876 resultados para Teaching performance on-line


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This study examined the effectiveness of motor-encoding activities on memory and performance of students in a Grade One reading program. There were two experiments in the study. Experiment 1 replicated a study by Eli Saltz and David Dixon (1982). The effect of motoric enactment (Le., pretend play) of sentences on memory for the sentences was investigated. Forty Grade One students performed a "memory-for-sentences" technique, devised by Saltz and Dixon. Only the experimental group used motoric enactment of the sentences. Although quantitative findings revealed no significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group versus the control group, aspects of the experimental design could have affected the results. It was suggested that Saltz and Dixon's study could be replicated again, with more attention given to variables such as population size, nature of the test sentences, subjects' previous educational experience and conditions related to the testing environment. The second experiment was an application of Saltz and Dixon's theory that motoric imagery should facilitate memory for sentences. The intent was to apply this theory to Grade One students' ability to remember words from their reading program. An experimental gym program was developed using kinesthetic activities to reinforce the skills of the classroom reading program. The same subject group was used in Experiment 2. It was hypothesized that the subjects who experienced the experimental gym program would show greater signs of progress in reading ability, as evidenced by their scores on Form G of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test--Revised. The data from the WRM--R were analyzed with a 3-way split-plot analysis of variance in which group (experimental vs. control) and sex were the between subjects variables and test-time (pre-test vs. post-test) was the within-subjects variable. Findings revealed the following: (a) both groups made substantial gains over time on the visual-auditory learning sub-test and the triple action of group x sex x time also was significant; (b) children in the experimental and control groups performed similarly on both the pre- and post-test of the letter identification test; (c) time was the only significant effect on subjects' performance on the word identification task; (d) work attack scores showed marked improvement in performance over time for both the experimenta+ and control groups; (e) passage comprehension scores indicated an improvement in performance for both groups over time. Similar to Experiment 1, it is suggested that several modifications in the experimental design could produce significant results. These factors are addressed with suggestions for further research in the area of active learning; more specifically, the effect of motor-encoding activities on memory and academic performance of children.


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This research studioo the effect of integrated instruction in mathematics and~ science on student achievement in and attitude towards both mathematics and science. A group of grade 9 academic students received instruction in both science and mathematics in an integrated program specifically developed for the purposes of the research. This group was compared to a control group that had received science and mathematics instruction in a traditional, nonintegrated program. The findings showed that in all measures of attitude, there was no significant difference between the students who participated in the integrated science and mathematics program and those who participated in a traditional science and mathematics program. The findings also revealed that integration did improve achievement on some of the measures used. The performance on mathematics open-ended problem-solving tasks improved after participation in the integrated program, suggesting that the integrated students were better able to apply their understanding of mathematics in a real-life context. The performance on the final science exam was also improved for the integrated group. Improvement was not noted on the other measures, which included EQAO scores and laboratory practical tasks. These results raise the issue of the suitability of the instruments used to gauge both achievement and attitude. The accuracy and suitability of traditional measures of achievement are considered. It is argued that they should not necessarily be used as the measure of the value of integrated instruction in a science and mathematics classroom.


