971 resultados para asymmetrical rolling


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The title molecule, [TiCl2(C5H5)(C18H21O)], has a pseudotetrahedral bent metallocene structure in which the cyclopentadienyl ring is symmetrically bonded to Ti [range of Ti-C distances 2.36(1)-2.41(1)Angstrom], but the substituted cyclopentadienyl ring adopts asymmetrical bonding [Ti-C 2.33(1)-2.48(1)Angstrom] due to the interaction of the large substituent with the Cl(2) atom. The angle C(11)-C(1)-C(21) is 111.1(8)degrees with the large substituent occupying a cis position with respect to the substituted ring.


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In this paper A, topological indices and molecular connectivity inidces have been applied to multivariate analysis in structure-property studies. The topological indices of twenty asymmetrical phosphone bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid have been calculated. The structure-property relationships between color reagents and molar absorptivity of color reactions with ytterbium have been studied by A(m) indices and molecular connectivity indices. Good results have been obtained.


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Bis(t-butylcyclopentadienyl)lanthanide chloride (Ln = Nd or Gd) reacts with one equivalent of methyllithium in ether/tetrahydrofuran to give the complex [(C5H4tBu)2LnCH3]2 (Ln = Nd or Gd). The structure of [(C5H4tBu)2NdCH3]2 has been determined by X-ray analysis. The crystals are monoclinic of space group Cm with a = 9.538(2), b = 23.298(4), c = 9.505(3) angstrom, beta = 119.53(2)-degrees, V = 1828.0(7) angstrom 3, D(calc.) = 1.458 g/cm3 and Z = 2 for the dimer. The two (C5H4tBu)2Nd units in the dimer are connected by asymmetrical methyl bridges with independent Nd-C bond lengths of 2.70(2) and 2.53(2) angstrom and Nd-C-Nd angles of 94.7(9) and 87.3(6)-degrees.


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本文基于北黄海1140个表层沉积物样品的粒度分析结果,来探讨沉积物粒度组成、分布特征与物源和水动力环境的关系。结果表明,研究区底质类型主要有泥、粉砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂、砂五种类型,少数站位含有砾石。砾石则主要分布在长山列岛附近海域、大连湾口及其东南近海;砂主要分布在123.3°E以东的海域和长山列岛附近海域;粉砂主要分布在研究区的西南部和大连湾外海;粘土的含量较低,含量大于30%的区域仅分布在研究区的西南部,大于16%的区域有向北和东北延伸的趋势,在大连湾至广鹿岛近海沉积物粘土含量也大于16%。 根据对沉积物粒度各粒级的因子分析结果,结合沉积物的Folk分类和Pejrup分类,将北黄海划分成五个主要沉积环境分区,分别受山东半岛沿岸流、黄海暖流、强潮流场、长山列岛和辽东沿岸流控制。北黄海中西部沉积物主要受山东半岛沿岸流影响,经过本区的黄海暖流限制了山东半岛沿岸流携带的细粒物质向东和向北的扩散和运移,研究区东部沉积作用的主控因素是潮流,长山列岛中部海域受附近岛屿剥蚀物影响,大连湾外海受辽东半岛沿岸流控制。研究区西南部细粒沉积物的粒度分布具有不均匀性和南北不对称性,其形成主要受控于山东半岛沿岸流和黄海暖流及其相互作用,潮流可能也起一定作用。


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A mechanistic model is developed to present the photosynthetic response of phytoplankton to irradiance at the physiological level. The model is operated on photosynthetic units (PSU), and each PSU is assumed to have two states: reactive and activated. Light absorption that drives a reactive PSU into the activated state results from the effective absorption of the PSU. Transitions between the two states are asymmetrical in rate. A PSU in the reactive state becomes activated much faster than it recovers from the activated state to the reactive one. The turnover time for an activated PSU to transit into the reactive one is defined by the turnover time of the electron transport chain. The present model yields a photosynthesis-irradiance curve (PE-curve) in a hyperbola, which is described by three physiological parameters: effective cross-section (sigma (PSII)), turnover time of electron transport chain (tau) and number of PSUs (N). The PE-curve has an initial slope of sigma (PSII) x N, a half-saturated irradiance of 1/(sigma (PSII)), and a maximal photosynthetic rate of Nlc at the saturated irradiance. The PE-curve from the present model is comparable to the empirical function based on the target theory described by the Poisson distribution. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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提出了一种新型蛇形机器人机构。该机构既可以实现平面运动又可以实现空间运动。建立了其空间运动学模型并实现了空间翻滚运动。实验结果表明 :翻滚运动不需依靠模块与地面之间动摩擦力方向差来实现驱动 ,而是通过模块与地面之间静摩擦力和互相垂直的两个运动平面内异相波的相互作用产生驱动力。翻滚的方向和姿态由两个波形曲线的相差和传播方向决定。利用翻滚运动 ,实现了少模块数蛇形机器人的越障运动


