735 resultados para Thing


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"Juvenile books, published by Samuel Wood & Sons, New York.": page [4] of cover.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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An experiment was conducted to examine the impact of homophobic attitudes and situational norms for helping on discriminatory behavior against a gay male. In a partial replication of Frey and Gaertner (1986), participants were asked to provide help to a confederate portrayed to be either gay or heterosexual who either requested help for himself (ambiguous situational norm) or for whom a third party requested help (unambiguous situational norm). Participants' levels of homophobia were assessed either before or after the main helping task. The results indicated that when norms for helping were ambiguous those participants higher in homophobia discriminated against the gay male, but only on subtle indicators of discrimination. In the unambiguous norm condition, participants higher in homophobia discriminated against the heterosexual male. Those lower in homophobia did not discriminate under either norm condition. The results show that it may be sufficient for those with prejudiced attitudes just to believe that it is not the wrong thing to do for their attitudes to be translated into some form of discriminatory behavior.


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The part-of or part-whole construct is a fundamental element of many conceptual modeling grammars that is used to associate one thing (a component) with another thing (a composite). Substantive theoretical issues surrounding the part-whole construct remain to be resolved, however. For instance, contrary to widespread claims, the relationship between components and composites is not always transitive. Moreover, how the partwhole construct should be represented in a conceptual schema diagram remains a contentious issue. Some analysts argue composites should be represented as a relationship or association. Others argue they should be represented as an entity. In this paper we use an ontological theory to support our arguments that composites should be represented as entities and not relationships or associations. We also describe an experiment that we undertook to test whether representing composites as relationships or entities enables users to understand a domain better. Our results support our arguments that using entities to represent composites enables users to better understand a domain.


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O tema desta tese é a relação entre hermenêutica, niilismo e religião no pensamento do filósofo italiano Gianni Vattimo. Partindo da articulação das idéias de Nietzsche e Heidegger, Vattimo afirma que a superação da metafísica tem como finalidade o niilismo. Este termo assume três significados: (1) Tudo é interpretação. (2) Fazer esta afirmação também é interpretação, pois o ser não é estrutura, mas evento, impossibilitando a afirmação da existência de algo originário. (3) O niilismo é o destino da história do ser, promovendo o enfraquecimento das estruturas fortes da metafísica. Estes três aspectos engendram a hermenêutica e são igualmente engendrados por ela. A vocação da hermenêutica e da história do ser para o enfraquecimento da metafísica é devedora da concepção cristã de esvaziamento de Deus. Por causa disto, segundo Vattimo, o cristianismo é o elemento niilista operante no interior da metafísica.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa analisa a TV CÂMARA canal legislativo municipal da cidade de Bauru, SP. Os objetivos foram levantar as formas de uso do canal, analisar o conteúdo da programação produzida e veiculada para a realidade bauruense, suas contribuições sociais na construção da consciência cidadã e a aceitação do canal junto ao telespectador. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram a observação participante, que consistiu no acompanhamento interno das atividades do canal de março de 2002 a fevereiro de 2003 e em julho de 2003. A pesquisa documental que ofereceu dados sobre estratégias da programação e entrevistas, as quais permitiram colher informações sobre participação da comunidade nos programas e sua percepção sobre o papel do canal televisivo no município. Conclui-se que o canal abriu um considerável leque de opções na televisão local. A cidade se enxerga quando assiste o canal legislativo. Ainda assim a TV Câmara precisa se solidificar no meio em que atua. A participação da sociedade pode ser ampliada com mais programas e ainda de forma mais direta, inclusive na elaboração de pautas. O mais importante: o canal é um instrumento público.


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Este trabalho busca apresentar as vivências de três pessoas ouvintes, além do próprio autor, filhas de pais surdos, discutindo as relações familiares entre pais e filhos, mostrando as diferenças em relação às famílias que não possuem pessoas surdas no seu âmago, desmistificando preconceitos e pré-conceitos. Devido as barreiras comunicacionais e pelo preconceito, muitos surdos acabavam sendo privados do direto de serem pais. Nos relatos apresentados nesta dissertação, houve momentos em que isso quase aconteceu na vida dos sujeitos entrevistados para esta pesquisa. Porém, com força e consciência dos direitos adquiridos, esses pais surdos não permitiram que tal coisa acontecesse. O texto inicia com a trajetória formativa e profissional do autor para, em seguida, trazer os autores que abordam temas como surdez (Wrigley, 1996; Lacerda, 1998; Perlin, 1998; Moura, 2000; Sá, 2002; Quadros, 2004; Sacks, 2007), antropologia (Hall, 1992; Gomes, 2008), relações familiares (Lacan, 1987) e autobiografia (Ferraroti, 1991; Pineau, 2006; demartini, 2008). A língua de sinais e a história educacional dos surdos também são discutidas neste trabalho. Por último, são apresentados os relatos de história de vida feitos na pesquisa de campo de forma literária, com as análises dos depoimentos colhidos pelos sujeitos entrevistados (filhos ouvintes e pais surdos) os quais evidenciam que ser filho de pais surdos pode ser tão normal quanto ser filho de pais ouvintes.


