cilíndrica externa de mergulho com a utilização de rebolos de CBN. O Aço ABNT 4340 apresenta várias aplicações industriais, sendo considerado de uso aeronáutico devido, sua alta resistência mecânica sem aumentar o peso dos componentes que o utilizam. A análise da qualidade das peças foi realizada com a verficação das rugosidades e com a análise de microscopias eletrônicas de varredura. Verificou-se, ainda, a força tangencial de corte. em relação às diferentes formas de aplicação do fluido de corte, notou-se o melhor desempenho da aplicação otimizada, para maiores velocidades, mostrando a eficiência do bocal utilizado. O processo otimizado e o processo MQL foram capazes de manter a integridade superficial das peças produzidas. Exceção somente para a condição MQL com vazão de fluido de corte de 40ml/h, que produziu trincas e queima superficial. Rebolos com baixa concentração de CBN, conseqüentemente mais baratos, proporcionaram bons resultados, quando associados com técnicas mais eficientes de aplicação de fluido de corte apresentando desgaste reduzido.
Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic band ligation (EBL) in carefully selected patients who would benefit from this method of resection. Methods: Patients with early upper gastrointestinal and small (< 15 mm) lesions treated with EBL (Duette® Multi-Band Mucosectomy) were prospectively recruited and retrospectively analyzed between 2010 and 2015. All cases were discussed in a multidisciplinary cancer committee and it was concluded that, owing to patient conditions, surgery was not possible and that not conducting histology would not change the clinical management. A first endoscopic control with biopsies was planned at 4-8 weeks. If there was no persistence of the lesion, new controls were programmed at 6 and 12 months. Results: The group (n = 12) included 5 esophagus lesions (adenosquamous carcinoma, n = 1; carcinoma squamous, n = 2; adenocarcinoma, n = 2); 4 gastric lesions (high grade dysplasia, n = 1; adenocarcinoma, n = 2; neuroendocrine tumor [NET], n = 1), and 3 duodenal lesions (NETs) (n = 3). The mean tumor diameter was 9.6 ± 2.8 mm (range 4-15). Only one minor adverse event was described. At first follow-up (4-8 weeks), there was 91.6% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. At 6-month follow-up there was 70% of both endoscopic remission and negative biopsies. And at 12 months, there was 100% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. Persisting lesions were T1 cancers. The median follow-up was 30.6 months. Conclusion: EBL without resection is an easy and safe technique that should be considered in patients with multiple morbidities and small superficial UGI lesions.
This study aimed to identify physiological markers in superficially scalded 'Rocha' pear (Pyrus communis L 'Rocha') that would relate to chlorophyll a fluorescence (CF), allowing a non-invasive diagnosis of the disorder. Conditions chosen before shelf life provided two fruit groups with different developing patterns and severity of superficial scald: T fruit fully developed the disorder in storage, while C fruit developed it progressively throughout shelf life. Principal component analysis (PCA) of all the measured variables, and simple linear correlations among several major parameters and scald index (SI)/shelf life showed that scald and ripening/aging were concurring processes, and that it was not possible to isolate a particular variable that could deliver a direct non-invasive diagnosis of the disorder. For both fruit groups the SI resulted from the balance between the reducing power (OD200) and the content of conjugated trienols (CTos) and alpha-farnesene (alpha-Farn) in the fruit peel. At OD200 > 150 there was a linear relationship between CTos and OD200, suggesting that the level of antioxidants was self-adjusted in order to compensate the CTos level. However, at OD200 < 150 this relationship disappeared. A consistent linear relationship between dos and alpha-Farn existed throughout shelf life in both fruit groups, contrarily to the early storage stage, when those compounds do not relate linearly. The CF variables F-0, F-v/F-m, and the colorimetric variables, L* and h degrees were used in multi-linear regressions with other physiological variables. The regressions were made on one of the fruit groups and validated through the other. Reliable regressions to alpha-Farn and CTos were obtained (R approximate to 0.6; rmsec approximate to rmsep). Our results suggest that a model based on CF and colorimetric parameters could be used to diagnose non-invasively both the contents and the relationship between alpha-Farn and CTos and hence the stage of scald development. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Compararam-se dois sistemas de irrigacao por sulcos. Um deles constou da aplicacao de vazoes constantes, atraves de sifoes, para valores de R iguais a 0,26; 1 e 2. O outro constou de reutilizacao da agua escoada para valores de R iguaia a 0,5, 1 e 2. Observaram-se decrescimos nas perdas por percolacao, enquanto as eficiencias de aplicaca oe de distribuicao aumentaram, o mesmo acontecendo com as perdas por escoamento em ambos os sistemas de irrigacao, quando o valor de R aumentou. A eficiencia de irrigacao cresceu com o valor de R, quando se reutilizou a agua de escoamento, ocorrendo o inverso quando nao se reutilizou esta agua. Foram feitas determinacoes quanto a flutuacao da vazao de escoamento disponivel durante a irrigacao de cinco setores consecutivos, visando o dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigacao com reutilizacao desta agua.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2015.
