973 resultados para YELLOW FEVER VIRUS


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Innate immunity and host defence are rapidly evoked by structurally invariant molecular motifs common to microbial world, called pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). In addition to PAMPs, endogenous molecules released in response to inflammation and tissue damage, danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), are required for eliciting the response. The most important PAMPs of viruses are viral nucleic acids, their genome or its replication intermediates, whereas the identity and characteristics of virus infection-induced DAMPs are poorly defined. PAMPs and DAMPs engage a limited set of germ-line encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in immune and non-immune cells. Membrane-bound Toll-like receptors (TLRs), cytoplasmic retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NLRs) are important PRRs involved in the recognition of the molecular signatures of viral infection, such as double-stranded ribonucleic acids (dsRNAs). Engagement of PRRs results in local and systemic innate immune responses which, when activated against viruses, evoke secretion of antiviral and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and programmed cell death i.e., apoptosis of the virus-infected cell. Macrophages are the central effector cells of innate immunity. They produce significant amounts of antiviral cytokines, called interferons (IFNs), and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. IL-1β and IL-18 are synthesized as inactive precursors, pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18, that are processed by caspase-1 in a cytoplasmic multiprotein complex, called the inflammasome. After processing, these cytokines are biologically active and will be secreted. The signals and secretory routes that activate inflammasomes and the secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 during virus infections are poorly characterized. The main goal of this thesis was to characterize influenza A virus-induced innate immune responses and host-virus interactions in human primary macrophages during an infection. Methodologically, various techniques of cellular and molecular biology, as well as proteomic tools combined with bioinformatics, were utilized. Overall, the thesis provides interesting insights into inflammatory and antiviral innate immune responses, and has characterized host-virus interactions during influenza A virus-infection in human primary macrophages.


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Hantaviruses have a tri-segmented negative-stranded RNA genome. The S segment encodes the nucleocapsid protein (N), M segment two glycoproteins, Gn and Gc, and the L segment the RNA polymerase. Gn and Gc are co-translationally cleaved from a precursor and targeted to the cis-Golgi compartment. The Gn glycoprotein consists of an external domain, a transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. In addition, the S segment of some hantaviruses, including Tula and Puumala virus, have an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a nonstructural potein NSs that can function as a weak interferon antagonist. The mechanisms of hantavirus-induced pathogenesis are not fully understood but it is known that both hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus (cardio) pulmonary syndrome (HCPS) share various features such as increased capillary permeability, thrombocytopenia and upregulation of TNF-. Several hantaviruses have been reported to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis), such as TULV-infected Vero E6 cells which is known to be defective in interferon signaling. Recently reports describing properties of the hantavirus Gn cytoplasmic tail (Gn-CT) have appeared. The Gn-CT of hantaviruses contains animmunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) which directs receptor signaling in immune and endothelial cells; and contain highly conserved classical zinc finger domains which may have a role in the interaction with N protein. More functions of Gn protein have been discovered, but much still remains unknown. Our aim was to study the functions of Gn protein from several aspects: synthesis, degradation and interaction with N protein. Gn protein was reported to inhibit interferon induction and amplication. For this reason, we also carried out projects studying the mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by hantavirus. We first showed degradation and aggresome formation of the Gn-CT of the apathogenic TULV. It was reported earlier that the degradation of Gn-CT is related to the pathogenicity of hantavirus. We found that the Gn-CT of the apathogenic hantaviruses (TULV, Prospect Hill virus) was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and TULV Gn-CT formed aggresomes upon treatment with proteasomal inhibitor. Thus the results suggest that degradation and aggregation of the Gn-CT may be a general property of most hantaviruses, unrelated to pathogenicity. Second, we investigated the interaction of TULV N protein and the TULV Gn-CT. The Gn protein is located on the Golgi membrane and its interaction with N protein has been thought to determine the cargo of the hantaviral ribonucleoprotein which is an important step in virus assembly, but direct evidence has not been reported. We found that TULV Gn-CT fused with GST tag expressed in bacteria can pull-down the N protein expressed in mammalian cells; a mutagenesis assay was carried out, in which we found that the zinc finger motif in Gn-CT and RNA-binding motif in N protein are indispensable for the interaction. For the study of mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by Old World hantavirus, we found that Old World hantaviruses do not produce detectable amounts of dsRNA in infected cells and the 5 -termini of their genomic RNAs are monophosphorylated. DsRNA and tri-phosphorylated RNA are considered to be critical activators of innate immnity response by interacting with PRRs (pattern recognition receptors). We examined systematically the 5´-termini of hantavirus genomic RNAs and the dsRNA production by different species of hantaviruses. We found that no detectable dsRNA was produced in cells infected by the two groups of the old world hantaviruses: Seoul, Dobrava, Saaremaa, Puumala and Tula. We also found that the genomic RNAs of these Old World hantaviruses carry 5´-monophosphate and are unable to trigger interferon induction. The antiviral response is mainly mediated by alpha/beta interferon. Recently the glycoproteins of the pathogenic hantaviruses Sin Nombre and New York-1 viruses were reported to regulate cellular interferon. We found that Gn-CT can inhibit the induction of IFN activation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) and retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like RNA helicases (RLH) pathway and that the inhibition target lies at the level of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1)/ IKK epislon complex and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) (MyD88) / interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7) complex.


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The copper complex of the antituberculous drug, isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), inhibits the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of Rous sarcoma virus and inactivates its ability to malignantly transform chick embryo cells. The INH-copper complex binds to the 70S genome RNA of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), which may account for its ability to inhibit the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The complex binds RNA more effectively than DNA in contrast to M-IBT-copper complexes, which bind both types of nucleic acids equally. The homopolymers, poly rA and poly rU, are bound by the INH-copper complex to a greater extent than poly rC. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide alone and CuSO4 alone bind neither DNA, RNA, poly (rA), poly (rU), nor poly (rC). However, CuSO4 alone binds poly (rI); INH alone does not. In addition to viral DNA synthesis, chick-embryo cell DNA synthesis is inhibited by the INH-copper complex. The extent of inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis is greater than that of cellular RNA and protein synthesis. No selective inhibition of transformation in cells previously infected with Rous sarcoma virus is observed.


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Background: Dengue virus along with the other members of the flaviviridae family has reemerged as deadly human pathogens. Understanding the mechanistic details of these infections can be highly rewarding in developing effective antivirals. During maturation of the virus inside the host cell, the coat proteins E and M undergo conformational changes, altering the morphology of the viral coat. However, due to low resolution nature of the available 3-D structures of viral assemblies, the atomic details of these changes are still elusive. Results: In the present analysis, starting from C alpha positions of low resolution cryo electron microscopic structures the residue level details of protein-protein interaction interfaces of dengue virus coat proteins have been predicted. By comparing the preexisting structures of virus in different phases of life cycle, the changes taking place in these predicted protein-protein interaction interfaces were followed as a function of maturation process of the virus. Besides changing the current notion about the presence of only homodimers in the mature viral coat, the present analysis indicated presence of a proline-rich motif at the protein-protein interaction interface of the coat protein. Investigating the conservation status of these seemingly functionally crucial residues across other members of flaviviridae family enabled dissecting common mechanisms used for infections by these viruses. Conclusions: Thus, using computational approach the present analysis has provided better insights into the preexisting low resolution structures of virus assemblies, the findings of which can be made use of in designing effective antivirals against these deadly human pathogens.


