850 resultados para The corporation (filme)


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The Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corporation (Quedancor) of the Philippine Department of Agriculture has the critical responsibility of providing and improving credit assistance to fishers, it also has the task of helping its beneficiaries meet the repayment obligations of their loans. One reason for defaults can be attributed to the devastating impact of natural calamities. Schemes in place are still insufficient to help safeguard lending programs and operations from non-repayment of loans due to production losses and damages to personal properties.(PDF contains 5 pages) Natural calamities include the uncertainties and vagaries of weather and climate that bring about typhoons, floods, and drought; earthquakes; volcanic eruption as well as pests and diseases that affect the productivity of fisheries. When natural calamities occur, small fishers are unable to pay their loans from Quedancor, moreover they have difficulty renewing their loan applications from Quedancor or accessing credit from other sources. Failure to access credit could disable them to continue venture on fishing activities and could eventually jeopardize the welfare of their entire household. The inability of creditors to pay their loans and meet their obligations also impair, to a large extent, the financial operation and viability of the lending institutions. Risk management schemes currently employed include price stabilization measures, targeted relief` to typhoons and drought victims, and crop insurance systems, to name a few. Some of these schemes are becoming very expensive to implement. Moreover, they fail to enable fishers regain sufficient resources so that they may continue production.


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Hamlet (1601), de William Shakespeare, é, desde o Fólio de 1623, circundada por um enorme e variado volume de leituras, que abrangem desde textos críticos e teóricos até as mais diversas adaptações teatrais e cinematográficas. Desde o final do século 19, o cinema vem adaptando peças de Shakespeare, fornecendo novos pontos de vista e sugestões para a encenação dessa obra ao levá-la inúmeras vezes para as telas. Dentre uma longa lista de adaptações fílmicas de Hamlet, o Hamlet mainstream de Franco Zeffirelli (1990) e o Hamlet 2000 (2000), filme independente de Michael Almereyda, compõem o corpus eleito para análise nesta dissertação. Dialogando com noções de críticos e teóricos que desenvolveram estudos sobre o conceito de adaptação, tais como André Bazin, Robert Stam e Linda Hutcheon, sugiro uma desierarquização entre a peça shakespeariana e os filmes logo, entre literatura/teatro e cinema. O objetivo final deste trabalho encontra-se na proposta de uma reflexão sobre esses filmes enquanto potenciais materiais críticos elucidativos para o estudo da peça, úteis na discussão de alguns de seus mais importantes temas e/ou questões


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This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.


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O presente estudo visa avaliar a influência da espessura do filme de cimento sobre a resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro em diferentes regiões do conduto radicular (cervical, médio e apical), cimentados com cimento resinoso autoadesivo, com e sem a adição de Rodamina B, por meio do teste de push-out. Quarenta raízes foram incluídas em resina epóxi, submetidas a tratamento endodôntico e obturadas com guta percha e cimento endodôntico sem eugenol. Após sete dias, os condutos foram desobstruídos e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos (n=10), de acordo com as brocas do sistema de pinos de fibra WhitePost DC (FGM) usadas: (G1) broca #2; (G2) broca #3; (G3) broca #4; (G4) broca #2. O preparo foi realizado a uma profundidade de 10 mm. A cimentação foi realizada com o cimento resinoso autoadesivo RelyX U100 (3M ESPE), e apenas nos grupos G1, G2 e G3 uma pequena quantidade de Rodamina B em pó foi usada como corante no cimento. Após uma semana, cada raiz foi seccionada em máquina de corte, obtendo-se 6 fatias de 1 0,1 mm de espessura. Antes do ensaio de push-out, imagens digitais foram obtidas, por meio de um estereomicroscópio, de ambas as faces de cada fatia, para determinação do raio dos pinos e da espessura do filme de cimento. Após o ensaio mecânico, novas imagens foram obtidas para determinação do modo de falha. Para determinar a espessura de cimento, foi desenvolvida uma rotina (macro) no software KS 400. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados com análise de variância (ANOVA) 2 fatores (influência do diâmetro da broca e influência dos terços) e Kruskal-Wallis (influência da espessura do filme de cimento). Comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com o teste Duncan. Todos os testes foram aplicados com α=0,05. Houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos em relação ao diâmetro da broca (p<0,0001), sendo G2 (14,62 5,15 MPa) > G1 (10,04 5,13 MPa) > G3 (7,68 6,14 MPa). O terço do conduto exerceu influência significativa sobre a resistência adesiva (p<0,0001), sendo os maiores valores obtidos no terço apical. As espessuras do filme de cimento foram estatisticamente diferentes nos grupos. Os maiores valores de espessura de cimento foram obtidos no G3 (248,78 μm), seguido de G2 (185,91 μm) e G1 (110,16 μm), sendo o último estatisticamente semelhante ao G4 (119,99 μm). Os resultados de G1(10,04 5,13 MPa) e G4 (8,89 + 5,18 MPa) foram estatisticamente semelhantes, indicando que a presença da Rodamina B não influencia significativamente na resistência de união. O tipo de falha predominante no G1 foi mista, no G2, adesiva entre pino e cimento, e no G3 e G4, adesiva entre cimento e dentina. O diâmetro da broca influenciou significativamente nos resultados de resistência de união ao teste de push-out. O ligeiro aumento na espessura do filme de cimento promoveu um aumento nos valores de resistência, quando comparado com filmes de cimento muito finos ou muito espessos.


