766 resultados para Welding fixture
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
PURPOSE. Adequate passive-fitting of one-piece cast 3-element implant-supported frameworks is hard to achieve. This short communication aims to present an alternative method for section of one-piece cast frameworks and for casting implant-supported frameworks. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Three-unit implant-supported nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) frameworks were tested for vertical misfit (n = 6). The frameworks were cast as one-piece (Group A) and later transversally sectioned through a diagonal axis (Group B) and compared to frameworks that were cast diagonally separated (Group C). All separated frameworks were laser welded. Only one side of the frameworks was screwed. RESULTS. The results on the tightened side were significantly lower in Group C (6.43 +/- 3.24 mu m) when compared to Groups A (16.50 +/- 7.55 mu m) and B (16.27 +/- 1.71 mu m) (P<.05). On the opposite side, the diagonal section of the one-piece castings for laser welding showed significant improvement in the levels of misfit of the frameworks (Group A, 58.66 +/- 14.30 mu m; Group B, 39.4.8 +/- 12.03 mu m; Group C, 23.13 +/- 8.24 mu m) (P<.05). CONCLUSION. Casting diagonally sectioned frameworks lowers the misfit levels. Lower misfit levels for the frameworks can be achieved by diagonally sectioning one-piece frameworks. [J Adv Prosthodont 2012;4:89-92]
Inspection for corrosion of gas storage spheres at the welding seam lines must be done periodically. Until now this inspection is being done manually and has a high cost associated to it and a high risk of inspection personel injuries. The Brazilian Petroleum Company, Petrobras, is seeking cost reduction and personel safety by the use of autonomous robot technology. This paper presents the development of a robot capable of autonomously follow a welding line and transporting corrosion measurement sensors. The robot uses a pair of sensors each composed of a laser source and a video camera that allows the estimation of the center of the welding line. The mechanical robot uses four magnetic wheels to adhere to the sphere's surface and was constructed in a way that always three wheels are in contact with the sphere's metallic surface which guarantees enough magnetic atraction to hold the robot in the sphere's surface all the time. Additionally, an independently actuated table for attaching the corrosion inspection sensors was included for small position corrections. Tests were conducted at the laboratory and in a real sphere showing the validity of the proposed approach and implementation.
The present study evaluated the interchangeability of prosthetic components for external hexagon implants by measuring the precision of the implant/abutment (I/A) interface with scanning electron microscopy. Ten implants for each of three brands (SIN, Conexão, Neodent) were tested with their respective abutments (milled CoCr collar rotational and non-rotational) and another of an alternative manufacturer (Microplant) in randomly arranged I/A combinations. The degree of interchangeability between the various brands of components was defined using the original abutment interface gap with its respective implant as the benchmark dimension. Accordingly, when the result for a given component placed on an implant was equal to or smaller then that gap measured when the original component of the same brand as the implant was positioned, interchangeability was considered valid. Data were compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Some degree of misfit was observed in all specimens. Generally, the non-rotational component was more accurate than its rotational counterpart. The latter samples ranged from 0.6-16.9 µm, with a 4.6 µm median; and the former from 0.3-12.9 µm, with a 3.4 µm median. Specimens with the abutment and fixture from Conexão had larger microgap than the original set for SIN and Neodent (p<0.05). Even though the latter systems had similar results with their respective components, their interchanged abutments did not reproduce the original accuracy. The results suggest that the alternative brand abutment would have compatibility with all systems while the other brands were not completely interchangeable.
This research addresses the application of friction stir welding (FWS) of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. Friction stir welding is a recent process, developed in the 1990s for aluminum joining; this joining process is being increasingly applied in many industries from basic materials, such as steel alloys, to high performance alloys, such as titanium. It is a process in great development and has its economic advantages when compared to conventional welding. For high performance alloys such as titanium, a major problem to overcome is the construction of tools that can withstand the extreme process environment. In the literature, the possibilities approached are only few tungsten alloys. Early experiments with tools made of cemented carbide (WC) showed optimistic results consistent with the literature. It was initially thought that WC tools may be an option to the FSW process since it is possible to improve the wear resistance of the tool. The metallographic analysis of the welds did not show primary defects of voids (tunneling) or similar internal defects due to processing, only defects related to tool wear which can cause loss of weld quality. The severe tool wear caused loss of surface quality and inclusions of fragments inside the joining, which should be corrected or mitigated by means of coating techniques on tool, or the replacement of cemented carbide with tungsten alloys, as found in the literature.