A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment
The addition of active silica potentially improves the quality of concrete due to its high reactivity and pore refinement effect. The reactivity of silica is likely related to its charge density. Variations in surface charge alter the reactivity of the material consequently affecting the properties of concrete. The present study aimed at investigating variations in the charge density of silica as a function of acid treatments using nitric or phosphoric acid and different pH values (2.0, 4.0 and 6.0). Effects on concrete properties including slump, mechanical strength, permeability and chloride corrosion were evaluated. To that end, a statistical analysis was carried out and empirical models that correlate studied parameters (pH, acid and cement) with concrete properties were established. The quality of the models was tested by variance analysis. The results revealed that the addition of silica was efficiency in improving the properties of concrete, especially the electrochemical parameters. The addition of silica treated using nitric acid at pH = 4.0 displayed the best cement performance including highest strength, reduced permeability and lowest corrosion current
Informação física; Crítérios de dimensionamento; Estruturas hidraúlicas.
A demanda por óleos vegetais tem aumentado no mundo. O tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart), que é uma palmeira nativa da Amazônia, é uma alternativa para a produção de óleo. No Pará, a camada superficial do solo, que é comumente utilizada como substrato para a formação de mudas, geralmente apresenta acidez elevada e baixa disponibilidade de fósforo (P). Diante do exposto, objetivou-se estimar o efeito da calagem e da adubação fosfatada no desenvolvimento de mudas de tucumã. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições, em esquema fatorial 4 x 6, correspondendo a quatro níveis de saturação por bases (V) (13, 40, 65 e 90 %) e seis doses de P (0, 30, 60, 120, 240 e 480 mg dm-3). O experimento foi desenvolvido em viveiro da empresa Dentauá, em Santo Antônio do Tauá, Pará. As plantas foram cultivadas por 350 dias, em sacos de polietileno preto e perfurado, contendo 3,0 dm-3 de substrato. Observou-se interação entre níveis de V e doses de P apenas para a massa de matéria seca de parte aérea, de raiz e total, que aumentaram em resposta à aplicação de doses de calcário e fertilizante fosfatado. A calagem e a adubação fosfatada aumentaram o diâmetro do coleto e número total de folhas, mas não influenciaram a altura da planta e o índice SPAD. A correção da acidez do solo e o fornecimento de P melhoraram o desenvolvimento de mudas de tucumã.
Among the many types of noise observed in seismic land acquisition there is one produced by surface waves called Ground Roll that is a particular type of Rayleigh wave which characteristics are high amplitude, low frequency and low velocity (generating a cone with high dip). Ground roll contaminates the relevant signals and can mask the relevant information, carried by waves scattered in deeper regions of the geological layers. In this thesis, we will present a method that attenuates the ground roll. The technique consists in to decompose the seismogram in a basis of curvelet functions that are localized in time, in frequency, and also, incorporate an angular orientation. These characteristics allow to construct a curvelet filter that takes in consideration the localization of denoise in scales, times and angles in the seismogram. The method was tested with real data and the results were very good