891 resultados para VERTEBRATE TONGUES


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ectotherm antipredator behaviour might be strongly affected both by body temperature and size: when environmental temperatures do not favour maximal locomotor performance, large individuals may confront predators, whereas small animals may flee, simply because they have no other option. However, integration of body size and temperature effects is rarely approached in the study of antipredator behaviour in vertebrate ectotherms. In the present study we investigated whether temperature affects antipredator responses of tegu lizards, Tupinambis merianae, with distinct body sizes, testing the hypothesis that small tegus (juveniles) run away from predators regardless of the environmental temperature, because defensive aggression may not be an effective predator deterrent, whereas adults, which are larger, use aggressive defence at low temperatures, when running performance might be suboptimal. We recorded responses of juvenile (small) and adult (large) tegu lizards to a simulated predatory attack at five environmental temperatures in the laboratory. Most differences between the two size classes were observed at low temperatures: large tegus were more aggressive overall than were small tegus at all temperatures tested, but at lower temperatures, the small lizards often used escape responses whereas the large ones either adopted a defensive posture or remained inactive. These results provide strong evidence that body size and temperature affect the antipredator responses of vertebrate ectotherms. We discuss the complex and intricate network of evolutionary and ecological parameters that are likely to be involved in the evolution of such interactions. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the results obtained using the osmotic stress method applied to the purified cathodic and anodic hemoglobins (Hbs) from the catfish Hoplosternum littorale, a species that displays facultative accessorial air oxygenation. We demonstrate that water potential affects the oxygen affinity of H. littorale Hbs in the presence of an inert solute (sucrose). Oxygen affinity increases when water activity increases, indicating that water molecules stabilize the high-affinity state of the Hb. This effect is the same as that observed in tetrameric vertebrate Hbs. We show that both anodic and cathodic Hbs show conformational substrates similar to other vertebrate Hbs. For both Hbs, addition of anionic effectors, especially chloride, strongly increases the number of water molecules bound, although anodic Hb did not exhibit sensitivity to saturating levels of ATP. Accordingly, for both Hbs, we propose that the deoxy conformations coexist in at least two anion-dependent allosteric states, T-o and T-x, as occurs for human Hb. We found a single phosphate binding site for the cathodic Hb.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oxyhaemoglobin I isolated from the Brazilian wolf Chrysocyon brachiurus has been crystallized and X-ray diffraction data has been collected to 2.06 A resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. Crystals were determined to belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and preliminary structural analysis revealed the presence of one tetramer in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined using standard molecular-replacement techniques and is currently being refined using maximum-likelihood protocols. This is the first haemoglobin isolated from a member of the Canidae family to be crystallized and it will provide further insights in the comparative biochemistry of vertebrate haemoglobins.


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Vertebrate hemoglobin, contained in erythrocytes, is a globular protein with a quaternary structure composed of 4 globin chains (2 alpha and 2 beta) and a prosthetic group named heme bound to each one. Having myoglobin as an ancestor, hemoglobin acquired the capacity to respond to chemical stimuli that modulate its function according to tissue requirements for oxygen. Fish are generally submitted to spatial and temporal O2 variations and have developed anatomical, physiological and biochemical strategies to adapt to the changing environmental gas availability. Structurally, most fish hemoglobins are tetrameric; however, those from some species such as lamprey and hagfish dissociate, being monomeric when oxygenated and oligomeric when deoxygenated. Fish blood frequently possesses several hemoglobins; the primary origin of this finding lies in the polymorphism that occurs in the globin loci, an aspect that may occasionally confer advantages to its carriers or even be a harmless evolutionary remnant. on the other hand, the functional properties exhibit different behaviors, ranging from a total absence of responses to allosteric regulation to drastic ones, such as the Root effect.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oral candidiasis is an opportunistic infection caused by yeast of the Candida genus, primarily Candida albicans. It is generally associated with predisposing factors such as the use of immunosuppressive agents, antibiotics, prostheses, and xerostomia. The development of research in animal models is extremely important for understanding the nature of the fungal pathogenicity, host interactions, and treatment of oral mucosa! Candida infections. Many oral candidiasis models in rats and mice have been developed with antibiotic administration, induction of xerostomia, treatment with immunosuppressive agents, or the use of germ-free animals, and all these models has both benefits and limitations. Over the past decade, invertebrate model hosts, including Galleria mellonella, Caenorhanditis elegans, and Drosophila melanogaster, have been used for the study of Candida pathogenesis. These invertebrate systems offer a number of advantages over mammalian vertebrate models, predominantly because they allow the study of strain collections without the ethical considerations associated with studies in mammals. Thus, the invertebrate models may be useful to understanding of pathogenicity of Candida isolates from the oral cavity, interactions of oral microorganisms, and study of new antifungal compounds for oral candidiasis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The analysis of the genetic variability related to susceptibility to Schistosoma mansoni infection in the vector of the genus Biomphalaria is important in terms of a better understanding of the epidemiology of schistosomiasis itself, the possible pathological implications of this interaction in vertebrate hosts, and the formulation of new strategies and approaches for disease control. In the present study, the genetic variability of B. glabrata strains found to be resistant or susceptible to S. mansoni infection was investigated using DNA amplification by random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). The amplification products were analyzed on 8% polyacrylamide gel and stained with silver. We selected 10 primers, since they have previously been useful to detect polymorphism among B. glabrata and/or B. tenagophila. The results showed polymorphisms with 5 primers. Polymorphic bands observed only in the susceptible strain. The RAPD-PCR methodology represents an adequate approach for the analysis of genetic polymorphisms. The understanding of the genetic polymorphisms associated to resistance may contribute to the future identification of genomic sequences related to the resistance/susceptibility of Biomphalaria to the larval forms of S. mansoni and to the development of new strategies for the control of schistosomiasis.


