976 resultados para Sulphur
Synthese und photophysikalische Eigenschaften funktionalisierter 1-Oligoalkinylamide Torsten Schweikert Zusammenfassung der Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades „Doktor der Naturwissenschaften“ Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand aus der Synthese verschiedener 1-Oligoalkinylamide und deren Funktionalisierung mit endständigen Akzeptoreinheiten, um einen Zugang zu konjugierten Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Acetylenchromophoren zu realisieren, welche die Aminogruppe direkt am Acetylenkohlenstoff tragen. In einer kupfer(I)-katalysierten Cadiot-Chodkiewicz-Reaktion konnten terminale 1-Alkinylamide 1 mit verschiedenen substituierten 1-Bromalkinen 2 zu den 1-Oligoalkinylamiden 3 umgesetzt werden. Die Reaktion zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber verschiedenen funktionellen Gruppen aus und lieferte die 1-Oligoalkinylamide 3 in Ausbeuten von 34 bis 99 %. NR1EWGNR2R1EWGR2Br5 Mol-% CuI30 Mol-% NH2OH·H2O2.0 Äquiv. n-BuNH2MeOH0 °C - 40 °C, 0.5 - 2 h34 - 99 %1.5 Äquiv. 213R1: Phenyl, 2-Iodphenyl, Benzyl, AlkylR2: Alkyl, Hydroxyalkyl, O-Tetrahydropyranyloxyalkyl, Methylester, 4-Nitrophenyl, 4-Cyanophenyl, 4-Dimesitylborylphenylnn Mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie sind die verschiedenen Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Chromophore auf ihre photophysikalischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht worden. Dabei zeigten sich verschiedene Effekte bei Variation der Donor- und Akzeptorgruppen sowie bei Verlängerung der Acetylenbrücke auf die Lage der Charge-Transfer-Bande. Die Solvatochromie der Absorptionsbanden zeigte das Vorhandensein eines permanenten Dipolmoments der Verbindungen. Die elektrooptische Absorptionsmessung konnte schließlich Informationen über die Größe der Dipolmomente im Grundzustand und im angeregten Franck-Condon-Zustand liefern. Die elektrischen Dipolmomente der Verbindungen im Grundzustand in 1,4-Dioxan und Cyclohexan liegen im Bereich von (9.4 – 12.2)10-30 Cm. Nach optischer Anregung erhöhen sich die Dipolmomente um (25.0 – 92.3)10-30 Cm, wobei die Änderung des Dipolmoments bei optischer Anregung ein Maximum für die 1-Diinylamide durchläuft und bei drei konjugierten Acetylenbindungen stark abnimmt. Die synthetisierten 1-Diinylamide fanden ferner Anwendung in der Synthese von funktionalisierten 3-Alkinylindolen, wobei mittels einer palladiumkatalysierten Heteroanellierungssequenz in 2-Position am Indol ein Schwefel- oder Stickstoffnucleophil eingeführt werden konnte.
Friedreich’s Ataxia (FRDA) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by a deficiency of the protein frataxin and characterized by oxidative stress. The first aim of my research project was to analyze the effects of tocotrienol in FRDA patients. Patients received for 2 months a low dose of tocotrienol. A number of biochemical parameters related to oxidative stress were studied. We consistently showed that taking for 2 months a low dose of tocotrienol led to the decrease of oxidative stress indexes in FRDA patients. Also, this study provides a suitable model to investigate the efficacy of natural compounds to counteract the oxidative stress in FRDA. Furthermore, we investigated whether the tocotrienol was able to modulate the expression of the frataxin isoforms (FXN-1, FXN -2, FXN-3) in FRDA patients. We demonstrated that tocotrienol leads to a specific and significant increase of FXN-3 expression. As no structural and functional details were available for FNX-2 and FXN-3, 3D-models were built. FXN-1, the canonical isoform, was then docked on the human iron-sulphur complex and functional interactions were computed; when FXN-1 was replaced by FXN-2 or FNX-3, we found that the interactions were maintained, thus suggesting a possible biological role for both isoforms. The second aim of my research project was to investigate the role of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the protein Sirtuin 6 in FRDA patients. In fact, it was known that those who harbour a SNP (Asn46/Ser46) in the gene enconding Sirt6 show a better outcome those individuals who are homozygous for the Asn 46 allele. We found that fibroblasts and iPSC-derived neurons from FRDA patients harboring the SNP (Asn46/Ser46) have a reduced amount of Sirt6 protein compared to cells from individuals who are homozygous for the prevalent Asn allele. Our studies provide new information on the role of Sirtuins in FRDA pathogenesis.
