946 resultados para Zimmerman, Donald A.: Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania


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Electrolysis of molten mixtures of lead chloride and galena was carried out under various conditions of temperature, time, composition, and current densities; without a diaphram, and with various diaphrams. Continuous runs, with necessary additions of lead sulfide and lead chloride to maintain a melt of the proper composition, were attempted on a small scale.


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The intensive postwar search for new petroleum horizons has resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. No commercial production has as yet been derived from Ordovician or Devonian rocks in Montana, but the relat­ively few tests that have penetrated to critical depths have disclosed encouraging conditions which merit further consider­ation, especially in Devonian strata.


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The Fort Union formation is one of the most import­ant and best known geologic formations of the northern Great Plains, and is found lying almost horizontal at the surface over large areas in this region.


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Many of the tumorigenic effects that result from neonatal exposure to both natural and synthetic estrogens resemble those found in humans exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. Using this established DES neonatal mouse model, my goal was to investigate long-term molecular and morphological effects of certain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are weakly estrogenic in adult mice. Focusing on the cervicovaginal (CV) tract, since this is where tumors develop in the BALB/c mouse, I first assessed the 17β-estradiol (E2) dose-response for expression of lactoferrin (LTF). LTF is a highly inducible estrogen biomarker that is permanently altered in uteri from neonatally treated mice. Treatments were administered via 5 subcutaneous injections beginning within 16 hrs after birth, days 1–5. ^ The ontogeny of LTF expression from mouse CV tracts was determined by examining three different stages of life: pups, immature, and mature mice. Northern RNA analysis and immunohistochemistry showed that neonatal E 2 treatment both increases and decreases LTF expression. Early expression of LTF in the CV tract at all doses occurred in pups. In both immature and adult mice, increased LTF expression was dependent on whether E2 induced ovary-dependent or ovary-independent persistent vaginal cornification. ^ Next, I studied biological responses from neonatally PCB exposed adult mice. As expected, using a neonatal uterine bioassay I showed that 2 ′4′6′-trichloro-4-biphenylol (OH-PCB-30), 2′3′4′ 5-tetrachloro-4-biphenyloI (OH-PCB-61), and OH-PCB-30/61 (50/50 mixture), were estrogenic causing a dose-dependent increase in uterine weight. ^ Long-term effects of OH-PCB 30 [200 μg/pup/day] were most similar to E2 as seen by an increased uterine wet weight in day 50 mice similar to E2 [5 μg/pup/day] (141% and 140% of control, respectively). Another similarity between OH-PCB 30 and E2 neonatally treated mice was found in those sacrificed at 20 months of age. At these same doses CV tract squamous cell carcinoma induction was 43% of E2 treated mice and 47% of OH-PCB 30 treated mice. Differences were noted in adenoaquamous; cell carcinoma development, where 16% of OH-PCB-30 neonatally treated mice developed tumors versus 8% for E2. Based on these results using the neonatal mouse model, I conclude that the OH-PCBs tested are strongly estrogenic and tumorigenic showing dose-response relationships when exposure occurs during development of the reproductive tract in mice. These results may have important implications for risk assessment in determining the effects of xenoestrogens exposure early versus later in life. ^


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Two studies were conducted to determine how well story grammar predicted recall of televised stories. In Experiment 1, preschoolers viewed a non-narrated televised story from "Sesame Street." In Experiment 2, preschoolers and adults were administered a narrative via television or radio. In both studies, subjects' retention reflected recall of nodal information, regardless of medium of input.