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What is the nature of our current societies? Do we see a clash of civilizations, or the end of history? The advent of globalization, or the birth of the network society? Are we witnessing the emergence of a risk society, or the advent of the knowledge society? More fundamentally, is ‘society’ an ideological construct that should be abandoned? Coming into English from the Latin term ‘societas’ via Old French ‘société’, the etymology of ‘society,’ in the sense of a system adopted by a group of co-existing individuals for mutually beneficial purposes, can be traced back at least to the mid-sixteenth century. By the Age of Enlightenment, ‘society’ was increasingly used in intellectual discourse to characterize human relations, often in contrast to notions of ‘the state’. During the nineteenth century, the concept was subject to highly elaborate treatment in various intellectual fields, such as political economy, philosophy, and legal thought; and ‘society’ continues to be a central conceptual tool, not only for sociology, but also for many other social-science disciplines, such as anthropology, economics, political sciences, and law. The notion resonates beyond the social sciences into the humanities; it is a fundamental concept, like nature, the universe, or the economy. Moreover, ‘society’ remains a highly contested concept, as was demonstrated, for example, by the controversy surrounding the former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s pithy assertion of the neoliberal economic wisdom that ‘there is no such thing as society’ (Woman’s Own, 31 October 1987); and by the term’s rehabilitation at the turn of the twenty-first century, not least with the ascendancy of the notion of ‘civil society’. This four-volume collection, a new title in the Routledge Critical Concepts in Sociology series, brings together both canonical and the best cutting-edge research to document the intellectual origins and development of what remains a key framework within which contemporary work in the social sciences in general, and sociology in particular, proceeds. Edited by Reiner Grundmann and Nico Stehr, two leading scholars in the field, this Routledge Major Work makes available the most useful, important and representative treatments of the subject matter, and helps to make sense of the great variety of perspectives and approaches in which social scientists and other thinkers have understood, and continue to understand, society. Fully indexed and with a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editors, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Society is an essential reference work, destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital research resource.


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It has been suggested that the deleterious effect of contrast reversal on visual recognition is unique to faces, not objects. Here we show from priming, supervised category learning, and generalization that there is no such thing as general invariance of recognition of non-face objects against contrast reversal and, likewise, changes in direction of illumination. However, when recognition varies with rendering conditions, invariance may be restored, and effects of continuous learning may be reduced, by providing prior object knowledge from active sensation. Our findings suggest that the degree of contrast invariance achieved reflects functional characteristics of object representations learned in a task-dependent fashion.


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Examination of the relationship between ethnicity, poverty and place has tended to focus on the spatial distribution of minority ethnic groups. This summary paper reviews some key themes in this literature, in order to review the following key questions: •Where are different ethnic groups located, and how does this location relate to their experience of poverty? •Is clustering a good or bad thing, and what is the role of location – regardless of concentration – in terms of impacts on access to housing, employment, and other resources? However, it is notable that existing research in this area continues to present ethnicity as a factor that shapes outcomes only for minority ethnic groups. A wider discussion increasingly recognises the working of ethnicity in the lives of majority communities. Some of the most consistently impoverished areas in Britain, for example, are in regions with relatively small minority ethnic communities. For example, examinations of poverty in Cornwall (Cemlyn, et al., 2002) and Wales (Kenway and Palmer, 2007) identify longstanding concentrations of poverty and social exclusion among relatively static populations. Instead of assuming that ethnic identity influences propensity to poverty when concentrated in particular places, the experiences of Cornwall and Wales encourage us to consider the manner in which places of poverty also have an ethnic character and the impact of this in the wider experience of poverty. In what follows, and in order to reflect the existing literature, we review key points in the debate about the spatial concentration of minority ethnic groups and the impact of this concentration on experiences of poverty. Where possible, we seek to extend these ideas to consider possible implications for spaces of poverty characterised by concentrations of majority ethnic groups.


