970 resultados para The church.
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"Where the following resolution was moved from the chair and carried by acclamation: That this meeting urges the importance, on the grounds of justice to the long-suffering and oppressed Christians of the Turkish Empire, of the restauration of the great Christian Church of Saint Sophia to Christian worship.
Cover title.
The Alexandrian and the Antiochian schools.--Symbols of the first four councils.--The post-Nicene Greek fathers: Eusebius. Athanasius. Arius. Cyril of Jerusalem. Ephraem Syrus. Marcelius and the Apollinaril. Basil. Gregory Nazianzen. Gregory Nyssa. Didymus. Epiphanius. Diodorus of Tarsus. Chrysostom. Synesius. Theodore of Mopsuestia. Theophilus. Cyril of Alexandria. Nestorius. Theodoret. The church historians. Other writers of the fouth and fifth centuries. John of Damascus. Other late writers. The Greek hymnologists.
Individual tracts by J.H. Newman, J. Keble, W. Palmer, R.H. Froude, E.B. Pusey, I. Williams, and others.
Henson, H. The early English constitution.--Ashley, W.J. Feudalism.--Oman, C.W.C. The Anglo-Norman and Angevin administrative system (1100-1265)--Medley, D.J. Parliament.--Hassall, A. Constitutional kingship (1399-1485)--Wakeman, H.O. The influence of the church upon the development of the state.
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"Prefatory memoir" signed: G.B.M. [i.e. G. B. Morgan]
Microfiche. Louisville, Ky. : Lost Cause Press, 1979. -- 10 sheets ; 11 x 15 cm.
The white hecatomb -- The vengeance of the Dogolwana -- Gquma, or, The white waif -- The tramp's tragedy -- The seed of the church -- Little Tobè -- The Imishologu -- The madness of Gweva -- The love charm -- Derelicts -- The return of Sobèdè -- The quick and the dead -- Aiala.
Translation of Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 1. Gregory of Tours.--Early intercourse of England and Germany.--Antecedents of the Reformation.--The Stephenses.--Muretus.--Joseph Scaliger.--Life of Joseph Scaliger (Fragment).--Peter Daniel Huet.--A chapter of university history.--F.A. Wolf.--Oxford Studies.--Vol. 2. Calvin at Geneva.--Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750.--Life of Bishop Warburton.--The Calas tragedy.--Present state of theology in Germany (1857).--Learning in the Church of England.--Philanthropic societies in the reign of Queen Anne.--Life of Montaigne.--Pope and his editors.--Buckle's History of civilization in England.
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