737 resultados para TRIPLET EMITTERS


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Laminated diatom ooze samples collected during ODP Leg 177 were analysed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical microscopy to test their potential as high-resolution records of Polar Front hydrography, surface production, and export. SEM analysis from two intervals, marine isotope stage (MIS) 29 and 12/11, respectively, recovered from 50°S in the Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1093, Hole A, sections 13H-4 0-18 cm and 23H-4 0-22 cm), show abundant and well-preserved Thalassiothrix antarctica mats, thought to be indicative of rapid export from the surface and deposition in the sediment. A preliminary analysis of laminae succession points to a possible annual couplet/triplet succession of laminae, and suggests exceptionally high local sedimentation rates of 57 and 80 cm/kyr for MIS 12/11 and 29, respectively. Such high accumulation rates imply that local export from the surface layer and sequestration of biogenic silica and organic matter to the sediments may have been much higher than previously suggested.


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En los últimos años, los investigadores dedicados al estudio de la enseñanza de la Historia llamaron la atención sobre la influencia de nuevos "artefactos culturales" en el forjamiento de la cultura histórica de los jóvenes. Videojuegos, series de televisión, documentales, películas y sitios web deben empezar a ser tenidos en cuenta, a la hora de evaluar los principales emisores de contenidos históricos. En este caso, nos dedicamos a estudiar a uno de estos "artefactos": los cómics o historietas históricas. Buscaremos, entonces, conocer su derrotero histórico y, a partir de él, analizar el lugar que actualmente tienen en el currículum, teniendo en cuenta sus límites y posibilidades. A partir de un recorrido por las principales historietas históricas que tuvo la Argentina en el siglo XX y principios del XXI, analizaremos su contenido y la propuesta político-pedagógica que se desprende, tanto de sus autores, como de aquellas organizaciones destinadas a difundirlas en la escuela. La conclusión del trabajo es que, a pesar de la novedad que implica la enseñanza de la Historia por medio de herramientas alternativas a los tradicionales manuales, tanto su contenido como los valores difundidos no difieren de aquellos que difundían los viejos textos escolares. En este sentido, las historietas funcionarían como herramientas al servicio de una enseñanza de la Historia escolar cuya función principal es fomentar una conciencia cívica nacionalista


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Geological storage of CO2 that has been captured at large, point source emitters represents a key potential method for reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. However, this technology will only be viable if it can be guaranteed that injected CO2 will remain trapped in the subsurface for thousands of years or more. A signi?cant issue for storage security is the geomechanical response of the reservoir. Concerns have been raised that geomechanical deformation induced by CO2 injection will create or reactivate fracture networks in the sealing caprocks, providing a pathway for CO2 leakage. In this paper, we examine three large-scale sites where CO2 is injected at rates of ab. 1 megatonne/y or more: Sleipner, Weyburn, and In Salah. We compare and contrast the observed geomechanical behavior of each site, with particular focus on the risks to storage security posed by geomechanical deformation. At Sleipner, the large, high-permeability storage aquifer has experienced little pore pressure increase over 15 y of injection, implying little possibility of geomechanical deformation. At Weyburn, 45 y of oil production has depleted pore pressures before increases associated with CO2 injection. The long history of the ?eld has led to complicated, sometimes nonintuitive geomechanical deformation. At In Salah, injection into the water leg of a gas reservoir has increased pore pressures, leading to uplift and substantial microseismic activity. The differences in the geomechanical responses of these sites emphasize the need for systematic geomechanical appraisal before injection in any potential storage site.


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In 2008, the Oceanography Center at the University of Cyprus acquired two underwater gliders in the framework of a nationally-managed infrastructure upgrade program. The gliders were purchased from the Seaglider Fabrication Center at the University of Washington. Both gliders are rated to 1000 m and carry a typical sensor payload: non-pumped conductivity-temperature-depth sensors (CTD), a dissolved oxygen sensor, an optical triplet to measure optical backscatter at 400 nm, 700 nm, and chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Since March of 2009, the gliders have been used in a long-term observing program of the Cypriot EEZ, and by September 2015, have covered more than 15300 km over ground and 3500 dive cycles in 940 glider days. Butterfly patterns have been flown in two configurations, either on the western or eastern side of the EEZ south of Cyprus. The glider endurance lines criss-cross the region in order to more accurately locate and investigate the mesoscale structures south of Cyprus, and in particular the Cyprus eddy which is often the dominant feature. Based on the near real time observations, the glider mission was sometimes altered in order to more fully sample the Cyprus eddy, or to locate its center or extent. A summary of the raw and processed data collected, and the quality control procedures are presented, in order for future users to take advantage of this unique data set.