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Alfavirukset ovat positiivissäkeisiä RNA-viruksia, jotka kuuluvat Togaviridea –heimoon. Alfaviruksia levittävät Aedes –suvun hyttyset ja niitä esiintyy Etelämanteretta lukuunottamatta kaikilla mantereilla. Alfaviruksia on tähän mennessä löydetty 29 lajia ja ne voidaan jakaa uuden ja vanhan maailman viruksiin niiden maantieteellisen esiintyvyyden ja taudinaiheuttamiskyvyn mukaan. Chikunkunyavirus (CHIKV) on yksi vanhan maailman alfaviruksista, jota esiintyy muun muassa Afrikassa ja Aasiassa. Ilmaston lämmettyä se on leviämässä myös eteläiseen Eurooppaan. Ihmisessä se aiheuttaa muun muassa kuumetta, päänsärkyä, ihottumaa ja niveltulehdusta, joka voi kestää useita vuosia ja ne voivat olla hyvinkin kivuliaita. Pienillä lapsilla chikungunya on todettu aiheuttavan myös neurologisia oireita kuten aivotulehdusta. Alfaviruksen genomi koodaa neljää rakenneproteiinia ja neljää replikaatioproteiinia. Replikaatioproteiineista nsP3 sisältää makrodomeeniosan. Makrodomeeniproteiinit ovat eliökunnassa konservoituneita, mutta makrodomeeniproteiinien tarkkaa merkitystä ei vielä tunneta. Makrodomeenien on osoitettu sitovan ADP-riboosia ja sen johdannaisia ja alfaviruksen nsP3-proteiinin on osoitettu olevan tärkeä osa viruksen replikaatiossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia makrodomeeniproteiiniin sitoutuvien yhdisteiden käyttöä antiviraalisena yhdisteinä. Tietokonemallinnuksella valittiin antiviraalitutkimuksiin 45 yhdistettä, joiden oletettiin sitoutuvan makrodomeeniproteiiniin. Kilpailevassa sitoutumiskokeessa viisi yhdistettä esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosia (PAR) sitoutumasta MDO1-makrodomeeniproteiiniin, jolla tietokonemallinnus oli tehty. SFV-makrodomeeniproteiinilla tehdyssä kokeessa vain yksi yhdiste esti yli 50 % poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen. SFV-antiviraalikokeessa seitsemällä yhdisteellä inhibitioprosentti oli yli 50 %. Näillä yhdisteillä ei kuitenkaan ollut merkittävää vaikutusta poly-ADP-riboosin sitoutumisen estossa. CHIKV-replikonikokeessa yli 50 % inhibitioprosentti oli viidellä yhdisteellä. Muiden mahdollisia vaikutusmekanismeja tutkittiin selvittämällä estävätkö yhdisteet virusta pääsemästä solun sisään. Tässä kokeessa tutkituista yhdisteistä lähes kaikilla oli vaikutusta viruksen soluun pääsyn estossa. Yleisesti ottaen kyky estää PAR:n sitoutuminen makrodomeeniproteiineihin ja antiviraaliset vaikutukset eivät korreloineet keskenään tutkittavilla yhdisteillä. Vaikka antiviraalista vaikutusta omaavat yhdisteet eivät osoittaneetkaan makrodomeeni-inhibiitiota, työssä löydettiin potentiaalisia antiviraalisia yhdisteitä joiden käyttö viruksen soluun pääsyn estäjinä antaa aihetta jatkotutkimuksille.


