803 resultados para bake hardening


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This paper emphasizes the influence of micro mechanisms of failure of a cellular material on its phenomenological response. Most of the applications of cellular materials comprise a compression loading. Thus, the study focuses on the influence of the anisotropy in the mechanical behavior of cellular material under cyclic compression loadings. For this study, a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique (named Correli) was applied, as well as SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) images were analyzed. The experimental results are discussed in detail for a closed-cell rigid poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) foam, showing stress-strain curves in different directions and why the material can be assumed as transversely isotropic. Besides, the present paper shows elastic and plastic Poisson's ratios measured in different planes, explaining why the plastic Poisson's ratios approach to zero. Yield fronts created by the compression loadings in different directions and the influence of spring-back phenomenon on hardening curves are commented, also.


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This paper is the first part of an extensive work focusing the technological development of steel fiber reinforced concrete pipes (FRCP). Here is presented and discussed the experimental campaign focusing the test procedure and the mechanical behavior obtained for each of the dosages of fiber used. In the second part ("Steel fiber reinforced concrete pipes. Part 2: Numerical model to simulate the crushing test"), the aspects of FRCP numerical modeling are presented and analyzed using the same experimental results in order to be validated. This study was carried out trying to reduce some uncertainties related to FRCP performance and provide a better condition to the use of these components. In this respect, an experimental study was carried out using sewage concrete pipes in full scale as specimens. The diameter of the specimens was 600 mm, and they had a length of 2500 mm. The pipes were reinforced with traditional bars and different contents of steel fibers in order to compare their performance through the crushing test. Two test procedures were used in that sense. In the 1st Series, the diameter displacement was monitored by the use of two LVDTs positioned at both extremities of the pipes. In the 2nd Series, just one LVDT is positioned at the spigot. The results shown a more rigidity response of the pipe during tests when the displacements were measured at the enlarged section of the socket. The fiber reinforcement was very effective, especially when low level of displacement was imposed to the FRCP. At this condition, the steel fibers showed an equivalent performance to superior class pipes made with traditional reinforced. The fiber content of 40 kg/m3 provided a hardening behavior for the FRCP, and could be considered as equivalent to the critical volume in this condition.


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Resistance to corrosion, high tensile strength, low weight, easiness and rapidity of application, are characteristics that have contributed to the spread of the strengthening technique characterized by bonding of carbon fibers reinforced polymer (CFRP). This research aimed to develop an innovate strengthening method for RC beams, based on a high performance cement-based composite of steel fibers (macro + microfibers) to be applied as a transition layer. The purpose of this transition layer is better control the cracking of concrete and detain or even avoid premature debonding of strengthening. A preliminary study in short beams molded with steel fibers and strengthened with CFRP sheet, was carried out where was verified that the conception of the transition layer is valid. Tests were developed to get a cement-based composite with adequate characteristics to constitute the layer transition. Results showed the possibility to develop a high performance material with a pseudo strain-hardening behavior, high strength and fracture toughness. The application of the strengthening on the transition layer surface had significantly to improve the performance levels of the strengthened beam. It summary, it was proven the efficiency of the new strengthening technique, and much information can be used as criteria of projects for repaired and strengthened structures.


