961 resultados para Uveal Melanoma


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Recent population studies have demonstrated an association with the red-hair and fair-skin phenotype with variant alleles of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) which result in amino acid substitutions within the coding region leading to an altered receptor activity. In particular, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His were the most commonly associated variants seen in the south-east Queensland population with at least one of these alleles found in 93% of those with red hair. In order to study the individual effects of these variants on melanocyte biology and melanocytic pigmentation, we established a series of human melanocyte strains genotyped for the MC1R receptor which included wild-type consensus, variant heterozygotes, compound heterozygotes and homozygotes for Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, Val60Leu and Val92Met alleles. These strains ranged from darkly pigmented to amelanotic, with all strains of consensus sequence having dark pigmentation. UV sensitivity was found not to be associated with either MC1R genotype or the level of pigmentation with a range of sensitivities seen across all genotypes. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that while consensus strains contained stage IV melanosomes in their terminal dendrites, Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp homozygote strains contained only stage II melanosomes. This was despite being able to show expression of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 markers, although at reduced levels and an ability to convert exogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-alanine (DOPA) to melanin in these strains.


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The role of sunscreens in preventing skin cancer and melanoma is the focus of ongoing research. Currently, there is no objective measure which can be used in field studies to determine whether a person has applied sunscreen to their skin, and researchers must use indirect assessments such as questionnaires. We sought to develop a rapid, non-invasive method for identifying sunscreen on the skin for use in epidemiological studies. Our basic method is to swab the skin, elute any residues which have been adsorbed onto the swab by rinsing in ethanol, and submit the eluted washings for spectrophotometric analysis. In a controlled study, we applied 0.1 ml of sunscreen to a 50 cm(2) grid on both forearms of 21 volunteers. Each forearm was allocated one of 10 different sunscreen brands. The skin was swabbed after intervals of 20 min, 1 h, 2 h and 4 h. In a field study conducted among 12 children aged 2-4 years attending a child care centre, sunscreen was applied to the faces of half the children. Swabs were then taken from the face and back of all children without knowledge of sunscreen status. In the controlled study, sunscreen was clearly detectable up to 2 h after application for all brands containing organic sunscreen, and marginally detectable at 4 h. In the field study, this method correctly identified all children with and without sunscreen. We conclude that spectrophotometric analysis of skin swabs can reliably detect the presence of sunscreen on the skin for up to 2 It after application. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Expression of metallothionein, an antioxidant induced by a variety of stimuli including ultraviolet light, was quantitated by immunohistochemistry in the skin of males aged over 50 who had known short- and long-term exposures to sunlight. Skin punch biopsies were taken from two sites in each subject: the hand in all subjects and a range of other sites matched to patients with a previously excised primary melanoma. Metallothionein expression (strongest in the basal layers of the epidermis and primarily nuclear) was associated with both short- and long-term exposure to sunlight. A plateau of staining intensity was reached after 3 h sun exposure, within the previous 3 d before biopsy. Expression was also elevated in the nonexposed skin sites of subjects who had recent sun exposure, indicating a systemic response to exposure of remote sites. Using the skin of the hand to normalize responses to chronic exposure between individuals, the systemically modulated response to sunlight was significantly greater on the unexposed back than on other sites. The possibility of ultraviolet-induced cytokines selectively modifying the response of skin on a site-specific basis was investigated. The circulating leukocytes, but not lymphocytes, of two individuals exposed to 1 minimal erythema dose whole-body solar-simulated ultraviolet showed increased interleukin-6 mRNA 4 h after exposure. Interleukin-6 was not directly induced in these cell populations 4 h after ultraviolet A or ultraviolet B irradiation ex vivo . Leukocytes may therefore contribute to and amplify the systemic effects of ultraviolet-induced interleukin-6 and metallothionein expression.


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The BRN2 transcription factor (POU3F2, N-Oct-3) has been implicated in development of the melanocytic lineage and in melanoma. Using a low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, endothelin-3 and cholera toxin, we have established and partially characterised human melanocyte precursor cells, which are unpigmented, contain immature melanosomes and lack L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reactivity. Melanoblast cultures expressed high levels of BRN2 compared to melanocytes, which decreased to a level similar to that of melanocytes when cultured in medium that contained phorbol ester but lacked endothelin-3, stem cell factor and fibroblast growth factor-2. This decrease in BRN2 accompanied a positive L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reaction and induction of melanosome maturation consistent with melanoblast differentiation seen during development. Culture of primary melanocytes in low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2 and endothelin-3 caused an increase in BRN2 protein levels with a concomitant change to a melanoblast-like morphology. Synergism between any two of these growth factors was required for BRN2 protein induction, whereas all three factors were required to alter melanocyte morphology and for maximal BRN2 protein expression. These finding implicate BRN2 as an early marker of melanoblasts that may contribute to the hierarchy of melanocytic gene control.


