953 resultados para Temporal evolution


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Predatory insects and spiders are key elements of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes in agricultural crops such as cotton. Management decisions in IPM programmes should to be based on a reliable and efficient method for counting both predators and pests. Knowledge of the temporal constraints that influence sampling is required because arthropod abundance estimates are likely to vary over a growing season and within a day. Few studies have adequately quantified this effect using the beat sheet, a potentially important sampling method. We compared the commonly used methods of suction and visual sampling to the beat sheet, with reference to an absolute cage clamp method for determining the abundance of various arthropod taxa over 5 weeks. There were significantly more entomophagous arthropods recorded using the beat sheet and cage clamp methods than by using suction or visual sampling, and these differences were more pronounced as the plants grew. In a second trial, relative estimates of entomophagous and phytophagous arthropod abundance were made using beat sheet samples collected over a day. Beat sheet estimates of the abundance of only eight of the 43 taxa examined were found to vary significantly over a day. Beat sheet sampling is recommended in further studies of arthropod abundance in cotton, but researchers and pest management advisors should bear in mind the time of season and time of day effects.


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Discarding in commercially exploited fisheries has received considerable attention in the last decade, though only more recently in Australia. The Reef Line fishery (RLF) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia is a large-scale multi-sector, multi-species, highly regulated hook and line fishery with the potential for high levels of discarding. We used a range of data sources to estimate discard rates and discard quantities for the two main target groups of the RLF, the coral trout, Plectropomus spp, and the red throat emperor, Lethrinus miniatus, and investigated possible effects on discarding of recent changes in management of the fishery. Fleet-wide estimates of total annual quantities discarded from 1989 to 2003 were 292-622 t and 33-95 t for coral trout and red throat emperor, respectively. Hypothetical scenarios of high-grading after the introduction of a total allowable commercial catch for coral trout resulted in increases in discard quantities up to 3895 t, while no high-grading still meant 421 t were discarded. Increasing the minimum size limit of red throat emperor from 35 to 38 cm also increased discards to an estimated 103 t. We provide spatially and temporally explicit estimates of discarding for the two most important species in the GBR RLF of Australia to demonstrate the importance of accounting for regional variation in quantification of discarding. Effects of management changes on discarding are also highlighted. This study provides a template for exploring discarding levels for other species in the RLF and elsewhere.


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Redundant DNA can buffer sequence dependent structural deviations from an ideal double helix. Buffering serves a mechanistic function by reducing extraneous conformational effects which could interfere with readout or which would impose energetic constraints on evolution. It also serves an evolutionary function by allowing for gradual variations in conformation-dependent regulation of gene expression. Such gradualism is critical for the rate of evolution. The buffer structure concept provides a new interpretation for repetitive DNA and for exons and introns.


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Electrical and magnetic properties of La3Ni2O7 and La4Ni3O10 have been investigated in comparison with those of La2NiO4, LaNiO3, and LaSrNiO4. The results suggest an increasing 3-dimensional character across the homologous series Lan+1NinO3n+1 with increase in n. Accordingly, the electrical resistivity decreases in the order La3Ni2O7, La4Ni3O10, and LaNiO3 and this trend is suggested to be related to the percolation threshold. Magnetic properties of these oxides also show some interesting trends across the series.


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The iterative two-person Prisoners’ Dilemma game has been generalised to theN-person case. The evolution of cooperation is explored by matching the Tit For Tat (TFT) strategy (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981) against the selfish strategy. Extension of TFT toN-person situations yields a graded set of strategies from the softest TFT, which continues cooperation even if only one of the opponents reciprocates it, to the hardest, which would do so only when all the remaining opponents cooperate. The hardest TFT can go to fixation against the selfish strategy provided it crosses a threshold frequencypc. All the other TFT are invadable by the selfish (D) or the pure defector strategy, while none can invadeD. Yet, provided a thresholdpc is crossed, they can coexist stably withD. AsN, the size of the group increases, the threshold pc also increases, indicating that the evolution of cooperation is more difficult for larger groups. Under certain conditions, only the soft TFT can coexist stably against the selfish strategyD, while the harder ones cannot. An interesting possibility of a complete takeover of the selfish population by successive invasions by harder and harder TFT strategies is also presented.


