835 resultados para Thinking differently
The book chapter throws new light on the ways in which Kant and Sade question the tenets of mainstream Enlightenment thinking.
The etiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is complex and multifaceted. Psychosocial factors play a role in such a process. Several reports suggest that IBS patients have increased psychopathology scores as compared with population controls. The influence of depressive symptoms on rectal sensitivity thresholds vary across different studies. The influence of predominant bowel habits on rectal sensitivity thresholds as determined by barostat-based investigations is not well established. The present report aimed to investigate the influence of depressive symptoms on rectal sensitivity in different subtypes of IBS patients (diarrhea/constipation-predominant vs. alternating subtypes). Depressive symptoms correlated well with first pain sensitivity threshold in alternating patients (n = 8; [rho] = -0.77; p = 0.02) but not in diarrhea/constipation predominant symptoms (n = 11; [rho] = -0.44; p = 0.27). These data suggest that depressive symptoms might impact pain thresholds differently according to the subtype of IBS.
Kallmann syndrome (KS), characterized by the association of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia, may present many other phenotypic abnormalities, including neurologic features as involuntary movements, called mirror movements (MM). MM etiology probably involves a complex mechanism comprising corticospinal tract abnormal development associated with deficient contralateral motor cortex inhibitory system. In this study, in order to address previous hypotheses concerning MM etiology, we identified and quantified white matter (WM) alterations in 21 KS patients, comparing subjects with and without MM and 16 control subjects, using magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) and T2 relaxometry (R2). Magnetization transfer and 12 double-echo images were acquired in a 1.5 T system. MTR and R2 were calculated pixel by pixel to initially create individual maps, and then, group average maps, co-registered with MNI305 stereotaxic coordinate system. After analysis of selected regions of interest, we demonstrated areas with higher 12 relaxation time and lower MTR values in KS patients, with and without MM, differently involving corticospinal tract projection, frontal lobes and corpus callosum. Higher MTR was observed only in pyramidal decussation when compared in both groups of patients with controls. In conclusion, we demonstrated that patients with KS have altered WM areas, presenting in a different manner in patients with and without MM. These data suggest axonal loss or disorganization involving abnormal pyramidal tracts and other associative/connective areas, relating to the presence or absence of MM. We also found a different pattern of alteration in pyramidal decussation, which can represent the primary area of neuronal disarrangement. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background/Objectives: Reduced food intake, appetite loss and alteration of ghrelin and PYY(3-36) secretion have been suggested to have a function in the loss of body weight commonly observed after gastrectomy. The objective of this study was to investigate the circulating concentrations of ghrelin and PYY(3-36) and their relationships with food intake, appetite and resting energy expenditure (REE) after gastrectomy plus vagotomy. Subjects/Methods: Seven patients with total gastrectomy (TG), 14 with partial gastrectomy (PG) and 10 healthy controls were studied. Habitual food intake and REE was assessed; fasting and postprandial plasma total ghrelin, PYY(3-36) concentrations and appetite ratings were determined after ingestion of a liquid test meal. Results: Differently from PG and controls, fasting ghrelin correlated with REE, and a higher energy intake was observed in the TG group. Fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations were lower in TG compared with controls, and no ghrelin response to the meal was observed in either PG or TG. Fasting plasma PYY(3-36) concentrations were not different among the groups. There was an early and exaggerated postprandial rise in PYY(3-36) levels in both PG and TG groups, but not in controls. No effect of ghrelin or PYY(3-36) concentrations was observed on hunger, prospective consumption or fullness ratings. Conclusions: Total ghrelin and PYY(3-36) do not seem to be involved with appetite or energy intake regulation after gastrectomy plus vagotomy. Ghrelin secreted by sources other than stomach is likely to have a function in the long-term regulation of body weight after TG. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 845-852; doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.88; published online 19 May 2010
Different routes for the administration of bone marrow-derived cells (BMDC) have been proposed to treat the progression of chronic renal failure (CRF). We investigated whether (1) the use of bovine pericardium (BP) as a scaffold for cell therapy would retard the progression of CAF and (2) the efficacy of cell therapy differently impacts distinct degrees of CRF. We used 2/3 and 5/6 models of renal mass reduction to simulate different stages of chronicity. Treatments consisted of BP seeded with either mesenchymal or mononuclear cells implanted in the parenchyma of remnant kidney. Renal function and proteinuria were measured at days 45 and 90 after cell implantation. BMDC treatment reduced glomerulosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. Immunohistochemistry showed decreased macrophage accumulation, proliferative activity and the expression of fibronectin and alpha-smooth muscle-actin. Our results demonstrate: (1) biomaterial combined with BMDC did retard the progression of experimental CRF; (2) cellular therapy stabilized serum creatinine (sCr), improved creatinine clearance and 1/sCr slope when administered during the less severe stages of CRF; (3) treatment with combined therapy decreased glomerulosclerosis, fibrosis and the expression of fibrogenic molecules; and (4) biomaterials seeded with BMDC can be an alternative route of cellular therapy.
