943 resultados para Task-Oriented Environment
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Dr. Rodrigo Carvalho e co-orientação do Major de Artilharia António Rabaço
Recent integrated circuit technologies have opened the possibility to design parallel architectures with hundreds of cores on a single chip. The design space of these parallel architectures is huge with many architectural options. Exploring the design space gets even more difficult if, beyond performance and area, we also consider extra metrics like performance and area efficiency, where the designer tries to design the architecture with the best performance per chip area and the best sustainable performance. In this paper we present an algorithm-oriented approach to design a many-core architecture. Instead of doing the design space exploration of the many core architecture based on the experimental execution results of a particular benchmark of algorithms, our approach is to make a formal analysis of the algorithms considering the main architectural aspects and to determine how each particular architectural aspect is related to the performance of the architecture when running an algorithm or set of algorithms. The architectural aspects considered include the number of cores, the local memory available in each core, the communication bandwidth between the many-core architecture and the external memory and the memory hierarchy. To exemplify the approach we did a theoretical analysis of a dense matrix multiplication algorithm and determined an equation that relates the number of execution cycles with the architectural parameters. Based on this equation a many-core architecture has been designed. The results obtained indicate that a 100 mm(2) integrated circuit design of the proposed architecture, using a 65 nm technology, is able to achieve 464 GFLOPs (double precision floating-point) for a memory bandwidth of 16 GB/s. This corresponds to a performance efficiency of 71 %. Considering a 45 nm technology, a 100 mm(2) chip attains 833 GFLOPs which corresponds to 84 % of peak performance These figures are better than those obtained by previous many-core architectures, except for the area efficiency which is limited by the lower memory bandwidth considered. The results achieved are also better than those of previous state-of-the-art many-cores architectures designed specifically to achieve high performance for matrix multiplication.
The need for better adaptation of networks to transported flows has led to research on new approaches such as content aware networks and network aware applications. In parallel, recent developments of multimedia and content oriented services and applications such as IPTV, video streaming, video on demand, and Internet TV reinforced interest in multicast technologies. IP multicast has not been widely deployed due to interdomain and QoS support problems; therefore, alternative solutions have been investigated. This article proposes a management driven hybrid multicast solution that is multi-domain and media oriented, and combines overlay multicast, IP multicast, and P2P. The architecture is developed in a content aware network and network aware application environment, based on light network virtualization. The multicast trees can be seen as parallel virtual content aware networks, spanning a single or multiple IP domains, customized to the type of content to be transported while fulfilling the quality of service requirements of the service provider.
Smart grids with an intensive penetration of distributed energy resources will play an important role in future power system scenarios. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources brings new challenges, requiring an efficient management of those sources. Additional storage resources can be beneficially used to address this problem; the massive use of electric vehicles, particularly of vehicle-to-grid (usually referred as gridable vehicles or V2G), becomes a very relevant issue. This paper addresses the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in system operation costs and in power demand curve for a distribution network with large penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) units. An efficient management methodology for EVs charging and discharging is proposed, considering a multi-objective optimization problem. The main goals of the proposed methodology are: to minimize the system operation costs and to minimize the difference between the minimum and maximum system demand (leveling the power demand curve). The proposed methodology perform the day-ahead scheduling of distributed energy resources in a distribution network with high penetration of DG and a large number of electric vehicles. It is used a 32-bus distribution network in the case study section considering different scenarios of EVs penetration to analyze their impact in the network and in the other energy resources management.
A low cost method (LCM) to produce a gaseous environment for the isolation of Helicobacter pylori, was compared with the standard Gas Park system. The LCM uses a carbonated antacid tablet, a plastic bag with tap water, a candle, and a wide-mouthed glass jar provided with a tight-fitting metalic screw cap and a rubber gasket. Antral gastric biopsies from 153 cases were incubated by duplicate on blood agar plates and treated with the two methods. In 95 cases the agent was isolated from both, and only from the standard method in 10 cases; the opposite condition was found in five cases, and 43 were negative. That difference is not significant (Pearson's X²= 93.25 p > 0,05)
Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors—such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two low degree polynomial time-complexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the following guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which processors are 1+α times faster. The parameter 0<α≤1 is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than 1. We evaluate average-case performance of both the algorithms by generating task sets randomly and measuring how much faster processors the algorithms need (which is upper bounded by 1+α/2 for SA and 1+α for SA-P) in order to output a feasible task assignment (intra-migrative for SA and non-migrative for SA-P). In our evaluations, for the vast majority of task sets, these algorithms require significantly smaller processor speedup than indicated by their theoretical bounds. Finally, we consider a special case where no task utilization in the given task set can exceed one and for this case, we (re-)prove the performance guarantees of SA and SA-P. We show, for both of the algorithms, that changing the adversary from intra-migrative to a more powerful one, namely fully-migrative, in which tasks can migrate between processors of any type, does not deteriorate the performance guarantees. For this special case, we compare the average-case performance of SA-P and a state-of-the-art algorithm by generating task sets randomly. In our evaluations, SA-P outperforms the state-of-the-art by requiring much smaller processor speedup and by running orders of magnitude faster.