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What is meant by the term ‘specialist contact lens fitting’? Or put another way, what would be considered non-specialist contact lens fitting? Is there such a thing as routine contact lens fitting? Soft or silicone hydrogel fitting for daily wear would probably be considered as routine contact lens fitting, but would extended or flexible wear remain in the same category or would they be considered a specialist fit? Different eras will classify different products as being ‘specialist’. Certainly twenty years ago soft toric contact lenses were considered as being speciality lenses but today would be thought of as routine lenses. Conversely, gas permeable lenses were thought of as mainstream twenty years ago but now are considered as speciality lenses. Although this would not be the same globally, as in some countries (such as Netherlands, France and Japan) gas permeable lens fitting remains popular and is not on the decline as in other countries (Canada, Australia and Sweden) [1]. Bandage soft lenses applied after surface laser refractive procedures would be considered as therapeutic lenses but in reality they are just plano thin hydrogel lenses worn constantly for 3–4 days to allow the underlying epithelium to convalesce and are then removed [2]. Some patients find that wearing hydrogel lenses during periods when they suffer from seasonal allergies actually improves their ocular comfort as the contact lens acts as a barrier to the allergen [3] and [4]. Scleral lenses have long been considered speciality lenses, apart from a time when they were the only lenses available but at that time all contact lens work would have been considered speciality practice! Nowadays we see the advent of mini-scleral designs and we see large diameter gas permeable lenses too. It is possible that these lenses increase the popularity of gas permeable lenses again and they become more main stream. So it would seem that the lines between routine and speciality contact lens fitting are not clear. Whether a lens is classed a specialist fit or not would depend on the lens type, why it was fitted, where in the world the fitting was being done and even the era in which it was fitted. This begs the question as to what would be considered entry level knowledge in contact lens fitting. This may not be an issue for most BCLA members or CLAE readers but certainly would be for bodies such as the College of Optometrists (UK) or the Association of British Dispensing Opticians when they are planning the final registration examinations for budding practitioners or when planning the level of higher level qualifications such as College Certificates or Diplomas. Similarly for training institutions when they are planning their course content. This becomes even trickier when trying to devise a qualification that spans across many countries, like the European Diploma in Optometry and Optics. How do we know if the training and examination level is correct? One way would be to analyse things when they go wrong and if patterns of malpractice are seen then maybe that could be used as an indicator to more training being needed. There were 162 Fitness to Practice Hearing at the General Optical Council between 2001 and 2010. Forty-seven of these were clinically related case, 39 fraud related, and 76 others. Of the clinical ones only 3 were contact lens related. So it would appear that as whole, in the profession, contact lens clinical skills are not being questioned too often (although it seems a few of us can’t keep our hands out the cookie jar!).


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Full text: There are phrases in daily use today which were not so common a decade or so back, such as ‘ageing population’ or ‘climate changes’ or ‘emerging markets’ or even ‘social networking’. How do these things affect our lives is certainly interesting but for us as eye care practitioners how these changes affect our clinical work may be also relevant and sometimes more interesting. A recent advertisement for recruitment to the Royal Marine Corps of the British Army ended with a comment ‘find us on Facebook!’ The BCLA, IACLE and other organisations as well as many manufacturers have their own Facebook groups. In 2011 Chandni Thakkar was awarded the BCLA summer studentship and her project was based around increasing the contact lens business of a small independent optometric practice where contact lens sales were minimal. The practice typically recruited one new wearer per month. Chandni was able to increase the number of new patient fits with various strategies (her work was presented as poster at the 2012 BCLA conference in Birmingham). One of her strategies was to start a Facebook group and 655 joined the special group she started in just over a month. Interestingly she found that the largest single factor in convincing patients to trial contact lenses was recommendation by the eye care practitioner at the end of the examination, but nonetheless it is interesting that so many people used the social networking site to find out more information regarding contact lenses in her study. Moreover, we already see the use, by some practitioners, of smart phone ‘apps’ or electronic diaries or text messages when coordinating patient check-ups. Climate change has affected the way we think and act; we now leave out special recycle bins and we hope that the items that are recyclable are actually recycled and do not just join our other refuse somewhere down the track! How environmentally friendly are contact lenses? This was discussed by various speakers at this year's BCLA conference in Birmingham. Daily disposable lenses surely produce more contact lens waste but do not involve solutions in plastic bottles like monthly lenses. It is certainly something that manufacturers are taking seriously and of course there are environmental benefits but the cynic in each of us sees the marketing potential too. The way the ageing population is certainly something that will impact all healthcare providers. In the case of eye care with people living longer they will need refractive corrections for longer. Furthermore, since presbyopes are not resigning themselves to only gentle hobbies like knitting and gardening, but instead want to continue playing tennis or skiing or whatever, their visual demands are becoming more complex. This is certainly an area that contact lens manufacturers are focussing on (pun not intended!). Again the BCLA conference in Birmingham saw the launch of various new products by different companies to help us deal with our presbyopic contact lens wearers. It is great to have such choice and now with fitting methods becoming easier too we have no excuse not to try them out with our clients. Finally to emerging markets – well there was not a specific session at the BCLA conference in May discussing this but this most certainly would have been discussed by professional services managers and marketing directors of most of the contact lens companies. ‘How will we conquer China?’ ‘How can we increase our market share in Russia?’ Or ‘How should we spend our marketing budget in India?’ These topics as well as others would certainly have cropped up in backroom discussions. Certainly groups like IACLE (International Association of CL Educators) have increasing numbers of members and activities in developing markets to ensure that educators educate, to that practitioners can practice successfully and in turn patients can become successful contact lenses wearers. Companies also wish to increase their market share in these developing markets and from the point of view of CLAE we are certainly seeing more papers being submitted from these parts of the world. The traditional centres of knowledge are being challenged, I suppose as they have been throughout history, and this can only be a good thing for the pursuit of science. The BCLA conference in Birmingham welcomed more international visitors than ever, and from more countries, and long may that continue. Similarly, CLAE looks forward to a wider audience in years to come and a wider network of authors too.