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O projeto Intimidades possui dois desdobramentos: um prático, que corresponde a um filme de cinquenta e cinco minutos, e um teórico, que é representado pelo presente texto. O filme pretende ouvir as pessoas que realizam trabalhos considerados desprezíveis na nossa sociedade: são os homens e mulheres do labor, nossos pequenos escravos assalariados. Tendo este objetivo, buscou-se encontrar uma forma plástica (estética) para o filme que conseguisse escapar às determinações do poder, que são representadas pela televisão e pelo cinema comercial. Para tanto, recorreu-se a conceitos e ideias desenvolvidas pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze e pelo teórico do cinema André Bazin. Conceitos como o de intercessores, de potências do falso, de falência do esquema sensório-motor, de plano centrífugo e de plano sequência foram articulados no presente texto e serviram como base teórica para se encontrar a forma do filme. Neste movimento entre a teoria e a prática, o projeto Intimidades colocou o pensamento da filosofia em contato com o campo extra-filosófico da arte, através do exemplo prático do filme


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Neste trabalho são analisados os quatro modos de plasmon, ligados simétrico (Sb) e assimétrico (ab), fuga pelo núcleo (ln) e fuga pela cobertura (lc), que se propagam em uma fibra óptica fracamente guiada envolta por um filme metálico. No filme metálico é depositada uma camada dielétrica extra e acima desta, uma outra denominada cobertura. A análise será desenvolvida para filmes metálicos de prata, paládio e ouro. Esta estrutura é muito útil na confecção de sensores ópticos.


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Pensando a fotografia enquanto fenômeno comunicativo, numa perspectiva cartográfica associada à Teoria do Ator-Rede de Bruno Latour (2012), passamos a traçar os vínculos sociais, visuais e sensíveis que hoje põem em evidência o fazer lomográfico. Aqui, sob os relatos dos modos de fabricação e circulação da lomografia, pudemos adentrar estas redes de mediações sociotécnicas que desenham sua prática, bem como perceber o modo como construímos, no presente, a história das imagens nesse contexto. Já sob a diversidade de elementos que hoje reordenam nossas formas de ver, junto à noção de anacronismo (AGAMBEN, 2009; BENJAMIN; 1994; DIDI-HUBERMAN, 2010; RANCIÈRE, 2012), este gesto cartográfico nos levou tanto a buscar aspecto relacional e comunicativo da imagem lomo, quando a compreender a construção deste sentido visual frente à montagem de tempos heterogêneos. Processo onde as formas de apresentação e os atuais valores de uso lomo revelam, na imagem, seu caráter movente onde lugares do visível que se deslocam de seus contextos anteriores, renegociando socialmente suas condições de possibilidade no contemporâneo, podem ser redimensionados


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Este trabalho disseca o processo de realização do documentário Retrato de Carmem D. a partir da ideia da quebra da inflexibilidade da imagem ilustrativa formulada pelo artista plástico Francis Bacon. À luz de autores como Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Didi-Huberman e Jaques Rancière, a presente dissertação se confronta com as atuações do acaso e da intervenção em um filme documentário.


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In July, 1964, it was decided that a Government Fisheries Corporation be set up. At the request of the Directors-designate of this Corporation a series of lectures on the development of Ceylon's fisheries was organised by the Fisheries Research Station, all except two being delivered at a seminar on 15th September, 1964. The speakers were asked to prepare and submit their texts and these are presented in the sequence in which the talks themselves were delivered: 1. Ceylon's fisheries: past and future (A.C.J. Weerekoon) 2. Fisheries by-products (C.St.E. Gunesekara) 3. The role of technology in fisheries development in Ceylon (N.N. De Silva) 4. Seaweeds (M. Durairatnam) 5. Coastal fisheries (T.P. Goonewardente) 6. The trawler fishery (A.S. Mendis) 7. A review of Japan's tuna long-line fishery in the Indian Ocean (K. Sivasubramaniam) 8. Off shore and deep sea fishery for larger scombroids in the Indian Ocean (K. Sivasubramaniam) 9. The development of fresh water fisheries in Ceylon (H.H.A. Indrasena) 10. Brackish-water fish farming in Ceylon (T.G. Pillai) 11. The role of inland waters in relation to the development of Ceylon's fisheries and a note on the pearl oyster fishery (C.H. Fernando) 12. The mechanization of the inshore fisheries and the relationship to fisheries development in Ceylon (E. Kvaran)


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The author made a trip on the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation trawler m/t "Pesalai" from 18th February, to 4th March, 1970, in order to study, amongst other matters, the "Adaptive Variations in catch ability of Trawls on the Wadge Bank". This was during the period of the north-east monsoon which offers very not favorable conditions for commercial fishing on the Wadge Bank. It was a normal commercial fishing trip and the work of the author was clone in keeping with the schedule of work of the trawler. A trip made to the Wadge Bank on the trawler m/t "Myliddy" in November, 1969, also helped in this study.