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Physical forcing and biological response within the California Current System (CCS) are highly variable over a wide range of scales. Satellite remote sensing offers the only feasible means of quantifying this variability over the full extent of the CCS. Using six years (1997-2003) of daily SST and chlorophyll imagery, we map the spatial dependence of dominant temporal variability at resolutions sufficient to identify recurrent mesoscale circulation and local pattern associated with coastal topography. Here we describe mean seasonal cycles and interannual variation; intraseasonal variability is left to a companion paper ( K. R. Legaard and A. C. Thomas, manuscript in preparation, 2006). Coastal upwelling dictates seasonality along north-central California, where weak cycles of SST fluctuate between spring minima and late summer maxima and chlorophyll peaks in early summer. Off northern California, chlorophyll maxima are bounded offshore by the seasonally recurrent upwelling jet. Seasonal cycles differ across higher latitudes and in the midlatitude Southern California Bight, where upwelling winds are less vigorous and/or persistent. Seasonality along south-central Baja is strongly affected by processes other than upwelling, despite year-round upwelling-favorable winds. Interannual variation is generally dominated by El Nino and La Nina conditions. Interannual SST variance is greatest along south-central Baja, although interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total variance inshore along southern Oregon and much of California. Patterns of interannual chlorophyll variance are consistent with dominant forcing through the widespread depression and elevation of the nutricline during El Nino and La Nina, respectively. Interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total chlorophyll variance offshore.


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Six years of daily satellite data are used to quantify and map intraseasonal variability of chlorophyll and sea surface temperature (SST) in the California Current. We define intraseasonal variability as temporal variation remaining after removal of interannual variability and stationary seasonal cycles. Semivariograms are used to quantify the temporal structure of residual time series. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses of semivariograms calculated across the region isolate dominant scales and corresponding spatial patterns of intraseasonal variability. The mode 1 EOFs for both chlorophyll and SST semivariograms indicate a dominant timescale of similar to 60 days. Spatial amplitudes and patterns of intraseasonal variance derived from mode 1 suggest dominant forcing of intraseasonal variability through distortion of large scale chlorophyll and SST gradients by mesoscale circulation. Intraseasonal SST variance is greatest off southern Baja and along southern Oregon and northern California. Chlorophyll variance is greatest over the shelf and slope, with elevated values closely confined to the Baja shelf and extending farthest from shore off California and the Pacific Northwest. Intraseasonal contributions to total SST variability are strongest near upwelling centers off southern Oregon and northern California, where seasonal contributions are weak. Intraseasonal variability accounts for the majority of total chlorophyll variance in most inshore areas save for southern Baja, where seasonal cycles dominate. Contributions of higher EOF modes to semivariogram structure indicate the degree to which intraseasonal variability is shifted to shorter timescales in certain areas. Comparisons of satellite-derived SST semivariograms to those calculated from co-located and concurrent buoy SST time series show similar features.


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Since the origin of early Homo species during the Late Pliocene, interactions of humans with scavenging birds and mammals have changed in form through shifting ecological scenarios. How humans procured meat during the Quaternary Period changed from confrontational scavenging to hunting; shepherding of wild animals; and, eventually, intensive husbandry of domesticated animals. As humans evolved from carcass consumers to carcass providers, the overall relationship between humans and scavengers shifted from competition to facilitation. These changing interactions have translated into shifting provisioning (by signaling carcass location), regulating (e.g., by removing animal debris and controlling infectious diseases), and cultural ecosystem services (e.g., by favoring human language and social cooperation skills or, more recently, by enhancing ecotourism) provided by scavenging vertebrates. The continued survival of vultures and large mammalian scavengers alongside humans is now severely in jeopardy, threatening the loss of the numerous ecosystem services from which contemporary and future humans could benefit.


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The paper discusses how Kenyan policies and organisations address gender equality in climate change-related responses. The political support for gender issues is reflected in presidential directives on various actions for achieving gender equality such as the establishment of gender desk officers and ensuring 30 per cent female representation in government. Despite the well-advanced gender mainstreaming policy in Kenya, few policies focus on climate change and even fewer on its inter-linkages with gender. At the field level, encrusted traditions, inadequately trained staff, limited financial resources, and limited awareness of the inter-linkages between gender and climate change remain major challenges to promoting gender equality in the work of government organisations. The paper thus proposes measures for addressing these challenges and strengthening gender equality in responses to climate change.