Two analytical models are proposed to describe two different mechanisms of lava tubes formation. A first model is introduced to describe the development of a solid crust in the central region of the channel, and the formation of a tube when crust widens until it reaches the leve\'es. The Newtonian assumption is considered and the steady state Navier- Stokes equation in a rectangular conduit is solved. A constant heat flux density assigned at the upper flow surface resumes the combined effects of two thermal processes: radiation and convection into the atmosphere. Advective terms are also included, by the introduction of velocity into the expression of temperature. Velocity is calculated as an average value over the channel width, so that lateral variations of temperature are neglected. As long as the upper flow surface cools, a solid layer develops, described as a plastic body, having a resistance to shear deformation. If the applied shear stress exceeds this resistance, crust breaks, otherwise, solid fragments present at the flow surface can weld together forming a continuous roof, as it happens in the sidewall flow regions. Variations of channel width, ground slope and effusion rate are analyzed, as parameters that strongly affect the shear stress values. Crust growing is favored when the channel widens, and tube formation is possible when the ground slope or the effusion rate reduce. A comparison of results is successfully made with data obtained from the analysis of pictures of actual flows. The second model describes the formation of a stable, well defined crust along both channel sides, their growing towards the center and their welding to form the tube roof. The fluid motion is described as in the model above. Thermal budget takes into account conduction into the atmosphere, and advection is included considering the velocity depending both on depth and channel width. The solidified crust has a non uniform thickness along the channel width. Stresses acting on the crust are calculated using the equations of the elastic thin plate, pinned at its ends. The model allows to calculate the distance where crust thickness is able to resist the drag of the underlying fluid and to sustain its weight by itself, and the level of the fluid can lower below the tube roof. Viscosity and thermal conductivity have been experimentally investigated through the use of a rotational viscosimeter. Analyzing samples coming from Mount Etna (2002) the following results have been obtained: the fluid is Newtonian and the thermal conductivity is constant in a range of temperature above the liquidus. For lower temperature, the fluid becomes non homogeneous, and the used experimental techniques are not able to detect any properties, because measurements are not reproducible.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung des Versagens thermisch verschweißter Polymergrenzflächen (hier: Polymethylmethacrylat) durchgeführt. Solch ein Wissen kommt in der Praxis bei sogenannten Sollbruchstellen zum Einsatz. Dabei muss die Grenzschicht bis zu einer bestimmten Belastungsintensität stabil bleiben bei höherer Belastung jedoch brechen. Zudem ist eine stabile Risspropagation entlang der Grenzschicht wichtig.Neben der Bruchstabilitätsbestimmung mit Hilfe des Double Cantilever Beam Tests wurden die beim Versagen der Grenzschicht entstandenen Defekte untersucht. Die Analyse der Bruchfläche erfolgte mit Mikroskopie und Höhenprofilometrie. Defekte im Volumen wurden durch Scanning-Ultra Small Angle X-ray Scattering und Scanning Microfokus-Small Angle X-ray Scattering untersucht.Im Modellsystem können Sollbruchstellen bis zu einer Belastungsintensität von maximal 280J/m² durch die Verschweißungsdauer eingestellt werden. Die Untersuchung der Bruchflächen lieferte ein kombiniertes Modell aus Ausheil- und Interdiffusionsprozess. Ferner folgt aus den Streuuntersuchungen, dass beim Modellsystem keine hochgeordneten Defektstrukturen vorliegen. Die entstandenen Strukturen folgen einem Modell diffuser Defektgrenzflächen. Über die gemessene Diffusivität kann zudem auf die Energiedissipation im Bereich um das Rissende geschlossen werden. Sie ist im unmittelbaren Rissbereich am Höchsten und nimmt mit Entfernung davon ab. Dabei haben die Defektbereiche eine Größe bis zu 650µm. Die Richtung der von außen angelegten Belastung spielt bei der räumlichen Orientierung der Defekte keine Rolle.