Lo studio della deidrogenazione catalitica di idrocarburi affronta uno dei problemi principali per l'applicazione delle fuel cells in aeromobili. La conversione di miscele di idrocarburi in H2 può essere eseguita in loco, evitando le difficoltà di stoccaggio dell'idrogeno: l'H2 prodotto è privo di CO e CO2 e può essere alimentato direttamente alle celle a combustibile per dare energia ai sistemi ausiliari, mentre i prodotti deidrogenati, mantenendo le loro originali caratteristiche possono essere riutilizzati come carburante. In questo un lavoro è stato effettuato uno studio approfondito sulla deidrogenazione parziale (PDH) di diverse miscele di idrocarburi e carburante avio JetA1 desolforato utilizzando Pt-Sn/Al2O3, con l'obiettivo di mettere in luce i principali parametri (condizioni di reazione e composizione di catalizzatore) coinvolti nel processo di deidrogenazione. Inoltre, la PDH di miscele idrocarburiche e di Jet-A1 ha evidenziato che il problema principale in questa reazione è la disattivazione del catalizzatore, a causa della formazione di residui carboniosi e dell’avvelenamento da zolfo. Il meccanismo di disattivazione da residui carboniosi è stato studiato a fondo, essendo uno dei principali fattori che influenzano la vita del catalizzatore e di conseguenza l'applicabilità processo. Alimentando molecole modello separatamente, è stato possibile discriminare le classi di composti che sono coinvolti principalmente nella produzione di H2 o nell’avvelenamento del catalizzatore. Una riduzione parziale della velocità di disattivazione è stata ottenuta modulando l'acidità del catalizzatore al fine di ottimizzare le condizioni di reazione. I catalizzatori Pt-Sn modificati hanno mostrato ottimi risultati in termini di attività, ma soffrono di una disattivazione rapida in presenza di zolfo. Così, la sfida finale di questa ricerca era sviluppare un sistema catalitico in grado di lavorare in condizioni reali con carburante ad alto tenore di zolfo, in questo campo sono stati studiati due nuove classi di materiali: Ni e Co fosfuri supportati su SiO2 e catalizzatori Pd-Pt/Al2O3.
Mikroorganismen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Weinherstellung. Neben ihren positiven Stoffwechselaktivitäten wie die Bildung von Ethanol während der alkoholischen Gärung sind vor allem Bakterien in der Lage, Weinfehler zu verursachen. Einer dieser Weinfehler ist die Produktion von biogenen Aminen. Diese niedermolekularen Stickstoffverbindungen können zu verschiedenen Gesundheitsproblemen wie Bluthochdruck und Migräne führen. Aufgrund von hohen Ethanolgehalten und dem Vorkommen verschiedener biogener Amine kommt es im Wein zu einer Verstärkung dieser physiologischen Effekte. Um die Bildung dieser Verbindungen zu verhindern, ist es von speziellem Interesse, die verantwortlichen Mikroorganismen zu identifizieren und sie in ihrem Wachstum zu hemmen.In einem Teil der Dissertation stand die Isolierung und Identifizierung biogener Amine produzierender Bakterien aus deutschen Jungweinen und Mosten im Vordergrund. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass hauptsächlich Milchsäurebakterien als potenzielle Produzenten in Frage kommen. Diese Bakteriengruppe war in hohen Titern in nahezu allen Proben vorhanden und stellt somit eine potentielle Gefahr für die Weinbereitung dar. Zur Identifizierung der Isolate wurden verschiedene molekularbiologische Methoden wie specifically amplified DNA polymorphic-PCR (Fingerprintmethode), Multiplex-PCR oder 16S rDNA-Sequenzierung angewandt. Das Screening bezüglich der Bildung von biogenen Aminen erfolgte mit Hilfe einer im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten hochauflösenden Dünnschichtchromatographie gefolgt von der Quantifizierung mittels HPLC.Zur Wachstumshemmung dieser Schadbakterien wurden zwei Exoenzyme aus Streptomyces albidoflavus B578 isolieren. Diese Enzyme wurden gereinigt und als eine Muramidase und eine Protease identifiziert. Aktivitätstests konnten zeigen, dass diese Enzyme eine hohe lytische Wirkung gegen weinrelevante Mikroorganismen aufweisen. Ebenso war die Aktivität der Enzyme unter Weinbedingungen sehr stabil. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse könnten diese Enzyme eine mögliche Alternative zur Zugabe von Lysozym oder Schwefeldioxid sein, welche konventionell in der Weinbereitung ihren Einsatz finden.
