903 resultados para Surrogate motherhood
BACKGROUND. The development of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) has introduced powerful tools in diagnosing latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and may play a critical role in the future of tuberculosis diagnosis. However, there have been reports of high indeterminate results in young patient populations (0-18 years). This study investigated results of the QunatiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) IGRA in a population of children (0-18 years) at Texas Children's Hospital in association with specimen collection procedures using surrogate variables. ^ METHODS. A retrospective case-control study design was used for this investigation. Cases were defined as having QFT-GIT indeterminate results. Controls were defined as having either positive or negative results (determinates). Patients' admission status, staff performing specimen collection, and specific nurse performing specimen collection were used as surrogates to measure specimen collection procedures. ^ To minimize potential confounding, abstraction of patients' electronic medical records was performed. Abstracted data included patients' medications and evaluation at the time of QFT-GIT specimen collection in addition to their medical history. QFT-GIT related data was also abstracted. Cases and controls were characterized using chi-squared tests or Fisher's exact tests across categorical variables. Continuous variables were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and t-tests for continuous variables. A multivariate model was constructed by backward stepwise removal of statistically significant variables from univariate analysis. ^ RESULTS. Patient data was abstracted from 182 individuals aged 0-18 years from July 2010 to August 2011 at Texas Children's Hospital. 56 cases (indeterminates) and 126 controls (determinates) were enrolled. Cancer was found to be an effect modifier with subsequent stratification resulting in a cancer patient population too small to analyze (n=13). Subsequent analyses excluded these patients. ^ The exclusion of cancer patients resulted in a population of 169 patients with 49 indeterminates (28.99%) and 120 determinates (71.01%), with mean ages of 9.73 (95% CI: 8.03, 11.43) years and 11.66 (95% CI: 10.75, 12.56) years (p = 0.033), respectively. Median age of patients who were indeterminates and determinates were 12.37 and 12.87 years, respectively. Lack of data for our specific nurse surrogate (QFTNurse) resulted in its exclusion from analysis. The final model included only our remaining surrogate variables (QFTStaff and QFTInpatientOutpatient). The staff collecting surrogate (QFTStaff) was found to be modestly associated with indeterminates when nurses collected the specimen (OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 0.51, 4.64, p = 0.439) in the final model. Inpatients were found to have a strong and statistically significant association with indeterminates (OR = 11.65, 95% CI: 3.89, 34.9, p < 0.001) in the final model. ^ CONCLUSION. Inpatient status was used as a surrogate for indication of nurse drawn blood specimens. Nurses have had little to no training regarding shaking of tubes versus phlebotomists regarding QFT-GIT testing procedures. This was also measured by two other surrogates; specifically a medical note stating whether a nurse or phlebotomist collected the specimen (QFTStaff) and the name and title of the specific nurse if collection was performed by a nurse (QFTNurse). Results indicated that inpatient status was a strong and statistically significant factor for indeterminates, however, nurse collected specimens and indeterminate results had no statistically significant association in non-cancer patients. The lack of data denoting the specific nurse performing specimen collection excluded the QFTNurse surrogate in our analysis. ^ Findings suggests training of staff personnel in specimen procedures may have little effect on the number of indeterminates while inpatient status and thus possibly illness severity may be the most important factor for indeterminate results in this population. The lack of congruence between our surrogate measures may imply that our inpatient surrogate gauged illness severity rather than collection procedures as intended. ^ Despite the lack of clear findings, our analysis indicated that more than half of indeterminates were found in specimens drawn by nurses and as such staff training may be explored. Future studies may explore methods in measuring modifiable variables during pre-analytical QFT-GIT procedures that can be discerned and controlled. Identification of such measures may provide insight into ways to lowering indeterminate QFT-GIT rates in children.^
Dynamic contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) data, when analyzed with the appropriate pharmacokinetic models, have been shown to provide quantitative estimates of microvascular parameters important in characterizing the angiogenic activity of malignant tissue. These parameters consist of the whole blood volume per unit volume of tissue, v b, transport constant from the plasma to the extravascular, extracellular space (EES), k1 and the transport constant from the EES to the plasma, k2. Parameters vb and k1 are expected to correlate with microvascular density (MVD) and vascular permeability, respectively, which have been suggested to serve as surrogate markers for angiogenesis. In addition to being a marker for angiogenesis, vascular permeability is also useful in estimating tumor penetration potential of chemotherapeutic agents. ^ Histological measurements of the intratumoral microvascular environment are limited by their invasiveness and susceptibility to sampling errors. Also, MVD and vascular permeability, while useful for characterizing tumors at a single time point, have shown less utility in longitudinal studies, particularly when used to monitor the efficacy of antiangiogenic and traditional chemotherapeutic agents. These limitations led to a search for a non-invasive means of characterizing the microvascular environment of an entire tumor. ^ The overall goal of this project was to determine the utility of DCE MRI for monitoring the effect of antiangiogenic agents. Further applications of a validated DCE MRI technique include in vivo measurements of tumor microvascular characteristics to aid in determining prognosis at presentation and in estimating drug penetration. DCE MRI data were generated using single- and dual-tracer pharmacokinetic models with different molecular-weight contrast agents. The resulting pharmacokinetic parameters were compared to immunohistochemical measurements. The model and contrast agent combination yielding the best correlation between the pharmacokinetic parameters and histological measures was further evaluated in a longitudinal study to evaluate the efficacy of DCE MRI in monitoring the intratumoral microvascular environment following antiangiogenic treatment. ^
Twenty-five years have passed since the global community agreed in Nairobi to address the high maternal mortality by implementing the Safe Motherhood Initiative. However, every year nearly three million women die due to pregnancy related causes. This tragedy is avoidable if women have timely access to required emergency obstetric care. Emergency obstetric care refers to life-saving services for maternal and neonatal complications provided by skilled health workers. Since the beginning of the 1980’s, several efforts have been intensified to improve maternal and child health status and reducing the high morbidity and mortality. There was built on a worldwide consensus to provide improved maternal and child health care for addressing the high morbidity and mortality. All participant countries agreed to integrate emergency obstetric care services in their national health care system. Emergency obstetric care is one of the strategies for reducing the maternal mortality as pregnancy related complications are unpredictable. However, many women in developing countries do not have access to essential health care services including emergency obstetric care. Basic emergency obstetric care by skilled birth attendants or timely referral for further comprehensive emergency obstetric care can reduce maternal deaths and disabilities significantly. This paper is based on the results published in PubMed, Medline, Lancet, WHO and Google Scholar web pages from 1990 to 2013.