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We fabricate and characterize novel LEDs based on InGaN/GaN nanocolumns grown on patterned substrates, leading to the periodically ordered growth of emitters directly producing white light


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A high resolution focused beam line has been recently installed on the AIFIRA (“Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Région Aquitaine”) facility at CENBG. This nanobeam line, based on a doublet–triplet configuration of Oxford Microbeam Ltd. OM-50™ quadrupoles, offers the opportunity to focus protons, deuterons and alpha particles in the MeV energy range to a sub-micrometer beam spot. The beam optics design has been studied in detail and optimized using detailed ray-tracing simulations and the full mechanical design of the beam line was reported in the Debrecen ICNMTA conference in 2008. During the last two years, the lenses have been carefully aligned and the target chamber has been fully equipped with particle and X-ray detectors, microscopes and precise positioning stages. The beam line is now operational and has been used for its firstapplications to ion beam analysis. Interestingly, this set-up turned out to be a very versatile tool for a wide range of applications. Indeed, even if it was not intended during the design phase, the ion optics configuration offers the opportunity to work either with a high current microbeam (using the triplet only) or with a lower current beam presenting a sub-micrometer resolution (using the doublet–triplet configuration). The performances of the CENBGnanobeam line are presented for both configurations. Quantitative data concerning the beam lateral resolutions at different beam currents are provided. Finally, the firstresults obtained for different types of application are shown, including nuclear reaction analysis at the micrometer scale and the firstresults on biological samples