L'obiettivo della tesi è diradare, almeno parzialmente, le incertezze che potrebbero essere presenti nella caratterizzazione a compressione di materiali compositi. Per quanto concerne la compressione, in un primo momento, non essendo ritenuta una caratteristica troppo rilevante, si considerava che il materiale composito avesse proprietà equivalenti a quelle in trazione. Solo successivamente, dai primi anni ’70, si sono iniziate ad indagare in modo approfondito e mirato le proprietà meccaniche a compressione di tali materiali. Si sono sviluppati e normati nel tempo vari metodi che vengono classificati in base al modo di applicazione del carico sul provino. Ci si è quindi proposti, basandosi anche sulle richieste mosse dalla Scuderia Toro Rosso di Faenza, di determinare, dopo aver analizzato tutti i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di ciascuna metodologia, quella migliore a cui attenersi per tutte le prove di compressione che seguiranno. A tale scopo, dopo una attenta e approfondita analisi dei vari metodi di prova, si è scelto di utilizzare il Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture: attrezzatura leggera e molto compatta, che dimostra una affidabilità dei risultati superiore alle altre tecnologie. Si è, inoltre, deciso di testare laminati non unidirezionali, evitando così molte problematiche quali, ad esempio, quelle dovute all’utilizzo di tabs o al possibile insorgere di microbuckling delle fibre. Si è risaliti, poi, al valore di resistenza a compressione della lamina unidirezionale attraverso il metodo di calcolo indiretto del Back-Out Factor (BF). Di tale metodo si sono indagate le basi teoriche, a partire dalla teoria classica dei laminati, e si sono ricavate le formule necessarie per l'applicazione pratica sperimentale. Per quanto riguarda la campagna sperimentale, svolta presso i laboratori ENEA di Faenza – Unità Tecnica Tecnologie dei Materiali Faenza (UTTMATF), sono stati realizzati 6 laminati di materiale composito, ognuno con differente sequenza di laminazione e percentuale di fibre nelle diverse direzioni. Due laminati sono stati ottenuti impilando lamine unidirezionali preimpregnate, in modo da ottenere una configurazione cross-ply (0°\90°), due in configurazione angle-ply (0°\90°\±45°) e due materiali unidirezionali (0° e 90°). Da questi 6 laminati sono stati ricavati 12/13 provini ciascuno. I provini cross-ply e angle-ply sono stati testati per ricavarne la resistenza a compressione, da cui, poi, risalire a quella della lamina unidirezionale a 0° mediante il BF. Dal confronto dei risultati ottenuti attraverso l'applicazione combinata di CLC e Back-Out Factor, con i dati riportati nel datasheet ufficiale, si è avuta conferma dell'affidabilità della metodologia scelta. Per quanto concerne l'elaborazione dei dati ricavati dalle prove sperimentali, è stato utilizzato un opportuno programma realizzato con il software Matlab. Con l'estensione GUI, poi, è stata creata un'interfaccia grafica per agevolare la comprensione delle fasi di elaborazione anche ad un utente non esperto.
Lo studio presentato in questa sede concerne applicazioni di saldatura LASER caratterizzate da aspetti di non-convenzionalità ed è costituito da tre filoni principali. Nel primo ambito di intervento è stata valutata la possibilità di effettuare saldature per fusione, con LASER ad emissione continua, su pannelli Aluminum Foam Sandwich e su tubi riempiti in schiuma di alluminio. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza numerose linee operative riguardanti le problematiche relative alla saldatura delle pelli esterne dei componenti ed ha dimostrato la fattibilità relativa ad un approccio di giunzione LASER integrato (saldatura seguita da un post trattamento termico) per la realizzazione della giunzione completa di particolari tubolari riempiti in schiuma con ripristino della struttura cellulare all’interfaccia di giunzione. Il secondo ambito di intervento è caratterizzato dall’applicazione di una sorgente LASER di bassissima potenza, operante in regime ad impulsi corti, nella saldatura di acciaio ad elevato contenuto di carbonio. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza come questo tipo di sorgente, solitamente applicata per lavorazioni di ablazione e marcatura, possa essere applicata anche alla saldatura di spessori sub-millimetrici. In questa fase è stato messo in evidenza il ruolo dei parametri di lavoro sulla conformazione del giunto ed è stata definita l’area di fattibilità del processo. Lo studio è stato completato investigando la possibilità di applicare un trattamento LASER dopo saldatura per addolcire le eventuali zone indurite. In merito all’ultimo ambito di intervento l’attività di studio si è focalizzata sull’utilizzo di sorgenti ad elevata densità di potenza (60 MW/cm^2) nella saldatura a profonda penetrazione di acciai da costruzione. L’attività sperimentale e di analisi dei risultati è stata condotta mediante tecniche di Design of Experiment per la valutazione del ruolo preciso di tutti i parametri di processo e numerose considerazioni relative alla formazione di cricche a caldo sono state suggerite.