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Os glicoesfingolipídios (GSLs) são importantes componentes da membrana celular, organizados em microdomínios, relacionados a receptores de membrana e comportamento anti-social da célula neoplásica como crescimento descontrolado, invasão e ocorrência de metástases. OBJETIVO: Como a expressão de GSLs no carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) é tema pouquíssimo estudado decidiu-se realizar estudo prospectivo visando avaliar a expressão de GSLs no CEC do trato aerodigestivo superior. MÉTODO: Coletou-se 33 amostras de CEC e mucosa normal e GSLs extraídos e purificados por cromatografia de fase reversa em coluna de C-18 e hidrólise alcalina em metanol. Os GSLs foram quantificados por densitometria das placas de cromatografia de alta resolução em camada delgada coradas com orcinol. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento significativo de GSLs no CEC (3,57µg/mg) em comparação à mucosa normal (1,92µg/mg), principalmente do monosialogangliosídeo (GM3), trihexosilceramida (CTH), dihexosilceramida (CDH), globosídeo (Gb4). A expressão de monohexosilceramida (CMH) foi semelhante no CEC e na mucosa normal. O aumento do GM3 no CEC foi demonstrado por métodos imunoquímicos empregando-se MAb DH2 (anti-GM3). Analisando-se os carboidratos do CMH por cromatografia gasosa acoplado a espectrômetro de massa constatou-se que a mucosa normal expressa glucosilceramida e o CEC glucosilceramida e galactosilceramida. CONCLUSÃO: O aumento de GSLs no tecido tumoral pode representar alterações dos microdomínios da membrana celular resultantes do processo de transformação maligna, responsáveis por uma maior interação célula-célula e célula-matriz aumentando seu potencial de infiltração e metástase, possibilitando o emprego dos GSLs e de MAbs no diagnóstico e no tratamento do CEC, a exemplo do que ocorre no melanoma.


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Introdução - Numa tentativa pioneira em Portugal de avaliar o estado da visão dos pacientes residentes de um Hospital Psiquiátrico, foi nosso objectivo identificar alterações visuais existentes nesta população, passíveis de comprometer o funcionamento do sistema visual e com repercussões negativas nas actividades da vida diária; caracterizar e corrigir ametropias; relacionar as patologias encontradas com a medicação e seleccionar! encaminhar os utentes para consulta de oftalmologia. Métodos - Foram examinados 254 pacientes residentes num Hospital Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, com idade compreendida entre os 25 e os 92 anos de idade, com diagnóstico no âmbito da saúde mental, capacidade de deslocação e alguma autonomia. Na recolha de dados foi utilizado o protocolo de observação do rastreio visual, tendo sido avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: Acuidade visual, Estudo refractivo; Função sensório-motora; Visão cromática; Segmento anterior; Tensão ocular. O rastreio foi composto por duas fases: uma primeira fase para identificação das alterações visuais, com 254 residentes e uma segunda fase, com 100 residentes, para correcção das ametropias diagnosticadas e prescrição óptica. Os resultados foram sujeitos a uma análise estatística descritiva e inferencial através do programa SPSS. Resultados - A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (64,2%), internados principalmente por esquizofrenia (47,24%) e medicados com antipsicóticos (82,8%) mas tomando também anti-parkinsónicos (62,3%) e ansiolíticos (52,4%). Apenas 20,87% da amostra tinha feito anteriormente um exame visual. Além de 33,86% de cataratas, em que 27,4% representam residentes entre os 20 e os 50 anos, encontraram-se acuidades visuais baixas. Para longe, 51% dos indivíduos apresentavam acuidade visual no intervalo entre contar dedos e os 6/10. No que concerne à acuidade visual para perto, os resultados obtidos demonstram que a maioria da população apresenta também baixa acuidade visual, entre os 1/10 e os 3/10, tanto para olho direito (25,59%), como para o olho esquerdo (26,38%). É de referir que esta baixa acuidade visual atinge um total de 27 indivíduos no intervalo dos 40 aos 59 anos. Foi ainda identificado um número expressivo de exoforias para perto (38,58%) e 7,15% de neuropatias glaucomatosas. Do estudo refractivo (2. Fase do rastreio visual), resultou a prescrição de 75 óculos, o que levou a uma melhoria significativa da acuidade visual, principalmente para perto: 50% da amostra que apresentava acuidade visual, no intervalo de percepção luminosa aos 6/10, passou a 3%, após correcção refractiva. No decurso do rastreio 5 residentes foram encaminhadas para o serviço de urgência por neuropatia glaucomatosa e melanoma da coróide. Apenas 5,5% teve alta e os restantes foram encaminhados para consulta de oftalmologia (34% com prioridade). Conclusões - Este rastreio permitiu além da correcção das ametropias diagnosticadas, encaminhar, os residentes com alterações visuais, para tratamento, possibilitando assim, que esta população use a sua visão da melhor maneira e potencializando um aumento da qualidade de vida destes pacientes.