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En los últimos años la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, ayudando a la consecución de dos objetivos claves para que esta opción energética se convierta en una alternativa viable: reducción de costes de fabricación y aumento de eficiencia de dispositivo. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas, las basadas en silicio cristalino (c-Si) siguen siendo las dominantes en el mercado, y en la actualidad los esfuerzos científicos en este campo se encaminan fundamentalmente a conseguir células de mayor eficiencia a un menor coste encontrándose, como se comentaba anteriormente, que gran parte de las soluciones pueden venir de la mano de una mayor utilización de tecnología láser en la fabricación de los mismos. En este contexto, esta Tesis hace un estudio completo y desarrolla, hasta su aplicación en dispositivo final, tres procesos láser específicos para la optimización de dispositivos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia basados en silicio. Dichos procesos tienen como finalidad la mejora de los contactos frontal y posterior de células fotovoltaicas basadas en c-Si con vistas a mejorar su eficiencia eléctrica y reducir el coste de producción de las mismas. En concreto, para el contacto frontal se han desarrollado soluciones innovadoras basadas en el empleo de tecnología láser en la metalización y en la fabricación de emisores selectivos puntuales basados en técnicas de dopado con láser, mientras que para el contacto posterior se ha trabajado en el desarrollo de procesos de contacto puntual con láser para la mejora de la pasivación del dispositivo. La consecución de dichos objetivos ha llevado aparejado el alcanzar una serie de hitos que se resumen continuación: - Entender el impacto de la interacción del láser con los distintos materiales empleados en el dispositivo y su influencia sobre las prestaciones del mismo, identificando los efectos dañinos e intentar mitigarlos en lo posible. - Desarrollar procesos láser que sean compatibles con los dispositivos que admiten poca afectación térmica en el proceso de fabricación (procesos a baja temperatura), como los dispositivos de heterounión. - Desarrollar de forma concreta procesos, completamente parametrizados, de definición de dopado selectivo con láser, contactos puntuales con láser y metalización mediante técnicas de transferencia de material inducida por láser. - Definir tales procesos de forma que reduzcan la complejidad de la fabricación del dispositivo y que sean de fácil integración en una línea de producción. - Mejorar las técnicas de caracterización empleadas para verificar la calidad de los procesos, para lo que ha sido necesario adaptar específicamente técnicas de caracterización de considerable complejidad. - Demostrar su viabilidad en dispositivo final. Como se detalla en el trabajo, la consecución de estos hitos en el marco de desarrollo de esta Tesis ha permitido contribuir a la fabricación de los primeros dispositivos fotovoltaicos en España que incorporan estos conceptos avanzados y, en el caso de la tecnología de dopado con láser, ha permitido hacer avances completamente novedosos a nivel mundial. Asimismo los conceptos propuestos de metalización con láser abren vías, completamente originales, para la mejora de los dispositivos considerados. Por último decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboración muy estrecha entre el Centro Láser de la UPM, en el que la autora desarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Investigación en Micro y Nanotecnologías de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, encargado de la preparación y puesta a punto de las muestras y del desarrollo de algunos procesos láser para comparación. También cabe destacar la contribución de del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, en la preparación de experimentos específicos de gran importancia en el desarrollo del trabajo. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos, tales como el proyecto singular estratégico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-iv 120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” y el MICINN, y el proyecto del Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), cuya financiación ha permitido en gran parte llevar a término este trabajo. v ABSTRACT. Last years lasers have become a fundamental tool in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, helping this technology to achieve two major goals: cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Among the present PV technologies, crystalline silicon (c-Si) maintains a clear market supremacy and, in this particular field, the technological efforts are focussing into the improvement of the device efficiency using different approaches (reducing for instance the electrical or optical losses in the device) and the cost reduction in the device fabrication (using less silicon in the final device or implementing more cost effective production steps). In both approaches lasers appear ideally suited tools to achieve the desired success. In this context, this work makes a comprehensive study and develops, until their implementation in a final device, three specific laser processes designed for the optimization of high efficiency PV devices based in c-Si. Those processes are intended to improve the front and back contact of the considered solar cells in order to reduce the production costs and to improve the device efficiency. In particular, to improve the front contact, this work has developed innovative solutions using lasers as fundamental processing tools to metalize, using laser induced forward transfer techniques, and to create local selective emitters by means of laser doping techniques. On the other side, and for the back contact, and approached based in the optimization of standard laser fired contact formation has been envisaged. To achieve these fundamental goals, a number of milestones have been reached in the development of this work, namely: - To understand the basics of the laser-matter interaction physics in the considered processes, in order to preserve the functionality of the irradiated materials. - To develop laser processes fully compatible with low temperature device concepts (as it is the case of heterojunction solar cells). - In particular, to parameterize completely processes of laser doping, laser fired contacts and metallization via laser transfer of material. - To define such a processes in such a way that their final industrial implementation could be a real option. - To improve widely used characterization techniques in order to be applied to the study of these particular processes. - To probe their viability in a final PV device. Finally, the achievement of these milestones has brought as a consequence the fabrication of the first devices in Spain incorporating these concepts. In particular, the developments achieved in laser doping, are relevant not only for the Spanish science but in a general international context, with the introduction of really innovative concepts as local selective emitters. Finally, the advances reached in the laser metallization approached presented in this work open the door to future developments, fully innovative, in the field of PV industrial metallization techniques. This work was made possible by a very close collaboration between the Laser Center of the UPM, in which the author develops his work, and the Research Group of Micro y Nanotecnology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in charge of the preparation and development of samples and the assessment of some laser processes for comparison. As well is important to remark the collaboration of the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, in the preparation of specific experiments of great importance in the development of the work. These collaborations have been developed within the framework of various projects such as the PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), the project INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and the MICINN, and the project AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02), whose funding has largely allowed to complete this work.


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Modernization of irrigation schemes, generally understood as transformation of surface irrigation systems into pressure –sprinkler and trickle- irrigation systems, aims at, among others, improving irrigation efficiency and reduction of operation and maintenance efforts made by the irrigators. However, pressure irrigation systems, in contrast, carry a serious energy cost. Energy requirements depend on decisions taken on management strategies during the operation phase, which are conditioned by previous decisions taken on the design project of the different elements which compose the irrigation system. Most of the countries where irrigation activity is significant bear in mind that modernization irrigation must play a key role in the agricultural infrastructure policies. The objective of this study is to characterize and estimate the mean and variation of the energy consumed by common types of irrigation systems and their management possibilities. The work includes all processes involved from the diversion of water into irrigation specific infrastructure to water discharge by the emitters installed on the crop fields. Simulation taking into account all elements comprising the irrigation system has been used to estimate the energy requirements of typical irrigation systems of several crop production systems. It has been applied to extensive and intensive crop systems, such us extensive winter crops, summer crops and olive trees, fruit trees and vineyards and intensive horticulture in greenhouses. The simulation of various types of irrigation systems and management strategies, in the framework imposed by particular cropping systems, would help to develop criteria for improving the energy balance in relation to the irrigation water supply productivity.


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A theoretical model for the steady-state response of anodic contactors that emit a plasma current Ii and collect electrons from a collisionless, unmagnetized plasma is presented. The use of a (kinetic) monoenergetic population for the attracted species, well known in passive probe theory, gives both accuracy and tractability to the theory. The monoenergetic population is proved to behave like an isentropic fluid with radial plus centripetal motion, allowing direct comparisons with ad hoc fluid models. Also, a modification of the original monoenergetic equations permits analysis of contactors operating in orbit-limited conditions. Besides that, the theory predicts that, only for plasma emissions above certain threshold current a presheath/double layer/core structure for the potential is formed (the core mode), while for emissions below that threshold, a plasma contactor behaves exactly as a positive-ion emitter with a presheath/sheath structure (the no-core mode). Ion emitters are studied as a particular case. Emphasis is placed on obtaining dimensionless charts and approximate asymptotic laws of the current-voltage characteristic.


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n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used.


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An analytical expression is derived for the electron thermionic current from heated metals by using a non equilibrium, modified Kappa energy distribution for electrons. This isotropic distribution characterizes the long high energy tails in the electron energy spectrum for low values of the index ? and also accounts for the Fermi energy for the metal electrons. The limit for large ? recovers the classical equilibrium Fermi-Dirac distribution. The predicted electron thermionic current for low ? increases between four and five orders of magnitude with respect to the predictions of the equilibrium Richardson-Dushmann current. The observed departures from this classical expression, also recovered for large ?, would correspond to moderate values of this index. The strong increments predicted by the thermionic emission currents suggest that, under appropriate conditions, materials with non equilibrium electron populations would become more efficient electron emitters at low temperatures.


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The interest in LED lighting has been growing recently due to the high efficacy, lifelime and ruggedness that this technology offers. However the key element to guarantee those parameters with these new electronic devices is to keep under control the working temperature of the semiconductor crystal. This paper propases a LED lamp design that fulfils the requ irements of a PV lighting systems, whose main quality criteria is reliability. It uses directly as a power supply a non·stabilized constant voltage source, as batteries. An electronic control architecture is used to regulate the current applied to the LEO matri)( according to their temperature and the voltage output value of the batteries with two pulse modulation signals (PWM) signals. The first one connects and disconnects the LEOs to the power supply and the second one connects and disconnects several emitters to the electric circuit changing its overall impedance. A prototype of the LEO lamp has been implemented and tested at different temperaturas and battery voltages.


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We present a practical implementation of a solar thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system. The system presented in this paper comprises a sunlight concentrator system, a cylindrical cup-shaped absorber/emitter (made of tungsten coated with HfO2), and an hexagonal-shaped water-cooled TPV generator comprising 24 germanium TPV cells, which is surrounding the cylindrical absorber/emitter. This paper focuses on the development of shingled TPV cell arrays, the characterization of the sunlight concentrator system, the estimation of the temperature achieved by the cylindrical emitters operated under concentrated sunlight, and the evaluation of the full system performance under real outdoor irradiance conditions. From the system characterization, we have measured short-circuit current densities up to 0.95 A/cm2, electric power densities of 67 mW/cm2, and a global conversion efficiency of about 0.8%. To our knowledge, this is the first overall solar-to-electricity efficiency reported for a complete solar thermophotovoltaic system. The very low efficiency is mainly due to the overheating of the cells (up to 120 °C) and to the high optical concentrator losses, which prevent the achievement of the optimum emitter temperature. The loss analysis shows that by improving both aspects, efficiencies above 5% could be achievable in the very short term and efficiencies above 10% could be achieved with further improvements.


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This paper presents the theoretical analysis of a storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) system operating in steady state. These systems combine thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology and high temperature thermal storage phase-change materials (PCM) in the same unit, providing a great potential in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and storage energy density. The main attraction in the proposed system is its simplicity and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. This is mainly due to the absence of moving parts. In this paper we analyze the use of Silicon as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon is an excellent candidate because of its high melting point (1680 K) and its very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg, which is about ten times greater than the conventional PCMs like molten salts. For a simple system configuration, we have demonstrated that overall conversion efficiencies up to ?35% are approachable. Although higher efficiencies are expected by incorporating more advanced devices like multijunction TPV cells, narrow band selective emitters or adopting near-field TPV configurations as well as by enhancing the convective/conductive heat transfer within the PCM. In this paper, we also discuss about the optimum system configurations and provide the general guidelines for designing these systems. Preliminary estimates of night time operations indicate it is possible to achieve over 10 h of operation with a relatively small quantity of Silicon.


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We discuss two different approaches to overcome the power limitations of CW THz generation imposed to conventional photomixers. The increase in power achievable by using arrays of AEs is studied. Then ?large area emitters? are proposed as an alternate approach to overcome the power limitations. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in particularly favorable radiation profiles.