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The last major pearl fishery in the Gulf of Mannar was held in February-March, 1958, when about 4.5 million oysters were collected from the south-west Cheval Paar by dredging. (Sivalingam 1961). Subsequently, two smaller fisheries, one in 1960 and another in 1961 took place. In these two fisheries one million oysters and four hundred thousand oysters respectively were collected from the Cheval paar by dredging. (De Fonselm 1953). Inspections of the Banks were carried out in 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965. (Balasuriya 1964 and Silva 1965 and 66). Since then inspections were not possible due to one of two reasons or both the non-availability of operational dredges and a suitable vessel for this type of work.The "Pesalai" a 235-ton stern trawler was made available by the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation management for the 1970 inspection. Two new 6-foot dredges turned out by the Government Factory were also available for this work. However, the survey was limited to 3 days-the period for which the vessel had been released. It was further limited to those areas of the banks over 6 fathoms in depth because of the risk in operating a large vessel in shallower depths.


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The execution of this survey was decided upon by Swedevelop in agreement with the Sri Lanka Fisheries Corporation and was a part of the investigations and studies for a fishery project at Trincomalee which was carried out by Scandia Consult. The main purpose was to investigate the following aspects: bottom conditions, especially prawn trawling conditions; size of the potential prawn trawling catches; size and quality of the potential fish trawling catches; suitable sizes and types of boats and trawling gear; duration of trawl fishing season.


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Let A and B be nonsingular M-matrices. A lower bound on the minimum eigenvalue q(B circle A(-1)) for the Hadamard product of A(-1) and B, and a lower bound on the minimum eigenvalue q(A star B) for the Fan product of A and B are given. In addition, an upper bound on the spectral radius rho(A circle B) of nonnegative matrices A and B is also obtained. These bounds improve several existing results in some cases and the estimating formulas are easier to calculate for they are only depending on the entries of matrices A and B. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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For study the genetic diversity of Caspian brown trout population in five rivers in the southern part of Caspian Sea in Iran 182 number generators in the fall and winter of 1390 were collected in Chalus, Sardab Rud, Cheshmeh Kileh, Kargan Rud and Astara rivers. Then about 3-5 g of soft and fresh tissue from the bottom fin fish removed and were fixed in ethanol 96°. Genomic DNA was extracted by using ammonium acetate, then quantity and quality of the extracted DNA were determined by using spectrophotometry and horizontal electrophoresis in 1% agarose gel. The polymerase chain reaction was performed by using 16 SSR primers and sequencing primers (D-Loop) and the quality of PCR products amplified by SSR method were performed by using horizontal electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel. Alleles and their sizes were determined by using vertical electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide gel and silver nitrate staining method. Gel images were recorded by gel documentarian, the bands were scored by using Photo- Capt software and statistical analysis was performed by using Gene Alex and Pop Gene software. Also the PCR sequencing products after quality assessment by usinghorizontal electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel were purified and sent to South Korea Bioneer Corporation for sequencing. Sequencing was performed by chain termination method and the statistical analysis was performed by using Bio- Edit, Mega, Arlequin and DNA SP software. The SSR method, 5 pairs of primers produced polymorphic bands and the average real and effective number of alleles were calculated 5.60±1.83 and 3.87±1.46 in the Cheshmeh Kileh river and 7.60±1.75 and 5.48±1.32 in the Karganrud river and the mean observed and expected heterozygosity were calculated 0.44 ±0.15 and 0.52 ±0.16 in the Cheshmeh Kileh river and 0.50 ±0.11 and 0.70±0.13 in the Karganrud river. Analysis of Molecular Variance results showed that significant differences in genetic diversity between and within populations and between and within individuals in the studied rivers (P<0.01). The sequencing method identified 35 different haplotype, the highest number of polymorphic position (251) and haplotype (14) were observed in the Chalus river. The highest mean observed number of alleles (2.24±0.48) was calculated in the Sardabrud river, the highest mean observed heterozygosity (1.00±0.03) was calculated in the Chalus river and the highest mean nucleotide diversity (0.13±0.07) was observed in the Sardabrud river and mean haplotype diversity was obtained (1) in three studied rivers. The overall results show that there are no same population of this fish in the studied rivers and Karganrud and Chalus rivers in the SSR and sequencing methods had the highest levels of genetic diversity.