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OBJETIVO: O melanoma tem incidência crescente, sendo que a prevalência dos tumores malignos epiteliais é alta, e o diagnóstico precoce contribui significativamente para a redução da morbimortalidade dessas doenças. O objetivo da pesquisa é medir a prevalência das lesões cutâneas pré-malignas e malignas e determinar a sensibilidade e a especificidade de um rastreamento para essas lesões. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional com escolha aleatória de 48 setores censitários da zona urbana de Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Um total de 2.112 domicílios foram visitados, sendo entrevistadas 1.292 pessoas de 50 anos de idade ou mais. O rastreamento possuía questões específicas sobre o surgimento de lesões de pele nos últimos seis meses e/ou a presença de lesões em áreas expostas. Os que responderam afirmativamente foram encaminhados ao exame médico. Também foi examinada uma subamostra daqueles que haviam respondido negativamente às questões do rastreamento. RESULTADOS: A prevalência corrigida das lesões cutâneas pré-malignas e malignas foi de 20,7%. A sensibilidade do rastreamento foi de 20,1%, a especificidade, de 86,9%, o valor preditivo positivo, de 29%, o valor preditivo negativo, de 80,4%, e acurácia, de 72,9%. Com diferentes pontos de corte, o valor máximo da sensibilidade atingiu 38,8%, e a especificidade não se alterou significativamente. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo demonstrou alta prevalência de lesões cutâneas pré-malignas e malignas em adultos. O rastreamento para essas lesões mostrou baixa sensibilidade e especificidade inferior ao desejado, independentemente dos pontos de corte.


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Five new silver(I) complexes of formulas [Ag(Tpms)] (1), [Ag(Tpms)-(PPh3)] (2), [Ag(Tpms)(PCy3)] (3), [Ag(PTA)][BF4] (4), and [Ag(Tpms)(PTA)] (5) {Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, PPh3 = triphenylphosphane, PCy3 = tricyclohexylphosphane, PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) have been synthesized and fully characterized by elemental analyses, H-1, C-13, and P-31 NMR, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and IR spectroscopic techniques. The single crystal X-ray diffraction study of 3 shows the Tpms ligand acting in the N-3-facially coordinating mode, while in 2 and 5 a N2O-coordination is found, with the SO3 group bonded to silver and a pendant free pyrazolyl ring. Features of the tilting in the coordinated pyrazolyl rings in these cases suggest that this inequivalence is related with the cone angles of the phosphanes. A detailed study of antimycobacterial and antiproliferative properties of all compounds has been carried out. They were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activities against the standard strains Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Streptococcus pneumoniae (ATCC 49619), Streptococcus pyogenes (SF37), Streptococcus sanguinis (SK36), Streptococcus mutans (UA1S9), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and the fungus Candida albicans (ATCC 24443). Complexes 1-5 have been found to display effective antimicrobial activity against the series of bacteria and fungi, and some of them are potential candidates for antiseptic or disinfectant drugs. Interaction of Ag complexes with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been studied by fluorescence spectroscopic techniques, using ethidium bromide (EB) as a fluorescence probe of DNA. The decrease in the fluorescence of DNA EB system on addition of Ag complexes shows that the fluorescence quenching of DNA EB complex occurs and compound 3 is particularly active. Complexes 1-5 exhibit pronounced antiproliferative activity against human malignant melanoma (A375) with an activity often higher than that of AgNO3, which has been used as a control, following the same order of activity inhibition on DNA, i.e., 3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > AgNO3 >> 4.