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3-D KCL are equations of evolution of a propagating surface (or a wavefront) Omega(t), in 3-space dimensions and were first derived by Giles, Prasad and Ravindran in 1995 assuming the motion of the surface to be isotropic. Here we discuss various properties of these 3-D KCL.These are the most general equations in conservation form, governing the evolution of Omega(t) with singularities which we call kinks and which are curves across which the normal n to Omega(t) and amplitude won Omega(t) are discontinuous. From KCL we derive a system of six differential equations and show that the KCL system is equivalent to the ray equations of 2, The six independent equations and an energy transport equation (for small amplitude waves in a polytropic gas) involving an amplitude w (which is related to the normal velocity m of Omega(t)) form a completely determined system of seven equations. We have determined eigenvalues of the system by a very novel method and find that the system has two distinct nonzero eigenvalues and five zero eigenvalues and the dimension of the eigenspace associated with the multiple eigenvalue 0 is only 4. For an appropriately defined m, the two nonzero eigenvalues are real when m > 1 and pure imaginary when m < 1. Finally we give some examples of evolution of weakly nonlinear wavefronts.


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Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are believed to have a severe negative impact on the ecological values of tropical rainforests in north Queensland, Australia. Most perceptions of the environmental impacts of feral pigs focus on their disturbance of the soil or surface material (diggings). Spatial and temporal patterns of feral pig diggings were identified in this study: most diggings occurred in the early dry season and predominantly in moist soil (swamp and creek) microhabitats, with only minimal pig diggings found elsewhere through the general forest floor. The overall mean daily pig diggings were 0.09% of the rainforest floor. Most diggings occurred 3-4 months after the month of maximum rainfall. Most pig diggings were recorded in highland swamps, with over 80% of the swamp areas dug by pigs at some time during the 18-month study period. These results suggest that management of feral pig impacts should focus on protecting swamp and creek microhabitats in the rainforest, which are preferred by pigs for digging and which have a high environmental significance.