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Brown rot caused by Monilinia laxa and Monilinia fructigena is considered one of the most important diseases affecting Prunus species. Although some losses can result from the rotten fruits in the orchard, most of the damage is caused to fruits during the post-harvest phase. Several studies reported that brown rot incidence during fruit development highly varies; it was found that at a period corresponding to the the pit hardening stage, fruit susceptibility drastically decreases, to be quickly restored afterwards. However the molecular basis of this phenomenon is still not well understood. Furthermore, no difference in the rot incidence was found between wound and un-wound fruits, suggesting that resistance associated more to a specifc biochemical response of the fruit, rather than to a higher mechanical resistance. So far, the interaction Monilinia-peach was analyzed through chemical approaches. In this study, a bio-molecular approach was undertaken in order to reveal alteration in gene expression associated to the variation of susceptibility. In this thesis three different methods for gene expression analysis were used to analyze the alterations in gene expression occurring in peach fruits during the pit hardening stage, in a period encompassing the temporary change in Monilinia susceptibility: real time PCR, microarray and cDNA AFLP techniques. In 2005, peach fruits (cv.K2) were weekly harvested during a 19-week long-period, starting from the fourth week after full bloom, until full maturity. At each sampling time, three replicates of 5 fruits each were dipped in the M.laxa conidial suspension or in distilled water, as negative control. The fruits were maintained at room temperature for 3 hours; afterwards, they were peeled with a scalpel; the peel was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and transferred to -80 °C until use. The degree of susceptibility of peach fruit to the pathogen was determined on 3 replicates of 20 fruits each, as percentage of infected fruits, after one week at 20 °C. Real time PCR analysis was performed to study the variation in expression of those genes encoding for the enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway (phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), leucoanthocyanidine reductase (LAR), hydroxycinnamoyl CoA quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HQT) and of the jasmonate pathway, such as lipoxygenase (LOX), both involved in the production of important defense compounds. Alteration in gene expression was monitored on fruit samples of a period encompassing the pit hardening stage and the corresponding temporary resistance to M.laxa infections, weekly, from the 6thto the 12th week after full bloom (AFB) inoculated with M. laxa or mock-inoculated. The data suggest a critical change in the expression level of the phenylpropanoid pathway from the 7th to the 8th week AFB; such change could be directly physiologically associated to the peach growth and it could indirectly determine the decrease of susceptibility of peach fruit to Monilinia rot during the subsequent weeks. To investigate on the transcriptome variation underneath the temporary loss of susceptibility of peach fruits to Monilinia rot, the microarray and the cDNA AFLP techniques were used. The samples harvested on the 8th week AFB (named S, for susceptible ones) and on the 12th week AFB (named R, for resistant ones) were compared, both inoculated or mock-inoculated. The microarray experiments were carried out at the University of Padua (Dept. of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science), using the μPEACH1.0 microarray together with the suited protocols. The analysis showed that 30 genes (corresponding to the 0.6% of the total sequences (4806) contained in the μPeach1.0 microarray) were found up-regulated and 31 ( 0.6%) down regulated in RH vs. SH fruits. On the other hand, 20 genes (0.4%) were shown to be up-regulated and 13 (0.3%) down-regulated in the RI vs. SI fruit. No genes were found differentially expressed in the mock-inoculated resistant fruits (RH) vs. the inoculated resistant ones (RI). Among the up-regulated genes an ATP sulfurylase, an heat shock protein 70, the major allergen Pru P1, an harpin inducing protein and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase were found, conversely among the down-regulated ones, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, an histidine- containing phosphotransfer protein and the ferritin were found. The microarray experimental results and the data indirectly derived, were tested by Real Time PCR analysis. cDNA AFLP analysis was also performed on the same samples. 339 transcript derived fragments considered significant for Monilinia resistance, were selected, sequenced and classified. Genes potentially involved in cell rescue and defence were well represented (8%); several genes (12.1%) involved in the protein folding, post-transductional modification and genes (9.2%) involved in cellular transport were also found. A further 10.3% of genes were classified as involved in the metabolism of aminoacid, carbohydrate and fatty acid. On the other hand, genes involved in the protein synthesis (5.7%) and in signal transduction and communication (5.7%) were found. Among the most interesting genes found differentially expressed between susceptible and resistant fruits, genes encoding for pathogenesis related (PR) proteins were found. To investigate on the association of Monilinia resistance and PR biological function, the major allergen Pru P1 (GenBank accession AM493970) and its isoform (here named Pru P2), were expressed in heterologous system and in vitro assayed for their anti-microbial activity. The ribonuclease activity of the recombinant Pru P1 and Pru P2 proteins was assayed against peach total RNA. As the other PR10 proteins, they showed a ribonucleolytic activity, that could be important to contrast pathogen penetration. Moreover Pru P1 and Pru P2 recombinant proteins were checked for direct antimicrobial activity. No inhibitory effect of Pru P1 or Pru P2 was detected against the selected fungi.


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Oggetto di questa tesi è lo studio parametrico del comportamento di paratie mediante modellazione numerica agli elementi finiti. Si è anche analizzato l’aspetto normativo relativo ad esse ed in particolare si è applicato il D.M. 2008 ad una paratia sottolineando le innovazioni nella progettazione geotecnica. Le paratie sono opere di sostegno flessibili interagenti con i fronti di scavo e costituite da una porzione fuori terra, soggetta a condizioni di spinta attiva, e una porzione interrata che contrappone la resistenza passiva del terreno. Le opere di sostegno flessibile si dividono in due categorie: diaframmi e palancole che differiscono molto fra loro sia per il materiale con cui sono realizzate, sia per la tecnica di messa in opera, sia per la geometria, ma hanno in comune il meccanismo di funzionamento. Sono stati illustrati i metodi di calcolo per lo studio delle paratie: metodi dell’equilibrio limite a rottura, metodi a molle e metodi agli elementi finiti. I metodi agli elementi finiti negli ultimi anni hanno avuto maggior successo grazie alla possibilità di definire il modello costitutivo sforzi-deformazioni, le condizioni al contorno e le condizioni iniziali. Esistono numerosi programmi di calcolo che si basano sul metodo agli elementi finiti, tra i quali è da annoverare il programma Plaxis che viene molto usato grazie alla presenza di vari modelli costitutivi in grado di simulare il comportamento del terreno. Tra i legami costitutivi presenti nel programma Plaxis, sono stati presi in esame il modello Mohr-Coulomb, l’Hardening model e il Soft Soil Creep model e sono poi stati applicati per eseguire uno studio parametrico del comportamento delle paratie. Si è voluto comprendere la sensibilità dei modelli al variare dei parametri inseriti nel programma. In particolare si è posta attenzione alla modellazione dei terreni in base ai diversi modelli costitutivi studiando il loro effetto sui risultati ottenuti. Si è inoltre eseguito un confronto tra il programma Plaxis e il programma Paratie. Quest’ultimo è un programma di calcolo che prevede la modellazione del terreno con molle elasto-plastiche incrudenti. Il lavoro di tesi viene illustrato in questo volume come segue: nel capitolo 1 si analizzano le principali caratteristiche e tipologie di paratie mettendo in evidenza la complessità dell’analisi di queste opere e i principali metodi di calcolo usati nella progettazione, nel capitolo 2 si è illustrato lo studio delle paratie secondo le prescrizioni del D.M. 2008. Per comprendere l’argomento è stato necessario illustrare i principi base di questo decreto e le caratteristiche generali del capitolo 6 dedicato alla progettazione geotecnica. Le paratie sono poi state studiate in condizioni sismiche secondo quanto previsto dal D.M. 2008 partendo dall’analisi degli aspetti innovativi nella progettazione sismica per poi illustrare i metodi pseudo-statici utilizzati nello studio delle paratie soggette ad azione sismica. Nel capitolo 3 si sono presi in esame i due programmi di calcolo maggiormente utilizzati per la modellazione delle paratie: Paratie e Plaxis. Dopo aver illustrato i due programmi per comprenderne le potenzialità, i limiti e le differenze, si sono analizzati i principali modelli costituitivi implementati nel programma Plaxis, infine si sono mostrati alcuni studi di modellazione presenti in letteratura. Si è posta molta attenzione ai modelli costitutivi, in particolare a quelli di Mohr-Coulomb, Hardening Soil model e Soft Soil Creep model capaci di rappresentare il comportamento dei diversi tipi di terreno. Nel capitolo 4, con il programma Plaxis si è eseguita un’analisi parametrica di due modelli di paratie al fine di comprendere come i parametri del terreno, della paratia e dei modelli costitutivi condizionino i risultati. Anche in questo caso si è posta molta attenzione alla modellazione del terreno, aspetto che in questa tesi ha assunto notevole importanza. Dato che nella progettazione delle paratie è spesso utilizzato il programma Paratie (Ceas) si è provveduto ad eseguire un confronto tra i risultati ottenuti con questo programma con quelli ricavati con il programma Plaxis. E’ stata inoltra eseguita la verifica della paratia secondo le prescrizioni del D.M. 2008 dal momento che tale decreto è cogente.


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Die stöchiometrischen Eisennitride g'-Fe4N, e-Fe3N und z-Fe2N sind durchRöntgen- und Neutronenstreuung gut charakterisiert. Allerdings weist das Fe/N-Phasendiagramm noch vieleungeklärte Stellen auf. So konnten im Bereich von alpha-Fe bis g'-Fe4N noch keine weiterenNitride isoliert werden. Die Verbindung a''-Fe16N2 konntenoch nicht rein darzustellen werden.

Besonderes Interesse besteht in der Aufklärung desMechanismus der Entstehung der Eisennitride bei derUmsetzung von a-Eisen mitAmmoniak. Diese Reaktion wird großtechnisch zurNitridierhärtung von Eisenwerkstücken genutzt.

Als Messmethode wurde die57Fe-Mößbauer-Spektroskopiegewählt, die auf Kernspinübergängen von57Fe beruht. Um in situ-Nitridierungen von Eisenproben mit Ammoniak mitder 57Fe-Mößbauer-Spektroskopieverfolgen zu können, wurde eineHochtemperatur-Messzelle entwickelt, die es erlaubt,Messungen bis 1100 K durchzuführen. Die Messzelle wurde durch Messungen an Eisennitriden mitbekannter Stöchiometrie, wie z.B. g'-Fe4N und e-Fe3N, durchgeführt.

Neben 57Fe-Mößbauer-Messungen wurdenim Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunkt-Programms Reaktivitätin Festkörpern weitere Messungen (u.a.Hochtemperatur-Leitfähigkeitsmessungen)durchgeführt.

Die experimentellen Methoden wurden durchBandstruktur-Rechnungen ergänzt. Mit Hilfe der TB-LMTO-ASA-Methode erfolgten Rechnungen anÜbergangsmetallnitriden M3N (M = Mn, Fe, Co,Ni, Cu) der 3d-Reihe. Hierbei konnte der experimentell bestimmte strukturelleÜbergang von hexagonalem Ni3N zu kubischemCu3N bestätigt werden.


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Until today, autogenic bone grafts from various donor regions represent the gold standard in the field of bone reconstruction, providing both osteoinductive and osteoconductive characteristics. However, due to low availability and a disequilibrium between supply and demand, the risk of disease transfer and morbidity, usually associated with autogeneic bone grafts, the development of biomimic materials with structural and chemical properties similar to those of natural bone have been extensively studied. So far,rnonly a few synthetic materials, so far, have met these criteria, displaying properties that allow an optimal bone reconstitution. Biosilica is formed enzymatically under physiological-relevant conditions (temperature and pH) via silicatein (silica protein), an enzyme that was isolated from siliceous sponges, cloned, and prepared in a recombinant way, retaining its catalytic activity. It is biocompatible, has some unique mechanical characteristics, and comprises significant osteoinductive activity.rnTo explore the application of biosilica in the fields of regenerative medicine,rnsilicatein was encapsulated, together with its substrate sodium metasilicate, into poly(D,L-lactide)/polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)-based microspheres, using w/o/wrnmethodology with solvent casting and termed Poly(D,L-lactide)-silicatein silicacontaining-microspheres [PLASSM]. Both silicatein encapsulation efficiency (40%) and catalytic activity retention upon polymer encapsulation were enhanced by addition of an essential pre-emulsifying step using PVP. Furthermore, the metabolic stability, cytoxicity as well as the kinetics of silicatein release from the PLASSM were studied under biomimetic conditions, using simulated body fluid. As a solid support for PLASSM, a polyvinylpyrrolidone/starch/Na2HPO4-based matrix (termed plastic-like filler matrix containing silicic acid [PMSA]) was developed and its chemical and physical properties determined. Moreover, due to the non-toxicity and bioinactivity of the PMSA, it is suggested that PMSA acts as osteoconductive material. Both components, PLASSM and PMSA, when added together, form arnbifunctional 2-component implant material, that is (i)non-toxic(biocompatible), (ii)moldable, (iii) self-hardening at a controlled and clinically suitable rate to allows a tight insertion into any bone defect (iv) biodegradable, (v)forms a porous material upon exposure to body biomimetic conditions, and (vi)displays both osteoinductive (silicatein)and osteoconductive (PMSA) properties.rnPreliminary in vivo experiments were carried out with rabbit femurs, by creatingrnartificial bone defects that were subsequently treated with the bifunctional 2-component implant material. After 9 weeks of implantation, both computed tomography (CT) and morphological analyses showed complete resorption of the implanted material, concurrent with complete bone regeneration. The given data can be considered as a significant contribution to the successful introduction of biosilica-based implants into the field of bone substitution surgery.


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Sheet pile walls are one of the oldest earth retention systems utilized in civil engineering projects. They are used for various purposes; such as excavation support system, cofferdams, cut-off walls under dams, slope stabilization, waterfront structures, and flood walls. Sheet pile walls are one of the most common types of quay walls used in port construction. The worldwide increases in utilization of large ships for transportation have created an urgent need of deepening the seabed within port areas and consequently the rehabilitation of its wharfs. Several methods can be used to increase the load-carrying capacity of sheet-piling walls. The use of additional anchored tie rods grouted into the backfill soil and arranged along the exposed wall height is one of the most practical and appropriate solutions adopted for stabilization and rehabilitation of the existing quay wall. The Ravenna Port Authority initiated a project to deepen the harbor bottom at selected wharves. An extensive parametric study through the finite element program, PLAXIS 2D, version 2012 was carried out to investigate the enhancement of using submerged grouted anchors technique on the load response of sheet-piling quay wall. The influence of grout-ties area, length of grouted body, anchor inclination and anchor location were considered and evaluated due to the effect of different system parameters. Also a comparative study was conducted by Plaxis 2D and 3D program to investigate the behavior of these sheet pile quay walls in terms of horizontal displacements induced along the sheet pile wall and ground surface settlements as well as the anchor force and calculated factor of safety. Finally, a comprehensive study was carried out by using different constitutive models to simulate the mechanical behavior of the soil to investigate the effect of these two models (Mohr-Coulomb and Hardening Soil) on the behavior of these sheet pile quay walls.


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Die Metalloprotease Ovastacin, ein Vertreter der Astacin-Familie, wurde erstmals 2004 beschrieben. Im Ovar von Säugetieren ist Ovastacin-mRNA im Zeitfenster vom Stadium der Sekundärfollikel bis kurz nach der Befruchtung der Eizelle zu finden. Der Expressionsort und -zeitpunkt sowie die Sequenzähnlichkeit von über 60% mit sogenannten „Schlüpfenzymen“ (engl. hatching enzymes), die man in den Eizellen und Zygoten niederer Wirbeltiere und Wirbelloser gefunden hatte, ließen die Vermutung aufkommen, es könnte sich hier um das Säugerhomolog dieser Proteasen handeln. Generell lösen hatching Enzyme die derben embryonalen Hüllstrukturen (bei Säugern die Zona pellucida, ZP) beim Schlüpfvorgang auf. Die essentielle Bedeutung des Ovastacins für die Befruchtung wird durch die um ca. 30% reduzierte Fruchtbarkeit von Ovastacin defizienten Mäusen belegt. Hochinteressant war in diesem Zusammenhang die Entdeckung des Ovastacins in den Cortikalgranula der Oocyten sowie seine Fähigkeit, das Zona pellucida Protein 2 zu schneiden. Die dadurch bewirkte Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert das Eindringen weiterer Spermien, das heißt sie baut eine Barriere gegen Polyspermie auf. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Belege für die physiologische Funktion des Ovastacins zu finden. Vor allem galt es, potentielle Aktivatoren zu identifizieren, da das Enzym wie alle Astacine als inaktive Vorstufe gebildet wird, die proteolytisch aktiviert werden muss. Zu diesem Zweck exprimierte ich rekombinantes Pro-Ovastacin in Insektenzellen. Aktivierungsstudien in vitro zeigten, dass ein saures Milieu zu einer Aktivierung führt, ohne die Abspaltung des Propeptids zu bewirken. Sequenzalignments und ein homologes Strukturmodell des Ovastacins wiesen auf Trypsin- oder Elastase-ähnliche Serinproteasen als potentielle Aktivierungsenzyme hin. Tatsächlich konnte mit diesen beiden Proteasetypen zum ersten Mal aktives Ovastacin aus Pro-Ovastacin erzeugt werden. Trypsin kommt als physiologischer Aktivator allerdings nicht in Betracht, da es bisher in keinem der Gewebe nachgewiesen werden konnte, in dem Ovastacin exprimiert wird. Die neutrophile Elastase dagegen konnte in der Leber, im Herz sowie im Blutplasma nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe spezifischer Antikörper konnte das Herz als Expressionsort für Ovastacin bestätigt werden. Somit wäre Elastase ein potentieller physiologischer Aktivator von Ovastacin. Die Identifikation des Ovastacins in Geweben wie Leber, Herz, Nabelschnur und im Blutplasma weist auf eine Rolle der Protease in proteolytischen Netzwerken außerhalb der Spermien-Ei-Interaktion hin. Die Bedeutung der biologischen Kontrolle des Ovastacins bei der Befruchtung der Säugereizelle wird durch die Beobachtung untermauert, dass das Leberprotein Fetuin B als physiologischer Ovastacininhibitor fungiert und dadurch eine vorzeitige Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert, die andernfalls die Penetration von Spermien prinzipiell verhindern würde.


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In der Erdöl– und Gasindustrie sind bildgebende Verfahren und Simulationen auf der Porenskala im Begriff Routineanwendungen zu werden. Ihr weiteres Potential lässt sich im Umweltbereich anwenden, wie z.B. für den Transport und Verbleib von Schadstoffen im Untergrund, die Speicherung von Kohlendioxid und dem natürlichen Abbau von Schadstoffen in Böden. Mit der Röntgen-Computertomografie (XCT) steht ein zerstörungsfreies 3D bildgebendes Verfahren zur Verfügung, das auch häufig für die Untersuchung der internen Struktur geologischer Proben herangezogen wird. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Implementierung einer Bildverarbeitungstechnik, die die Strahlenaufhärtung der Röntgen-Computertomografie beseitigt und den Segmentierungsprozess dessen Daten vereinfacht. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit untersuchte die kombinierten Effekte von Porenraumcharakteristika, Porentortuosität, sowie die Strömungssimulation und Transportmodellierung in Porenräumen mit der Gitter-Boltzmann-Methode. In einer zylindrischen geologischen Probe war die Position jeder Phase auf Grundlage der Beobachtung durch das Vorhandensein der Strahlenaufhärtung in den rekonstruierten Bildern, das eine radiale Funktion vom Probenrand zum Zentrum darstellt, extrahierbar und die unterschiedlichen Phasen ließen sich automatisch segmentieren. Weiterhin wurden Strahlungsaufhärtungeffekte von beliebig geformten Objekten durch einen Oberflächenanpassungsalgorithmus korrigiert. Die Methode der „least square support vector machine” (LSSVM) ist durch einen modularen Aufbau charakterisiert und ist sehr gut für die Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Mustern geeignet. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Methode der LSSVM als pixelbasierte Klassifikationsmethode implementiert. Dieser Algorithmus ist in der Lage komplexe geologische Proben korrekt zu klassifizieren, benötigt für den Fall aber längere Rechenzeiten, so dass mehrdimensionale Trainingsdatensätze verwendet werden müssen. Die Dynamik von den unmischbaren Phasen Luft und Wasser wird durch eine Kombination von Porenmorphologie und Gitter Boltzmann Methode für Drainage und Imbibition Prozessen in 3D Datensätzen von Böden, die durch synchrotron-basierte XCT gewonnen wurden, untersucht. Obwohl die Porenmorphologie eine einfache Methode ist Kugeln in den verfügbaren Porenraum einzupassen, kann sie dennoch die komplexe kapillare Hysterese als eine Funktion der Wassersättigung erklären. Eine Hysterese ist für den Kapillardruck und die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit beobachtet worden, welche durch die hauptsächlich verbundenen Porennetzwerke und der verfügbaren Porenraumgrößenverteilung verursacht sind. Die hydraulische Konduktivität ist eine Funktion des Wassersättigungslevels und wird mit einer makroskopischen Berechnung empirischer Modelle verglichen. Die Daten stimmen vor allem für hohe Wassersättigungen gut überein. Um die Gegenwart von Krankheitserregern im Grundwasser und Abwässern vorhersagen zu können, wurde in einem Bodenaggregat der Einfluss von Korngröße, Porengeometrie und Fluidflussgeschwindigkeit z.B. mit dem Mikroorganismus Escherichia coli studiert. Die asymmetrischen und langschweifigen Durchbruchskurven, besonders bei höheren Wassersättigungen, wurden durch dispersiven Transport aufgrund des verbundenen Porennetzwerks und durch die Heterogenität des Strömungsfeldes verursacht. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die biokolloidale Verweilzeit eine Funktion des Druckgradienten als auch der Kolloidgröße ist. Unsere Modellierungsergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit den bereits veröffentlichten Daten überein.


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The main objective of this project is to experimentally demonstrate geometrical nonlinear phenomena due to large displacements during resonant vibration of composite materials and to explain the problem associated with fatigue prediction at resonant conditions. Three different composite blades to be tested were designed and manufactured, being their difference in the composite layup (i.e. unidirectional, cross-ply, and angle-ply layups). Manual envelope bagging technique is explained as applied to the actual manufacturing of the components; problems encountered and their solutions are detailed. Forced response tests of the first flexural, first torsional, and second flexural modes were performed by means of a uniquely contactless excitation system which induced vibration by using a pulsed airflow. Vibration intensity was acquired by means of Polytec LDV system. The first flexural mode is found to be completely linear irrespective of the vibration amplitude. The first torsional mode exhibits a general nonlinear softening behaviour which is interestingly coupled with a hardening behaviour for the unidirectional layup. The second flexural mode has a hardening nonlinear behaviour for either the unidirectional and angle-ply blade, whereas it is slightly softening for the cross-ply layup. By using the same equipment as that used for forced response analyses, free decay tests were performed at different airflow intensities. Discrete Fourier Trasform over the entire decay and Sliding DFT were computed so as to visualise the presence of nonlinear superharmonics in the decay signal and when they were damped out from the vibration over the decay time. Linear modes exhibit an exponential decay, while nonlinearities are associated with a dry-friction damping phenomenon which tends to increase with increasing amplitude. Damping ratio is derived from logarithmic decrement for the exponential branch of the decay.