Although the effects of cannabis on perception are well documented, little is known about their neural basis or how these may contribute to the formation of psychotic symptoms. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the effects of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) during visual and auditory processing in healthy volunteers. In total, 14 healthy volunteers were scanned on three occasions. Identical 10mg THC, 600mg CBD, and placebo capsules were allocated in a balanced double-blinded pseudo-randomized crossover design. Plasma levels of each substance, physiological parameters, and measures of psychopathology were taken at baseline and at regular intervals following ingestion of substances. Volunteers listened passively to words read and viewed a radial visual checkerboard in alternating blocks during fMRI scanning. Administration of THC was associated with increases in anxiety, intoxication, and positive psychotic symptoms, whereas CBD had no significant symptomatic effects. THC decreased activation relative to placebo in bilateral temporal cortices during auditory processing, and increased and decreased activation in different visual areas during visual processing. CBD was associated with activation in right temporal cortex during auditory processing, and when contrasted, THC and CBD had opposite effects in the right posterior superior temporal gyrus, the right-sided homolog to Wernicke`s area. Moreover, the attenuation of activation in this area (maximum 61, -15, -2) by THC during auditory processing was correlated with its acute effect on psychotic symptoms. Single doses of THC and CBD differently modulate brain function in areas that process auditory and visual stimuli and relate to induced psychotic symptoms. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1340-1348; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.17; published online 16 March 2011
Objective: The present study has investigated the effect of blockade of nitric oxide synthesis on cardiovascular autonomic adaptations induced by aerobic physical training using different approaches: 1) double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol; 2) systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and heart rate variability (HRV) by means of spectral analysis; and 3) baroreflex sensitivity. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sedentary rats (SR); sedentary rats treated with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) for one week (SRL); rats trained for eight weeks (TR); and rats trained for eight weeks and treated with L-NAME in the last week (TRL). Results: Hypertension and tachycardia were observed in SRL group. Previous physical training attenuated the hypertension in L-NAME-treated rats. Bradycardia was seen in TR and TRL groups, although such a condition was more prominent in the latter. All trained rats had lower intrinsic heart rates. Pharmacological evaluation of cardiac autonomic tonus showed sympathetic predominance in SRL group, differently than other groups. Spectral analysis of HRV showed smaller low frequency oscillations (LF: 0.2-0.75 Hz) in SRL group compared to other groups. Rats treated with L-NAME presented greater LF oscillations in the SAP compared to non-treated rats, but oscillations were found to be smaller in TRL group. Nitric oxide synthesis inhibition with L-NAME reduced the baroreflex sensitivity in sedentary and trained animals. Conclusion: Our results showed that nitric oxide synthesis blockade impaired the cardiovascular autonomic adaptations induced by previous aerobic physical training in rats that might be, at least in part, ascribed to a decreased baroreflex sensitivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The African (Protopterus sp.) and South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) inhabit shallow waters, that seasonally dry out, which induces aestivation and cocoon formation in Protopterus. Differently, L. paradoxa has no cocoon, and it aestivates in a simple burrow. In water PaCO(2) is 21.8 +/- 0.4 mmHg (mean values +/- S.E.M.; n = 5), whereas aestivation for 20 days increased PaCO(2) to as much as 37.6 +/- 2.1 mmHg, which remained the same after 40 days (35.8 +/- 3.3 mmHg). Concomitantly. the plasma [HCO(3)(-)]-values for animals in water were 22.5 +/- 0.5 mM, which after 20 days increased to 40.2 +/- 2.3 mM and after 40 days to 35.8 +/- 3.3 mM. Initially in water, PaO(2) was 87.7 +/- 2.0 mmHg, but 20 days in aestivation reduced the value to 80.5 +/- 2.2 and later (40 days) to 77.1 +/- 3.0 mmHg. Meanwhile, aestivation had no effect on pHa and hematocrit. The blood pressures were equal for animals in the water or in the burrow (P(mean) similar to 30 mmHg), and cardiac frequency (f(H)) fell from 31 beats min(-1) to 22 beats min(-1) during 40 days of aestivation. The osmolality (mOsm kg H(2)O(-1)) was elevated after 20 and 40 days of aestivation but declined upon return to water. The transition front activity to aestivation involves new set-points for the variables that determine the acid-base status and PaO(2) of the animals, along with a reduction of cardiac frequency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and hippocampal