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Detecção de formas amastigotas do Trypanosoma cruziem enxerto renalA doença de Chagas é zoonose transmitida pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, o qual apresenta duas formas distintas no hospedeiro vertebrado, a tripomastigota circulante e a amastigota tecidual. Esta última parasita freqüentemente os tecidos musculares cardíaco, liso e estriado, e o tecido nervoso. Até o presente momento nunca foram detectados formas amastigotas em parênquima renal. O presente relato descreve, pela primeira vez, a detecção de formas amastigotas do T. cruzi em parênquima renal em receptor de enxerto de rim, com testes sorológicos negativos para a doença de Chagas e ausência de transfusões prévias, observado 1 mês após o transplante renal com doador cadáver proveniente de região endêmica. O paciente desenvolveu doença de Chagas aguda com detecção de formas tripomastigotas circulantes. Como a única forma de transmissão desta zoonose pelo enxerto é através de órgão parasitado com formas amastigotas, sugere-se fortemente que o rim transplantado foi o responsável pela transmissão da doença de Chagas, no presente caso. Esta é a via de infecção que deve ser levada em consideração em transplantes nas áreas endêmicas


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Os parasitas do gênero Schistosoma situam-se entre os primeiros metazoários que desenvolveram sexos separados, determinado cromossomicamente no ovo fertilizado. Apesar da ocorrência de cromossomos sexuais específicos, as fêmeas de Schistosoma não atingem a maturidade somática e sexual sem a presença dos machos. Na verdade, um dos aspectos mais controversos e, ao mesmo tempo, mais fascinantes, envolvendo o desenvolvimento sexual das fêmeas está em se desvendar a natureza do estímulo que controla e mantém tal processo. Muito embora a natureza do estímulo (físico ou químico) seja motivo de controvérsia, concordam os mais diferentes autores que o acasalamento é um requisito indispensável para que ocorra a maturação e migração das fêmeas para o sítio definitivo de permanência no sistema vascular do hospedeiro vertebrado. Admite-se, ainda, que o estímulo não é espécie-específico e, em alguns casos, nem mesmo gênero-específico. Não obstante a existência de um número considerável de artigos dedicados ao tema, não há um consenso sobre o processo (ou processos) que controla(m) o encontro de machos e fêmeas no sistema circulatório do hospedeiro vertebrado, bem como está por ser determinada a natureza do estímulo, oriundo dos machos, que controla e mantém o desenvolvimento somático e sexual das fêmeas. Ao longo dos anos os machos de Schistosoma têm sido considerados, por vezes pejorativamente, os irmãos, os músculos ou o fígado das fêmeas. em síntese, resta saber se a natureza do estímulo responsável pelo desenvolvimento das fêmas envolve a transferência de hormônios, nutrientes, a mera estimulação tátil ou a combinação de dois ou mais desses fatores