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La mortalité maternelle et périnatale est un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays en développement. Elle illustre l’écart important entre les pays développés et les pays en développement. Les interventions techniques pour améliorer la santé maternelle et périnatale sont connues dans les pays en développement, mais ce sont la faiblesse des systèmes de santé et les défis liés aux ressources qui freinent leur généralisation. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de mieux comprendre le rôle des ressources humaines en particulier ceux de la première ligne dans la performance d’un système de référence maternelle. Au Mali, la mise en place d’un système de référence maternelle, système de référence-évacuation « SRE », fait partie des mesures nationales de lutte contre la mortalité maternelle et périnatale. Les trois composantes du SRE, soit les caisses de solidarité, le transport et la communication et la mise à niveau des soins obstétricaux, permettent une action simultanée du côté de la demande et de l’offre de soins maternels et périnatals. Néanmoins, la pénurie de personnel qualifié a conduit à des compromis sur la qualification du personnel dans l’implantation de ce système. La région de Kayes, première région administrative du Mali, est une région de forte émigration. Elle dispose d’une offre de soins plus diversifiée qu’ailleurs au Mali, grâce à l’appui des Maliens de l’extérieur. Son SRE offre ainsi un terrain d’études adéquat pour l’analyse du rôle des professionnels de première ligne. De façon plus spécifique, ce travail avait pour objectifs 1) d’identifier les caractéristiques des équipes de soins de première ligne qui sont associées à une meilleure performance du SRE en termes de survie simultanée de la mère et du nouveau-né et 2) d’approfondir la compréhension des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines, susceptibles d’expliquer les variations de la performance du SRE de Kayes. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons, à partir du cadre de référence de Michie et West modélisé les facteurs liés aux ressources humaines qui ont une influence potentielle sur la performance du SRE de Kayes. L’exploration des variations du processus motivationnel a été faite à partir de la théorie de l’attente de Vroom. Nous avons ensuite combiné une revue de la littérature et un devis de recherche mixte (quantitative et qualitative). Les données pour les analyses quantitatives proviennent d’un système d’enregistrement continu de toutes les urgences obstétricales (GESYRE : Gestion du Système de Référence Évacuation mis en place depuis 2004 dans le cadre du suivi et de l’évaluation du SRE de Kayes) et des enquêtes à passages répétés sur les données administratives et du personnel des centres de santé. Un modèle de régression biprobit a permis d’évaluer les effets du niveau d’entrée dans le SRE et des équipes de soins sur la survie jointe de la mère et du nouveau-né. A l’aide d’entrevues semi-structurées et d’observations, nous avons exploré les pratiques de gestion des personnes dans des centres de santé communautaires « CScom » sélectionnés par un échantillonnage raisonné. Les résultats de ce travail ont confirmé que la main d’œuvre humaine demeure cruciale pour la performance du SRE. Les professionnels de première ligne ont influencé la survie des femmes et des nouveau-nés, à morbidités égales, et lorsque la distance parcourue est prise en compte. La meilleure survie de la mère et du nouveau-né est retrouvée dans les cas d’accès direct à l’hôpital régional. Les femmes qui sont évacuées des centres de première ligne où il y a plus de professionnels ou un personnel plus qualifié avaient un meilleur pronostic materno-fœtal que celles qui ont consulté dans des centres qui disposent de personnel peu qualifié. Dans les centres de première ligne dirigés par un médecin, des variations favorables à la performance comme une implication directe des médecins dans les soins, un environnement de soins concurrentiel ont été retrouvés. Concernant les pratiques de gestion dans les centres de première ligne, les chefs de poste ont mis en place des incitatifs pour motiver le personnel à plus de performance. Le processus motivationnel demeure toutefois très complexe et variable. La désirabilité de bons résultats des soins (valence) est élevée pour tous les professionnels ; cependant les motifs étaient différents entre les catégories de personnel. Par ailleurs, le faible niveau d’équipements et la multiplicité des acteurs ont empêché l’établissement d’un lien entre l’effort fourni par les professionnels et les résultats de soins. Cette compréhension du rôle des professionnels de première ligne pourra aider le personnel administratif à mieux cibler le monitorage de la performance du SRE. Le personnel de soins pourra s’en servir pour reconnaitre et appliquer les pratiques associées à une bonne performance. Dans le domaine de la recherche, les défis de recherche ultérieurs sur les facteurs humains de la performance du SRE seront mieux identifiés.


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Three experiments examine the effect of different forms of computer-generated advice on concurrent and subsequent performance of individuals controlling a simulated intensive-care task. Experiment 1 investigates the effect of optional and compulsory advice and shows that both result in an improvement in subjects' performance while receiving the advice, and also in an improvement in subsequent unaided performance. However, although the advice compliance displayed by the optional advice group shows a strong correlation with subsequent unaided performance, compulsory advice has no extra benefit over the optional use of advice. Experiment 2 examines the effect of providing users with on-line explanations of the advice, as well as providing less specific advice. The results show that both groups perform at the same level on the task as the advice groups from Experiment 1, although subjects receiving explanations scored significantly higher on a written post-task questionnaire. Experiment 3 investigates in more detail the relationship between advice compliance and performance. The results reveal a complex relationship between natural ability on the task and the following of advice, in that people who use the advice more tend to perform either better or worse than the more moderate users. The theoretical and practical implications of these experiments are discussed.


