916 resultados para automatic test case generation
This thesis entitled “Development planning at the state level in india a case study with reference to kerala1957-84.Planning in India is a concurrent subject with the Centre and the States having well-defined domains of jurisdiction with regard to planning functions and sources of resource mobilisation.The genesis of the lack of academic interest in state level planning is in the widely held belief that in the extent scheme of Centre-State economic relations, the states have little scope for initiative in planning.Both at the theoretical and empirical levels, Kerala has attached very great importance to planning.It has been the localeof wide and deep discussions on the various dimensions of planning.In Kerala's development process, the leading sector consists of social services such as education and public healthOne point that needs special emphasis in this regard is that the high demand for education in Kerala cannot be attributed to the Keralites' ‘unique urge‘ for education. Rather, it is related to the very high level of unemployment in the state (Kerala has the highest level of unemployment in the country.In resource allocation under the Five Year Plans, Kerala attached the highest weightage to power generation, hydro-electric projects being the major source of power in the state. Nearly one-fourth of the plan resources has been claimed by hydro-electric projects.In the agricultural sector, Kera1a's level of productive use of electric power is one of the lowest.As is evident.from above, planning in Kerala has not enabled us to solve the basic problems of the state. More 'scientific' planning in the sense of applying mre sophisticated planning techniques is obviously not the answer. It, on the contrary, consists of more fundamental changes some of which can be brought about through an effective use of measures well within the power of the State Government.
Soil erosion is more detrimental and affects the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. Degradation of soil and water resources is a worldwide problem. Over the next two decades, it is expected that the world will need 17% more water to grow food for the increasing population in developing countries and that total water use will increase by 40%. The total land area subjected to human-induced soil degradation is estimated as 20 x 106 (km)2 Hence conservation of soil and water is essential for the subsistence of life. This can be made possible through sustainable watershed management. This thesis aims at investigating the condition under which sustainable watershed management is possible in Kerala, in South India. The research has been carried out in three stages. In the first stage a conceptual framework is formulated (Chapter 3) based on the relevant literature (Chapter 2) in the field of watershed management. In the second stage this framework is applied to two existing case studies in Kerala State (Chapter 4). In the third stage, the methodology is used to test out geo textile innovation (Chapter 5) in two field experiments (Chapter 6).
The span of writer identification extends to broad domes like digital rights administration, forensic expert decisionmaking systems, and document analysis systems and so on. As the success rate of a writer identification scheme is highly dependent on the features extracted from the documents, the phase of feature extraction and therefore selection is highly significant for writer identification schemes. In this paper, the writer identification in Malayalam language is sought for by utilizing feature extraction technique such as Scale Invariant Features Transform (SIFT).The schemes are tested on a test bed of 280 writers and performance evaluated
In symmetric block ciphers, substitution and diffusion operations are performed in multiple rounds using sub-keys generated from a key generation procedure called key schedule. The key schedule plays a very important role in deciding the security of block ciphers. In this paper we propose a complex key generation procedure, based on matrix manipulations, which could be introduced in symmetric ciphers. The proposed key generation procedure offers two advantages. First, the procedure is simple to implement and has complexity in determining the sub-keys through crypt analysis. Secondly, the procedure produces a strong avalanche effect making many bits in the output block of a cipher to undergo changes with one bit change in the secret key. As a case study, matrix based key generation procedure has been introduced in Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) by replacing the existing key schedule of AES. The key avalanche and differential key propagation produced in AES have been observed. The paper describes the matrix based key generation procedure and the enhanced key avalanche and differential key propagation produced in AES. It has been shown that, the key avalanche effect and differential key propagation characteristics of AES have improved by replacing the AES key schedule with the Matrix based key generation procedure