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Several orthopoxviruses (OPV) and Borna disease virus (BDV) are enveloped, zoonotic viruses with a wide geographical distribution. OPV antibodies cross-react, and former smallpox vaccination has therefore protected human populations from another OPV infection, rodent-borne cowpox virus (CPXV). Cowpox in humans and cats usually manifests as a mild, self-limiting dermatitis and constitutional symptoms, but it can be severe and even life-threatening in the immunocompromised. Classical Borna disease is a progressive meningoencephalomyelitis in horses and sheep known in central Europe for centuries. Nowadays the virus or its close relative infects humans and also several other species in central Europe and elsewhere, but the existence of human Borna disease with its suspected neuropsychiatric symptoms is controversial. The epidemiology of BDV is largely unknown, and the present situation is even more intriguing following the recent detection of several-million-year-old, endogenized BDV genes in primate and various other vertebrate genomes. The aims of this study were to elucidate the importance of CPXV and BDV in Finland and in possible host species, and particularly to 1) establish relevant methods for the detection of CPXV and other OPVs as well as BDV in Finland, 2) determine whether CPXV and BDV exist in Finland, 3) discover how common OPV immunity is in different age groups in Finland, 4) characterize possible disease cases and clarify their epidemiological context, 5) establish the hosts and possible reservoir species of these viruses and their geographical distribution in wild rodents, and 6) elucidate the infection kinetics of BDV in the bank vole. An indirect immunofluorescence assay and avidity measurement were established for the detection, timing and verification of OPV or BDV antibodies in thousands of blood samples from humans, horses, ruminants, lynxes, gallinaceous birds, dogs, cats and rodents. The mostly vaccine-derived OPV seroprevalence was found to decrease gradually according to the year of birth of the sampled human subjects from 100% to 10% in those born after 1977. On the other hand, OPV antibodies indicating natural contact with CPXV or other OPVs were commonly found in domestic and wild animals: the horse, cow, lynx, dog, cat and, with a prevalence occasionally even as high as 92%, in wild rodents, including some previously undetected species and new regions. Antibodies to BDV were detected in humans, horses, a dog, cats, and for the first time in wild rodents, such as bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Because of the controversy within the human Borna disease field, extra verification methods were established for BDV antibody findings: recombinant nucleocapsid and phosphoproteins were produced in Escherichia coli and in a baculovirus system, and peptide arrays were additionally applied. With these verification assays, Finnish human, equine, feline and rodent BDV infections were confirmed. Taken together, wide host spectra were evident for both OPV and BDV infections based on the antibody findings, and OPV infections were found to be geographically broadly distributed. PCR amplification methods were utilised for hundreds of blood and tissue samples. The methods included conventional, nested and real-time PCRs with or without the reverse transcription step and detecting four or two genes of OPVs and BDV, respectively. OPV DNA could be amplified from two human patients and three bank voles, whereas no BDV RNA was detected in naturally infected individuals. Based on the phylogenetic analyses, the Finnish OPV sequences were closely related although not identical to a Russian CPXV isolate, and clearly different from other CPXV strains. Moreover, the Finnish sequences only equalled each other, but the short amplicons obtained from German rodents were identical to monkeypox virus, in addition to German CPXV variants. This reflects the close relationship of all OPVs. In summary, RNA of the Finnish BDV variant could not be detected with the available PCR methods, but OPV DNA infrequently could. The OPV species infecting the patients of this study was proven to be CPXV, which is most probably also responsible for the rodent infections. Multiple cell lines and some newborn rodents were utilised in the isolation of CPXV and BDV from patient and wildlife samples. CPXV could be isolated from a child with severe, generalised cowpox. BDV isolation attempts from rodents were unsuccessful in this study. However, in parallel studies, a transient BDV infection of cells inoculated with equine brain material was detected, and BDV antigens discovered in archival animal brains using established immunohistology. Thus, based on several independent methods, both CPXV and BDV (or a closely related agent) were shown to be present in Finland. Bank voles could be productively infected with BDV. This experimental infection did not result in notable pathological findings or symptoms, despite the intense spread of the virus in the central and peripheral nervous system. Infected voles commonly excreted the virus in urine and faeces, which emphasises their possible role as a BDV reservoir. Moreover, BDV RNA was regularly reverse transcribed into DNA in bank voles, which was detected by amplifying DNA by PCR without reverse transcription, and verified with nuclease treatments. This finding indicates that BDV genes could be endogenized during an acute infection. Although further transmission studies are needed, this experimental infection demonstrated that the bank vole can function as a potential BDV reservoir. In summary, multiple methods were established and applied in large panels to detect two zoonoses novel to Finland: cowpox virus and Borna disease virus. Moreover, new information was obtained on their geographical distribution, host spectrum, epidemiology and infection kinetics.


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Afrikkalainen sikarutto on lakisääteisesti vastustettava helposti leviävä sikojen ja villisikojen virustauti, jolla on myös vakavia sosioekonomisia vaikutuksia. Akuutissa tautimuodossa eläimillä esiintyy syömättömyyttä, korkeaa kuumetta, verenpurkaumia iholla, veristä ulostetta sekä mahdollisesti ripulia. Kuolleisuus on lähes 100 % ja tauti johtaa kuolemaan 7-10 vrk tartunnan jälkeen. Tauti ei tartu ihmisiin. Tautia esiintyy sekä kesy- että villisioissa suurimmassa osassa Saharan eteläpuolista Afrikkaa ja Sardiniassa. Vuodesta 2007 lähtien tautia on esiintynyt Kaukasuksen alueella ja vuonna 2011 lähellä Suomen rajaa: Leningradin alueella ja Kuolan niemimaalla. Tässä riskiprofiilissa kartoitetaan reitit ja tapahtumasarjat, jotka voivat johtaa siihen, että afrikkalainen sikarutto tulee Suomeen ensimmäisen kerran. Näistä oleellisimmat ovat: maahantulo infektioalueella matkustaneiden ihmisten mukana, infektoituneen lihan tai lihatuotteen mukana, elävien kesysikojen ja sperman mukana, kontaminoituneiden eläinkuljetusajoneuvojen mukana, kansainvälisen liikenteen ruokajätteen mukana ja Suomeen vaeltavan infektoituneen villisian mukana. Tilatason tautisuojaus sekä tehokas ja kohdennettu tiedottaminen taudin vaaroista ovat avainasemassa, kun halutaan suojata Suomen sikaelinkeinoa afrikkalaiselta sikarutolta.