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EPON 862 is an epoxy resin which is cured with the hardening agent DETDA to form a crosslinked epoxy polymer and is used as a component in modern aircraft structures. These crosslinked polymers are often exposed to prolonged periods of temperatures below glass transition range which cause physical aging to occur. Because physical aging can compromise the performance of epoxies and their composites and because experimental techniques cannot provide all of the necessary physical insight that is needed to fully understand physical aging, efficient computational approaches to predict the effects of physical aging on thermo-mechanical properties are needed. In this study, Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Minimization simulations are being used to establish well-equilibrated, validated molecular models of the EPON 862-DETDA epoxy system with a range of crosslink densities using a united-atom force field. These simulations are subsequently used to predict the glass transition temperature, thermal expansion coefficients, and elastic properties of each of the crosslinked systems for validation of the modeling techniques. The results indicate that glass transition temperature and elastic properties increase with increasing levels of crosslink density and the thermal expansion coefficient decreases with crosslink density, both above and below the glass transition temperature. The results also indicate that there may be an upper limit to crosslink density that can be realistically achieved in epoxy systems. After evaluation of the thermo-mechanical properties, a method is developed to efficiently establish molecular models of epoxy resins that represent the corresponding real molecular structure at specific aging times. Although this approach does not model the physical aging process, it is useful in establishing a molecular model that resembles the physically-aged state for further use in predicting thermo-mechanical properties as a function of aging time. An equation has been predicted based on the results which directly correlate aging time to aged volume of the molecular model. This equation can be helpful for modelers who want to study properties of epoxy resins at different levels of aging but have little information about volume shrinkage occurring during physical aging.


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Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is by far the most frequently used bone substitute material for vertebroplasty. However, there are serious complications, such as cement leakage and an increased fracture rate of the adjacent vertebral bodies. The latter may be related to the mechanical properties of the augmented segment within the osteoporotic spine. A possible counter-measure is prophylactic augmentation at additional levels, but this aggravates the risk for the patient. Introduction of pores is a possible method to reduce the inherent high stiffness of PMMA. This study investigates the effect of porosity on the mechanical properties of PMMA bone cement. Different fractions of a highly viscous liquid were mixed into the PMMA during preparation. An open-porous material with adjustable mechanical properties resulted after removal of the aqueous phase. Different radiopacifiers were admixed to investigate their suitability for vertebroplasty. The final material was characterized mechanically by compressive testing, microscopically and radiologically. In addition, the monomer release subsequent to hardening was measured by means of gas chromatography. The Young's modulus in compression could be varied between 2800 +/- 70 MPa and 120 +/- 150 MPa, and the compression ultimate strength between 170 +/- 5 MPa and 8 +/- 9 MPa for aqueous fractions ranging between 0 and 50% of volume. Only a slight decrease of the Young's modulus and small changes of ultimate strength were found when the mixing time was increased. An organic hydrophilic and lipophilic radiopacifier led to a higher Young's modulus of the porous material; however, the ultimate strength was not significantly affected by adding different radiopacifiers to the porous cement. The radiopacity was lost after washing the aqueous phase out of the pores. No separation occurred between the aqueous and the PMMA phase during injection into an open porous ceramic material. The monomer released was found to increase for increasing aqueous fractions, but remained comparable in magnitude to standard PMMA. This study demonstrates that a conventional PMMA can be modified to obtain a range of mechanical properties, including those of osteoporotic bone.


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The tin alloys of tellurium are extremely hard and have very great tensile strength. It was thought that the reduction of the rate of grain growth of tin with the addition of tellurium accompanied this hardening and strengthening and such way found to be true.


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At the present time the principal uses for tungsten lie in the manufacture of ferro-alloys and tungsten steels. Due to it’s hardening and strengthening characteristics it holds an important position among steel hardening metals. The great rush for it’s production during the World War years clearly points to it’s importance in the manufacture of armament.