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Taustaa Kehityksellinen dysleksia (lukivaikeus) on erityinen lukemaan oppimisen vaikeus, johon liittyy usein myös vaikeuksia kirjoittamaan oppimisessa. Lukivaikeuden oletetaan useissa tapauksissa johtuvan vaikeudesta käsitellä kielen äännerakenteita (fonologinen prosessointi). Tämä poikkeavuus voi olla joko lukivaikeuden perimmäinen syy tai vaihtoehtoisesti ongelmat äänteiden käsittelyssä voivat heijastaa jotain vielä perustavamman tason vaikeutta. Eräs tällainen ehdotettu perustavan tasoin syy on poikkeavuus aistien toiminnoissa, erityisesti aistien aikatarkkuudessa. Aikatarkkuudella tarkoitetaan kykyä ja rajoja siinä, kuinka nopeasti esitettyä aistitiedon virtaa henkilö kykenee vastaanottamaan ja käsittelemään. Monet arjen toiminnot lukemisen rinnalla edellyttävät aistien erittäin tarkkaa ajallista erottelukykyä (esimerkiksi kuulo puheen ymmärtämisessä, tunto pintamateriaalin tunnistamisessa). Aikatarkkuusvaikeuksien esiintyvyyttä lukivaikeudessa on tutkittu aiemminkin, mutta yksimielisyyteen ei ole päästy siitä, onko kaikilla lukivaikeuksisilla näitä ongelmia tai mihin aisteihin vaikeudet mahdollisesti rajoittuvat. Myöskään ei tiedetä, havaitaanko aikatarkkuuden ongelmia kaiken ikäisillä lukivaikeuksisilla vai vaihteleeko mahdollinen ongelmien kuva iän mukana. Lisäksi on epäselvää, kuinka aikatarkkuuden ongelmat itseasiassa ovat yhteydessä kielen käsittelyn ja varsinaisen lukemisen vaikeuksiin. Tutkimussarjan aihe Tässä tutkimussarjassa aikatarkkuutta tutkittiin kolmessa yksittäisessä aistissa, joita olivat tunto, näkö ja kuulo, sekä kolmessa aistien välisessä yhdistelmässä, joita olivat audiotaktiilinen (kuulo-tunto), visuotaktiilinen (näkö-tunto) ja audiovisuaalinen (näkö-kuulo). Aikatarkkuutta arvioitiin kahdella eri menetelmällä, jotta saataisiin lisää tietoa siitä, missä tietyssä aikatarkkuuden osa-alueessa lukivaikeuksisilla mahdollisesti on vaikeuksia. Ensimmäisessä tehtävässä tutkittavan tuli arvioida, ovatko esitetyt ei-kielelliset ärsykkeet samanaikaisia vai eriaikaisia. Toisessa tehtävässä koehenkilön tuli arvioida esitettyjen ei-kielellisten ärsykkeiden esitysjärjestys. Molemmissa tehtävissä määriteltiin millisekuntitasolla (sekunnin tuhannesosa) se esitysnopeus, jolla koehenkilö kykeni arvioimaan ärsykkeiden ajalliset suhteet oikein. Englanninkielinen demonstraatio aikatarkkuustehtävistä löytyy internetistä (http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/ylpsy/neuropsy). Itse aikatarkkuustehtävien lisäksi tutkimussarjassa arvioitiin tutkimushenkilöiden päättelykykyä, kielellisiä toimintoja ja lukemista. Tutkimushenkilöt Tutkimuksiin osallistui 53 lukivaikeuksista ja 66 sujuvaa lukijaa, jotka oli jaettu kolmeen pääikäryhmään: lapset (8-12 vuotta), nuoret aikuiset (20-36 vuotta) ja ikääntyneemmät aikuiset (20-59 vuotta). Ikääntyneempien aikuisten ryhmä oli edelleen jaettu ikävuosikymmenluokkiin, mikä mahdollisti sen tutkimisen, vaikuttaako lisääntyvä aikuisikä lukivaikeuksisten aikatarkkuuteen (20-29, 30-39, 40-49 ja 50-59 -vuotiaat). Tutkimussarjan tulokset Aikatarkkuuden ongelmat lukivaikeuksisilla olivat yleistyneitä yli iän, aistien ja tehtävien Lukivaikeuksiset kaikissa pääikäryhmissä (lapset, nuoret aikuiset, ikääntyneemmän aikuiset) tarvitsivat samanikäisiä sujuvia lukijoita hitaamman esitystahdin, jotta he kykenivät arvioimaan ei-kielellisten ärsykkeiden ajallisen esitystavan oikein. Tämä aikatarkkuuden ongelma havaittiin lukivaikeuksisilla kaikissa aisteissa (tunto, kuulo, näkö) ja niiden yhdistelmissä (audiotaktiilinen, visuotaktiilinen, audiovisuaalinen). Lukivaikeuksisten aikatarkkuusongelmat ilmenivät edelleen molemmissa tehtävätyypeissä (samanaikaisuuden ja järjestyksen arvioinnissa). Aikatarkkuus ja sen ongelmat olivat yhteydessä äänteiden käsittelyyn Aikatarkkuus oli yhteydessä äänteiden käsittelykykyyn (fonologiseen prosessointiin), niin lapsilla kuin aikuisillakin, kaikissa aisteissa, niiden yhdistelmissä ja tehtävätyypeissä. Yhteys ei-kielellisen aikatarkkuuden ja kielellisten toimintojen välillä oli kuitenkin selkeämpi lukivaikeuksisilla kuin sujuvilla lukijoilla. Tämä tarkoittaa, että etenkin lukivaikeuksisilla ryhmätason huono aikatarkkuus oli yhteydessä huonoon äänteiden käsittelyyn (fonologiseen prosessointiin) ja päinvastoin. Suoraa yhteyttä lukemisen ja aikatarkkuuden