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Digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled DNA probe was developed for a sensitive and rapid detection of the Tobacco streak virus (TSV) isolates in India by dot-blot and tissue print hybridization techniques. DIG-labeled DNA probe complementary to the coat protein (CP) region of TSV sunflower isolate was designed and used to detect the TSV presence at field levels. Dot-blot hybridization was used to check a large number of TSV isolates with a single probe. In addition, a sensitivity of the technique was examined with the different sample extraction methods. Another technique, the tissue blot hybridization offered a simple, reliable procedure and did not require a sample processing. Thus, both non-radioactively labeled probe techniques could facilitate the sample screening during TSV outbreaks and offer an advantage in quarantine services.


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In vitro translation of belladonna mottle virus BDMV(I) genomic RNA in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system produced proteins of Mr 210,000, 150,000 and 78,000 which form the non-structural proteins. The coat protein, on the other hand, was expressed from a subgenomic RNA which was found to be encapsidated in the empty capsids forming the top component viral particles. The implications of subgenomic RNA encapsidation in viral replication and assembly are discussed.


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The 3' terminal 1255 nt sequence of Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) genomic RNA has been determined from a set of overlapping cDNA clones. The open reading frame (ORF) at the 3' terminus corresponds to the amino acid sequence of the coat protein (CP) determined earlier except for the absence of the dipeptide, Lys-Leu, at position 110-111. In addiition, the sequence upstream of the CP gene contains the message coding for 178 amino acid residues of the C-terminus of the putative replicase protein (RP). The sequence downstream of the CP gene contains an untranslated region whose terminal 80 nucleotides can be folded into a characteristic tRNA-like structure. A phylogenetic tree constructed after aligning separately the sequence of the CP, the replicase protein (RP) and the tRNA-like structure determined in this study with the corresponding sequences of other tymoviruses shows that PhMV wrongly named belladonna mottle virus [BDMV(I)] is a separate tymovirus and not another strain of BDMV(E) as originally envisaged. The phylogenetic tree in all the three cases is identical showing that any subset of genomic sequence of sufficient length can be used for establishing evolutionary relationships among tymoviruses.


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Hantaviruses are one of the five genera of the vector-borne virus family Bunyaviridae. While other members of the family are transmitted via arthropods, hantaviruses are carried and transmitted by rodents and insectivores. Occasional transmission to humans occurs via inhalation of aerosolized rodent excreta. When transmitted to man hantaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS, in Eurasia, mortality ~10%) and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS, in the Americas, mortality ~40%). The single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome of hantaviruses is in segments S, M and L that respectively encode for nucleocapsid (N), glycoproteins Gn and Gc, and RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp or L protein). The genome segments, encapsidated by N protein to form ribonucleoprotein (RNP), are enclosed inside a lipid envelope decorated by spikes formed of Gn and Gc. The focus of this study was to understand the mechanisms and interactions through which the virion is formed and maintained. We observed that when extracted from virions both Gn and Gc favor homo- over hetero-oligomerization. The minimal glycoprotein complexes extracted from virion by detergent were observed, by using ultracentrifugation and gel filtration, to be tetrameric Gn and homodimeric Gc. These results led us to suggest a model where tetrameric Gn complexes are interconnected through homodimeric Gc units to form the grid-like surface architecture described for hantaviruses. This model was found to correlate with the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of virion surface created using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). The 3D-density map showed the spike complex formed of Gn and Gc to be 10 nm high and to display a four-fold symmetry with dimensions of 15 nm times 15 nm. This unique square-shaped complex on a roughly round virion creates a hitch for the assembly, since a sphere cannot be broken into rectangles. Thus additional interactions are likely required for the virion assembly. In cryo-ET we observed that the RNP makes occasional contacts to the viral membrane, suggesting an interaction between the spike and RNP. We were able to demonstrate this interaction using various techniques, and showed that both Gn and Gc contribute to the interaction. This led us to suggest that in addition to the interactions between Gn and Gc, also the interaction between spike and RNP is required for assembly. We found galectin-3 binding protein (referred to as 90K) to co-purify with the virions and showed an interaction between 90K and the virion. Analysis of plasma samples taken from patients hospitalized for Puumala virus infection showed increased concentrations of 90K in the acute phase and the increased 90K level was found to correlate with several parameters that reflect the severity of acute HFRS. The results of these studies confirmed, but also challenged some of the dogmas on the structure and assembly of hantaviruses. We confirmed that Gn and RNP do interact, as long assumed. On the other hand we demonstrated that the glycoproteins Gn and Gc exist as homo-oligomers or appear in large hetero-oligomeric complexes, rather than form primarily heterodimers as was previously assumed. This work provided new insight into the structure and assembly of hantaviruses.