960 resultados para aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase
10.1002/hlca.19980810512.abs The synthesis of the Fmoc-protected amino acid 2 is presented. First attempts of amide-bond formation to the homodimer 4 in solution showed only poor coupling yields indicative for the low reactivity of the amino and carboxy groups in the building blocks 1 and 2, respectively (Scheme 1). Best coupling yields were found using dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) without any additive. The oligomerization of building block 2 adopting the Fmoc ((9H-fluoren-9-ylmethoxy)carbonyl) solid-phase synthesis yielded a mixture of N-terminal-modified distamycin-NA derivatives. By combined HPLC and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis, the N-terminal functional groups could be identified as acetamide and N,N-dimethylformamidine functions, arising from coupling of the N-terminus of the growing chain with residual AcOH or DCC-activated solvent DMF. An improved preparation of building block 2 and coupling protocol led to the prevention of the N-terminal acetylation. However, ‘amidination’ could not be circumvented. A thus isolated tetramer of 2, containing a lysine unit at the C-terminus and a N,N-dimethylformamidine-modified N-terminus, not unexpectedly, showed no complementary base pairing to DNA and RNA, as determined by standard UV-melting-curve analysis.
Total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA), amino sugars (THAS), and carbohydrates (THCHO) were measured in sediments and interstitial waters from Site 681 (ODP Leg 112). TOC concentrations vary between 0.75% and 8.2% by weight of dry sediment and exhibit a general decrease with depth. DOC concentrations range from 6.1 to 49.5 mg/L, but do not correlate with TOC concentrations in the sediment. Amino compounds (AA and AS) and sugars account for 0.5% to 8% and 0.5% to 3% of TOC, respectively, while amino compounds make up between 2% and 27% of total nitrogen. Dissolved hydrolyzable amino acids (free and combined) and amino sugars were found in concentrations from 3.7 to 150 µM and from 0.1 to 3.7 µM, respectively, and together account for an average of 8.5% of DOC. Dissolved hydrolyzable carbohydrates are in the range of 6 to 49 µM. Amino acid spectra are dominated by glycine, alanine, leucine, and phenylalanine; nonproteinaceous amino acids (gamma-amino butyric acid, beta-alanine, and ornithine) are enriched in the deeper part of the section, gamma-amino butyric acid and beta-alanine are thought to be indicators of continued microbial degradation of TOC. Glycine, serine, glutamic acid, alanine, aspartic acid, and ornithine are the dominating amino compounds in the pore waters. Spectra of carbohydrates in sediments are dominated by glucose, galactose, and mannose, while dissolved sugars are dominated by glucose and fructose. In contrast to the lack of correlation between abundances of bulk TOC and DOC in corresponding interstitial waters, amino compounds and sugars do show some correlation between sediments and pore waters: A depth increase of aspartic acid, serine, glycine, and glutamic acid in the pore waters is reflected in a decrease in the sediment, while an enrichment in valine, iso-leucine, leucine, and phenylalanine in the sediment is mirrored by a decrease in the interstitial waters. The distribution of individual hexoseamines appears to be related to zones of bacterial decomposition of organic matter. Low glucoseamine to galactoseamine ratios coincide with zones of sulfate depletion in the interstitial waters.