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Reactivation of telomerase has been implicated in human tumorigenesis, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we report the presence of recurrent somatic mutations in the TERT promoter in cancers of the central nervous system (43%), bladder (59%), thyroid (follicular cell-derived, 10%) and skin (melanoma, 29%). In thyroid cancers, the presence of TERT promoter mutations (when occurring together with BRAF mutations) is significantly associated with higher TERT mRNA expression, and in glioblastoma we find a trend for increased telomerase expression in cases harbouring TERT promoter mutations. Both in thyroid cancers and glioblastoma, TERT promoter mutations are significantly associated with older age of the patients. Our results show that TERT promoter mutations are relatively frequent in specific types of human cancers, where they lead to enhanced expression of telomerase.


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Mestrado em Radioterapia - Área de especialização: Dosimetria Clínica


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OBJECTIVE To describe the trend for malignant skin neoplasms in subjects under 40 years of age in a region with high ultraviolet radiation indices.METHODS A descriptive epidemiological study on melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers that was conducted in Goiania, Midwest Brazil, with 1,688 people under 40 years of age, between 1988 and 2009. Cases were obtained fromRegistro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia(Goiania’s Population-Based Cancer File). Frequency, trends, and incidence of cases with single and multiple lesions were analyzed; transplants and genetic skin diseases were found in cases with multiple lesions.RESULTS Over the period, 1,995 skin cancer cases were observed to found, of which 1,524 (90.3%) cases had single lesions and 164 (9.7%) had multiple lesions. Regarding single lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 2.4 to 3.1/100,000 inhabitants; it differed significantly for women, shifting from 2.3 to 5.3/100,000 (Annual percentage change – [APC] 3.0%, p = 0.006). Regarding multiple lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 0.30 to 0.98/100,000 inhabitants; for women, it rose from 0.43 to 1.16/100,000 (APC 8.6%, p = 0.003). Genetic skin diseases or transplants were found to have been correlated with 10.0% of cases with multiple lesions – an average of 5.1 lesions per patient. The average was 2.5 in cases without that correlation.CONCLUSIONS Skin cancer on women under 40 years of age has been observed to be increasing for both cases with single and multiple lesions. It is not unusual to find multiple tumors in young people – in most cases, they are not associated with genetic skin diseases or transplants. It is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from childhood.


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É descrito um caso de paracoccidioidomicose com envolvimento ocular. Pela primeira vez descreve-se a presença do fungo em lesão granulomatosa de coróide. Os Autores revêm os casos de paracoccidioidomicose com acometimento do trato uveal já descritos na literatura e analisam os achados clínicos e anátomo-patológicos destes e do presente relato.


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João Vinagre, Vasco Pinto and Ricardo Celestino contributed equally to the manuscript.


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Introdução: Estudos anteriores em modelos tumorais de glioma e melanoma, tumores radiorresistentes, indicaram que a obesidade pode estar relacionada com um aumento do status oxidativo e com a diminuição da resistência à radiação. Como a Radioterapia é o tratamento frequentemente utilizado para esta patologia, propomo-nos, desta forma, a explorar a influência da obesidade em células de glioma, as BC3H1, e melanoma, B16F10, submetidas a Radioterapia, na presença de agentes oxidantes e antioxidantes, para o estudo da sua influência ao nível da viabilidade celular e do impacto do stress oxidativo. Métodos: As células BC3H1 e B16F10 foram tratadas com t-BOOH (150μM e 50 μM, respetivamente), TUDCA (25μM e 1μM, respetivamente) e com a mistura de t-BOOH+TUDCA em meio DMEM sem soro e meio condicionado (CM), a partir de adipócitos 3T3-L1. Em seguida, parte das células foram irradiadas com uma dose total de 2Gy. Posteriormente avaliou-se a viabilidade celular (teste MTT) e o stress oxidativo (teste TBARS, atividade da catalase, concentração da GSH, e status antioxidante total), às 4h e 12h. Resultados: Observou-se um aumento da capacidade antioxidante total das células irradiadas, comparativamente com as células não irradiadas. O meio condicionado reduziu o stress oxidativo nas BC3H1, ao mesmo tempo que reduziu a sua viabilidade celular. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com MC e submetidas a radioterapia, tendencialmente diminuiu a viabilidade celular, nas concertações em estudo. Discussão/Conclusão: O meio condicionado e a radioterapia, por si só, aumentam a resposta antioxidante total na célula, às 4h e às 12h. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com meio condicionado e submetidas a radioterapia, teve um comportamento citotóxico para as BC3H1, nas concentrações testadas. Revelando a necessidade de aprofundar os estudos da ação deste composto como agente radiossensibilizador, neste e noutros modelos celulares de carcinogénese.


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Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.