956 resultados para Zoological taxonomy
The ultrastructure of mature Lagorchestes hirsutus spermatozoa is described for the first time, revealing unusual aspects of sperm structure in macropodid species. The sperm head is ovoid rather than cuneiform, lacks a ventral nuclear groove and has an acrosomal distribution over approximately 85-90% of its dorsal surface. Immediately adjacent to the nuclear membrane the peripheral nucleoplasm in most spermatozoa form an irregular series of distinctive evaginations previously not described in the spermatozoa of any other marsupial. The midpiece is extremely thickened and short, containing no helical network or peripheral plasma membrane specializations. Axonemal structure is unspecialized with no connecting lamellae; dense outer fibres are closely adherent to axonemal doublets. The sperm morphology of this species is highly aberrant in comparison to other macropod taxa and supports the retention of Lagorchestes as a distinctive genus. In light of this new information, skeletal and serological data should be re-evaluated to determine the true taxonomic and phylogenetic position of this species.
The ability of introduced organisms to invade undisturbed native habitats is a major concern in conservation biology and has resulted in a re-evaluation of the introduction of exotic biocontrol agents, especially of generalist predators. One such agent is Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese), a predatory mite described from Italy, known from throughout the Holarctic, and apparently accidentally introduced to other areas of the world, including Australia. Initial investigations revealed that putative S. miles could be found in both disturbed and relatively pristine habitats in Queensland, Australia. However, analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of five populations showed most to be highly divergent genetically. Subsequent morphological analysis established two species groups: the lamington-group from cool-temperate to subtropical rainforests in Eastern Australia and the more eurytopic miles-group with a cosmopolitan distribution. We describe two new species from each of these complexes (Stratiolaelaps womersleyi, Stratiolaelaps lamington; Stratiolaelaps marilyn, Stratiolaelaps lorna, respectively), and resurrect Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley), a species which often appears to have been confused with S. miles. Additionally, the large genetic distances among morphologically homogenous species in the miles-group suggest that the apparently cosmopolitan S. miles may be composed of a suite of cryptic species of potentially varying utility in biological control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Phyllurus gulbaru, sp. nov., is a highly distinct species of leaf-tailed gecko restricted to rocky rainforest of Pattersons Gorge, north-west of Townsville. The possession of a cylindrical, non-depressed, tapering original and regenerated tail separates P. gulbaru from all congeners except P. caudiannulatus. From this species P. gulbaru is separated by having a partially divided, as opposed to fully divided, rostral scale. Furthermore, the very small spinose body tubercles of P. gulbaru are in marked contrast to the large spinose body scales of P. caudiannulatus. An analysis of 729 bp of mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cytochrome b genes reveals P. gulbaru to be a deeply divergent lineage with closer affinities to mid-east Queensland congeners than the geographically neighbouring P. amnicola on Mt Elliot. In conservation terms, P. gulbaru is clearly at risk. Field surveys of Pattersons Gorge and the adjacent ranges indicate that this species is restricted to a very small area of highly fragmented habitat, of which only a small proportion receives a degree of protection in State forest. Further, there is ongoing, unchecked destruction of dry rainforest habitat by fire. Under current IUCN criteria, P. gulbaru warrants an Endangered ( B1, 2) listing.
Dactylostomum nicolli n. sp. is described from the intestine of the goatfish Upeneichthys lineatus (Bloch & Schneider) (Mullidae) caught off Point Peron, Western Australia. The problem of assigning the new species to the appropriate genus, especially with regard to its close resemblance to Paropecoelus Pritchard, 1966, which also infects goatfishes, is discussed. This is the second report of Dactylostomum Woolcock, 1935 from an Australian marine fish. The new species is distinguished by its elongate form, simple ventral sucker papillae and irregularly shaped ovary.