La presente Tesis Doctoral se realizó con el fin de estimar conjuntamente la respuesta agronómica y fisiológica de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.), así como los efectos sobre la evolución de la maduración, composición y la calidad de la uva y del vino, bajo la aplicación de diferentes déficit hídricos en pre-envero y post-envero, dentro de un marco de referencia de cambio climático. La variación climática que prevén los estudios sobre el cambio climático, resulta un factor decisivo en la eficiencia del uso del agua en la vid. En zonas cálidas, las estrategias de cultivo del viñedo frente al cambio climático deben de ir dirigidas a atenuar sus efectos sobre el crecimiento y el desarrollo de la vid, haciéndose imprescindible el estudio pormenorizado del déficit hídrico como factor decisivo en la obtención de las uvas adecuadas, ya que son la clave indispensable para el éxito en la elaboración del vino, y de forma muy especial en los vinos enfocados a un sector de alta calidad. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en un viñedo comercial de Bodegas Licinia, en la Comunidad de Madrid, durante los años 2010 y 2011. La variedad estudiada fue Cabernet sauvignon / 41 B, plantada a un marco de plantación de 3 m x 1 m, con un guiado vertical de la vegetación. El dispositivo experimental fue totalmente al azar, y se establecieron 4 tratamientos experimentales con 4 grados de disponibilidad hídrica, déficit moderado continuo (T0,45-0,6), déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3), déficit severo después de envero (T0,45-0,3) y déficit severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). En cada tratamiento se distribuyeron 3 repeticiones. El año 2010 fue el más lluvioso de los años de ensayo, con 478 mm de precipitaciones anuales, lo que supuso 146 mm más que en el año 2011. Su distribución a lo largo del ciclo fue más homogénea en el año 2010, mientras que en 2011 las precipitaciones contabilizadas en el período de maduración de la uva fueron nulas. La temperatura media subió 0,9ºC en 2011, respecto a 2010 y en cuanto a la integral térmica eficaz, en 2011 se acumularon, desde el 1 de abril hasta el final de ciclo, 217 grados•día más que en 2010. El déficit hídrico en pre-envero, modificó notablemente el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción de cosecha de la parcela de ensayo, no así la fertilidad de las yemas. El tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6) obtuvo el mayor peso de baya, y los tratamientos con menor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3) registraron los mayores rendimientos de cosecha, mientras que las menores tasas de cuajado correspondieron al tratamiento con un déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3). La parcela de ensayo se caracterizó por un exceso de vigor y un alto crecimiento vegetativo. El pH del mosto se vio afectado por el déficit hídrico, disminuyendo su valor en el tratamiento de déficit hídrico severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). Organolépticamente, no se percibieron diferencias significativas en los vinos elaborados en función del déficit hídrico, y respecto a su composición físico-química, solo existieron diferencias en la concentración de ácido L-Málico, con mayores concentraciones en los tratamientos sin déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. El déficit hídrico modificó notablemente el color del vino, aumentando los valores de las coordenadas CIELAB a* y b*, la luminosidad (L*), croma (C*) y tonalidad (H*), para los tratamientos con un déficit severo en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6) y disminuyendo estas en el tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6). Del mismo modo, mediante el análisis de color por métodos tradicionales, IPT e IC de los vinos, aumentó en los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), respecto a los tratamientos de mayor disponibilidad (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). La concentración de taninos de la baya en vendimia, no se vio afectada por el déficit hídrico, aunque sí estuvo relacionada positivamente con el tamaño de las bayas. Organolépticamente, los hollejos del año 2011 resultaron con menor frescura, acidez, afrutado, sensación herbácea e intensidad tánica, aunque con mayor astringencia respecto a 2010. Las pepitas fueron más astringentes y aromáticas pero menos crujientes, sin llegar a los niveles de madurez del año 2010. El catador relacionó los taninos con la calidad del vino, asociándolos con un mayor cuerpo, acidez, intensidad, equilibrio gustativo, amargor y menor astringencia en la fase gustativa. La concentración de taninos en los vinos se vio favorecida con el déficit hídrico en pre-envero y post-envero. Los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0-0,6 y T0-0,3, obtuvieron las menores concentraciones de potasio en mostos y vinos. Las relaciones entre la concentración de potasio, ácido L-Málico y el porcentaje de color rojo puro (dA(%)) resultaron altamente significativas, de modo que las mayores tasas de potasio en el vino se asociaron a los valores más bajos de color rojo y a los mayores de ácido L-Málico. ABSTRACT The present Doctoral Thesis has been done in order to estimate the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) agronomic