välillä ei kuitenkaan havaittu. Lisääntyvä aikuisikä heikensi lukivaikeuksisten aikatarkkuutta suhteettoman paljon Tiedonkäsittelyn nopeuden on toistuvasti osoitettu hidastuvan normaalissa ikääntymisessä. Lisääntyvä aikuisikä (20-59 -vuotiailla) heikensikin sekä sujuvien että lukivaikeuksisten aikatarkkuutta. Toisin sanoen, mitä iäkkäämmästä aikuisesta oli kysymys, sitä hitaammin hänelle tuli esittää ärsykkeet, jotta hän kykeni arvioimaan niiden ajalliset suhteet oikein. Tämä ikään liittyvä tavanomainen hidastuminen oli kuitenkin yllättäen suhteettoman nopeaa lukivaikeuksisilla. Toisin sanoen, jo nuorilla lukivaikeuksisilla havaittu aikatarkkuuden vaikeus (ryhmäero verrattuna sujuviin lukijoihin) ei pysynyt saman suuruisena, vaan ryhmien ero kasvoi aikuisiän lisääntyessä. Tulosten merkitys Lukivaikeuden osoitettiin tässä tutkimussarjassa olevan yhteydessä yleistyneeseen vaikeuteen käsitellä ajassa nopeasti muuttuvaa ei-kielellistä aistitietoa (yli aistien ja niiden yhdistelmien, tehtävätyyppien, tutkittavien iän). Tämä osoittaa, että lukivaikeus ei ole ongelma, joka rajoittuu vain kielellisen materiaalin käsittelyn vaikeuksiin (äänteiden käsittely, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen). Nyt havaitut vaikeudet eivät myöskään rajoittuneet vain niihin aisteihin, jotka selkeimmin liittyvät lukemiseen (näkö) ja puhuttuun kieleen (kuulo); Ongelmia esiintyi myös muissa aisteissa (tunto). Lukivaikeuksisten lukijoiden ryhmätasolla havaittu aikatarkkuuden ongelma ei kuitenkaan heijastunut yksilötasolle; Jokainen lukivaikeuksinen ei ollut huono aikatarkkuustehtävissä. Näin ollen ei siis voida väittää, että kaikkien lukivaikeuksisten äänteiden käsittelyn tai lukemaan oppimisen vaikeudet voisivat selittyä aistien toimintojen poikkeavuudella. Aikatarkkuuden ongelmat eivät olleet yhteydessä varsinaiseen lukemiseen. Sekä lukivaikeuksisilla lapsilla että aikuisilla todettiin kuitenkin selkeä yhteys aikatarkkuuden ongelmien ja lukemaan oppimisen keskeisen ennakkoehdon, fonologisen prosessoinnin, välillä. Saattaa siis olla, että synnynnäinen aistien toimintojen poikkeavuus vaikuttaa yksilön suoriutumiseen jo ennen varsinaista lukemaan oppimista, kun ne taidot kehittyvät (fonologinen prosessointi), joille myöhempi lukemaan oppiminen perustuu. Ikäännyttäessä havaittu lukivaikeuksisten suhteettoman nopea aikatarkkuuden heikkeneminen osoittaa, että lukivaikeus ei voi olla ongelma, joka koskee vain lapsuusikää, tai vaikeus, joka johtuu vain kehityksen viivästymästä joka kurottaisiin iän myötä umpeen. Tulosten ymmärtämiseksi onkin muistettava kaksi seikkaa. Lukivaikeus on ensinnäkin yhdistetty synnynnäisiin, pieniin, poikkeavuuksiin aivojen rakenteissa ja toiminnoissa. Toisaalta tavanomaiseen ikääntymiseen liittyy se, että aivot kykenevät yhä huonommin korjaamaan ja kiertämään (kompensoimaan) pieniä vaurioita. Tämän perusteella tutkimussarjan tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että lukivaikeuksisten jo synnynnäisesti heikentyneet aivojen kompensointimahdollisuudet eivät ole yhtä tehokkaita puskuroimaan ikääntymisen tavanomaisia vaikutuksia kuin sujuvilla lukijoilla. Yllättävää kuitenkin on, että tämä korostunut heikkeneminen havaittiin jo suhteellisen nuorilla, työikäisillä, lukivaikeuksisilla, ennen 60 ikävuotta. Samanlaista ikäännyttäessä korostuvaa vaikeutta ei lukivaikeuksilla kuitenkaan havaittu päättelyssä, kielellisissä toiminnoissa tai itse lukemisessa. Vaikuttaakin siis siltä, että ne toiminnot, joita on harjaannutettu aktiivisesti, eivät heikkene kasvavan aikuisiän myötä yhtä suhteettomasti. Alkuperäiset artikkelit Laasonen M, Tomma-Halme J, Lahti-Nuuttila P, Service E, and Virsu V (2000) Rate of information segregation in developmentally dyslexic children, Brain and Language, 75(1), 66-81. Laasonen M, Service E, and Virsu V (2001) Temporal order and processing acuity of visual, auditory, and tactile perception in developmentally dyslexic young adults, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1(4), 394-410. Laasonen M, Service E, and Virsu V (2002) Crossmodal temporal order and processing acuity in developmentally dyslexic young adults, Brain and Language, 80(3), 340-354. Laasonen M, Lahti-Nuuttila P, and Virsu V (2002) Developmentally impaired processing speed decreases more than normally with age, NeuroReport, 13(9), 1111-1113.


