927 resultados para WASTE POLLUTION


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Acerola is a fruit that can be consumed in the form of juice and pulp. However, during its processing, a large amount of waste is generated (seed and bagasse). Adding value to these by-products is of great interest, since their use can enrich foods with nutrients and fiber. In this study, we performed phytochemical screening, determined the proximate and mineral composition, bioactive compounds and the technological functional properties of acerola seed flour and acerola bagasse flour. Seeds were dried in a ventilated oven at ± 45 °C and the bagasse was lyophilized. Samples were ground, stored in flasks protected from light. Phytochemical screening revealed metabolites of nutritional and pharmacological interest and no potentially toxic substances in the flours. Seed flour and bagasse flour showed high levels (g 100 g- 1 of dry matter - DM) of soluble fiber: 4.76 and 8.74; insoluble fiber: 75.76 and 28.58, and phenolic compounds: 4.73 and 10.82, respectively. The flours also showed high absorption of water, oil and emulsion stability, presenting potential for inclusion in meat products and bakery products.


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Potato pulp waste (PPW) drying was investigated under different experimental conditions (temperatures from 50 to 70 °C and air flow from 0.06 to 0.092 m³ m- 2 s- 1) as a possible way to recover the waste generated by potato chip industries and to select the best-fit model to the experimental results of PPW drying. As a criterion to evaluate the fitting of mathematical models, a method based on the sum of the scores assigned to the four evaluated statistical parameters was used: regression coefficient (R²), relative mean error P (%), root mean square error (RMSE), and reduced chi-square (χ²). The results revealed that temperature and air velocity are important parameters to reduce PPW drying time. The models Midilli and Diffusion had the lowest sum values, i.e., with the best fit to the drying data, satisfactorily representing the drying kinetics of PPW.


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The fish industry generates high volume of waste from fish oil that can have the extraction of its lipids used as nutraceuticals and foods. The objective of this study was to produce unsaturated fatty acids from industrialized fish oil by means of a differentiated hydrolysis process. The samples used were crude fish oil obtained from Campestre industry and characterized through physical-chemical parameters, according to AOCS: acidity, peroxide, saponification, iodine and percentage of free fatty acids and also obtained the fatty acid profile through derivatization method for gas chromatography. The results obtained for the oleochemical indices for refined oil were similar to the data found on the literature. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was found of 32,78%, with 9,12% of docosahexaenoic (DHA) and 10,36% of eicosapentaenoic (EPA), regarding monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content was of 30,59% in the hydrolyzed fish oil in relation to refined (20,06%). Thus, it can be concluded that the hydrolysis process used for oils from fish-waste was satisfactory on the production of absolute yield of lipids in the process and significant preservation on the percentages of EPA and DHA, interesting on the production of nutraceuticals and nutrition of aquatic animals, including shrimp in captivity.


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Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.


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Työn tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia vesianalytiikan kehitystä Suomessa, arvioida rutiini-analytiikan luotettavuutta, selvittää eteläisimmän Saimaan jätevesikuormituksen kehitys ja siihen vaikuttaneet tekijät, laatia aikasarjat eräiden tutkimusalueen keskeisten veden laadun seurantapaikkojen veden laadun kehityksestä ja esittää keinoja veden laadun kehityksen kuvaa¬miseksi tiivistämällä suuri havaintomateriaali yksinkertaisiksi tunnusluvuiksi. Työssä käsiteltä¬vä aikajakso alkaa 1900-luvun alusta ja päättyy vuoteen 1998. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa ko¬konaisuutta. Tutkimusalue käsittää Vuoksen vesistön keskusjärven, Saimaan, eteläisimmät osat eli Pien-Saimaan, Suur-Saimaan, Vuoksen niskan ja Haapaveden altaat sekä vesistön purku¬-uoman, Vuoksen virran (ks. kuvat 5.1. ja 5.2.). Veden laatu alueen luonnontilaisilla alueilla on luokiteltavissa osin oligotrofiseksi, osin lievästi dysoligotrofiseksi. Sadan viimeisen vuoden aikana teollinen toiminta on muuttanut sitä voimakkaasti. Vesiensuojeluun on eteläisimmän Saimaan alueella investoitu yli 1,5 miljardia markka viimeisten noin 30 vuoden aikana. Investointien tuloksena kuormitus on laskenut oleellisesti 1960-luvun maksimikuormituksesta. Jätevesien purkuvesistön veden laatu on tänä aikana myös merkittävästi parantunut. Tämä on osoitettu veden laadun seurantatuloksista tehtyjen erilaisten tarkastelujen avulla (aikasarjadiagrammit, tilasto tarkastelut, indeksilukuluokitukset, PCA- ja PLS- ja DPLS- monimuuttujamallinnukset). Nykyisin veden laatu on lähes koko tutkimusalu¬eella vähintään tyydyttävä. Fysikaalis-kemiallisen veden laadun seurannan historia on Suomessa kansainvälisesti ja kansallisesti pitkä, ja Saimaalta voidaan veden laadun kehitystä arvioida luotettavasti 40 vuoden ajalta. Tutkimusmetodiikat vesitutkimusten pioneerimaissa ovat olleet samankaltaisia ja niiden perusteella on laadittu myös eurooppalaisen vedenlaadunseurannan suositukset. Vaikka tulevai¬suudessa vesistöä ja sen tilan kehitystä on tarkasteltava ekologisena kokonaisuutena, ei tätä voida tehdä ilman nykyisen kaltaista monitorointia. Teollisuuden jätevesikuormitus on laskenut neljännesvuosisadan aikana hyvin merkittä¬västi tavalla, joka vielä kymmenkunta vuotta sitten tuntui saavuttamattomalta. Saimaan. kuten muunkin Suomen metsäteollisuuden taso onkin kansainvälisesti korkea ja täyttää jo nyt kuormi¬tuksen suhteen lähes 2000-luvun alun BAT-tekniikan vaatimukset. Veden laatu ei kuitenkaan ole kuormitetuilla alueilla kaikkialla vielä hyvä, joten vesiensuojeluun on edelleen panostettava, kun tavoitteena on vesien hyvä ekologinen tila. Vesistöstä käsin tarkasteltuna hitaasti hajoavan orgaanisen aineen määrän vähentäminen vedestä on oltava seuraavana tavoitteena. Tätä tukee myös BAT-tekniikan tarkastelu.


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Biodegradable waste quantities in Lithuania and their potential for the co-treatment in renewable energy and organic fertilizer production are investigated. Two scenarios are formulated to study the differences of the amounts of obtainable energy and fertilizers between different ways of utilization. In the first scenario, only digestion is used, and in the second scenario, other materials than straw are digested, and straw and the solid fraction of sewage sludge digestate are combusted. As a result, the amounts of heat and electricity, as well as the fertilizer amounts in the counties are obtained for both scenarios. Based on this study, the share of renewable energy in Lithuania could be doubled by the co-treatment of different biodegradable materials.


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Note regarding discharge over waste weirs. This is initialed by S.D. Woodruff, May 4, 1846.


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Diagram of the waste weir, n.d.


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Map of the Welland Canal including the store house and waste weir no.1, n.d.


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Map of the Welland Canal including the store house and waste weir no.1 drawn by Shamus A. Begly of Public Works, n.d.