999 resultados para Suomen lääketutkimuksen tohtoriohjelma FinPharma Doctoral Program (FPDP)
A-1A Supplemental Security Income Program, December 2006
F-1 Food Assistance Program State Summary, December 2006
Urho Kekkosen haast.
Supplemental Security Income Program, January 2007
A-1 Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program for January 2007
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, Statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
The European Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium is the European initiative contributing to the international effort on functional annotation of the mouse genome. Its objectives are to establish and integrate mutagenesis platforms, gene expression resources, phenotyping units, storage and distribution centers and bioinformatics resources. The combined efforts will accelerate our understanding of gene function and of human health and disease.
Analyzes publications related More Medical Program from July to September of 2013 and its impact on Correio Braziliense and Folha de São Paulo. This is a descriptive study using a qualitative-quantitative methodology. The analyzed and related data represent what the program takes in print. 363 publications were found, 262 in Folha de São Paulo and 101 in Correio. The word "Doctor" appeared in more titles, and Folha de São Paulo were 110 negative titles; to Correio neutral character was in 50 publications. In the character of news, 178 of these are pessimistic. The "neutral" and 101 representing "optimistic" 83. Was found that the media is critical to the impact of the program, but the truth is not apparent, but the opinion of journalists who wrote the stories related to the theme.