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Sport participation has often been the topic in sports science and it could be shown that in Europe the population of northern and western countries are more often physically active than southern and eastern countries (European Commission, 2014). In Switzerland the physical activity of the Swiss population also differs between the linguistic regions. The German speaking population is more often physically active than the French or Italian speaking part (Stamm & Lamprecht, 2008). To explain the differences in sport participation structural and cultural factors have been discussed. Because within a country homogenous structural conditions can be assumed, the aim of this study is to analyse how socio-cultural factors correlate with sport participation of adolescents and young adults. In order to analyse this research question, Bourdieu’s concept of habitus (1984) has been used as theoretical background. This sport-related concept of habitus considers cultural determined values, the attribution of meaning and patterns of action which is socially determined and have an influence on individual actions and therefore also on the sport practise. On this basis, a qualitative study including guideline-based interviews with German (n=5) and French (n=3) speaking adolescents and young adults at the age of 16 to 24 (M=21.4) were held in two different linguistic regions of Switzerland. To analyse the interviews the documentary method was applied (Bohnsack, 2010). Initial findings reveal that there are different sport related values, attributions of meanings and patterns of action also called framework of orientations concerning topics like body, health and leisure which correlate with the habitual sports practise in the two different linguistic regions. This study illustrates that the habitus is culturally shaped and that it could help to understand the meaning of socio-cultural factors for sport participation.


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The present map sheet is composed of field maps (1:250'000) and is one of nine maps of the Southern Sudan State Map Series (1:500'000). The maps and the Geodatabase were prepared by the Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Berne, with funding from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The map is being released as a technical contribution to support the humanitarian, peace-keeping and reconstruction efforts in Southern Sudan.


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High-resolution records of calibrated proxy data for the past millennium are fundamental to place current changes into the context of pre-industrial natural forced and unforced variability. Although the need for regional spatially-explicit comprehensive reconstructions is widely recognized, the proxy data sources are still scarce, particularly for the Southern Hemisphere and especially for South America. We present a 600-year long warm season temperature record from varved sediments of Lago Plomo, a proglacial lake of the Northern Patagonian Ice field in Southern Chile (46°59′S, 72°52′W, 203 m a.s.l.). The thickness of the bright summer sediment layer relative to the dark winter layer (measured as total brightness; % reflectance 400–730 nm) is calibrated against warm season SONDJF temperature (1900–2009; r = 0.58, p(aut) = 0.056, RE = 0.52; CE = 0.15, RMSEP = 0.28 °C; five-year triangular filtered data). In Lago Plomo, warm summer temperatures lead to enhanced glacier melt and suspended sediment transport, which results in thicker light summer layers and to brighter sediments. Although Patagonia shows pronounced regional differences in decadal temperature trends and variability, the 600 years temperature reconstruction from Lago Plomo compares favourably with other regional/continental temperature records, but also emphasizes significant regional differences for which no data and information existed so far. These regional differences seem to be real as they are also reflected in modern climate data sets (1900–2010). The reconstruction shows pronounced subdecadal – multidecadal variability with cold phases during parts of the Little Ice Age (16th and 18th centuries) and in the beginning of the 20th century. The most prominent warm phase is the 19th century which is as warm as the second half of the 20th century. The exceptional summer warmth AD 1780–1810 is also found in other archives of Northern Patagonia and Central Chile. Our record shows the delayed 20th century warming in the Southern Hemisphere. The comparison between winter precipitation and summer temperature (inter-seasonal coupling) from Lago Plomo reveals alternating phases with parallel and contrasting decadal trends of winter precipitation and summer temperature (positive and negative running correlations Rwinter PP; summer TT). This observation from the sediment proxy data is also confirmed by two sets of reanalysis data for the 20th century. Reanalysis data show that phases with negative correlations between winter precipitation and summer temperature (e.g., dry winters and warm summers) at Lago Plomo are characteristic for periods when circumpolar Westerly flow is displaced southward and enhanced around 60°S.