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本文提出了一种新型蛇形机器人机构 ,建立了其空间运动学模型 ,实现了蛇形机器人的两种侧向运动 :侧向蜿蜒运动和侧向滚动 ,前者通过调节两个异相波的频率比 ,实现了任意方向的侧向运动 .后者通过控制运动波的幅值变化 ,实现了各种形式的纯侧向移动 ,当幅值足够大时 ,这种侧向滚动可以跨越障碍


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本文针对冷轧机薄板生产线的生产特点 ,以鞍钢冷轧机薄板厂为具体背景 ,讨论了CIMS环境下三种为同生产驱动方式的优化经营决策方法 .(1)订单方式驱动 ;(2 )市场预测方式驱动 ;(3)订单和市场预测混合方式驱动 .对于企业的冷轧厂来说 ,非常有实用价值 .


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By using high-resolution laser grain size instrument Mastersizer 2000, the grain size distribution of windblown depositions (loess and sandy dunes), aqueous sediments (lake, river, riverside and foreshore sand), weathering crust, sloping materials and other fine-grain sediments are systemically measured. The multimodal characteristics of grain size distribution of these sediments are carefully studied. The standard patterns and their grain size characteristics of various sediments are systemically summarized. The discrepancies of multimodal distribution among windblown depositions, aqueous sediments and other sediments are concluded and the physical mechanisms of grain size multimodal distribution of various sediments are also discussed in this paper. The major conclusions are followed: 1. The multimodal characteristic of grain size distribution is a common feature in all sediments and results from properties of transportation medium, dynamic intensity, transportation manner and other factors. 2. The windblown depositions are controlled by aerodynamic forcing, resulting in that the median size of the predominant mode gradually decreases form sandy dunes to loess. Similarly, the aqueous sediments are impacted by dynamic forces of water currents and the median grain size of the predominant mode decreases gradually from river to lake sediments. Because the kinetic viscidity of air is lower than of water, the grain size of modes of windblown depositions is usually finer than that of corresponding modes of aqueous sediments. Typical characteristics of sediments grain size distribution of various sediments have been summarized in the paper: (1) Suspended particles which diameters are less than 75μm are dominant in loess and dust. There are three modes in loess’ grain size distribution: fine, median and coarse (the median size is <1μm、1-10μm、10-75μm, respectively). The coarse mode which percentage is larger than that of others is controlled by source distance and aerodynamic intensity of dust source areas. Some samples also have a saltation mode which median size is about 300-500μm. Our analysis demonstrates that the interaction of wind, atmospheric turbulence, and dust grain gravity along the dust transportation path results in a multimodal grain size distribution for suspended dust. Changes in the median sizes of the coarse and medium modes are related to variation in aerodynamic forcing (lift force related to vertical wind and turbulence) during dust entrainment in the source area and turbulence intensity in the depositional area. (2) There is a predominant coarse saltation mode in grain size distribution of sandy dunes, which median size is about 100-300μm and the content is larger than that of other modes. The grain size distribution curve is near axis symmetric as a standard logarithm normal function. There are some suspended particles in some samples of sandy dunes, which distribution of the fine part is similar to that of loess. Comparing with sandy samples of river sediments, the sorting property of sandy dunes is better than of river samples although both they are the saltation mode. Thus, the sorting property is a criterion to distinguish dune sands and river sands. (3) There are 5~6 modes (median size are <1μm, 1-10μm, 10-70μm, 70-150μm, 150-400μm, >400μm respectively) in grain size distribution of lacustrine sediments. The former 4 modes are suspensive and others are saltated. Lacustrine sediments can be divided into three types: lake shore facies, transitional facies and central lake facies. The grain size distributions of the three facies are distinctly different and, at the same time, the transition among three modes is also clear. In all these modes, the third mode is a criteria to identify the windblown deposition in the watershed. In lake shore sediments, suspended particles are dominant, a saltation mode sometimes occurs and the fourth mode is the most important mode. In the transitional facies, the percentage of the fourth mode decreases and that of the second mode increases from lake shore to central lake. In the central lake facies, the second mode is dominant. A higher content of the second mode indicates its position more close to the central lake. (4) The grain size distribution of river sediments is the most complex. It consist of suspension, saltation and rolling modes. In most situations, the percentage of the saltation mode is larger than that of other modes. The percentage of suspension modes of river sediments is more than of sandy dunes. The grain size distribution of river sediments indicates dynamic strength of river currents. If the fourth mode is dominant, the dynamic forcing of river is weaker, such as in river floodplain. If the five or sixth mode is dominant, the water dynamic forcing of rivers is strong. (5) Sediments can be changed by later forcing in different degree to form some complicated deposition types. In the paper, the grain size distribution of aqueous sediments of windblown deposition, windblown sediments of aqueous deposition, weathering crust and slope materials are discussed and analyzed. 3. The grain size distribution characteristics of different sediments are concluded: (1) Modal difference: Usually there are suspended and saltation modes in the windblown deposition. The third mode is dominant in loess dust and the fifth mode is predominant in sandy dunes. There are suspended, saltation and rolling particles in aqueous sediments. In lacustrine sediments, the second and fourth mode are predominant for central lake facies or lake shore facies, respectively. In river sediments, the fourth, or fifth, or sixth mode is predominant. Suspended modes: the grain size of suspended particles of windblown depositions usually is less than 75μm. The content of suspended particles is lower or none in sandy dunes. However, suspended particles of aqueous sediments may reach 150μm. Difference in grain size of suspended modes represents difference between transitional mediums and the strength of dynamic forcing. Saltation modes: the median size of saltation mode of sandy dunes fluctuates less than that of river sediments. (2) Loess dust and lacustrine sediment: Their suspended particles are clearly different. There is an obvious pit between the second and the third modes in grain size distribution of lacustrine sediments. The phenomenon doesn’t occur in loess dust. In lacustrine sediments, the second mode can be a dominant mode, such as central lake facies, and contents of the second and the third modes change reversely. However, the percentage of the third mode is always the highest in loess dust. (3) Dune Sand and fluvial sand: In these two depositions, the saltation particles are dominant and the median sizes of their saltation modes overlay in distribution range. The fifth mode of dune sand fluctuates is sorted better than that of fluvial sand. (4) Lacustrine and fluvial sediments: In lacustrine sediments, there are 5-6 modes and suspended particles can be predominant. The second mode is dominant in central lake facies and the third mode is dominant in lake shore facies. Saltation or roll modes occurred in central lake facies may indicate strong precipitation events. In fluvial sediments, saltation particles (or rolling particles) usually dominant. 4. A estimation model of lake depth is firstly established by using contents of the second, the third and the fourth modes. 5. The paleoenvironmental history of the eastern part of SongLiao basin is also discussed by analyzing the grain size distribution of Yushu loess-like sediments in Jilin. It was found that there is a tectonic movement before 40ka B.P. in SongLiao basin. After the movement, loess dust deposited in Yushu area as keerqin desert developed. In recent 2000 years, the climate became drier and more deserts activated in the eastern part of Song-Liao basin.