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Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) was introduced to Australia in 1995 for the control of wild rabbits. Initial outbreaks greatly reduced rabbit numbers and the virus has continued to control rabbits to varying degrees in different parts of Australia. However, recent field evidence suggests that the virus may be becoming less effective in those areas that have previously experienced repeated epizootics causing high mortality. There are also reports of rabbits returning to pre-1995 density levels, Virus and host can be expected to co-evolve. The host will develop resistance to the virus with the virus subsequently changing to overcome that resistance. It has been 12 years since the release of RHDV and it is an opportune time to examine where the dynamic currently stands between RHDV and rabbits. Laboratory challenge tests have indicated that resistance to RHDV has developed to different degrees in populations throughout Australia. In one population a low dose (1:25 dilution) of Czech strain RHDV failed to infect a single susceptible rabbit, yet infected a low to high (up to 73%) percentage across other populations tested. Different selection pressures are present in these populations and will be driving the level of resistance being seen. The mechanisms and genetics behind the development of resistance are also important as the on-going use of RHDV as a control tool in the management of rabbits relies on our understanding of factors influencing the efficacy of the virus. Understanding how resistance has developed may provide clues on how best to use the virus to circumvent these mechanisms. Similarly, it will help in managing populations that have yet to develop high levels of resistance.


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The membracid Aconophora compressa Walker, a biological control agent released in 1995 to control Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) in Australia, has since been collected on several nontarget plant species. Our survey suggests that sustained populations of A. compressa are found only on the introduced nontarget ornamental Citharexylum spinosum (Verbenaceae) and the target weed L. camara. It is found on other nontarget plant species only when populations on C. spinosum and L. camara are high, suggesting that the presence of populations on nontarget species may be a spill-over effect. Some of the incidence and abundance on nontarget plants could have been anticipated from host specificity studies done on this agent before release, whereas others could not. This raises important issues about predicting risks posed by weed biological control agents and the need for long-term postintroduction monitoring on nontarget species.


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The oxides of cobalt have recently been shown to be highly effective electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) under alkaline conditions. In general species such as Co3O4 and CoOOH have been investigated that often require an elevated temperature step during their synthesis to create crystalline materials. In this work we investigate the rapid and direct electrochemical formation of amorphous nanostructured Co(OH)2 on gold electrodes under room temperture conditions which is a highly active precursor for the OER. During the OER some conversion to crystalline Co3O4 occurs at the surface, but the bulk of the material remains amorphous. It is found that the underlying gold electrode is crucial to the materials enhanced performance and provides higher current density than can be achieved using carbon, palladium or copper support electrodes. This catalyst exhibits excellent activity with a current density of 10 mA cm-2 at an overpotential of 360 mV with a high turnover frequency of 2.1 s-1 in 1 M NaOH. A Tafel slope of 56 mV dec-1 at low overpotentials and a slope of 122 mV dec-1 at high overpotentials is consistent with the dual barrier model for the electrocatalytic evolution of oxygen. Significantly, the catalyst maintains excellent activity for up to 24 hr of continuous operation and this approach offers a facile way to create a highly effective and stable material.


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Background and Aims: The evolution of resistance to herbicides is a substantial problem in contemporary agriculture. Solutions to this problem generally consist of the use of practices to control the resistant population once it evolves, and/or to institute preventative measures before populations become resistant. Herbicide resistance evolves in populations over years or decades, so predicting the effectiveness of preventative strategies in particular relies on computational modelling approaches. While models of herbicide resistance already exist, none deals with the complex regional variability in the northern Australian sub-tropical grains farming region. For this reason, a new computer model was developed. Methods: The model consists of an age- and stage-structured population model of weeds, with an existing crop model used to simulate plant growth and competition, and extensions to the crop model added to simulate seed bank ecology and population genetics factors. Using awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona) as a test case, the model was used to investigate the likely rate of evolution under conditions expected to produce high selection pressure. Key Results: Simulating continuous summer fallows with glyphosate used as the only means of weed control resulted in predicted resistant weed populations after approx. 15 years. Validation of the model against the paddock history for the first real-world glyphosate-resistant awnless barnyard grass population shows that the model predicted resistance evolution to within a few years of the real situation. Conclusions: This validation work shows that empirical validation of herbicide resistance models is problematic. However, the model simulates the complexities of sub-tropical grains farming in Australia well, and can be used to investigate, generate and improve glyphosate resistance prevention strategies.