and physiologic performance or response as well as the impact in the grape and wine maturity, composition and quality evolution, with different water deficits. The variation in climate that the global warming studies for seen is a key factor for the grapevine water use efficiency. In warm areas the farming vineyards strategy to face the climatic change, should be focused on diminish the effects on the grapevine growth and development, so that the water deficit detailed analysis becomes decisive to obtain the appropriate grapes, that are the main subject for a successful wine production and especially for top quality wines. The trial was carried out in a commercial vineyard in Chinchón (Madrid), Licinia winery, during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. The grape variety studied was Cabernet Sauvignon grafted onto 41B with a vine spacing 3m x 1m trained as VSP. Experimental design consisted on 4 irrigation treatments with 3 replications totally randomized. Irrigation treatments were: moderate regulated deficit (T0,45-0,6), severe continuous deficit (T0-0,3), severe post-veraison deficit (T0,45-0,3) and severe pre veraison deficit (T0-0,6). The 2010 was rainier year than the 2011; Total annual rain in 2010 was 478 mm, which resulted in 146 mm more than in 2011. The distribution along the vine cycle was more homogeneous in the 2010, whereas precipitations in 2011 along the grape maturity period were nonexistent. The average temperature in 2011 was 0,9ºC higher than that of the 2010 and regarding to the thermal integral, in the 2011 from 1st April to the end of the growing cycle, was 217 degrees•day higher than that in 2010. Water deficit significantly modified the vegetative growth and yield but, it did not modified bud fertility. The treatment with the highest water availability (T0,45-0,6) got the highest berry size, the lowest berry set rates were found in the severe continuous deficit treatment (T0-0,3). The plot studied in this trial was characterized by both excessive vigour and vegetative growth. Water deficit modified the pH must by, reducing it in the severe water deficit during pre-veraison (T0-0,6). There were not differences in wine tasting between the water deficits treatments. Regarding to the physical-chemical composition, it only existed differences in the L-malic acid concentration, resulting higher concentrations in the water deficit pre-veraison treatments: T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. Water deficit significantly modified wine colour by, increasing the CIELAB coordinates a* and b*, the brightness (L*), croma (C*) and tonality (H*), in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), and reducing them in the in the moderate continuous water deficit ones (T0,45-0,6). By means of traditional wine colour parameters analyses, red colour percentage, TPI, they became higher in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), than in those with higher availability (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). At harvest, berry tannins concentrations was not affected by the water deficit although it did in a positive way, in the berry size. Berry tasting in 2011, resulted in a lower freshness, acidity, fruity, herbaceous flavour and tannic intensity, but with higher astringency respect to the 2010 season. Seeds, in 2011, were more astringent and aromatic as in the 2010, but less crunchy, without getting to the point of maturity. The taster linked the tannins to wine quality, associating them with a higher bodiest wine, acidity, intensity, taste balance, bitterness and with a lower astringency in the tasting stage. Treatments with a higher water deficit up to veraison T0-0,6 y T0-0,3 got less musts and wines potassium concentration. The relation between L-malic acid and the full red color percentage (dA(%)), were highly related, resulting the higher potassium content the lower wine quality.
Torulaspora delbrueckii is a non-Saccharomyces yeast with interesting metabolic and physiological properties of potential use in oenology. This work examines the fermentative behaviour of five strains of T. delbrueckii in sequential fermentations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, analysing the formation of aromatic compounds, polyalcohols and pigments. The fermentative power of these five strains ranged between 7.6 and 9.0% v/v ethanol; the associated volatile acidity was 0.2e0.7 g/l acetic acid. The production of glycerol was inferior to that of S. cerevisiae alone. The mean 2,3-butanediol concentration reached in single-culture S. cerevisiae fermentations was 73% higher than in the five sequential T. delbrueckii/S. cerevisiae fermentations. However, these fermentations produced larger quantities of diacetyl, ethyl lactate and 2-phenylethyl acetate than single-culture S. cerevisiae fermentation. 3-ethoxy propanol was produced only in the sequential fermentations. The five sequential fermentations produced smaller quantities of vitisin A and B than single-culture S. cerevisiae fermentation. In tests performed prior to the addition of the S. cerevisiae in the sequential fermentations, none of the T. delbrueckii strains showed any extracellular hydroxycinnamate decarboxylase activity. They therefore produced no vinyl phenolic pyranoanthocyanins.