L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è ottenere un modello agli elementi finiti che simuli la prova a compressione su un campione di materiale composito a matrice polimerica rinforzata con fibre di carbonio unidirezionali (UD), mediante l’utilizzo di una attrezzatura denominata Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture. Il programma utilizzato per realizzare il modello agli elementi finiti è Abaqus della Simulia. Il materiale oggetto dello studio è un prepreg UD di interesse nel settore automobilistico, e fa seguito ad una campagna di prove sperimentali (caratterizzazione a compressione) svolta nei laboratori ENEA di Faenza, dove opera l’Unità Tecnica Tecnologie dei Materiali Faenza (UTTMATF).
Modelling, diagnostics and experimental analysis of plasma assisted processes for material treatment
This work presents results from experimental investigations of several different atmospheric pressure plasmas applications, such as Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding and Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) and Welding (PAW) sources, as well as Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) torches. The main diagnostic tool that has been used is High Speed Imaging (HSI), often assisted by Schlieren imaging to analyse non-visible phenomena. Furthermore, starting from thermo-fluid-dynamic models developed by the University of Bologna group, such plasma processes have been studied also with new advanced models, focusing for instance on the interaction between a melting metal wire and a plasma, or considering non-equilibrium phenomena for diagnostics of plasma arcs. Additionally, the experimental diagnostic tools that have been developed for industrial thermal plasmas have been used also for the characterization of innovative low temperature atmospheric pressure non equilibrium plasmas, such as dielectric barrier discharges (DBD) and Plasma Jets. These sources are controlled by few kV voltage pulses with pulse rise time of few nanoseconds to avoid the formation of a plasma arc, with interesting applications in surface functionalization of thermosensitive materials. In order to investigate also bio-medical applications of thermal plasma, a self-developed quenching device has been connected to an ICP torch. Such device has allowed inactivation of several kinds of bacteria spread on petri dishes, by keeping the substrate temperature lower than 40 degrees, which is a strict requirement in order to allow the treatment of living tissues.
The past decade has seen significant increases in combustion-generated ambient particles, which contain a nanosized fraction (less than 100 nm), and even greater increases have occurred in engineered nanoparticles (NPs) propelled by the booming nanotechnology industry. Although inhalation of these particulates has become a public health concern, human health effects and mechanisms of action for NPs are not well understood. Focusing on the human airway smooth muscle cell, here we show that the cellular mechanical function is altered by particulate exposure in a manner that is dependent upon particle material, size and dose. We used Alamar Blue assay to measure cell viability and optical magnetic twisting cytometry to measure cell stiffness and agonist-induced contractility. The eight particle species fell into four categories, based on their respective effect on cell viability and on mechanical function. Cell viability was impaired and cell contractility was decreased by (i) zinc oxide (40-100 nm and less than 44 microm) and copper(II) oxide (less than 50 nm); cell contractility was decreased by (ii) fluorescent polystyrene spheres (40 nm), increased by (iii) welding fumes and unchanged by (iv) diesel exhaust particles, titanium dioxide (25 nm) and copper(II) oxide (less than 5 microm), although in none of these cases was cell viability impaired. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide up to 500 microM did not alter viability or cell mechanics, suggesting that the particle effects are unlikely to be mediated by particle-generated reactive oxygen species. Our results highlight the susceptibility of cellular mechanical function to particulate exposures and suggest that direct exposure of the airway smooth muscle cells to particulates may initiate or aggravate respiratory diseases.