Mineral dust is an important component of the Earth's climate system and provides essential nutrientsrnto oceans and rain forests. During atmospheric transport, dust particles directly and indirectly influencernweather and climate. The strength of dust sources and characteristics of the transport, in turn, mightrnbe subject to climatic changes. Earth system models help for a better understanding of these complexrnmechanisms.rnrnThis thesis applies the global climate model ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) for simulationsrnof the mineral dust cycle under different climatic conditions. The prerequisite for suitable modelrnresults is the determination of the model setup reproducing the most realistic dust cycle in the recentrnclimate. Simulations with this setup are used to gain new insights into properties of the transatlanticrndust transport from Africa to the Americas and adaptations of the model's climate forcing factors allowrnfor investigations of the impact of climatic changes on the dust cycle.rnrnIn the first part, the most appropriate model setup is determined through a number of sensitivity experiments.rnIt uses the dust emission parametrisation from Tegen et al. 2002 and a spectral resolutionrnof T85, corresponding to a horizontal grid spacing of about 155 km. Coarser resolutions are not able tornaccurately reproduce emissions from important source regions such as the Bodele Depression in Chad orrnthe Taklamakan Desert in Central Asia. Furthermore, the representation of ageing and wet deposition ofrndust particles in the model requires a basic sulphur chemical mechanism. This setup is recommended forrnfuture simulations with EMAC focusing on mineral dust.rnrnOne major branch of the global dust cycle is the long-range transport from the world's largest dustrnsource, the Sahara, across the Atlantic Ocean. Seasonal variations of the main transport pathways to thernAmazon Basin in boreal winter and to the Caribbean during summer are well known and understood,rnand corroborated in this thesis. Both Eulerian and Lagrangian methods give estimates on the typicalrntransport times from the source regions to the deposition on the order of nine to ten days. Previously, arnhuge proportion of the dust transported across the Atlantic Ocean has been attributed to emissions fromrnthe Bodele Depression. However, the contribution of this hot spot to the total transport is very low inrnthe present results, although the overall emissions from this region are comparable. Both model resultsrnand data sets analysed earlier, such as satellite products, involve uncertainties and this controversy aboutrndust transport from the Bodele Depression calls for future investigations and clarification.rnrnAforementioned characteristics of the transatlantic dust transport just slightly change in simulationsrnrepresenting climatic conditions of the Little Ice Age in the middle of the last millennium with meanrnnear-surface cooling of 0.5 to 1 K. However, intensification of the West African summer monsoon duringrnthe Little Ice Age is associated with higher dust emissions from North African source regions and wetterrnconditions in the Sahel. Furthermore, the Indian Monsoon and dust emissions from the Arabian Peninsula,rnwhich are affected by this circulation, are intensified during the Little Ice Age, whereas the annual globalrndust budget is similar in both climate epochs. Simulated dust emission fluxes are particularly influencedrnby the surface parameters. Modifications of the model do not affect those in this thesis, to be able tornascribe all differences in the results to changed forcing factors, such as greenhouse gas concentrations.rnDue to meagre comparison data sets, the verification of results presented here is problematic. Deeperrnknowledge about the dust cycle during the Little Ice Age can be obtained by future simulations, based onrnthis work, and additionally using improved reconstructions of surface parameters. Better evaluation ofrnsuch simulations would be possible by refining the temporal resolution of reconstructed dust depositionrnfluxes from existing ice and marine sediment cores.