The characterization and grading of glioma tumors, via image derived features, for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response has been an active research area in medical image computing. This paper presents a novel method for automatic detection and classification of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MR images. Automatic detection of the tumor was established using newly developed method called Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA).Statistical Features were extracted from the detected tumor texture using first order statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based second order statistical methods. Statistical significance of the features was determined by t-test and its corresponding p-value. A decision system was developed for the grade detection of glioma using these selected features and its p-value. The detection performance of the decision system was validated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The diagnosis and grading of glioma using this non-invasive method can contribute promising results in medical image computing
Efficient optic disc segmentation is an important task in automated retinal screening. For the same reason optic disc detection is fundamental for medical references and is important for the retinal image analysis application. The most difficult problem of optic disc extraction is to locate the region of interest. Moreover it is a time consuming task. This paper tries to overcome this barrier by presenting an automated method for optic disc boundary extraction using Fuzzy C Means combined with thresholding. The discs determined by the new method agree relatively well with those determined by the experts. The present method has been validated on a data set of 110 colour fundus images from DRION database, and has obtained promising results. The performance of the system is evaluated using the difference in horizontal and vertical diameters of the obtained disc boundary and that of the ground truth obtained from two expert ophthalmologists. For the 25 test images selected from the 110 colour fundus images, the Pearson correlation of the ground truth diameters with the detected diameters by the new method are 0.946 and 0.958 and, 0.94 and 0.974 respectively. From the scatter plot, it is shown that the ground truth and detected diameters have a high positive correlation. This computerized analysis of optic disc is very useful for the diagnosis of retinal diseases
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein am Strengths-Modell orientiertes Case Management-Projekt zur Prozess- und Ergebnisoptimierung der bereits bestehenden ambulanten gerontopsychiatrischen Versorgungsstruktur untersucht. Dazu arbeitete eine Krankenpflegerin mit psychiatrischer Fachausbildung in einer Berliner Sozialstation auf Basis einer professionellen Beziehung für 4-6 Wochen bei Klientinnen mit gerontopsychiatrischen Problemlagen, erstellte ein Assessment, leistete notwendige Unterstützung zunächst selbst, vermittelte gestützt auf die eigenen Erfahrungen weiterführende Dienste, leitete diese Dienste an, zog sich dann aus dem direkten Kontakt mit den Klientinnen zurück und blieb beratend für die weiterführenden Dienste verfügbar. Zur Untersuchung des Projekts wurden qualitative und quantitative Verfahren eingesetzt. Zur Beschreibung der Inhalte wurden die für jede Klientin verfasste Dokumentation und die Ergebnisse von grob strukturierten Interviews mit der Case Managerin, angelehnt an eine reduzierte Form der Methode Grounded Theory, in einem iterativen Prozess analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde dann untersucht, inwieweit die einzelnen Arbeitsinhalte des Case Managements die sozial-räumlichdingliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen unterstützten. Die Wirkungen des Projektes auf Kognition, Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (ADL), Instrumentelle Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (IADL), Stimmung sowie soziales und störendes Verhalten wurden mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens mit einem quasi-experimentellen prospektiven Untersuchungsdesign analysiert. Zur Analyse der subjektiven Wirkung des Projektes auf Angehörige wurden in den Ergebnissen von grob strukturierten Interviews mittels eines iterativen Prozesses Themen identifiziert. Die Klientinnen (n=11) erhielten durchschnittlich 23 Stunden Case Management. Neben den typischen Case Management-Aufgaben führte die Case Managerin, basierend auf den Gewohnheiten, Interessen und Selbsteinschätzungen der Klientinnen, therapeutische und pflegerische Maßnahmen durch und unterstützte dabei die sozial-dinglichräumliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen. Zusätzlich wurden Hauspflegerinnen von der Case Managerin individuell in der Wohnung von Klientinnen hinsichtlich der Kommunikation mit und Unterstützung der Proaktivität von Klientinnen angeleitet. Die Hauspflegerinnen führten die von der Case Managerin eingeleiteten Maßnahmen erfolgreich fort. Bei den Klientinnen zeigten sich signifikante Verbesserungen in Gedächtnis, Stimmung, IADL-Funktionen und Sozialverhalten, aber nicht in ADL-Funktionen und störendem Verhalten. Diese Verbesserungen wurden subjektiv von den Angehörigen (n=7) bestätigt. Zusätzlich empfanden Angehörige eine zeitliche aber keine psychische Entlastung. Mit diesem Projekt wurde gezeigt, dass ein zeitlich begrenztes klientenzentriertes Case Management kognitive, soziale und emotionale Funktionen von gerontopsychiatrisch Erkrankten verbessert, Angehörige zeitlich entlastet und dass Hauspflegerinnen bei entsprechender Anleitung die vom Case Management eingeleiteten Maßnahmen fortführen können. In Folgestudien mit größerem Umfang sollten diese Ergebnisse überprüft werden um dann zu entscheiden, ob dieser Ansatz geeignet ist, die ambulante gerontopsychiatrische Versorgung gemeindenah zu verbessern.
Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Erforschung von Methoden, Techniken und Werkzeugen zur Fehlersuche in modellbasierten Softwareentwicklungsprozessen. Hierzu wird zuerst ein von mir mitentwickelter, neuartiger und modellbasierter Softwareentwicklungsprozess, der sogenannte Fujaba Process, vorgestellt. Dieser Prozess wird von Usecase Szenarien getrieben, die durch spezielle Kollaborationsdiagramme formalisiert werden. Auch die weiteren Artefakte des Prozess bishin zur fertigen Applikation werden durch UML Diagrammarten modelliert. Es ist keine Programmierung im Quelltext nötig. Werkzeugunterstützung für den vorgestellte Prozess wird von dem Fujaba CASE Tool bereitgestellt. Große Teile der Werkzeugunterstützung für den Fujaba Process, darunter die Toolunterstützung für das Testen und Debuggen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Fujaba Process im Detail erklärt und unsere Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz des Prozesses in Industrieprojekten sowie in der Lehre dargestellt. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Testgenerierung, die zu einem wichtigen Teil des Fujaba Process geworden ist. Hierbei werden aus den formalisierten Usecase Szenarien ausführbare Testfälle generiert. Es wird das zugrunde liegende Konzept, die konkrete technische Umsetzung und die Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit der entwickelten Testgenerierung dargestellt. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Debuggen im Fujaba Process. Es werden verschiedene im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Konzepte und Techniken vorgestellt, die die Fehlersuche während der Applikationsentwicklung vereinfachen. Hierbei wurde darauf geachtet, dass das Debuggen, wie alle anderen Schritte im Fujaba Process, ausschließlich auf Modellebene passiert. Unter anderem werden Techniken zur schrittweisen Ausführung von Modellen, ein Objekt Browser und ein Debugger, der die rückwärtige Ausführung von Programmen erlaubt (back-in-time debugging), vorgestellt. Alle beschriebenen Konzepte wurden in dieser Arbeit als Plugins für die Eclipse Version von Fujaba, Fujaba4Eclipse, implementiert und erprobt. Bei der Implementierung der Plugins wurde auf eine enge Integration mit Fujaba zum einen und mit Eclipse auf der anderen Seite geachtet. Zusammenfassend wird also ein Entwicklungsprozess vorgestellt, die Möglichkeit in diesem mit automatischen Tests Fehler zu identifizieren und diese Fehler dann mittels spezieller Debuggingtechniken im Programm zu lokalisieren und schließlich zu beheben. Dabei läuft der komplette Prozess auf Modellebene ab. Für die Test- und Debuggingtechniken wurden in dieser Arbeit Plugins für Fujaba4Eclipse entwickelt, die den Entwickler bestmöglich bei der zugehörigen Tätigkeit unterstützen.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) contributes to food security, serves as an opportunity for income generation, and provides recreational services to urban citizens. With a population of 21 Million people, of which 60 % live in slums, UPA activities can play a crucial role in supporting people’s livelihoods in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). This study was conducted to characterize the railway gardens, determine their role in UPA production, and assess potential risks. It comprises a baseline survey among 38 railway gardeners across MMR characterized by different demographic, socio-economic, migratory, and labour characteristics. Soil, irrigation water, and plant samples were analyzed for nutrients, heavy metals, and microbial load. All the railway gardeners practiced agriculture as a primary source of income and cultivated seasonal vegetables such as lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), red amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), and white radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) which were irrigated with waste water. This irrigation water was loaded with 7–28 mg N l^(−1), 0.3–7 mg P l^(−1), and 8–32 mg K l^(−1), but also contained heavy metals such as lead (0.02–0.06 mg Pb l^(−1)), cadmium (0.03–0.17 mg Cd l^(−1)), mercury (0.001–0.005 mg Hg l^(−1)), and pathogens such as Escherichia coli (1,100 most probable number per 100 ml). Levels of heavy metals exceeded the critical thresholds in surface soils (Cr, Ni, and Sr) and produce (Pb, Cd, and Sr). The railway garden production systems can substantially foster employment and reduce economic deprivation of urban poor particularly slum dwellers and migrant people. However this production system may also cause possible health risks to producers and consumers.
