1000 resultados para Tiomno, Jayme, 1920-2011
Jussi Koivuniemi
Entre el 29 de setiembre y 3 de octubre 2011, se determinó la estructura de las comunidades, en términos de abundancia relativa, riqueza y diversidad y relación con el medio ambiente de la isla Lobos de Tierra (noreste de isla Rata, El Ñopo y La Grama). En los cálculos de diversidad específi ca se usó métodos uni y multivariados para hacer comparaciones en los lugares estudiados. En la zona mesolitoral se registró alta riqueza específi ca asociada a comunidades de fondos duros destacando el noreste de isla Rata con 58 especies. El grupo dominante fue moluscos en todas las zonas de estudio, sobresaliendo Tegula corvus y Acanthopleura echinata con mayores niveles de abundancia (296 a 412 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad (H’) promedio por estación mostró valores >1,5 bits/ind en todas las zonas, con valores de dominancia y equitatividad <1,0. En el submareal, la riqueza fue de 124 especies. Los crustáceos y poliquetos tuvieron la mayor riqueza de especies y densidad. Los principales representantes fueron Gammarus sp. (26.607 ind.m-2), Spionidae (2.227 ind.m-2) y Diopatra rhizoicola (2.073 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad promedio fue 2,2 bits, valor considerado de alta diversidad. La fauna íctica submareal estuvo conformada por 16 especies, destacando los géneros Auchenionchus y Labrisomus y en el intermareal se registraron 7 especies destacando Tomicodon chilensis. Se detectaron 24 especies de macroalgas: Rhodophyta (16 especies), Chlorophyta (5 especies) y Phaeophyta (3 especies), predominó Caulerpa fi liformis (submareal) y Gymnogongrus furcellatus (intermareal).
Se efectuaron estudios en junio y octubre-noviembre 2010 y en julio y noviembre-diciembre 2011. Se hicieron muestreos por mar para determinar parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos, empleando protocolos y metodologías nacionales e internacionales (USEPA, APHA). En Samanco el oxígeno disuelto varió entre 7,00 y 8,20 mg/L; en Tortuga de 6,46 a 7,42 mg/L. Los sólidos suspendidos totales en Samanco fueron 37,00 mg/L y en Tortuga 33,28 mg/L; aceites y grasa fueron >1,00 mg/L superando los Estándares Nacionales de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) categoría 4. Los valores de demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5) fueron <10,00 mg/L. Las concentraciones de cadmio (4,21 μg/g) y plomo (30,24 μg/g) en sedimento no sobrepasaron los valores de Protección Costera y Restauración (USA). Se detectó que la bahía Samanco presenta mayor grado de impacto ambiental que la bahía Tortuga.
Väitöskirja, Joensuun yliopisto
Väitöskirja, Joensuun yliopisto
In 2003, the Swiss guidelines to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) were adapted. As two oral doses (2 mg, hour/day 4) of mixed micellar VK preparation had failed to abolish late VKDB, a third dose (week 4) was introduced. This report summarizes the new guidelines acceptance by Swiss pediatricians and the results of a prospective 6-year surveillance to study their influence on the incidence of VKDB. The new guidelines acceptance by Swiss pediatricians was evaluated by a questionnaire sent to all pediatricians of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics. With the help of the Swiss Paediatric Surveillance Unit, the incidence of VKDB was monitored prospectively from July 1, 2005 until June 30, 2011. Over a 6-year period (458,184 live births), there was one case of early and four cases of late VKDB. Overall incidence was 1.09/10(5) (95 % confidence intervals (CI) 0.4-2.6). Late VKDB incidence was 0.87/10(5) (95 % CI 0.24-2.24). All four infants with late VKDB had an undiagnosed cholestasis at the time of bleeding; parents of 3/4 had refused VK prophylaxis, and in 1/4, the third VK dose had been forgotten. Compared with historical control who had received only two oral doses of mixed micellar VK (18 cases for 475,372 live births), the incidence of late VKDB was significantly lower with three oral doses (Chi(2),Yates correction, P = 0.007). CONCLUSION: VKDB prophylaxis with 3 × 2 mg oral doses of mixed micellar VK seems to prevent adequately infants from VKDB. The main risk factors for VKDB in breast-fed infants are parental VK prophylaxis refusal or an unknown cholestasis.
The Gene Ontology (GO) (http://www.geneontology.org) is a community bioinformatics resource that represents gene product function through the use of structured, controlled vocabularies. The number of GO annotations of gene products has increased due to curation efforts among GO Consortium (GOC) groups, including focused literature-based annotation and ortholog-based functional inference. The GO ontologies continue to expand and improve as a result of targeted ontology development, including the introduction of computable logical definitions and development of new tools for the streamlined addition of terms to the ontology. The GOC continues to support its user community through the use of e-mail lists, social media and web-based resources.
The Haemophilia Registry of the Swiss Haemophilia Society was created in the year 2000. The latest records from October 31st 2011 are presented here. Included are all patients with haemophilia A or B and other inherited coagulation disorders (including VWD patients with R-Co activity below 10%) known and followed by the 11 paediatric and 12 adult haemophilia treatment or reference centers. Currently there are 950 patients registered, the majority of which (585) having haemophilia A. Disease severity is graded according to ISTH criteria and its distribution between mild, moderate and severe haemophilia is similar to data from other European and American registries. The majority (about two thirds) of Swiss patients with haemophilia A or B are treated on-demand, with only about 20% of patients being on prophylaxis. The figure is different in paediatrics and young adults (1st and 2nd decades), where 80 to 90% of patients with haemophilia A are under regular prophylaxis. Interestingly enough, use of factor concentrates, although readily available, is rather low in Switzerland, especially when taking the country's GDP into account: The total amount of factor VIII and IX was 4.94 U pro capita, comparable to other European countries with distinctly lower incomes (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary). This finding is mainly due to the afore mentioned low rate of prophylactic treatment of haemophilia in our country. Our registry remains an important instrument of quality control of haemophilia therapy in Switzerland.
Our FY 2011 General Fund budget is balanced, fiscally conservative, and does not raise sales or income taxes. We have already proposed and signed three balanced state budgets and have demonstrated the leadership to ensure that the current year (FY 2010) budget is balanced in the face of dramatic and quick declines in state revenues last year that occurred as a result of the national recession.
This Agreement made and entered i into this 1 1st day of July 2009, at Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Iowa Code, by and between the State of Iowa (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) and UE Local 893/Iowa United Professionals, and its appropriate affiliated locals, as representatives of employees employed by the State of Iowa, as set forth specifically in Appendix A (hereinafter referred to as the Union).
This Agreement made and entered i into this 1 1st day of July 2009, at Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Iowa Code, by and between the State of Iowa (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) and UE Local 893/Iowa United Professionals, and its appropriate affiliated locals, as representatives of employees employed by the State of Iowa.
This Agreement made and entered into this 1st day of July 2009 at Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Iowa Code, by and between the State of Iowa (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) and the State Police Officers Council, and its appropriate affiliated sub-organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Council), as representatives of employees employed by the State of Iowa.