Die qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Biomolekülen hat in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Durch das Aufkommen und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung neuer Separations- und Detektionsmethoden und deren Verbindung miteinander zu leistungsfähigen Einheiten, erlangte man Schritt für Schritt neue Erkenntnisse bei ihrer Untersuchung. Die Elementmassenspektrometrie als nachweisstarke Detektionsmethode wird von vielen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgruppen bei der Trennung und Quantifizierung von Proteinen und Metalloproteinen mittels Detektion der in den Biomolekülen vorkommenden Metalle und Heteroatome angewendet. Heteroatome (z.B. Schwefel, Phosphor) haben im Plasma des ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometer) schlechte Ionisationseigenschaften und dementsprechend deutlich höhere Nachweisgrenzen als Metalle. Ein Ansatz, schlecht oder nicht detektierbare Verbindungen (also solche, die keine Metalle oder Heteroatome enthalten) mit dem ICP-MS sichtbar zu machen, ist die Markierung der selbigen mit Metallionen oder -cluster. rnIn dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, der Analyse ganz unterschiedlicher Substanzklassen, zum einen metallische Nanopartikel und zum anderen Proteine, neue Impulse zu geben und zukünftiges Potential bei der Anwendung gekoppelter Techniken zur Separation und Detektion aufzuzeigen. Durch die Verwendung einer alten, aber neu konzipierten Trenntechnik, der Gelelektrophorese (GE), und deren Kopplung an einen modernen Detektor, dem ICP-MS, kann die für die Proteinanalytik weit verbreitete Gelelektrophorese ihr enormes Potential bei der Trennung verschiedenster Verbindungsklassen mit der exzellenten Nachweisstärke und Elementspezifität des ICP-MS verbinden und dadurch mit deutlich weniger Arbeitsaufwand als bisher qualitative und auch quantitative Ergebnisse produzieren. Bisher war dies nur mit großem präparativem Aufwand unter Verwendung der laser ablation möglich. Bei der Analyse von Nanopartikeln konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass durch die GE-ICP-MS-Kopplung aufgrund der guten Trenneigenschaften der GE vorhandene Spezies bzw. Fraktionen voneinander separiert werden und mit Hilfe des ICP-MS Informationen auf atomarem Niveau gewonnen werden können. Es war möglich, das atomare Verhältnis der Metallatome im Kern und der Schwefelatome in der Ligandenhülle eines Nanopartikels zu bestimmen und damit die Größe des Partikels abzuschätzen. Auch konnte die Anzahl der Goldatome in einem dem Schmid-Cluster ähnlichen Nanopartikel bestimmt werden, was vorher nur mit Hilfe von MALDI-TOF möglich war. Bei der Analyse von Biomolekülen konnte auf einfache Weise der Phosphorylierungsgrad verschiedener Proteine bestimmt werden. Auch bei kleinen Molekülen erzielt die Gelelektrophorese ausgezeichnete Trennergebnisse, wie z. B. bei der Analyse verschiedener Brom- und Iodspezies.rnDie stöchiometrische Kopplung eines Proteins an einen Nanopartikel, ohne eine der beiden Verbindungen in einem größeren Maße zu verändern, stellte jedoch eine Herausforderung dar, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht vollständig gelöst werden konnte. Verschiedene Ansätze zur Kopplung der beiden Substanzen wurden erprobt, jedoch führte keine zu dem gewünschten Ergebnis einer stöchiometrisch vollständigen und spezifischen Modifikation eines Proteins mit einem Nanopartikel. Durch das Potential der GE-ICP-MS-Kopplung bei der Analyse beider Substanz-klassen und dem Beweis der Praktikabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Methode ist jedoch der Grundstein für weitere Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet gelegt worden. Ist eine geeignete chemische Kopplung der beiden Substanzklassen gefunden und beherrscht, steht auf analytischer Seite eine leistungsstarke Kombination aus Trennung und Detektion zur Verfügung, um die Quantifizierung von Proteinen entscheidend zu verbessern.rn
The project aimed to use results of contamination of city vegetation with heavy metals and sulphur compounds as the basis for analysing the integral response of trees and shrubs to contamination, through a complex method of phytoindication. The results were used to draw up recommendations on pollution reduction in the city and to develop the method of phytoindication as a means of monitoring environmental pollution in St. Petersburg and other large cities. Field investigations were carried out in August 1996, and 66 descriptions of green areas were made in order to estimate the functional state of plants in the Vasileostrovsky district. Investigations of the spectrum reflecting properties of plants showed considerable variation of albedo meanings of leaves under the influence of various internal and external factors. The results indicated that lime trees most closely reflect the condition of the environment. Practically all the green areas studied were in poor condition, the only exceptions being areas of ash trees, which are more resistant to environmental pollution, and one lime-tree alley in a comparatively unpolluted street. The study identified those types of trees which are more or less resistant to complex environmental pollution and Ms. Terekhina recommends that the species in the present green areas be changed to include a higher number of the more resistant species. The turbidimetric analysis of tree barks for