The limited knowledge and/or the inability to control physiological condition parameters that influence the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) has been the foremost confounding aspect in monitoring programs and health risk assessments of wild top predators in the Arctic such as the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). In the present comparative study, we used a potential surrogate Canoidea species for the East Greenland polar bear, the captive sledge dog (Canis familiaris), to investigate some factors that may influence the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of major chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of control (fed commercial pork fat) and exposed (fed West Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber) adult female sledge dogs. Furthermore, we compared the patterns and concentrations of OHCs and their known or suggested hydroxylated (OH) metabolites (e.g., OH-PCBs) in sledge dogs with those in adipose tissue and blood (plasma) of East Greenland adult female polar bears, and blubber of their main prey species, the ringed seal (Pusa hispida). The two-year feeding regime conducted with sledge dogs led to marked differences in overall adipose tissue (and plasma) OHC residue accumulation between the control and exposed groups. Characteristic prey-to-predator OHC bioaccumulation dynamics for major PCB and PBDE congeners (patterns and concentrations) and biotransformation capacity with respect to PCB metabolite formation and OH-PCB retention distinguished, to some extent, captive sledge dogs and wild polar bears. Based on the present findings, we conclude that the use of surrogate species in toxicological investigations for species in the Canoidea family should be done with great caution, although they remain essential in the context of contaminants research with sensitive arctic top carnivore species such as the polar bear.
EPANET Input Files of New York tunnels and Pacific City used in a metamodel-based optimization study
Metamodels have proven be very useful when it comes to reducing the computational requirements of Evolutionary Algorithm-based optimization by acting as quick-solving surrogates for slow-solving fitness functions. The relationship between metamodel scope and objective function varies between applications, that is, in some cases the metamodel acts as a surrogate for the whole fitness function, whereas in other cases it replaces only a component of the fitness function. This paper presents a formalized qualitative process to evaluate a fitness function to determine the most suitable metamodel scope so as to increase the likelihood of calibrating a high-fidelity metamodel and hence obtain good optimization results in a reasonable amount of time. The process is applied to the risk-based optimization of water distribution systems; a very computationally-intensive problem for real-world systems. The process is validated with a simple case study (modified New York Tunnels) and the power of metamodelling is demonstrated on a real-world case study (Pacific City) with a computational speed-up of several orders of magnitude.
En este trabajo, nos proponemos realizar un balance sobre el modo en que la historiografía ha descripto y analizado las políticas públicas que, durante el primer y segundo gobierno peronista, se implementaron en relación con la maternidad así como los debates conceptuales, analíticos e historiográficos que ha suscitado de manera, a veces, implícita. Este abordaje, nos permitirá estudiar cómo se constituyeron históricamente las identidades femeninas y cómo se prescribieron roles, funciones y relaciones de poder que legitimaron distinciones generizadas basadas en diferencias biológicas, que naturalizaron la centralidad de la maternidad en cuanto función reproductora en la vida de las mujeres o que, aún sosteniendo esas construcciones de género binarias, consideraron limitar los alcances de los roles maternales, pero no menos los paternos.
El trabajo indaga la construcción de normativas de género sobre la mujer que se erigieron desde el discurso médico. Para ello, desde una perspectiva relacional de análisis, examinamos las intervenciones de diversas posiciones del campo médico. Sus variados posicionamientos político-ideológicos, sus relaciones sociales y sus diferentes espacios de acción son inflexiones relevantes para comprender cómo se solaparon o diferenciaron en torno a las construcciones de los roles sociales en el ámbito local. Las narrativas dominantes ligaron la feminidad a la maternidad y las intervenciones marginales, provenientes de médicos anarquistas, tensionaron aquellas conceptualizaciones y promovieron ideas emancipatorias