We report the characterization of a maize Wee1 homologue and its expression in developing endosperm. Using a 0.8-kb cDNA from an expressed sequence tag project, we isolated a 1.6-kb cDNA (ZmWee1), which encodes a protein of 403 aa with a calculated molecular size of 45.6 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows 50% identity to the protein kinase domain of human Wee1. Overexpression of ZmWee1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe inhibited cell division and caused the cells to enlarge significantly. Recombinant ZmWee1 obtained from Escherichia coli is able to inhibit the activity of p13suc1-adsorbed cyclin-dependent kinase from maize. ZmWee1 is encoded by a single gene at a locus on the long arm of chromosome 4. RNA gel blots showed the ZmWee1 transcript is about 2.4 kb in length and that its abundance reaches a maximum 15 days after pollination in endosperm tissue. High levels of expression of ZmWee1 at this stage of endosperm development imply that ZmWee1 plays a role in endoreduplication. Our results show that control of cyclin-dependent kinase activity by Wee1 is conserved among eukaryotes, from fungi to animals and plants.
With the aim of improving the nutritive value of an important grain legume crop, a chimeric gene specifying seed-specific expression of a sulfur-rich, sunflower seed albumin was stably transformed into narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Sunflower seed albumin accounted for 5% of extractable seed protein in a line containing a single tandem insertion of the transferred DNA. The transgenic seeds contained less sulfate and more total amino acid sulfur than the nontransgenic parent line. This was associated with a 94% increase in methionine content and a 12% reduction in cysteine content. There was no statistically significant change in other amino acids or in total nitrogen or total sulfur contents of the seeds. In feeding trials with rats, the transgenic seeds gave statistically significant increases in live weight gain, true protein digestibility, biological value, and net protein utilization, compared with wild-type seeds. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of using genetic engineering to improve the nutritive value of grain crops.
Retinoic acid receptors (RARs) are hormone-regulated transcription factors that control key aspects of normal differentiation. Aberrant RAR activity may be a causal factor in neoplasia. Human acute promyelocytic leukemia, for example, is tightly linked to chromosomal translocations that fuse novel amino acid sequences (denoted PML, PLZF, and NPM) to the DNA-binding and hormone-binding domains of RARα. The resulting chimeric receptors have unique transcriptional properties that may contribute to leukemogenesis. Normal RARs repress gene transcription by associating with ancillary factors denoted corepressors (also referred to as SMRT, N-CoR, TRAC, or RIP13). We report here that the PML-RARα and PLZF-RARα oncoproteins retain the ability of RARα to associate with corepressors, and that this corepressor association correlates with certain aspects of the leukemic phenotype. Unexpectedly, the PLZF moiety itself can interact with SMRT corepressor. This interaction with corepressor is mediated, in part, by a POZ motif within PLZF. Given the presence of POZ motifs in a number of known transcriptional repressors, similar interactions with SMRT may play a role in transcriptional silencing by a variety of both receptor and nonreceptor transcription factors.
The gene encoding 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase (MHPCO; EC was cloned by using an oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the N terminus of the enzyme to screen a DNA library of Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. The gene encodes for a protein of 379 amino acid residues corresponding to a molecular mass of 41.7 kDa, the same as that previously estimated for MHPCO. MHPCO was expressed in Escherichia coli and found to have the same properties as the native enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. This study shows that MHPCO is a homotetrameric protein with one flavin adenine dinucleotide bound per subunit. Sequence comparison of the enzyme with other hydroxylases reveals regions that are conserved among aromatic flavoprotein hydroxylases.
The voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that effect tonic release of neurotransmitter from hair cells have unusual pharmacological properties: unlike most presynaptic Ca2+ channels, they are sensitive to dihydropyridines and therefore are L-type. To characterize these Ca2+ channels, we investigated the expression of L-type α1 subunits in hair cells of the chicken’s cochlea. In PCRs with five different pairs of degenerate primers, we always obtained α1D products, but only once an α1C product and never an α1S product. A full-length α1D mRNA sequence was assembled from overlapping PCR products; the predicted amino acid sequence of the α1D subunit was about 90% identical to those of the mammalian α1D subunits. In situ hybridization confirmed that the α1D mRNA is present in hair cells. By using a quantitative PCR assay, we determined that the α1D mRNA is 100–500 times more abundant than the α1C mRNA. We conclude that most, if not all, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in hair cells contain an α1D subunit. Furthermore, we propose that the α1D subunit plays a hitherto undocumented role at tonic synapses.