Complete small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (ssrDNA) and partial (D1-D3) large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (lsrDNA) sequences were used to estimate the phylogeny of the Digenea via maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Here we contribute 80 new ssrDNA and 124 new lsrDNA sequences. Fully complementary data sets of the two genes were assembled from newly generated and previously published sequences and comprised 163 digenean taxa representing 77 nominal families and seven aspidogastrean outgroup taxa representing three families. Analyses were conducted on the genes independently as well as combined and separate analyses including only the higher plagiorchiidan taxa were performed using a reduced-taxon alignment including additional characters that could not be otherwise unambiguously aligned. The combined data analyses yielded the most strongly supported results and differences between the two methods of analysis were primarily in their degree of resolution. The Bayesian analysis including all taxa and characters, and incorporating a model of nucleotide substitution (general-time-reversible with among-site rate heterogeneity), was considered the best estimate of the phylogeny and was used to evaluate their classification and evolution. In broad terms, the Digenea forms a dichotomy that is split between a lineage leading to the Brachylaimoidea, Diplostomoidea and Schistosomatoidea (collectively the Diplostomida nomen novum (nom. nov.)) and the remainder of the Digenea (the Plagiorchiida), in which the Bivesiculata nom. nov. and Transversotremata nom. nov. form the two most basal lineages, followed by the Hemiurata. The remainder of the Plagiorchiida forms a large number of independent lineages leading to the crown clade Xiphidiata nom. nov. that comprises the Allocreadioidea, Gorgoderoidea, Microphalloidea and Plagiorchioidea, which are united by the presence of a penetrating stylet in their cercariae. Although a majority of families and to a lesser degree, superfamilies are supported as currently defined, the traditional divisions of the Echinostomida, Plagiorchiida and Strigeida were found to comprise non-natural assemblages. Therefore, the membership of established higher taxa are emended, new taxa erected and a revised, phylogenetically based classification proposed and discussed in light of ontogeny, morphology and taxonomic history. (C) 2003 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two new species of lepocreadiid trematodes are described from teleost fishes from off the coast of northern Tasmania. Opechona kahawai sp. nov. from Arripis sp. (Arripidae) differs from congeners by a combination of a longer prepharynx, longer excretory vesicle and the genital pore antero-sinistral to the ventral sucker. Cephalolepidapedon warehou sp. nov. from Seriolella punctata (Centrolophidae) differs from its only congener in the vitellarium reaching into the posterior forebody, a heavy concentration of eye-spot pigment in the forebody, a relatively narrower and more elongate body, a longer prepharynx and a more distinct oesophagus.
Much is known about those aspects of tuna health which can be studied in wild populations, e.g. helminth parasites. However, because aquaculture of these species is in its infancy, knowledge of microbial, nutritional and environmental diseases is limited. This review is an attempt to bring together the available information on those diseases of Thunnus spp. which cause significant morbidity, mortality or economic loss. In doing so it has become clear that much more research needs to be undertaken on the physiology of the species (southern, northern and Pacific bluefin tuna) currently used in aquaculture in order for the pathogenesis of some conditions to be properly understood. Attempts at hatchery culture of Pacific bluefin tuna has indicated that Thunnus spp. will be problematic to hatch and propagate.
Nine species of Stephanostomum are described from Australian and Southern Pacific marine fishes: Stephanostomum madhaviae n. sp. [syn. S. orientalis of Madhavi ( 1976)] from Caranx ignobilis, off Hope Island, Queensland, with 30-34 circum-oral spines and vitelline fields almost reaching to the posterior extremity of the cirrus-sac; S. bicoronatum (Stossich, 1883) from Argyrosomus hololepidotus, off Southport Broadwater, Queensland; S. votonimoli n. sp. from Scomberoides lysan, off Moorea, French Polynesia ( type-locality) and Western Samoa, with 33-38 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields not reaching the cirrus-sac; S. nyoomwa n. sp. from Caranx sexfasciatus, off Heron Island, Queensland, with 33-38 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the cirrus-sac; S. cobia n. sp. from Rachycentron canadum, off Heron Island, with 36 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the cirrus-sac; S. petimba Yamaguti, 1970 from Seriola hippos, off Rottnest Island, Western Australia; S. pacificum ( Yamaguti, 1951) from Pseudocaranx wrighti, off Fremantle, Western Australia; S. aaravi n. sp. from Lethrinus miniatus, off Heron Island, with 36-39 circumoral spines, probably a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the ventral sucker; S. pagrosomi ( Yamaguti, 1939) from L. nebulosus, L. miniatus and L. atkinsoni off Heron Island, Pagrus auratus, off Rottnest Island, Western Australia and Gymnocranius audleyi, off Heron Island. A digest of described species of Stephanostomum is included as an appendix.