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Dance is a rich source of material for researchers interested in the integration of movement and cognition. The multiple aspects of embodied cognition involved in performing and perceiving dance have inspired scientists to use dance as a means for studying motor control, expertise, and action-perception links. The aim of this review is to present basic research on cognitive and neural processes implicated in the execution, expression, and observation of dance, and to bring into relief contemporary issues and open research questions. The review addresses six topics: 1) dancers’ exemplary motor control, in terms of postural control, equilibrium maintenance, and stabilization; 2) how dancers’ timing and on-line synchronization are influenced by attention demands and motor experience; 3) the critical roles played by sequence learning and memory; 4) how dancers make strategic use of visual and motor imagery; 5) the insights into the neural coupling between action and perception yielded through exploration of the brain architecture mediating dance observation; and 6) a neuroaesthetics perspective that sheds new light on the way audiences perceive and evaluate dance expression. Current and emerging issues are presented regarding future directions that will facilitate the ongoing dialogue between science and dance.


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The research reported here is a retrospective case study of the recent (2010) introduction of the Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL) as a post-graduate level programme of professional development for teachers. It contributes to the debate and research over the past two decades about the impact of post-graduate professional development and appropriate ways of delivering it. The study is located within an extensive body of literature dealing with the importance of the teaching profession with regard to the success of schools and pupils and the impact of professional development on teaching quality and of teaching quality on attainment. A further relevant context is the ongoing tension between the teaching profession and academics on the one hand and government and political actors on the other, in respect of the approaches to professional development and to the control of educational processes. The research questions which inform the study deal with the perspectives of various participants – policy makers, programme directors, coaches and teachers studying for the MTL – on the extent to which the MTL is likely to have an ameliorative effect on teaching and pupil attainment, their experiences of the process of policy development and their experiences as course participants. The study adopts a case study approach which involves elite interviews with those responsible for the development and implementation of the MTL, questionnaires completed by MTL course participants and a comparison group taking a conventional MA and in depth interviews with participants and coaches. The results revealed tensions and difficulties associated with the development of the MTL including uneasy relationships between HE institutions and government agencies, ideas about ‘producer capture’, the relevance of the MBA model and concern over the role of coaches. However, while acknowledging various difficulties and some misconceived expectations they viewed its potential to meet its expressed aims positively, given time. Course participants were positive about their experience of the MTL and felt that it had contributed to many aspects of their professional development. Most saw it as a positive experience despite the variable quality of support from their schools, particularly in the form of the school-based coach the concept of which had been heralded as the bellwether of the MTL. It was striking that the responses of the MTL participants were very similar to those of teachers taking a conventional MA. A finding which would repay further investigation is that while the great majority of course participants felt that the MTL (and the MA) had contributed to their becoming more effective teachers they were much less confident that it had contributed to increased pupil attainment.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira a possibilidade de instalação do Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) no bairro da Urca, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, interfere na (re)configuração do espaço. Para o estudo desse processo adotou-se o conceito de espaço definido por Milton Santos, que o caracteriza como um conjunto indissociável de sistemas de objetos e ações, considerando necessária sua análise numa perspectiva histórica. Para ampliação das considerações sobre poder, identificação e caracterização dos atores sociais e das relações entre eles estabelecidas foram utilizados conceitos propostos por Carlos Matus para a análise da realidade social. A pesquisa de campo, de natureza qualitativa, coletou dados secundários a partir de notícias sobre o processo de revitalização do antigo Cassino da Urca e instalação do Istituto Europeo di Design no local, publicadas em jornais e revistas impressos, jornais on line e blogs, assim como dados primários, a partir de observação não estruturada das instalações ao redor do prédio do antigo Cassino da Urca, participação em reuniões da associação de bairro e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes de organizações envolvidas no processo. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados, realizou-se análise argumentativa e interpretativa a partir da teoria utilizada. Com base nas notícias e documentos consultados, foi definido o período de análise, desde a cessão do prédio do antigo Cassino da Urca ao IED, em agosto de 2006, até o anúncio de parceria com outra organização, pelo instituto, em maio de 2012. O estudo permitiu identificar que a instalação do IED na Urca interferiu na configuração do espaço, principalmente no que se refere à formação e à atuação da associação de moradores do bairro, à instalação de novos empreendimentos comerciais no entorno do prédio já restaurado e, por consequência, na paisagem do bairro. Destaca-se também que a instalação do IED gerou mudanças que extrapolam os limites territoriais do bairro. Com base nos dados analisados, destaca-se que a relação de cooperação entre a Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro e o IED foi estabelecida em torno da valorização por parte da Prefeitura do domínio de uma capacidade técnica pelo IED, nas áreas de atuação da organização, que são o ensino, pesquisa e consultoria nas áreas de arquitetura, design, moda e comunicação, o que reforça o argumento da valorização atual de organizações culturais no processo de (re)configuração do espaço urbano, quanto aos aspectos econômicos, simbólicos e sociais.