The biological basis or mechanism whereby folate supplementation protects against heart and neural tube defects is unknown. It has been hypothesized that the amino acid homocysteine may be the teratogenic agent, since serum homocysteine increases in folate depletion; however, this hypothesis has not been tested. In this study, avian embryos were treated directly with d,l-homocysteine or with l-homocysteine thiolactone, and a dose response was established. Of embryos treated with 50 μl of the teratogenic dose (200 mM d,l-homocysteine or 100 mM l-homocysteine thiolactone) on incubation days 0, 1, and 2 and harvested at 53 h (stage 14), 27% showed neural tube defects. To determine the effect of the teratogenic dose on the process of heart septation, embryos were treated during incubation days 2, 3, and 4; then they were harvested at day 9 following the completion of septation. Of surviving embryos, 23% showed ventricular septal defects, and 11% showed neural tube defects. A high percentage of the day 9 embryos also showed a ventral closure defect. The teratogenic dose was shown to raise serum homocysteine to over 150 nmol/ml, compared with a normal level of about 10 nmol/ml. Folate supplementation kept the rise in serum homocysteine to ≈45 nmol/ml, and prevented the teratogenic effect. These results support the hypothesis that homocysteine per se causes dysmorphogenesis of the heart and neural tube, as well as of the ventral wall.
Because ascorbic acid (AA) is concentrated in synaptic vesicles containing glutamic acid, we hypothesized that AA might act as a neurotransmitter. Because AA is an antioxidant, it might therefore inhibit nitric oxidergic (NOergic) activation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release from medial basal hypothalamic explants by chemically reducing NO. Cell membrane depolarization induced by increased potassium concentration [K+] increased medium concentrations of both AA and LH-RH. An inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS), NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (NMMA), prevented the increase in medium concentrations of AA and LH-RH induced by high [K+], suggesting that NO mediates release of both AA and LH-RH. Calcium-free medium blocked not only the increase in AA in the medium but also the release of LH-RH. Sodium nitroprusside, which releases NO, stimulated LH-RH release and decreased the concentration of AA in the incubation medium, presumably because the NO released oxidized AA to dehydro-AA. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) had no effect on basal LH-RH release but completely blocked high [K+]- and nitroprusside-induced LH-RH release. N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), which mimics the action of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamic acid, releases LH-RH by releasing NO. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) inhibited the LH-RH-releasing action of NMDA. AA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks NOergic stimulation of LH-RH release by chemically reducing the NO released by the NOergic neurons.
Earth’s biota produces vast quantities of polymerized silica at ambient temperatures and pressures by mechanisms that are not understood. Silica spicules constitute 75% of the dry weight of the sponge Tethya aurantia, making this organism uniquely tractable for analyses of the proteins intimately associated with the biosilica. Each spicule contains a central protein filament, shown by x-ray diffraction to exhibit a highly regular, repeating structure. The protein filaments can be dissociated to yield three similar subunits, named silicatein α, β, and γ. The molecular weights and amino acid compositions of the three silicateins are similar, suggesting that they are members of a single protein family. The cDNA sequence of silicatein α, the most abundant of these subunits, reveals that this protein is highly similar to members of the cathepsin L and papain family of proteases. The cysteine at the active site in the proteases is replaced by serine in silicatein α, although the six cysteines that form disulfide bridges in the proteases are conserved. Silicatein α also contains unique tandem arrays of multiple hydroxyls. These structural features may help explain the mechanism of biosilicification and the recently discovered activity of the silicateins in promoting the condensation of silica and organically modified siloxane polymers (silicones) from the corresponding silicon alkoxides. They suggest the possibility of a dynamic role of the silicateins in silicification of the sponge spicule and offer the prospect of a new synthetic route to silica and siloxane polymers at low temperature and pressure and neutral pH.