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Complex fault block reservoir is very important type in chinese oilfield.The reservoir have for many years and it has been the important issue of oil-gas exploration and development in china that how to increase reserves and production. Therefore,taking the Pucheng-oil field as an example, the article intensive study the geologic feature of oil pool, correctly recognize the rule of oil-gas accumulation and based on the fine representation of the characteristic of reservoir, research the remaining oil in high developed area,which is important for progressive exploratioon and development and taping the remaining oil. The article multipurpose uses the data of geology,drilling,wellloging, analysis and assay and so on, under the guidance multi-disciplinary theory, intensify the comprehension of the geologic feature of oil pool in high developed oil field. Based on the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework ,the article points out that Es_2 upper 2+3 reservoir in the south area of Pucheng oilfield is in the depositional environment of Terminal Fan, which has constant supply of sedimentary source ,and build the sedimentation model. Studies have shown that the major reservoir in work area is the distributary channel sandbody in central Sub-facies of Terminal Fan,secondary is both lateral accretion sandbodies of channel sands,nearby and far away from the channel overflowing sandbodies in front of the fan. The article analyze the effect of depth of burial of the reservoir, sandstone structure, strata pressure and bioturbate structure on control action of physical property for reservoir and indicate that deposition and diagenesis are major controlling factors.By building the model of reservoir heterogeneity, the article show the magnitude of reservoir heterogeneity ,the genesis and identification mark of Interlayer and build the the model of interlayer. in this area the vertical distribution of interlayer is complicated,but the intraed interlayer distribute steady. Thick interlayer is steady and the thin is relatively spreaded. By building models of fault sealing,stress field and fluid potential field of the south of the pucheng oil field, the regular pattern of fluid migration and accumulation runs out. By researching the elements of oil accumulation, migration pathway and accumulation period with quantification and semiquantitative methods,we bulit the oil-gas reservoir-forming mode of the south of the pucheng oil field,which will be the foundation of the rolling exploratory development in the future. We promulgated the master control element and the rule of distribution of the remaining oil with the upside 2+3 oil layer in shaer in the south of the pucheng oil field as an example.In this area, the formation and the distribution of the remaining oil is controled by the sedimentary microfacies, reservoir heterogeneity,fault and reservoir engineering. The remaining oil is concentrated in the vicinity of the gas cap, updip of the fault block and the area with incomplete flooding. Remaining oil saturation in some area can get 50%, so there are many places in which we can enhance oil recovery.