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In the new world order is notorious changes in social, ethical, economical and political aspects in the society, which reach incisively higher education, requiring a number of modifications and a new vision in nursing education, in order to meet the demands of the Unique Health System. Thus, the Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and teachers are invited to face new challenges and reflect on their practices, using pedagogical approaches and innovative methodologies to meet the requirements of a globalized society. This study has as an objective to analyze the perspective of teachers in what concern the pedagogical approaches used in nursing education and to identify pedagogical approaches utilized by teachers in nursing education. This is a field research of exploratory kind, descriptive, of quantitative approach. The search was conducted at the Department of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, based in the city of Natal. The population consisted of forty-six teachers. From this population was selected a sample of twenty teachers. Data collection occurred from August to September 2011, through the utilization of the technique of interview and questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed in two moments. In the first moment, was carried out the quantitative analysis that refers to the obtained data through the interview technique, methodological procedures were submitted to the content analysis proposed by Bardin. On the second moment, concerning the quantitative analysis of the questionnaires applied to the teachers and of the identification data, which were digitized and transferred to a spreadsheet electronic of Microsoft Excel XP, tabulated and organized into tables, containing their relative and absolute frequencies. It is worth mentioning that were respected the aspects of the CNS Resolution 196/96. With regard to the characteristics of research participants, 20% were male; with a degree of titration of 55% doctorates; regarding time of service there was a greater representation from 15 to 45 years, with 45%. The results showed that 90% of teachers who participated in the research have an appropriate understanding of non-critical pedagogical approaches, only 10% had an inadequate understanding. However, 70% of teachers, despite having an adequate understanding, reported difficulties when attempting to implement these pedagogies. Most teachers, with representability of 80% consider the non-critical pedagogies relevant in nursing education, as well as critical pedagogies, being represented by 95% of teachers. It was concluded that both critical and non-critical pedagogies are in teachers practice of undergraduate nursing education. It feels like a moment of transition, since the presence of new ways of teaching as a part of this educational context, with educational models that give value to scientific, ethical and personal aspects in the educational process. The research contains limitations, however highlights the contribution of new possibilities for action, reflection on the context of performance, maximizing the pedagogical skills necessary to conduct teaching process, in line with the new educational paradigm of higher education


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents the results of a study that investigated the use of simulators to improve physics teaching. The study population consisted of eight classes totaling 205 second year high school students from Brazilian public school. The research methodology adopted compares the average performance of students on tests conducted in the classroom to performance on tests conducted in the laboratory using computer simulators. The results obtained showed that students’ performance on tests improved after the use of simulators. It was found that the students had more homogeneous test results when using the simulator.


