983 resultados para Tissue Concentrations
Marine organisms are rich in a variety of materials with potential use in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. One important example is fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from the cell wall of brown seaweeds. Fucoidan is composed by L-fucose, sulfate groups and glucuronic acid. It has important bioactive properties such as anti-oxidative, anticoagulant, anticancer and reducing the blood glucose (1). In this work, the biomedical potential of fucoidan-based materials as drug delivery system was assessed by processing modified fucoidan (MFu) into particles by photocrosslinking using superamphiphobic surfaces and visible light. Fucoidan was modified by methacrylation reaction using different concentrations of methacrylate anhydride, namely 8% v/v (MFu1) and 12% v/v (MFu2). Further, MFu particles with and without insulin (5% w/v) were produced by pipetting a solution of 5% MFu with triethanolamine and eosin-y onto a superamphiphobic surface and then photocrosslinking using visible light (2). The developed particles were characterized to assess their chemistry, morphology, swelling behavior, drug release, insulin content and encapsulation efficiency. Moreover, the viability assays of fibroblast L929 cells in contact with MFu particles showed good adhesion and proliferation up to 14 days. Furthermore, the therapeutic potential of these particles using human beta cells is currently under investigation. Results obtained so far suggest that modified fucoidan particles could be a good candidate for diabetes mellitus therapeutic approaches.
One of the biggest concerns in the Tissue Engineering field is the correct vascularization of engineered constructs. Strategies involving the use of endothelial cells are promising but adequate cell sourcing and neo-vessels stability are enduring challenges. In this work, we propose the hypoxic pre-conditioning of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of human adipose tissue to obtain highly angiogenic cell sheets (CS). For that, SVF was isolated after enzymatic dissociation of adipose tissue and cultured until CS formation in normoxic (pO2=21%) and hypoxic (pO2=5%) conditions for 5 and 8 days, in basal medium. Immunocytochemistry against CD31 and CD146 revealed the presence of highly branched capillary-like structures, which were far more complex for hypoxia. ELISA quantification showed increased VEGF and TIMP-1 secretion in hypoxia for 8 days of culture. In a Matrigel assay, the formation of capillary-like structures by endothelial cells was more prominent when cultured in conditioned medium recovered from the cultures in hypoxia. The same conditioned medium increased the migration of adipose stromal cells in a scratch assay, when compared with the medium from normoxia. Histological analysis after implantation of 8 days normoxic- and hypoxic-conditioned SVF CS in a hindlimb ischemia murine model showed improved formation of neo-blood vessels. Furthermore, Laser Doppler results demonstrated that the blood perfusion of the injured limb after 30 days was enhanced for the hypoxic CS group. Overall, these results suggest that SVF CS created under hypoxia can be used as functional vascularization units for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered to be â â immunologically privileged.â â In a previous work when human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) subcutaneously implanted in mice we did not identify an adverse host response1. Recently, it was shown that tissue regeneration could benefit from the polarization of M2 macrophages subpopulations 2. In this study we hypothesised that undifferentiated hASCs and derived osteoblasts and chondrocytes are able to switch murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (mBMMÃ s) into M2 phenotype, aiding tissue regeneration. Murine BMMÃ s were plated in direct contact with undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs for 4 h, 10 h, 24 h and 72 h. The cytokine profile was analysed by qRT-PCR and the surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The direct interaction of both cell types was observed by time lapse microscopy. The results showed that mBMMÃ s polarized after contacting tissue culture polystyrene. This M2 phenotype was maintained along the experiment in direct contact with both undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs. This was confirmed by the expression of IL-1, IL-10, IL-4, TNF-a and IFN-g (genetic profile) and surface markers (CD206 + + , CD336 + + , MHC II + and CD86 + + ) detection. These data suggest the potential of hASCs in contemporary xenogenic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies, as well as host immune system modulation in autoimmune diseases.
Cell-based approaches in tissue engineering (TE) have been barely explored for the treatment of tendon and ligament (T/L) tissues, requiring the establishment of a widely available cell source with tenogenic potential. As T/L cells are scarce, stem cells may provide a good alternative. Understanding how resident cells behave in vitro, might be useful for recapitulating the tenogenic potential of stem cells for tendon TE applications. Therefore, we propose to isolate and characterize human T/L-derived cells (hTDCs and hLDCs) and compare their regenerative potential with stem cells from adipose tissue (hASCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs)(1). T/L cells were isolated using different procedures and stem cells isolated as described elsewhere(1). Moreover, T/L cells were stimu- lated into the three mesenchymal lineages, using standard differentia- tion media. Cells were characterized for the typical stem cell markers as well as T/L related markers, namely tenascin-C, collagen I and III, decorin and scleraxis, using different complementary techniques such as real time RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. No differences were observed between T/L in gene expression and protein deposition. T/L cells were mostly positive for stem ness markers (CD73/CD90/CD105), and have the potential to differentiate towards osteogenesis, chondrogenesis and adipogenesis, demonstrated by the positive staining for AlizarinRed, SafraninO, ToluidineBlue and OilRed. hASCs and hAFSCs exhibit positive expression of all tenogenic mark- ers, although at lower levels than hTDCs and hLDCs. Nevertheless, stem cells availability is key factor in TE strategies, despite that it’s still required optimization to direct their tenogenic phenotype.
Implantable devices must exhibit mechanical properties similar to native tissues to promote appropriate cellular behavior and regeneration. Herein, we report a new membrane manufacture method based on the synthesis of polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) that exhibit saloplasticity, i.e. variable physical-chemistry using salt as a plasticizer. This is a Green Chemistry approach, as PECs generate structures that are stabilized solely by reversible electrostatic interactions, avoiding the use of harmful crosslinkers completely. Furthermore, natural polyelectrolytes - chitosan and alginate - were used. Upon mixing them, membranes were obtained by drying the PECs at 37ºC, yielding compact PECs without resorting to organicsolvents. The plasticizing effect of salt after synthesis was shown by measuring tensile mechanical properties, which were lower when samples were immersed in high ionic strength solutions.Salt was also used during membrane synthesis in different quan- tities (0 M, 0.15 M and 0.5 M in NaCl) yielding structures with no significant differences in morphology and degradation (around 15% after 3 months in lysozyme). However, swelling was higher (about 10x) when synthesized in the presence of salt. In vitro cell studies using L929 fibroblasts showed that cells adhered and proliferated preferentially in membranes fabricated in the presence of salt (i.e. the membranes with lower tensile strength). Structures with physical-chemical properties controlled with precision open a path to tissue engineering strategies depending on fine tuning mechanical properties and cellular adhesion simply by changing ionic strength during membrane manufacture
Tendon tissue engineering (TE) requires tailoring scaffolds designs and properties to the anatomical and functional requirements of tendons located in different regions of the body. Cell sourcing is also of utmost importance as tendon cells are scarce. Recently, we have found that it is possible to direct the tenogenic differentiation of Amniotic fluid and Adipose tissue derived stem cells (hAFSCs and hASCs), and also that there are hASCs subpopulations that might be more prone to tenogenic differentiation. Nevertheless, biochemical stimulation may not be enough to develop functional TE substitutes for a tissue that is known to be highly dependent on mechanical loading.
In the Brazilian Amazon, large areas of abandoned lands may revert to secondary forest. In the process, pioneer tree species have an important role to restore productivity in old fields and improve environmental conditions. To determine potential photosynthesis (Apot), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (E), and leaf micronutrient concentrations in Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban a study was carried out in the Brazilian Amazon (01o 51' S; 60o 04' W). Photosynthetic parameters were measured at increasing [CO2], saturating light intensity (1 mmol (photons) m-2 s-1), and ambient temperature. The rate of electron-transport (J), Apot,and water-use efficiency (WUE) increased consistently at increasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Conversely, increasing [CO2] decreased gs, E, and photorespiration (Pr). At the CO2-saturated region of the CO2 response curve (1.1 mmol (CO2) mol-1(air), J was 120 μmol (e-) m-2s-1 and Apot reached up to 24 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Likewise, at saturating C1 g and E were 30 and 1.4 mmol (H2O) m-2s-1, respectively, and P 2 r about 1.5 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Foliar nutrients were 185, 134, 50, and 10 μmol (element) m-2 (leaf area) for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, respectively. It was concluded that [CO ] probably limits light saturated photosynthesis in this site. Furthermore, from a nutritional point of view, the low Fe to Cu ratio (15:1) may reflect nutritional imbalance in O. pyramidale at this site.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a biofilm - forming bacterium and a leading etiological agent of nosocomial infections. The ability to establish biofilms on indwelling medical devices is a key virulence factor for this bacterium. Still, the influence of poly - N - acetyl glucosamine (PNAG), the major component of the extracellular biofilm matrix, in the host immune response has been scarcely studied. Here, t h is influence was assessed in mice challenged i.p. with PNAG - p roducing (WT) and isogenic - mutant lacking PNAG (M10) bacteria grown in biofilm - inducing conditions. Faster bacterial clearance was observed in the mice infected with WT bacteria than in M10 - infected counterparts , which w as accompanied by earlier neutrophil recruitment and higher IL - 6 production. Interestingly, in the WT - infected mice, but not in those infected with M10 , elevated serum IL - 10 was detected . To further study the effe ct of PNAG in the immune response, mice were primed with WT or M10 biofilm bacteria and subsequently infected with WT biofilm - released cells. WT - primed mice presented a higher frequency of splenic IFN - γ + and IL - 17 + CD4 + T cells, and more severe liver patho logy than M10 - primed counterparts. Nevertheless, T reg cells obtained from the WT - primed mice presented a higher suppressive function than those obtained from M10 - primed mice. This effect was abrogated when IL - 10 - deficient mice were similarly primed and infected indicating that PNAG promotes the differentiati on of highly suppressive T reg cells by a mechanism dependent on IL - 10. Altogether, these results provide evidence help ing explain ing the coexistence of inflammation and bacterial persistence often observed in biofilm - originated S. epidermidis infections
Tissue engineering often rely on scaffolds for supporting cell differentiation and growth. Novel paradigms for tissue engineering include the need of active or smart scaffolds in order to properly regenerate specific tissues. In particular, as electrical and electromechanical clues are among the most relevant ones in determining tissue functionality in tissues such as muscle and bone, among others, electroactive materials and, in particular, piezoelectric ones, show strong potential for novel tissue engineering strategies, in particular taking also into account the existence of these phenomena within some specific tissues, indicating their requirement also during tissue regeneration. This referee reports on piezoelectric materials used for tissue engineering applications. The most used materials for tissue engineering strategies are reported together with the main achievements, challenges and future needs for research and actual therapies. This review provides thus a compilation of the most relevant results and strategies and a start point for novel research pathways in the most relevant and challenging open questions.
Specific tissues, such as cartilage undergo mechanical solicitation under their normal performance in human body. In this sense, it seems necessary that proper tissue engineering strategies of these tissues should incorporate mechanical solicitations during cell culture, in order to properly evaluate the influence of the mechanical stimulus. This work reports on a user-friendly bioreactor suitable for applying controlled mechanical stimulation - amplitude and frequency - to three dimensional scaffolds. Its design and main components are described, as well as its operation characteristics. The modular design allows easy cleaning and operating under laminar hood. Different protocols for the sterilization of the hermetic enclosure are tested and ensure lack of observable contaminations, complying with the requirements to be used for cell culture. The cell viability study was performed with KUM5 cells.
Piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) microstructure and poling state in active tissue engineering
Tissue engineering often rely on scaffolds for supporting cell differentiation and growth. Novel paradigms for tissue engineering include the need of active or smart scaffolds in order to properly regenerate specific tissues. In particular, as electrical and electromechanical clues are among the most relevant ones in determining tissue functionality in tissues such as muscle and bone, among others, electroactive materials and, in particular, piezoelectric ones, show strong potential for novel tissue engineering strategies, in particular taking also into account the existence of these phenomena within some specific tissues, indicating their requirement also during tissue regeneration. This referee reports on piezoelectric materials used for tissue engineering applications. The most used materials for tissue engineering strategies are reported together with the main achievements, challenges and future needs for research and actual therapies. This review provides thus a compilation of the most relevant results and strategies and a start point for novel research pathways in the most relevant and challenging open questions.
Polymeric scaffolds used in regenerative therapies are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated loading cycles. In the case of articular cartilage engineering, an implanted scaffold is typically subjected to long term dynamic compression. The evolution of the mechanical properties of the scaffold during bioresorption has been deeply studied in the past, but the possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. In this work fatigue studies of polycaprolactone scaffolds were carried by subjecting the scaffold to repeated compression cycles in conditions simulating the scaffold implanted in the articular cartilage. The behaviour of the polycaprolactone sponge with the pores filled with a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel simulating the new formed tissue within the pores was compared with that of the material immersed in water. Results were analyzed with Morrow’s criteria for failure and accurate fittings are obtained just up to 200 loading cycles. It is also shown that the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) increases the elastic modulus of the scaffolds, the effect being more pronounced with increasing the number of freeze/thawing cycles.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Tecidos, Medicina Regenerativa e Células Estaminais.
A novel approach for tissue engineering applications based on the use of magnetoelectric materials is presented. This work proves that magnetoelectric Terfenol-D/poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) composites are able to provide mechanical and electrical stimuli to MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells and that those stimuli can be remotely triggered by an applied magnetic field. Cell proliferation is enhanced up to 25% when cells are cultured under mechanical (up to 110 ppm) and electrical stimulation (up to 0.115 mV), showing that magnetoelectric cell stimulation is a novel and suitable approach for tissue engineering allowing magnetic, mechanical and electrical stimuli.
Among the various possible embodiements of Advanced Therapies and in particular of Tissue Engineering the use of temporary scaffolds to regenerate tissue defects is one of the key issues. The scaffolds should be specifically designed to create environments that promote tissue development and not merely to support the maintenance of communities of cells. To achieve that goal, highly functional scaffolds may combine specific morphologies and surface chemistry with the local release of bioactive agents. Many biomaterials have been proposed to produce scaffolds aiming the regeneration of a wealth of human tissues. We have a particular interest in developing systems based in nanofibrous biodegradable polymers1,2. Those demanding applications require a combination of mechanical properties, processability, cell-friendly surfaces and tunable biodegradability that need to be tailored for the specific application envisioned. Those biomaterials are usually processed by different routes into devices with wide range of morphologies such as biodegradable fibers and meshes, films or particles and adaptable to different biomedical applications. In our approach, we combine the temporary scaffolds populated with therapeutically relevant communities of cells to generate a hybrid implant. For that we have explored different sources of adult and also embryonic stem cells. We are exploring the use of adult MSCs3, namely obtained from the bone marrow for the development autologous-based therapies. We also develop strategies based in extra-embryonic tissues, such as amniotic fluid (AF) and the perivascular region of the umbilical cord4 (Whartonâ s Jelly, WJ). Those tissues offer many advantages over both embryonic and other adult stem cell sourcess. These tissues are frequently discarded at parturition and its extracorporeal nature facilitates tissue donation by the patients. The comparatively large volume of tissue and ease of physical manipulation facilitates the isolation of larger numbers of stem cells. The fetal stem cells appear to have more pronounced immunomodulatory properties than adult MSCs. This allogeneic escape mechanism may be of therapeutic value, because the transplantation of readily available allogeneic human MSCs would be preferable as opposed to the required expansion stage (involving both time and logistic effort) of autologous cells. Topics to be covered: This talk will review our latest developments of nanostructured-based biomaterials and scaffolds in combination with stem cells for bone and cartilage tissue engineering.