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Dating lake sediments by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C analysis of terrestrial plant macrofossils overcomes one of the main problems associated with dating bulk sediment samples, i.e., the presence of old organic matter. Even so, many AMS dates from arctic and boreal sites appear to misrepresent the age of the sediment. To understand the nature of these apparent dating anomalies better, we conducted a series of 14C dating experiments using samples from Alaskan and Siberian lake-sediment cores. First, to test whether our analytical procedures introduced a sample-mass bias, we obtained 14C dates for different-sized pieces of single woody macrofossils. In these sample-mass experiments, statistically equivalent ages were found for samples as small as 0.05 mg C. Secondly, to assess whether macrofossil type influenced dating results, we conducted sample-type experiments in which 14C dates were obtained for different macrofossil types sieved from the same depth in the sediment. We dated materials from multiple levels in sediment cores from Upper Capsule Lake (North Slope, northern Alaska) and Grizzly Lake (Copper River Basin, southern Alaska) and from single depths in other records from northern Alaska. In several of the experiments there were significant discrepancies between dates for different plant tissues, and in most cases wood and charcoal were older than other macrofossil types, usually by several hundred years. This pattern suggests that 14C dates for woody macrofossils may misrepresent the age of the sediment by centuries, perhaps because of their longer terrestrial residence time and the potential in-built age of longlived plants. This study identifies why some 14C dates appear to be inconsistent with the overall age-depth trend of a lake-sediment record, and it may guide the selection of 14C samples in future studies.


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BACKGROUND Survival after diagnosis is a fundamental concern in cancer epidemiology. In resource-rich settings, ambient clinical databases, municipal data and cancer registries make survival estimation in real-world populations relatively straightforward. In resource-poor settings, given the deficiencies in a variety of health-related data systems, it is less clear how well we can determine cancer survival from ambient data. METHODS We addressed this issue in sub-Saharan Africa for Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), a cancer for which incidence has exploded with the HIV epidemic but for which survival in the region may be changing with the recent advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART). From 33 primary care HIV Clinics in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria and Cameroon participating in the International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Consortia in 2009-2012, we identified 1328 adults with newly diagnosed KS. Patients were evaluated from KS diagnosis until death, transfer to another facility or database closure. RESULTS Nominally, 22% of patients were estimated to be dead by 2 years, but this estimate was clouded by 45% cumulative lost to follow-up with unknown vital status by 2 years. After adjustment for site and CD4 count, age <30 years and male sex were independently associated with becoming lost. CONCLUSIONS In this community-based sample of patients diagnosed with KS in sub-Saharan Africa, almost half became lost to follow-up by 2 years. This precluded accurate estimation of survival. Until we either generally strengthen data systems or implement cancer-specific enhancements (e.g., tracking of the lost) in the region, insights from cancer epidemiology will be limited.


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Ontogenetic variation in 4 trace element ((88)Sr, (137)Ba, (24)Mg, (23)Na) concentrations and their ratios to Ca were measured in statoliths of the jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean and Peruvian waters using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The element compositions of statoliths showed no significant differences between females and males. All of the elements in different growth zones showed significant variations, except for Mg. Sr:Ca and Mg:Ca were good indicators for distinguishing squid from autumn and winter spawning seasons. Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca distribution patterns in statoliths confirmed that paralarvae and juvenile squid inhabit surface waters, while subadult squid migrate into deeper waters. An increasing Sr: Ca ratio of subadult squid could be explained by declining temperature gradients from northern to southern sampling locations, although no significant Sr: Ca differences were observed (p > 0.05). Mg:Ca ratios decreased progressively from the nucleus to the peripheral zone, which might be correlated with statolith growth rates. Na:Ca ratios slightly declined from paralarvae to the subadult phase. Quantitative relationships between statolith trace elements and environmental conditions under different growth stages are needed to improve our understanding of life history of D. gigas.