Consider the problem of assigning implicit-deadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising a constant number (denoted by t) of distinct types of processors—such a platform is referred to as a t-type platform. We present two algorithms, LPGIM and LPGNM, each providing the following guarantee. For a given t-type platform and a task set, if there exists a task assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet their deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type (intra-migrative), then: (i) LPGIM succeeds in finding such an assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies (intra-migrative) but given a platform in which only one processor of each type is 1 + α × t-1/t times faster and (ii) LPGNM succeeds in finding a task assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors (non-migrative) but given a platform in which every processor is 1 + α times faster. The parameter α is a property of the task set; it is the maximum of all the task utilizations that are no greater than one. To the best of our knowledge, for t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors: (i) for the problem of intra-migrative task assignment, no previous algorithm exists with a proven bound and hence our algorithm, LPGIM, is the first of its kind and (ii) for the problem of non-migrative task assignment, our algorithm, LPGNM, has superior performance compared to state-of-the-art.
Hard real- time multiprocessor scheduling has seen, in recent years, the flourishing of semi-partitioned scheduling algorithms. This category of scheduling schemes combines elements of partitioned and global scheduling for the purposes of achieving efficient utilization of the system’s processing resources with strong schedulability guarantees and with low dispatching overheads. The sub-class of slot-based “task-splitting” scheduling algorithms, in particular, offers very good trade-offs between schedulability guarantees (in the form of high utilization bounds) and the number of preemptions/migrations involved. However, so far there did not exist unified scheduling theory for such algorithms; each one was formulated in its own accompanying analysis. This article changes this fragmented landscape by formulating a more unified schedulability theory covering the two state-of-the-art slot-based semi-partitioned algorithms, S-EKG and NPS-F (both fixed job-priority based). This new theory is based on exact schedulability tests, thus also overcoming many sources of pessimism in existing analysis. In turn, since schedulability testing guides the task assignment under the schemes in consideration, we also formulate an improved task assignment procedure. As the other main contribution of this article, and as a response to the fact that many unrealistic assumptions, present in the original theory, tend to undermine the theoretical potential of such scheduling schemes, we identified and modelled into the new analysis all overheads incurred by the algorithms in consideration. The outcome is a new overhead-aware schedulability analysis that permits increased efficiency and reliability. The merits of this new theory are evaluated by an extensive set of experiments.
The multiprocessor scheduling scheme NPS-F for sporadic tasks has a high utilisation bound and an overall number of preemptions bounded at design time. NPS-F binpacks tasks offline to as many servers as needed. At runtime, the scheduler ensures that each server is mapped to at most one of the m processors, at any instant. When scheduled, servers use EDF to select which of their tasks to run. Yet, unlike the overall number of preemptions, the migrations per se are not tightly bounded. Moreover, we cannot know a priori which task a server will be currently executing at the instant when it migrates. This uncertainty complicates the estimation of cache-related preemption and migration costs (CPMD), potentially resulting in their overestimation. Therefore, to simplify the CPMD estimation, we propose an amended bin-packing scheme for NPS-F allowing us (i) to identify at design time, which task migrates at which instant and (ii) bound a priori the number of migrating tasks, while preserving the utilisation bound of NPS-F.
Consider scheduling of real-time tasks on a multiprocessor where migration is forbidden. Specifically, consider the problem of determining a task-to-processor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct types of processors. For this problem, we propose a new algorithm, LPC (task assignment based on solving a Linear Program with Cutting planes). The algorithm offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then LPC succeeds in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment as well but on a platform in which each processor is 1.5 × faster and has three additional processors. For systems with a large number of processors, LPC has a better approximation ratio than state-of-the-art algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that develops a provably good real-time task assignment algorithm using cutting planes.
In the last decade, local image features have been widely used in robot visual localization. In order to assess image similarity, a strategy exploiting these features compares raw descriptors extracted from the current image with those in the models of places. This paper addresses the ensuing step in this process, where a combining function must be used to aggregate results and assign each place a score. Casting the problem in the multiple classifier systems framework, in this paper we compare several candidate combiners with respect to their performance in the visual localization task. For this evaluation, we selected the most popular methods in the class of non-trained combiners, namely the sum rule and product rule. A deeper insight into the potential of these combiners is provided through a discriminativity analysis involving the algebraic rules and two extensions of these methods: the threshold, as well as the weighted modifications. In addition, a voting method, previously used in robot visual localization, is assessed. Furthermore, we address the process of constructing a model of the environment by describing how the model granularity impacts upon performance. All combiners are tested on a visual localization task, carried out on a public dataset. It is experimentally demonstrated that the sum rule extensions globally achieve the best performance, confirming the general agreement on the robustness of this rule in other classification problems. The voting method, whilst competitive with the product rule in its standard form, is shown to be outperformed by its modified versions.
Synthetic dyes are xenobiotic compounds that are being increasingly used in several industries, with special emphasis in the paper, textile and leather industries. Over 100,000 commercial dyes exist today and more than 7 × 105 tons of dyestuff is produced annually, of which 1–1.5 × 105 tons is released into the wastewaters (Rai et al in Crit Rev Environ Sci Tecnhol 35:219–238, 2005). Among these, azo dyes, characterized by the presence of one or more azo groups (–N=N–), and anthraquinonic dyes represent the largest and most versatile groups.
Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública - Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.
Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Ramo de Construções
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia