978 resultados para Système de sécrétion de type III
Tyypin 1 diabeteksen perinnöllinen alttius Suomessa - HLA-alueen ulkopuolisten alttiuslokusten IDDM2 ja IDDM9 rooli taudin periytymisessä HLA-alue, joka sijaitsee kromosomissa 6p21.3, vastaa noin puolesta perinnöllisestä alttiudesta sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Myös HLA-alueen ulkopuolisten lokusten on todettu liittyvän sairausalttiuteen. Näistä kolmen lokuksen on varmistettu olevan todellisia alttiuslokuksia ja lisäksi useiden muiden, vielä varmistamattomien lokusten, on todettu liittyvän sairausalttiuteen. Tässä tutkimuksessa 12:n HLA-alueen ulkopuolisen alttiuslokuksen kytkentä tyypin 1 diabetekseen tutkittiin käyttäen 107:aa suomalaista multiplex-perhettä. Jatkotutkimuksessa analysoitiin IDDM9-alueen kytkentä ja assosiaatio sairauteen laajennetuissa perhemateriaaleissa sekä IDDM2-alueen mahdollinen interaktio HLA-alueen kanssa sairauden muodostumisessa. Lisäksi suoritettiin IDDM2-alueen suojaavien haplotyyppien alatyypitys tarkoituksena tutkia eri haplotyyppien käyttökelpoisuutta sairastumisriskin tarkempaa ennustamista varten. Ensimmäisessä kytkentätutkimuksessa ei löytynyt koko genomin tasolla merkitsevää tai viitteellistä kytkentää tutkituista HLA-alueen ulkopuolisista lokuksista. Voimakkain havaittu nimellisen merkitsevyyden tavoittava kytkentä nähtiin IDDM9-alueen markkerilla D3S3576 (MLS=1.05). Tutkimuksessa ei kyetty varmistamaan tai sulkemaan pois aiempia kytkentähavaintoja tutkituilla lokuksilla, mutta IDDM9-alueen jatkotutkimuksessa havaittu voimakas kytkentä (MLS=3.4) ja merkitsevä assosiaatio (TDT p=0.0002) viittaa vahvasti siihen, että 3q21-alueella sijaitsee todellinen tyypin 1 diabeteksen alttiusgeeni, jolloin alueen kattava assosiaatiotutkimus olisi perusteltu jatkotoimenpide. Sairauteen altistava IDDM2-alueen MspI-2221 genotyyppi CC oli nimellisesti yleisempi matalan tai kohtalaisen HLA-sairastumisriskin diabeetikoilla, verrattuna korkean HLA-riskin potilaisiin (p=0.05). Myös genotyyppijakauman vertailu osoitti merkitsevää eroa ryhmien välillä (p=0.01). VNTR-haplotyyppitutkimus osoitti, että IIIA/IIIA-homotsygootin sairaudelta suojaava vaikutus on merkitsevästi voimakkaampi kuin muiden luokka III:n genotyypeillä. Nämä tulokset viittaavat IDDM2-HLA -vuorovaikutukseen sekä siihen että IDDM2-alueen haplotyyppien välillä esiintyy etiologista heterogeniaa. Tämän johdosta IDDM2-alueen haplotyyppien tarkempi määrittäminen voisi tehostaa tyypin 1 diabeteksen riskiarviointia.
Glutaric aciduria type-I (GA-I) and methylmalonic aciduria (MMA-uria) are two neurometabolic diseases manifesting in neonatal period and early childhood. They belong to the group of organic acidurias and are caused by defects in the catabolism of amino acids, leading to massive accumulation of toxic metabolites in the body and severe brain injury. Therapeutic strategies are mainly based on reversing catabolic state during metabolic crisis and dietary protein restriction that both aim to prevent extra production of toxic metabolites. Specific and neuroprotective treatments are missing because the mechanisms of brain damage in these diseases are only poorly understood. The principal objective of my work was to develop in vitro models for both diseases aiming at elucidation of toxic effects of the main metabolites accumulating in GA-I (glutaric acid (GA) and 3-hydroxy glutaric acid (3-OHGA)) and MMA-uria (methylmalonic acid (MMA), propionic acid (PA) and 2-methylcitric acid (2-MCA)) on developing brain cells, and to study the cellular pathways targeted by these deleterious effects in order to find new therapeutic potentials. We used re-aggregated embryonic rat brain cells in organotypic 3D cultures, which were exposed to toxic metabolites at different developing stages of the cultures. In parallel, we studied the cellular localization of the defected enzyme in GA-I, glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH), in the brain and peripheral tissues of rats in adulthood and during embryonic development. GCDH expression: GCDH showed a strong neuronal expression in embryonic central and peripheral nervous system. In the adult brain, GCDH expression was exclusively neuronal with the strongest signal in cerebral cortex and Purkinje cells. GCDH expression was homogenous in embryonic peripheral organs with high levels in intestinal mucosa at late stages. Strong GCDH expression was also observed in liver and intestinal mucosa and with lower intensity in muscles, convoluted renal tubules and renal collecting tubes in adult peripheral organs. GA-I and MMA-uria in vitro models: 3-OHGA (for GA-I) and 2-MCA (for MMA-uria) showed the most deleterious effects at early stages of the cultures with morphological and biochemical alterations and induction of cell death. 3-OHGA and 2-MCA caused astrocytic cell suffering reflected by astrocytic fiber loss and swelling and retardation in oligodendrocytic maturation and/or differentiation. High ammonium increase concomitant with glutamine decrease was observed in these cultures. Neurons were not substantially affected. Our studies revealed that brain-cell generated ammonia may play a role in the neuropathogenesis of these diseases. Thus, developing neuroprotective strategies that target ammonium toxicity in the brain of GA-I and MMA-uria patients might be important according to our findings. -- L'acidurie glutarique de type I (GA-I) et l'acidurie méthylmalonique (MMA-urie) sont deux maladies neurométaboliques se manifestant durant la période néonatale ou la petite enfance, et qui appartiennent aux aciduries organiques. Elles sont causées par des défauts dans le catabolisme des acides aminés, conduisant à une accumulation des métabolites toxiques dans le corps et aussi des lésions cérébrales sévères. Le traitement est limité à une prise en charge d'urgence pendant la crise métabolique et à une diète restreinte en protéines naturelles. Des traitements spécifiques, neuroprotecteurs manquent principalement parce que les mécanismes conduisant aux lésions cérébrales dans ces maladies sont peu connus. L'objectif principal de mon travail était d'élucider les effets toxiques des métabolites accumulés dans GA-I (l'acide glutarique (GA) et l'acide 3-hydroxyglutarique (3-OHGA)) et MMA-uria (l'acide méthylmalonique (MMA), l'acide propionique (PA) et l'acide 2-méthylcitrique(2-MCA) sur les cellules du cerveau ainsi que les voies cellulaires impliquées, dans le but de trouver de potentielles nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Nous avons utilisé un modèle in vitro de cultures 3D de cellules de cerveau d'embryons de rat (en développement) en les exposant aux métabolites toxiques à différents stades de développement des cultures. En parallèle, nous avons étudié la localisation cellulaire de l'enzyme déficiente dans GA-I, la CoA-glutarly déshydrogénase (GCDH), dans le cerveau et les organes périphériques des rats adultes et pendant le développement embryonnaire. L'expression de GCDH: GCDH a montré une expression neuronale forte dans le système nerveux chez l'embryon et le cerveau adulte. L'expression était homogène dans les organes périphériques avec une forte expression dans l'intestin. Les modèles in vitro de GA-I et MMA-uria : 3-OHGA en modèle GA-I et 2-MCA en modèle MMA-uria ont montré les effets délétères les plus importants avec des altérations morphologiques des cellules et biochimiques dans le milieu de culture et l'induction de mort cellulaire non-apoptotique (3-OHGA) ou apoptotique (2-MCA). 3-OHGA et 2-MCA ont provoqué une souffrance astrocytaire avec perte des fibres et gonflement et un retard de maturation et/ou de différentiation des oligodendrocytes. Une augmentation importante d'ammonium avec une diminution concomitante de glutamine a été observée dans les cultures. Les neurones n'étaient pas vraiment affectés. Nos études ont révélé que l'ammonium généré par les cellules cérébrales pourrait jouer un rôle dans la neuropathogenèse de ces deux maladies. Par conséquent, développer des stratégies neuroprotectrices ciblant la toxicité de l'ammonium dans le cerveau des patients atteints de GA-I ou MMA-urie pourrait être très important selon nos résultats.
2nd ESMO Consensus Conference in Lung Cancer: locally advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer.
To complement the existing treatment guidelines for all tumour types, ESMO organises consensus conferences to focus on specific issues in each type of tumour. The 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer was held on 11-12 May 2013 in Lugano. A total of 35 experts met to address several questions on non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in each of four areas: pathology and molecular biomarkers, first-line/second and further lines of treatment in advanced disease, early-stage disease and locally advanced disease. For each question, recommendations were made including reference to the grade of recommendation and level of evidence. This consensus paper focuses on locally advanced disease.
Objective: To compare lower incisor dentoalveolar compensation and mandible symphysis morphology among Class I and Class III malocclusion patients with different facial vertical skeletal patterns. Materials and Methods: Lower incisor extrusion and inclination, as well as buccal (LA) and lingual (LP) cortex depth, and mandibular symphysis height (LH) were measured in 107 lateral cephalometric x-rays of adult patients without prior orthodontic treatment. In addition, malocclusion type (Class I or III) and facial vertical skeletal pattern were considered. Through a principal component analysis (PCA) related variables were reduced. Simple regression equation and multivariate analyses of variance were also used. Results: Incisor mandibular plane angle (P < .001) and extrusion (P = .03) values showed significant differences between the sagittal malocclusion groups. Variations in the mandibular plane have a negative correlation with LA (Class I P = .03 and Class III P = .01) and a positive correlation with LH (Class I P = .01 and Class III P = .02) in both groups. Within the Class III group, there was a negative correlation between the mandibular plane and LP (P = .02). PCA showed that the tendency toward a long face causes the symphysis to elongate and narrow. In Class III, alveolar narrowing is also found in normal faces. Conclusions: Vertical facial pattern is a significant factor in mandibular symphysis alveolar morphology and lower incisor positioning, both for Class I and Class III patients. Short-faced Class III patients have a widened alveolar bone. However, for long-faced and normal-faced Class III, natural compensation elongates the symphysis and influences lower incisor position.
Multicellular organisms rely on specialized tissues that allow for the controlled exchange of matter with their surrounding. In order to function properly, these tissues need to establish a tight connection between the individual cells to prevent uncontrolled passive diffusion across the extracellular space. In animals, these connections are called tight and adherens junctions and are a critical feature of epithelia. These connections, however, rely on direct protein-protein interaction of plasma membrane proteins of adjacent cells. Such a mechanism is not possible in plants due to the cell wall, which encases the individual cells. In order to absorb nutrients, while simultaneously preventing uncontrolled diffusion between cells, land plants have evolved the root endodermis, which is functionally equivalent to animal epithelia. Its cells are surrounded by a precisely localized and aligned, ring-like lignin deposition, called the Casparian strip, and therefore tightly connected between each other. Very little was known about the development of the endodermis and the Casparian strip until recently. In the meantime, however, we have identified a family of endodermis- specific proteins, the CASPs, which recruits extracellular proteins the specific Casparian strip membrane domain (CSD) to locally synthesize lignin in the cell wall. Yet, we hardly knew any specifics on how the CSD is initially defined and how the critically important CASPs are being recruited to it. We therefore conducted a forward genetic screen on the localization of CASPI-GFP in order to identify novel mutants, which lack a defined CSD. We identified 48 mutants, which fell into 15 different complementation groups. While some of the isolated genes had previously been identified through different approaches, nine novel genes, which had never been implicated in CSD development and maintenance, were identified. One of them, LORD OF THE RINGS 2 (.LOTR2) is described to greater detail in this work. LOTR2 encodes for EX070A1, a protein of the evolutionary conserved exocyst complex. This complex has frequently been implicated in various secretory processes across kingdoms. In Arabidopsis, it transiently defines the positioning of CASPI-GFP. We have performed a detailed analysis of the dynamics of EX070A1 and CASPI-GFP, including studies with other markers and propose a mechanism, by which the cytosolic EX070A1 transiently defines a plasma membrane domain to recruit transmembrane proteins, which then recruit extracellular enzymes for localized cell wall modification. Considering the ubiquitous expression of EX070A1, we think that this mechanism is potentially of importance not only for the endodermis and the Casparian strip but also for many other tissues, in which the cell wall becomes locally modified. In fact, many other tissues with secondary cell wall modifications contain proteins very similar to the CASPs. It will be interesting to see to which degree this mechanism is employed in other tissues. As for the endodermis, we have now identified the first gene, which is not specific to the endodermis but shows endodermis-specific dynamics. This might give us a better insight on how the plant modulates this ubiquitously present factor in a cell- or tissue-type specific manner. Considering the knowledge, mutants and tools, which are available to us for investigating the endodermis, the Casparian strip, the exocyst complex and EX070A1 might be just the right experimental system to address these questions. -- Les organismes multicellulaires dépendent des tissues spécialisé pour l'échange contrôlé entre eux et leur environnement. Pour leur bon fonctionnement, les cellules de ces tissus ont besoin d'être très étroitement assemblés afin de prévenir la diffusion non-contrôlée à travers l'espace extracellulaire. Chez les animaux, ces connexions sont appelées jonctions serrées et jonctions adhérentes. Ces jonctions dépendent des interactions directes entre les protéines des cellules voisines. Ceci n'est pas possible chez les plantes à cause de la paroi cellulaire qui recouvre chaque cellule individuellement. Pour absorber les nutriments et en même temps empêcher la diffusion non-contrôlé entre cellules, les plantes ont évolué 1'endoderme dans la racine, qui est fonctionnellement équivalent aux épithéliums des animaux. Les cellules de l'endoderme sont ceinturées par une déposition de lignine très précisément localisées comme un anneau et alignées entre les cellules, et qui, donc, connecte étroitement les cellules avoisinante: Le cadre de Caspary. Peu était connu sur le développement de l'endoderme et le cadre de Caspaiy jusqu'à il y a quelques années. Récemment, pourtant, nous avons identifié une famille de protéines spécifiques à l'endoderme, les CASPs, qui définissent le domaine membranaire du cadre de Caspaiy (CSD). Les CASPs recrutent les protéines extracellulaires nécessaire à la synthèse du cadre de Caspary vers une région limité dans la paroi cellulaire. Pourtant, on connaît très peu les processus spécifiques concernant la définition initiale du CSD et comment les CASPs, qui ont une importance cruciale, sont recrutées vers ce domaine. Par conséquent nous avons mené un crible génétique sur la localisation du CASPI- GFP, qui sert comme marqueur pour le CSD. Notre but étant d'isoler de nouveaux mutants affectés dans l'établissement du CSD. Nous avons identifié 48 mutants, en 15 groupes de complémentation. Bien que certains des gènes isolés étaient déjà impliqué dans la formation du cadre de Caspary, neuf nouveaux gènes n'ayant jamais été impliqués dans le développement ou la maintenance du CSD ont pu être identifiés. Un de ces gènes, LORD OF THE RINGS2 (LOTR2) sera décrit plus en détail dans cette étude. LOTR2 code pour EX070A1, qui est une protéine, du complexe exocyste. Ce complexe de protéines a très bien été conservé au cours de l'évolution. Il était souvent impliqué dans plusieurs processus de sécrétion dans toutes les branches de la vie. Chez Arabidopsis, EX070A1 définit la position du CSD d'une façon transitoire et recrute CASP1- GFP. Nous avons mené une analyse détaillée des dynamiques d'EX070Al et CASPI-GFP ainsi que, des études avec des autres mutants. Nous proposons un mécanisme, d'après lequel EX070A1, recruté du cytosol, définit un domaine dans la membrane plasmique pour localiser des protéines transmembranaires, ces dernières ensuite recruteront des enzymes extracellulaires pour la modification locale de la paroi cellulaire. Vu qu'EX070A1 est exprimé dans toute dans la plante, nous pensons que ce mécanisme est potentiellement important non seulement pour l'endoderme et le cadre de Caspary, mais aussi pour les autres tissus où la paroi cellulaire doit être localement modifiée. En effet, plusieurs autres tissus contiennent des protéines très similaires aux CASPs. Il serait intéressant de voir à quelle dégrée ce mécanisme est également utilisé dans ces tissues. En ce qui concerne l'endoderme, nous avons maintenant identifié le premier gène qui n'est pas exprimé spécifiquement dans l'endoderme, mais qui montre tout de même une dynamique caractéristique dans ce tissu. Il serait intéressant de voir comment la plante peut moduler ce facteur omniprésent d'une façon spécifique. Vu les connaissances, les mutants et les outils qu'on a maintenant à notre disposition, l'endoderme et son cadre de Caspary, le complexe exocyste et EX070A1 sont probablement des bons systèmes expérimentaux pour étudier ces questions. -- Identification des nouveaux facteurs pendant l'établissement du cadre de Caspary dans l'endoderme. Lothar Kalmbach, Département de Biologie Moléculaire Végétale (DBMV), Université de Lausanne. Comme tous les autres organismes multicellulaires, les plantes terrestres dépendent de tissus spécialisés pour l'échange contrôlé avec leur environnement. Ces tissus sont importants pour l'absorption des nutriments mais également pour éviter l'influx de composés toxiques. Chez les plantes, ce tissu se trouve dans la racine. C'est l'endoderme. Grâce au cadre de Caspary, qui permet une forte connexion entre les cellules au niveau de leur paroi, l'endoderme empêche les éléments toxiques d'entrer dans le système vasculaire. Depuis quelques années, nous comprenons de plus en plus la nature et la biosynthèse, ainsi que les protéines impliquées dans l'ancrage des enzymes à la membrane plasmique. Nous n'avons eu, par contre, aucune idée sur le mécanisme qui d'abord définit cet endroit dans la membrane plasmique. Nous avons mené un crible génétique sur la localisation de CASPI-GFP, une protéine, qui recrute les enzymes extracellulaires pour la synthèse du cadre de Caspary. Nous avons identifié plusieurs nouveaux gènes qui sont impliqués dans l'intégrité du cadre de Caspary. L'un de ces gènes est EX070A1, qui est un facteur ayant un rôle important lors de la sécrétion des protéines dans tous les organismes eukaryotes. Ces mutants sont gravement affectés au niveau du cadre de Caspary, mais surtout ils ne sont plus capables de localiser CASPI-GFP. Nous avons suivi la dynamique d'EX070Al et de CASP1-GFP en combinaison avec d'autres marqueurs. Nous avons pu montrer que l'accumulation d'EX070Al est spécifique pour l'endoderme et essentielle pour bien localiser CASPI-GFP et donc, le cadre de Caspary. Ces résultats nous aident à mieux comprendre le développement de l'endoderme mais peuvent potentiellement aussi être utilisés pour étudier les modifications de la paroi cellulaire dans d'autres cellules de la plante.
Odontoid fractures are the most common cervical fractures in the adult population. They represent 9 to 18 % of all cervical fractures and the type II is the most common. The incidence of neurologic deficits (ND) in odontoid fractures varies between 3 to 25%. A recent study showed that patients with ND had a mortality rate increased by 4.72 times and a complication rate higher of 1.18 times. The most common complication in patients with ND was respiratory distress8. Surprisingly, although type II odontoid fractures are frequent cervical fractures, their natural history has been poorly described. Surgery for odontoid fractures is well described. However, there are so far guidelines based on class II and class III evidence only regarding indications for surgery and regarding surgical techniques. The class II guidelines recommend to consider surgical stabilization and fusion for type II odontoid in patients over 50 years of age. The class III recommendations are to first manage non-displaced odontoid type II fracture with external immobilization and that translation of 5mm or more is associated with a high rate of non- union with the conservative treatment and should be treated surgically.
This thesis includes several thermal hydraulic analyses related to the Loviisa WER 440 nuclear power plant units. The work consists of experimental studies, analysis of the experiments, analysis of some plant transits and development of a calculational model for calculation of boric acid concentrations in the reactor. In the first part of the thesis, in the case of won of boric acid solution behaviour during long term cooling period of LOCAs, experiments were performed in scaled down test facilities. The experimental data together with the results of RELAPS/MOD3 simulations were used to develop a model for calculations of boric acid concentrations in the reactor during LOCAs. The results of calculations showed that margins to critical concentrations that would lead to boric acid crystallization were large, both in the reactor core and in the lower plenum. This was mainly caused by the fact that water in the primary cooling circuit includes borax (Na)BsO,.IOHZO), which enters the reactor when ECC water is taken from the sump and greatly increases boric acid solubility in water. In the second part, in the case of simulation of horizontal steam generators, experiments were performed with PACTEL integral test loop to simulate loss of feedwater transients. The PACTEL experiments, as well as earlier REWET III natural circulation tests, were analyzed with RELAPS/MOD3 Version Sm5 code. The analysis showed that the code was capable of simulating the main events during the experiments. However, in the case of loss of secondary side feedwater the code was not completely capable to simulate steam superheating in the secondary side of the steam generators. The third part of the work consists of simulations of Loviisa VVER reactor pump trip transients with RELAPSlMODI Eur, RELAPS/MOD3 and CATHARE codes. All three codes were capable to simulate the two selected pump trip transients and no significant differences were found between the results of different codes. Comparison of the calculated results with the data measured in the Loviisa plant also showed good agreement.
Extracellular matrix (ECM) components such as fibrillar collagens play a fundamental role in wound repair and have also been studied in association with the gastric ulcer healing process in gastroenterology. Nevertheless, there have been no studies in the literature to date regarding the description and characterization of ECM components, neither in normal nor in injured gastric tissue of primate species. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression of gastric collagen types I, III, and IV in marmosets (Callithrix sp.). Histological specimens from the stomach of 6 Callithrix jacchus, 12 C. kuhli, and 12 C. geoffroyi were evaluated. The specimens were immunostained with anti-types I and III collagen polyclonal antibodies and anti-type IV collagen monoclonal antibody. Collagen types I and III were detected in the submucosa and lamina propria between the mucosal glands while collagen type IV was detected in the muscularis mucosae, muscular layers, blood vessels, and gastric mucosa between the mucosal glands. It is hoped that these findings can contribute to future studies on the gastric extracellular matrix components in primates and to comparative studies in the area of gastroenterology.
The genetic characterization of dengue virus type 3 (DEN-3) strains isolated from autochthonous cases in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2001 is presented. Restriction site-specific (RSS)-PCR performed on 22 strains classified the Brazilian DEN-3 viruses as subtype C, a subtype that contains viruses from Sri Lanka, India, Africa and recent isolates from Central America. Nucleic acid sequencing (positions 278 to 2550) of one DEN-3 strain confirmed the origin of these strains, since genotype III - classified by sequencing - and RSS-PCR subtype C are correlated. This genetic subtype has been associated with hemorrhagic dengue epidemics and the information provided here could be useful to implement appropriate prevention and control measures.
We investigated kidney and lung alterations caused by intercellular adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1) blockade after ischemia and reperfusion of hind limb skeletal muscles. Rats were submitted to ligature of the infrarenal aorta for 6 h. The animals were randomized into three groups of 6 rats each: group I, sacrificed after ischemia; group II, reperfusion for 24 h, and group III, reperfusion for 24 h after receiving monoclonal anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected for creatinine, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, potassium, pH and leukocyte counts. Samples were taken from the muscles of the hind limbs and from the kidneys and lungs for histological analysis and measurement of the neutrophil infiltrate by myeloperoxidase staining. The groups did not differ significantly with regard to the laboratory tests. There were no major histological alterations in the kidneys. An intense neutrophil infiltrate in the lungs, similar in all groups, was detected. Myeloperoxidase determination showed that after reperfusion there was significantly less retention of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the muscles (352 ± 70 vs 1451 ± 235 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) and in the kidneys (526 ± 89 vs 852 ± 73 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) of the animals that received anti-ICAM-1 before perfusion compared to the group that did not. The use of anti-ICAM-1 antibodies in this experimental model minimized neutrophil influx, thus reducing the inflammatory process, in the muscles and kidneys after ischemia and reperfusion of the hind limbs.
The maternal history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) has been reported more frequently in patients with type 2 DM than paternal history. The aim of the present study was to determine if there was an association between maternal history of DM and the presence of chronic complications or metabolic syndrome (MetS) in patients with type 2 DM. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1455 patients with type 2 DM. All outpatients with type 2 diabetes attending the endocrine clinics who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were included. Familial history of DM was determined with a questionnaire. Diabetic complications were assessed using standard procedures. The definition of MetS used was that of the World Health Organization and the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III report criteria. Maternal history of DM was present in 469 (32.3%), absent in 713 (49.1%) and unknown in 273 patients (18.7%). Paternal history of DM was positive in 255 (17.6%), negative in 927 (63.8%) and unknown in 235 patients (16.1%). The frequency of microvascular chronic complications in patients with and without a positive maternal history of DM was similar: diabetic nephropathy (51.5 vs 52.5%), diabetic retinopathy (46.0 vs 41.7%), and diabetic sensory neuropathy (31.0 vs 37.1%). The prevalence of macrovascular chronic complications and MetS was also similar. Patients with type 2 DM were more likely to have a maternal than a paternal history of DM, although maternal history of DM was not associated with an increased prevalence of chronic complications or MetS.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its individual components on the renal function of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). A cross-sectional study was performed in 842 type 2 DM patients. A clinical and laboratory evaluation, including estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) calculated by the modification of diet in renal disease formula, was performed. MetS was defined according to National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Mean patient age was 57.9 ± 10.1 years and 313 (37.2%) patients were males. MetS was detected in 662 (78.6%) patients. A progressive reduction in eGFR was observed as the number of individual MetS components increased (one: 98.2 ± 30.8; two: 92.9 ± 28.1; three: 84.0 ± 25.1; four: 83.8 ± 28.5, and five: 79.0 ± 23.0; P < 0.001). MetS increased the risk for low eGFR (<60 mL·min-1·1.73 (m²)-1) 2.82-fold (95%CI = 1.55-5.12, P < 0.001). Hypertension (OR = 2.2, 95%CI = 1.39-3.49, P = 0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (OR = 1.62, 95%CI = 1.19-2.20, P = 0.002) were the individual components with the strongest associations with low eGFR. In conclusion, there is an association between MetS and the reduction of eGFR in patients with type 2 DM, with hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia being the most important contributors in this sample. Interventional studies should be conducted to determine if treatment of MetS can prevent renal failure in type 2 DM patients.
University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Investigation, Heart Center, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Seinäjoki Central Hospital, Seinäjoki, Finland Heart Center, Satakunta Central Hospital, Pori, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2015 Antithrombotic therapy during and after coronary procedures always entails the challenging establishment of a balance between bleeding and thrombotic complications. It has been generally recommended to patients on long-term warfarin therapy to discontinue warfarin a few days prior to elective coronary angiography or intervention to prevent bleeding complications. Bridging therapy with heparin is recommended for patients at an increased risk of thromboembolism who require the interruption of anticoagulation for elective surgery or an invasive procedure. In study I, consecutive patients on warfarin therapy referred for diagnostic coronary angiography were compared to control patients with a similar disease presentation without warfarin. The strategy of performing coronary angiography during uninterrupted therapeutic warfarin anticoagulation appeared to be a relatively safe alternative to bridging therapy, if the international normalized ratio level was not on a supratherapeutic level. In-stent restenosis remains an important reason for failure of long-term success after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Drug-eluting stents (DES) reduce the problem of restenosis inherent to bare metal stents (BMS). However, a longer delay in arterial healing may extend the risk of stent thrombosis (ST) far beyond 30 days after the DES implantation. Early discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy has been the most important predisposing factor for ST. In study II, patients on long-term oral anticoagulant (OAC) underwent DES or BMS stenting with a median of 3.5 years’follow-up. The selective use of DESs with a short triple therapy seemed to be safe in OAC patients, since late STs were rare even without long clopidogrel treatment. Major bleeding and cardiac events were common in this patient group irrespective of stent type. In order to help to predict the bleeding risk in patients on OAC, several different bleeding risk scorings have been developed. Risk scoring systems have also been used also in the setting of patients undergoing a PCI. In study III, the predictive value of an outpatient bleeding risk index (OBRI) to identify patients at high risk of bleeding was analysed. The bleeding risk seemed not to modify periprocedural or long-term treatment choices in patients on OAC after a percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients with a high OBRI often had major bleeding episodes, and the OBRI may be suitable for risk evaluation in this patient group. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a novel technology for imaging intravascular coronary arteries. OCT is a light-based imaging modality that enables a 12–18 µm tissue axial resolution to visualize plaques in the vessel, possible dissections and thrombi as well as, stent strut appositions and coverage, and to measure the vessel lumen and lesions. In study IV, 30 days after titanium-nitride-oxide (TITANOX)-coated stent implantation, the binary stent strut coverage was satisfactory and the prevalence of malapposed struts was low as evaluated by OCT. Long-term clinical events in patients treated with (TITANOX)-coated bio-active stents (BAS) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in routine clinical practice were examined in study V. At the 3-year follow-up, BAS resulted in better long-term outcome when compared with PES with an infrequent need for target vessel revascularization. Keywords: anticoagulation, restenosis, thrombosis, bleeding, optical coherence tomography, titanium