histological features of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) in both familial (FMTLE) and sporadic (SMTLE) forms. Methods: Patients with FMTLE (n = 20) and SMTLE (n = 39) who underwent surgical treatment for refractory seizures were studied at the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine at Ribeirao Preto. FMTLE was defined when at least two individuals in a family had clinical diagnosis of MTLE. Hippocampi from all patients were processed for Nissl/HE and Timm`s stainings. Both groups were compared for clinical variables, hippocampal cell densities, and intensity of supragranular mossy fiber staining. Results: There were no significant differences between FMTLE and SMTLE groups in the following: age at the surgery, age of first usual epileptic seizure, history of initial precipitating injury (IPI), age of IPI, latent period, ictal and interictal video-EEG patterns, presence of hippocampal atrophy and signal changes at MRI, and postoperative outcome. In addition, no differences were found in cell densities in hippocampal cornu ammonis subfields (CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4), fascia dentata, polymorphic region, subiculum, prosubiculum, and presubiculum. However, patients with SMTLE had greater intensity of mossy fiber Timm`s staining in the fascia dentata-inner molecular layer (p < 0.05). Discussion: Patients with intractable FMTLE present a clinical profile and most histological findings comparable to patients with SMTLE. Interestingly, mossy fiber sprouting was less pronounced in patients with FMTLE, suggesting that, when compared to SMTLE, patients with FMTLE respond differently to plastic changes plausibly induced by cell loss, neuronal deafferentation, or epileptic seizures.
Epidemiological studies report confidence or uncertainty intervals around their estimates. Estimates of the burden of diseases and risk factors are subject to a broader range of uncertainty because of the combination of multiple data sources and value choices. Sensitivity analysis can be used to examine the effects of social values that have been incorporated into the design of the disability–adjusted life year (DALY). Age weight, where a year of healthy life lived at one age is valued differently from at another age, is the most controversial value built into the DALY. The discount rate, which addresses the difference in value of current versus future health benefits, also has been criticized. The distribution of the global disease burden and rankings of various conditions are largely insensitive to alternate assumptions about the discount rate and age weighting. The major effects of discounting and age weighting are to enhance the importance of neuropsychiatric conditions and sexually transmitted infections. The Global Burden of Disease study also has been criticized for estimating mortality and disease burden for regions using incomplete and uncertain data. Including uncertain results, with uncertainty quantified to the extent possible, is preferable, however, to leaving blank cells in tables intended to provide policy makers with an overall assessment of burden of disease. No estimate is generally interpreted as no problem. Greater investment in getting the descriptive epidemiology of diseases and injuries correct in poor countries will do vastly more to reduce uncertainty in disease burden assessments than a philosophical debate about the appropriateness of social value
Farnesoic acid O-methyl transferase (FAMeT) is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of methyl farnesoate (MF) from farnesoic acid (FA) in the biosynthetic pathway of juvenile hormone (JH). This work reports the cloning, sequencing, and expression of FAMeT gene from the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris (MsFAMeT). The MsFAMeT in silica analysis showed that greatest sequence similarity is found in Apis mellifera and other insects, while relatively less similarity is shown in crustaceans. Evidence of alternative splicing of a 27 nucleotide (nt) microexon explains the presence of the detected isoforms, 1 and 2. The expression analysis of the two isoforms showed a marked difference when castes were compared, suggesting that they could be involved differently in the JH metabolism in M. scutellaris, providing new insights for the comprehension of female plasticity.
In this article five women explore (female) embodiment in academic work in current workplaces. In a week-long collective biography workshop they produced written memories of themselves in their various workplaces and memories of themselves as children and as students. These memories then became the texts out of which the analysis was generated. The authors examine the constitutive and seductive effects of neoliberal discourses and practices, and in particular, the assembling of academic bodies as particular kinds of working bodies. They use the concept of chiasma, or crossing over, to trouble some aspects of binary thinking about bodies and about the relations between bodies and discourses. They examine the way that we simultaneously resist and appropriate, and are seduced by and appropriated within, neoliberal discourses and practices.