The following species are described from Platax spp.: Neomultitestis aspidogastriformis n. sp., from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland, which can be distinguished from its congeners by the transversely elongate ventral sucker divided into three loculi and probably by testis number; Multitestis magnacetabulum Mamaev, 1970, from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland; Diploproctodaeum rutellum ( Mamaev, 1970), from P. teira, off Heron Island, Queensland; Diploproctodaeum tsubameuo n. sp., from P. batavianus, from the Swain Reefs, off Queensland, which differs from its congeners in its overlapping, posteriorly attenuated testes and 38-55 ovarian lobes; and Diplocreadium sp., from P. batavianus, from the Swain Reefs, off Queensland.
We use a new molecular phylogeny, developed from small and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes, to explore evolution of the digenean life cycle. Our approach is to map character states on the phylogeny and then use parsimony to infer how the character evolved. We conclude that, plesiomorphically, digenean miracidia hatched from eggs and penetrated gastropod first intermediate hosts externally. Fork-tailed cercariae were produced in rediae and emerged from the snail to be eaten directly by the teleost definitive host. These plesiomorphic characters are seen in extant Bivesiculidae. We infer that external encystment and the use of second intermediate hosts are derived from this behaviour and that second intermediate hosts have been adopted repeatedly. Tetrapod definitive hosts have also been adopted repeatedly. The new phylogeny proposes a basal dichotomy between 'Diplostomida' (Diplostomoidea, Schistosomatoidea and Brachylaimoidea) and 'Plagiorchiida' (all other digeneans). There is no evidence for coevolution between these clades and groups of gastropods. The most primitive life cycles are seen in basal Plagiorchiida. Basal Diplostomida have three-host life cycles and are associated with tetrapods. The blood flukes (Schistosomatoidea) are inferred to have derived their two-host life cycles by abbreviating three-host cycles. Diplostomida have no adult stages in fishes except by life cycle abbreviation. We present and test a radical hypothesis that the blood-fluke cycle is plesiomorphic within the Diplostomida.
An opecoelid digenean, Dactylomyza gibsoni n. g., n. sp. is described and figured from Schuettea woodwardi (Waite), a monodactylid from off the coast of Western Australia. The new genus conforms to the concept of the opecoelid subfamily Opecoelinae. The resemblance of the new genus to three other opecoelid genera, Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940, Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928 and Poracanthium Dollfus, 1948, is discussed. Dactylomyza n. g. is distinguished from these morphologically similar worms on the basis of its median genital pore, ventral sucker appendages, uroproct and the absence of an accessory sucker. Pseudopecoeloides equesi Manter, 1947 is transferred to the new genus as Dactylomyza equesi (Manter, 1947) n. comb.
An opecoelid, Bartoliella pritchardae n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Epinephelides armatus from Western Australia. The new genus has been assigned to the subfamily Opecoelininae Gibson & Bray, 1984, bringing the number of genera in the subfamily to two. Although the new genus is similar to Opecoelina Manter, 1934 morphologically, the pedunculate ventral sucker and complete absence of a cirrus-sac necessitate the erection of a new genus. A formal re-definition of the subfamily is given, based on the diagnoses of the genera Opecoelina and Bartoliella n. g.
A new species of Allopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966 is described from the intestine and pyloric caeca of Parequula melbournensis (Gerreidae) caught from the waters off South and Western Australia. The new species is distinguished from other species by its larger eggs, broader form, pre-bifurcal genital pore and a number of other measurable features that are discussed. Of the species that share morphological similarities with Allopodocotyle skoliorchis n. sp., it is the only species known from a gerreid; all the other species are from serranids.
A new species of Podocotyloides is described from Sillago bassensis caught off the coast of Western Australia. This is the second report of a species of this genus from Australian waters but the first of a new species. P. victori n. sp. is one of four species whose vitelline follicles extend into the forebody. It is distinguished from the other three species with vitelline follicles in the forebody by its relatively shorter forebody, smaller eggs and bipartite seminal vesicle. Pedunculotrema Fischthal & Thomas, 1970 is reduced to synonymy with Podocotyloides Yamaguti, 1934.