Mesh generation is an important step inmany numerical methods.We present the “HierarchicalGraphMeshing” (HGM)method as a novel approach to mesh generation, based on algebraic graph theory.The HGM method can be used to systematically construct configurations exhibiting multiple hierarchies and complex symmetry characteristics. The hierarchical description of structures provided by the HGM method can be exploited to increase the efficiency of multiscale and multigrid methods. In this paper, the HGMmethod is employed for the systematic construction of super carbon nanotubes of arbitrary order, which present a pertinent example of structurally and geometrically complex, yet highly regular, structures. The HGMalgorithm is computationally efficient and exhibits good scaling characteristics. In particular, it scales linearly for super carbon nanotube structures and is working much faster than geometry-based methods employing neighborhood search algorithms. Its modular character makes it conducive to automatization. For the generation of a mesh, the information about the geometry of the structure in a given configuration is added in a way that relates geometric symmetries to structural symmetries. The intrinsically hierarchic description of the resulting mesh greatly reduces the effort of determining mesh hierarchies for multigrid and multiscale applications and helps to exploit symmetry-related methods in the mechanical analysis of complex structures.
Storyline proof of concept - now with Doris Hipp case study, hints and action button
The incidence of diabetic neuropathy increases with the duration of diabetes and the degree of hyperglycaemia. Pain is one of the most common and incapacitating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and its pharmacological control is complex. The effectiveness of antidepressive agents has been described in different types of neuropathic pain, but their effectiveness, when used as analgesics in painful diabetic neuropathy, still remains controversial. Objective: To review the possible role of new-generation antidepressive agents in the treatment of pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This work has thus consisted of a meta-analysis for determining which antidepressive agent had the best analgesic potential in managing pain in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Methods: This search covered the Cochrane, MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS databases, between January 2000 and August 2007. The following information was obtained from each article: criteria for diagnosing diabetic neuropathy, patients' age average, antidepressant drug received and dose, sample size, duration of the disease and treatment follow-up, outcome measurement, evaluation of pain and rescue medication. Results: A combined RR: 1.67 (95% CI 1.38 - 2.02) was obtained; this result indicated that the antidepressive agent duloxetine, was effective for controlling pain in diabetic neuropathy. The corresponding NNT for Duloxetine was established, according to our interests; NNT = 6 (95% CI 5- 8) for achieving greater than 50% analgesia in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Discussion: Antidepressive agents are frequently employed in the specific case of diabetic neuropathy; their analgesic benefit has been demonstrated.
Primary dysmenorrhea is pelvic pain during the menstrual cycle. The A delta and C fibers aresensitized by the increased release of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, thus causing pain. TransElectric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigatespain sensation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present six cases of women in childbearingage who were diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and received transcutaneous electricnerve stimulation. Materials and methods: A type of study, case report, was conducted with sixwomen between 15 and 25 years of age with medical diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea. Weassessed pain intensity utilizing the visual analogue pain scale and located the pain by usinga pain test map. Results: Pain intensity decreased in all treated women. Conclusion: Transcutaneouselectric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigates painsensation. We conclude that high frequency TENSis a safe noninvasive modality to achievereduction of pain in primary dysmenorrhea.
This article presents the results of a research project undertaken to obtain a Masters inBusiness Administration from the Business School at the Universidad del Norte, whosepurpose was to identify and test a methodology to measure the impact exerted by thechange from 2nd to 3rd generation mobile tech, based on the perception of users belongingto Barranquilla SME, motivated by the influence of technological changes in behavior andthe knowledge creation among society members, and the importance it has taken to thesurvival of organizations the adoption of applications for process automation, web-basedapplications, voice, data and video that allow the development of competitive advantages,based on information and creativity for new and better products or services.
El documento busca mostrar las principales propiedades de un indicador de estándar de vida dentro del enfoque teórico de Amartya Sen. Establecemos un puente entre conceptos tales como: bienestar económico, bienestar, logro de agencia y estándar de vida. La metodología del Optimal scaling fue usada para probar las propiedades de Monotonicidad, No independencia de alternativas irrelevantes, Concavidad, informatividad y sustituibilidad.