Objectives: In this work, we searched for maternal separation effects on serum corticosterone levels and blood neutrophil activity in adult male A/J and C57BL/6 mouse offspring. Methods: 40 male A/J mice and 40 male C57BL/6 mice were divided within each strain into two groups. Mice in the maternal separation group were separated from their mothers (1 h/day) on postnatal days 0-13. Mice in the control group were left undisturbed. On postnatal day 45, blood was drawn from all mice and used to assess neutrophil activity by flow cytometry and serum corticosterone levels by radioimmunoassay. Results: The results showed that each mouse strain responded differently to maternal separation, but in both cases, serum corticosterone levels were affected. In both strains, adult mice that experienced maternal separation showed lower serum corticosterone levels than control mice. In relation to control mice kept together with their mothers, the levels of serum corticosterone were 72.7 and 36.36% lower in A/J and C57BL/6 mice submitted to maternal separation, respectively. The current findings showed that maternal separation increased neutrophil activity in mice after reaching adulthood. The observed effects, although in the same direction, differed between A/J and C57BL/6 mice. Maternal separation increased both the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis in C57BL/6 mice, but had no effects on A/J mice. Furthermore, maternal separation increased basal and propidium iodide-labeled Staphylococcus aureus-induced oxidative burst in A/J mice but did not affect oxidative burst in C57BL/6 mice. Finally, phorbol myristate acetate-induced oxidative burst increased in both strains. Conclusion: These results indicate that early maternal separation increases innate immunity, most likely by modifying hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity. This suggests that maternal separation is a good model for stress which produces long-term neuroimmune changes whatever the animal species and strain used. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objectives: This study evaluated the immediate and 6-month resin-dentin mu-bond strength (mu TBS) of one-step self-etch systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop [AD] 3M ESPE; Xeno III [XE] Dentsply De Trey; iBond [iB] Heraeus Kulzer) under different application modes. Materials and methods: Dentin oclusal surfaces were exposed by grinding with 600-grit SiC paper. The adhesives were applied according to the manufacturer`s directions [MD], or with double application of the adhesive layer [DA] or following the manufacturer`s directions plus a hydrophobic resin layer coating [HL]. After applying the adhesive resins, composite crowns were built up incrementally. After 24-h water storage, the specimens were serially sectioned in ""x"" and ""y"" directions to obtain bonded sticks of about 0.8 mm 2 to be tested immediately [IM] or after 6 months of water storage [6M] at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data from each adhesive was analyzed by a two-way repeated measures ANOVA (mode of application vs. storage time) and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The adhesives performed differently according to the application mode. The DA and HL either improved the immediate performance of the adhesive or did not differ from the MD. The resin-dentin bond strength values observed after 6 months were higher when a hydrophobic resin coat was used than compared to those values observed under the manufacturer`s directions. Conclusions: The double application of one-step self-etch system can be safety performed however the application of an additional hydrophobic resin layer can improve the immediate resin-dentin bonds and reduce the degradation of resin bonds over time. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Polymerization stress, shrinkage and elastic modulus of current low-shrinkage restorative composites
Objective. To compare currently available low-shrinkage composites with others regarding polymerization stress, volumetric shrinkage (total and post-gel), shrinkage rate and elastic modulus. Methods. Seven BisGMA-based composites (Durafill/DU, Filtek Z250/FZ, Heliomolar/HM, Aelite LS Posterior/AP, Point 4/P4, Filtek Supreme/SU, ELS/EL), a silorane-based (Filtek LS, LS), a urethane-based (Venus Diamond, VD) and one based on a dimethacrylate-derivative of dimer acid (N`Durance, ND) were tested. Polymerization stress was determined in 1-mm high specimens inserted between two PMMA rods attached to a universal testing machine. Total volumetric shrinkage was measured using a mercury dilatometer. Maximum shrinkage rate was used as a parameter of the reaction speed. Post-gel shrinkage was measured using strain-gages. Elastic modulus was obtained by three-point bending. Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA/Tukey test (p = 0.05), except for elastic modulus (Kruskal-Wallis). Results. Composites ranked differently for total and post-gel shrinkage. Among the materials considered as ""low-shrinkage"" by the respective manufacturers, LS, EL and VD presented low post-gel shrinkage, while AP and ND presented relatively high values. Polymerization stress showed a strong correlation with post-gel shrinkage except for LS, which presented high stress. Elastic modulus and shrinkage rate showed weak relationships with polymerization stress. Significance. Not all low-shrinkage composites demonstrated reduced polymerization shrinkage. Also, in order to effectively reduce polymerization stress, a low post-gel shrinkage must be associated to a relatively low elastic modulus. (C) 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.