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Management of the commercial harvest of kangaroos relies on quotas set annually as a proportion of regular estimates of population size. Surveys to generate these estimates are expensive and, in the larger states, logistically difficult; a cheaper alternative is desirable. Rainfall is a disappointingly poor predictor of kangaroo rate of increase in many areas, but harvest statistics (sex ratio, carcass weight, skin size and animals shot per unit time) potentially offer cost-effective indirect monitoring of population abundance (and therefore trend) and status (i.e. under-or overharvest). Furthermore, because harvest data are collected continuously and throughout the harvested areas, they offer the promise of more intensive and more representative coverage of harvest areas than aerial surveys do. To be useful, harvest statistics would need to have a close and known relationship with either population size or harvest rate. We assessed this using longterm (11-22 years) data for three kangaroo species (Macropus rufus, M. giganteus and M. fuliginosus) and common wallaroos (M. robustus) across South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. Regional variation in kangaroo body size, population composition, shooter efficiency and selectivity required separate analyses in different regions. Two approaches were taken. First, monthly harvest statistics were modelled as a function of a number of explanatory variables, including kangaroo density, harvest rate and rainfall. Second, density and harvest rate were modelled as a function of harvest statistics. Both approaches incorporated a correlated error structure. Many but not all regions had relationships with sufficient precision to be useful for indirect monitoring. However, there was no single relationship that could be applied across an entire state or across species. Combined with rainfall-driven population models and applied at a regional level, these relationships could be used to reduce the frequency of aerial surveys without compromising decisions about harvest management.


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Long-running datasets from aerial surveys of kangaroos (Macropus giganteus, Macropus [uliginosus, Macropus robustus and Macropus rufus) across Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia have been analysed, seeking better predictors of rates of increase which would allow aerial surveys to be undertaken less frequently than annually. Early models of changes in kangaroo numbers in response to rainfall had shown great promise, but much variability. We used normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) instead, reasoning that changes in pasture condition would provide a better predictor than rainfall. However, except at a fine scale, NDVI proved no better; although two linked periods of rainfall proved useful predictors of rates of increase, this was only in some areas for some species. The good correlations reported in earlier studies were a consequence of data dominated by large droughtinduced adult mortality, whereas over a longer time frame and where changes between years are less dramatic, juvenile survival has the strongest influence on dynamics. Further, harvesting, density dependence and competition with domestic stock are additional and important influences and it is now clear that kangaroo movement has a greater influence on population dynamics than had been assumed. Accordingly, previous conclusions about kangaroo populations as simple systems driven by rainfall need to be reassessed. Examination of this large dataset has permitted descriptions of shifts in distribution of three species across eastern Australia, changes in dispersion in response to rainfall, and an evaluation of using harvest statistics as an index of density and harvest rate. These results have been combined into a risk assessment and decision theory framework to identify optimal monitoring strategies.


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In order to investigate the effect of long term recurrent selection on the pattern of gene diversity, thirty randomly-selected individuals from the progenitors (p) and four selection cycles (C0, C3, C6 and C11) were sampled for DNA analysis from the tropical maize (Zea mays L.) breeding populations, Atherton 1 (AT1) and Atherton 2 (AT2). Fifteen polymorphic Simple Sequence Repeat markers amplified a total of 284 and 257 alleles in AT1 and AT2 populations, respectively. Reductions in the number of alleles were observed at advanced selection cycles. About 11 and 12% of the alleles in AT1 and AT2 populations respectively, were near to fixation. However, a higher number of alleles (37% in AT1 and 33% in AT2) were close to extinction. Fisher's exact test and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant population differentiations. Gene diversity estimates and AMOVA revealed increased genetic differentiations at the expense of loss of heterozygosity. Population differentiations were mainly due to fixation of complementary alleles at a locus in the two breeding populations. The estimates of effective population at an advanced selection cycle were close to the population size predicted by the breeding method.