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The year so far has been a slow start for many businesses, but at least we have not seen the collapse of as many businesses that we were seeing around two years ago. We are, however, still well and truly in the midst of a global recession. Interest rates are still at an all time low, UK house prices seem to be showing little signs of increase (except in London where everyone still seems to want to live!) and for the ardent shopper there are bargains to be had everywhere. It seems strange that prices on the high street do not seem to have increased in over ten years. Mobile phones, DVD players even furniture seems to be cheaper than they used to be. Whist much of this is down to cheaper manufacturing and the rest could probably be explained by competition within the market place. Does this mean that quality suffered too? Now that we live in a world when if a television is not working it is thrown away and replaced. There was a time when you would take it to some odd looking man that your father would know who could fix it for you. (I remember our local television fix-it man, with his thick rimmed bifocal spectacles and a poor comb-over; he had cardboard boxes full of resistors and electrical wires on the floor of his front room that smelt of soldering irons!) Is this consumerism at an extreme or has this move to disposability made us a better society? Before you think these are just ramblings there is a point to this. According to latest global figures of contact lens sales the vast majority of contact lenses fitted around the world are daily, fortnightly or monthly disposable hydrogel lenses. Certainly in the UK over 90% of lenses are disposable (with daily disposables being the most popular, having a market share of over 50%). This begs the question – is this a good thing? Maybe more importantly, do our patients benefit? I think it is worth reminding ourselves why we went down the disposability route with contact lenses in the first place, and unlike electrical goods it was not just so we did not have to take them for repair! There are the obvious advantages of overcoming problems of breakage and tearing of lenses and the lens deterioration with age. The lenses are less likely to be contaminated and the disinfection is either easier or not required at all (in the case of daily disposable lenses). Probably the landmark paper in the field was the work more commonly known as the ‘Gothenburg Study’. The paper, entitled ‘Strategies for minimizing the Ocular Effects of Extended Contact Lens Wear’ published in the American Journal of Optometry in 1987 (volume 64, pages 781-789) by Holden, B.A., Swarbrick, H.A., Sweeney, D.F., Ho, A., Efron, N., Vannas, A., Nilsson, K.T. They suggested that contact lens induced ocular effects were minimised by: •More frequently removed contact lenses •More regularly replaced contact lenses •A lens that was more mobile on the eye (to allow better removal of debris) •Better flow of oxygen through the lens All of these issues seem to be solved with disposability, except the oxygen issue which has been solved with the advent of silicone hydrogel materials. Newer issues have arisen and most can be solved in practice by the eye care practitioner. The emphasis now seems to be on making lenses more comfortable. The problems of contact lens related dry eyes symptoms seem to be ever present and maybe this would explain why in the UK we have a pretty constant contact lens wearing population of just over three million but every year we have over a million dropouts! That means we must be attracting a million new wearers every year (well done to the marketing departments!) but we are also losing a million wearers every year. We certainly are not losing them all to the refractive surgery clinics. We know that almost anyone can now wear a contact lens and we know that some lenses will solve problems of sharper vision, some will aid comfort, and some will be useful for patients with dry eyes. So if we still have so many dropouts then we must be doing something wrong! I think the take home message has to be ‘must try harder’! I must end with an apology for two errors in my editorial of issue 1 earlier this year. Firstly there was a typo in the first sentence; I meant to state that it was 40 years not 30 years since the first commercial soft lens was available in the UK. The second error was one that I was unaware of until colleagues Geoff Wilson (Birmingham, UK) and Tim Bowden (London, UK) wrote to me to explain that soft lenses were actually available in the UK before 1971 (please see their ‘Letters to the Editor’ in this issue). I am grateful to both of them for correcting the mistake.