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The enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a target for the discovery of new lead compounds employed on the treatment severe T-cell mediated disorders. Within this context, the development of new, direct, and reliable methods for ligands screening is an important task. This paper describes the preparation of fused silica capillaries human PNP (HsPNP) immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER). The activity of the obtained IMER is monitored on line in a multidimensional liquid chromatography system, by the quantification of the product formed throughout the enzymatic reaction. The Km value for the immobilized enzyme was about twofold higher than that measured for the enzyme in solution (255 +/- 29.2 mu M and 133 +/- 114.9 mu M, respectively). A new fourth-generation immucillin derivative (DI4G: IC50 = 40.6 +/- 0.36 nM), previously identified and characterized in HsPNP free enzyme assays, was used to validate the IMER as a screening method for HsPNP ligands. The validated method was also used for mechanistic studies with this inhibitor. This new approach is a valuable tool to PNP ligand screening, since it directly measures the hypoxanthine released by inosine phosphorolysis, thus furnishing more reliable results than those one used in a coupled enzymatic spectrophotometric assay. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFCs) are attractive energy generators for powering portable electronic devices, mainly due to their high energy density and number of electrons per borohydride ion. However, the lack of a highly efficient electrocatalyst for the borohydride oxidation reaction limits the performance of these devices. The most commonly studied electrocatalysts for this reaction are composed of gold and platinum. Nevertheless, for these metals, the borohydride electrooxidation reaction mechanism (BOR) is not completely understood, and the total oxidation reaction, involving eight electrons per BH4- species, competes with parallel reactions, with a lower number of exchanged electrons and/or with heterogeneous chemical hydrolysis. Considering the above-mentioned issues, this work presents recent advances in the knowledge of the BOR pathways on polycrystalline (bulk) Au and Pt electrocatalysts. It presents the studies of the BOR reaction on Au and Pt electrodes using in situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FUR), and on-line Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry (DEMS). The spectroscopic and spectrometric data provided physical evidence of intermediate species and the formation of H-2 in the course of the BOR as a function of the electrode potential. These results enabled to advance in the knowledge about the BOR pathways on Au and Pt electrocatalysts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Obiettivo del lavoro è quello di legare tra di loro due aspetti che storicamente sono sempre stati scollegati. Il primo è il lungo dibattito sul tema “oltre il PIL”, che prosegue ininterrottamente da circa mezzo secolo. Il secondo riguarda l’utilizzo dei sistemi di misurazione e valutazione della performance nel settore pubblico italiano. Si illustra l’evoluzione del dibattito sul PIL facendo un excursus storico del pensiero critico che si è sviluppato nel corso di circa cinquanta anni analizzando le ragioni assunte dagli studiosi per confutare l’utilizzo del PIL quale misura universale del benessere. Cogliendo questa suggestione l’Istat, in collaborazione con il CNEL, ha avviato un progetto per individuare nuovi indicatori da affiancare al PIL, in grado di misurare il livello non solo della crescita economica, ma anche del benessere sociale e sostenibile, con l’analisi degli indicatori riferiti a 12 domini di benessere individuati. Al progetto Istat-CNEL si è affiancato il progetto UrBES, promosso dall’Istat e dal Coordinamento dei sindaci metropolitani dell’ANCI, che hanno costituito una rete di città metropolitane per sperimentare la misurazione e il confronto sulla base di indicatori di benessere urbano equo e sostenibile, facendo proprio un progetto del Comune di Bologna e di Laboratorio Urbano (Centro di documentazione, ricerca e proposta sulle città), che ha sottoposto a differenti target un questionario on line, i cui risultati, con riferimento alle risposte fornite alle domande aperte, sono stati elaborati attraverso l’utilizzo di Taltac, un software per l’analisi dei testi, al fine di individuare i “profili” dei rispondenti, associando i risultati dell’elaborazione alle variabili strutturali del questionario. Nell’ultima parte i servizi e progetti erogati dal comune di Bologna sono stati associati alle dimensioni UrBES, per valutare l’impatto delle politiche pubbliche sulla qualità della vita e sul benessere dei cittadini, indicando le criticità legate alla mancanza di dati adeguati.