sulphates gave an indication of the level and spatial distribution of each pollutant, and the results also confirmed other findings that electric conductivity is a significant feature in determining the extent of sulphate pollution. In testing for various metals, the lime tree showed the highest contents for all elements except magnesium, copper, zinc, cadmium and strontium, again confirming the species' vulnerability to pollution. Medium rates of concentration in the city and environs showed that city plants concentrate 3 times as many different elements and 10 times more chromium, copper and lead than do those in the suburbs. The second stage of the study was based on the concept of phytoindication, which presupposes that changes in the relation of chemical elements in regional biological circulation under the influence of technogenesis provide a criterion for predicting displacements in people's health. There are certain basic factors in this concept. The first is that all living beings are related ecologically as well as by their evolutionary origin, and that the lower an organism is on the evolutionary scale, the less adaptational reserve it has. The second is that smaller concentrations of chemical elements are needed for toxicological influence on plants than on people and so the former's reactions to geochemical factors are easier to characterise. Visual indicational features of urban plants are well defined and can form the basis of a complex "environment - public health" analysis. Specific plant reactions reflecting atmospheric pollution and other components of urbogeosystems make it possible to determine indication criteria for predicting possible disturbances in the general state of health of the population. Thirdly the results of phytoindication investigations must be taken together with information about public health in the area. It only proved possibly to analyse general indexes of public health based on statistical data from the late 1980s and early 1990s as the data of later years were greatly influenced by social factors. These data show that the rates of illness in St. Petersburg (especially for children) are higher than in Russia as a whole, for most classes of diseases, indicating that the population there is more sensitive to the ecological state of the urban environment. The Vasileostrovsky district had the second highest sick rate for adullts, while the rate of infant mortality in the first year of life was highest there. Ms. Terekhina recommends further studies to more precisely assess the effectiveness of the methods she tested, but has drawn up a proposed map of environmental hazard for the population, taking into account prevailing wind directions.
Volcanoes pose a threat to the human population at regional and global scales and so efficient monitoring is essential in order to effectively manage and mitigate the risks that they pose. Volcano monitoring from space has been possible for over thirty years and now, more than ever, a suite of instruments exists with the capability to observe emissions of gas and ash from a unique perspective. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the use of a range of satellite-based sensors in order to detect and quantify volcanic sulphur dioxide, and to assess the relative performances of each sensor against one another. Such comparisons are important in order to standardise retrievals and permit better estimations of the global contribution of sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere from volcanoes for climate modelling. In this work, retrievals of volcanic sulphur dioxide from a number of instruments are compared, and the individual performances at quantifying emissions from large, explosive volcanic eruptions are assessed. Retrievals vary widely from sensor to sensor, and often the use of a number of sensors in synergy can provide the most complete picture, rather than just one instrument alone. Volcanic emissions have the ability to result significant economic loses by grounding aircraft due to the high risk associated with ash encountering aircraft. As sulphur dioxide is often easier to measure than ash, it is often used as a proxy. This work examines whether this is a reasonable assumption, using the Icelandic eruption in early 2010 as a case study. Results indicate that although the two species are for the most part collocated, separation can occur under some conditions, meaning that it is essential to accurately measure both species in order to provide effective hazard mitigation. Finally, the usefulness of satellite remote sensing in quantifying the passive degassing from Turrialba, Costa Rica is demonstrated. The increase in activity from 2005 – 2010 can be observed in satellite data prior to the phreatic phase of early 2010, and can therefore potentially provide a useful indication of changing activity at some volcanoes.
This investigation was started in an effort to find an accurate and efficient method of determining the freezing points of ferrous and cuprous sulphides, mixtures of the two substances, and from this to establish the liquidus line of the equilibrium diagram.
The possible benefits of oxygen enriched atmosphere roasting have been known to metallurgists for many years, but only since the development of equipment and processes to produce cheap oxygen in very large amounts has much serious consideration been given this matter.
Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen einer Literatur- und Medienanalyse wurde erstmals zum Thema Climate Engineering ein sogenanntes Gruppen-Delphi durchgeführt, um aktuelle und argumentativ fundierte Einschätzungen von Experten zu den möglichen sozialen und kulturellen Folgen von Climate Engineering, insbesondere auch in Deutschland, zu erhalten. Die Ergebnisse dieser diskursiven Form der Expertenbefragung zeigen deutlich, dass die Verfahren des Climate Engineering differenziert betrachtet und bewertet werden müssen. Auf Akzeptanzprobleme stoßen vor allem Maßnahmen, bei denen hohe Unsicherheit über die potenziellen Nebenwirkungen besteht. In der Literatur und unter den Experten besteht Einigkeit darüber, dass es bereits jetzt, in der Frühphase der Entwicklung von Climate Engineering-Strategien, notwendig sei, die Bürger über diese Technologien und Strategien aufzuklären.
Abstract. Organic matter preserved in Lake Ohrid sediments originates from aquatic and terrestrial sources. Its variable composition reflects climate-controlled changes in the lake basin’s hydrology and related organic matter export, i.e. changes in primary productivity, terrestrial plant matter input and soil erosion. Here, we present first results from lipid biomarker investigations of Lake Ohrid sediments from two near-shore settings: site Lz1120 near the southern shore, with low-lying lands nearby and probably influenced by river discharge, and site Co1202 which is close to the steep eastern slopes. Variable proportions of terrestrial n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanols as well as compositional changes of !- hydroxy acids document differences in soil organic matter supply between the sites and during different climate stages (glacial, Holocene, 8.2 ka cooling event). Changes in the vegetation cover are suggested by changes in the dominant chain length of terrestrial n-alkanols. Effective microbial degradation of labile organic matter and in situ contribution of organic matter derived from the microbes themselves are both evident in the sediments. We found evidence for anoxic conditions within the photic zone by detecting epicholestanol and tetrahymanol from sulphur-oxidising phototrophic bacteria and bacterivorous ciliates and for the influence of a settled human community from the occurrence of coprostanol, a biomarker for human and animal faeces (pigs, sheep, goats), in an early Holocene sample. This study illustrates the potential of lipid biomarkers for future environmental reconstructions using one of Europe’s oldest continental climate archives, Lake Ohrid.
The Effingen Member is a low-permeability rock unit of Oxfordian age (ca. 160 Ma) that occurs across northern Switzerland. It comprises sandy calcareous marls and (argillaceous) limestones. This report describes the hydrogeochemistry, mineralogy and supporting physical properties of the Effingen Member in three boreholes in the Jura-Südfuss area: Oftringen, Gösgen and Küttigen, where it is 220–240 m thick. The top of the Effingen Member is at 420, 66 and 32 m depths at the three sites. Core materials are available from Oftringen and Gösgen, whereas information from Küttigen is limited to cuttings, in-situ hydrogeological testing and geophysical logging. Hydrogeological boundaries of the Effingen Member vary between locations. Ground-water flows were identified during drilling at the top (Geissberg Member), but not at the base, of the Effingen Member at Oftringen, at the base (Hauptrogenstein Formation) of the Effingen Member at Gösgen, and in a limestone layer (Gerstenhübel unit) within the Effingen Member at Küttigen. The marls and limestones of the Effingen Member have carbonate contents of 46–91 wt.-% and clay-mineral contents of 5–37 wt.-%. Pyrite contents are up to 1.6 wt.-%, but no sulphate minerals were detected by routine analyses. Clay minerals are predominantly mixed-layer illite-smectite, illite and kaolinite, with sporadic traces of chlorite and smectite. Veins filled with calcite ± celestite occur through the Effingen Member at Oftringen but not at Gösgen or Küttigen. They formed at 50–70 ºC from externally derived fluids, probably of Miocene age. Water contents are 0.7–4.2 wt.-%, corresponding to a water-loss porosity range of 1.9–10.8 vol.-%. Specific surface areas, measured by the BET method, are 2–30 m2/g, correlating with clay-mineral contents. Water activity has been measured and yielded surprisingly low values down to 0.8. These cannot be explained by pore-water salinity alone and include other effects, such as changes in the fabric due to stress release or partial saturation. Observed variations in measurements are not fully understood. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cation populations have been studied by the Ni-en method. CEC, derived from the consumption of the index cation Ni, is 9–99 meq/kgrock at a solid:liquid ratio of 1, correlating with the clay-mineral content. Cation concentrations in Ni-en extract solutions are in the order Na+≥Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Sr2+. However, the analytical results from the Ni-en extractions have additional contributions from cations originating from pore water and from mineral dissolution reactions that occurred during extraction, and it was not possible to reliably quantify these contributions. Therefore, in-situ cation populations and selectivity coefficients could not be derived. A suite of methods have been used for characterising the chemical compositions of pore waters in the Effingen Member. Advective displacement was used on one sample from each Oftringen and Gösgen and is the only method that produces results that approach complete hydrochemical compositions. Aqueous extraction was used on core samples from these two boreholes and gives data only for Cl- and, in some cases, Br-. Out-diffusion was used on core samples from Oftringen and similarly gives data for Cl- and Br- only. For both aqueous extraction and out-diffusion, reaction of the experimental water with rock affected concentrations of cations, SO42 and alkalinity in experimental solutions. Another method, centrifugation, failed to extract pore water. Stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) of pore waters in core samples from Oftringen were analysed by the diffusive exchange method and helium contents of pore water in Oftringen samples were extracted for mass spectrometric analysis by quantitative outgassing of preserved core samples. Several lines of evidence indicate that drillcore samples might not have been fully saturated when opened and subsampled in the laboratory. These include comparisons of water-loss porosities with physical porosities, water-activity measurements, and high contents of dissolved gas as inferred from ground-water samples. There is no clear proof of partial saturation and it is unclear whether this might represent in-situ conditions or is due to exsolution of gas due to the pressure release since drilling. Partial saturation would have no impact on the recalculation of pore-water compositions from aqueous extraction experiments using water-loss porosity data. The largest uncertainty in the pore-water Cl- concentrations recalculated from aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experiments is the magnitude of the anion-accessible fraction of water-loss porosity. General experience of clay-mineral rich formations suggests that the anion-accessible porosity fraction is very often about 0.5 and generally in a range of 0.3 to 0.6 and tends to be inversely correlated with clay-mineral contents. Comparisons of the Cl- concentration in pore water obtained by advective displacement with that recalculated from aqueous extraction of an adjacent core sample suggests a fraction of 0.27 for an Oftringen sample, whereas the same procedure for a Gösgen sample suggests a value of 0.64. The former value for anion-accessible porosity fraction is presumed to be unrepresentative given the local mineralogical heterogeneity at that depth. Through-diffusion experiments with HTO and 36Cl- suggest that the anion-accessible porosity fraction in the Effingen Member at Oftringen and Gösgen is around 0.5. This value is proposed as a typical average for rocks of the Effingen Member, bearing in mind that it varies on a local scale in response to the heterogeneity of lithology and pore-space architecture. The substantial uncertainties associated with the approaches to estimating anion-accessible porosity propagate into the calculated values of in-situ pore-water Cl- concentrations. On the basis of aqueous extraction experiments, and using an anion-accessible porosity fraction of 0.5, Cl- concentrations in the Effingen Member at Oftringen reach a maximum of about 14 g/L in the centre. Cl- decreases upwards and downwards from that, forming a curved depth profile. Cl- contents in the Effingen Member at Gösgen increase with depth from about 3.5 g/L to about 14 g/L at the base of the cored profile (which corresponds to the centre of the formation). Out-diffusion experiments were carried out on four samples from Oftringen, distributed through the Effingen Member. Recalculated Cl- concentrations are similar to those from aqueous extraction for 3 out of the 4 samples, and somewhat lower for one sample. Concentrations of other components, i.e. Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, SO42- and HCO3- cannot be obtained from the aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experimental data because of mineral dissolution and cation exchange reactions during the experiments. Pore-water pH also is not constrained by those extraction experiments. The only experimental approach to obtain complete pore-water compositions for samples from Oftringen and Gösgen is advective displacement of pore water. The sample from Oftringen used for this experiment is from 445 m depth in the upper part of the Effingen Member and gave eluate with 16.5 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction from a nearby sample indicated about 9 g/L Cl-. The sample from Gösgen used for advective displacement is from 123 m depth in the centre of the Effingen Member sequence and gave eluate with about 9 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction gave 11.5 g/L Cl-. In both cases the pore waters have Na-(Ca)-Cl compositions and SO42- concentrations of about 1.1 g/L. The Gösgen sample has a Br/Cl ratio similar to that of sea water, whereas this ratio is lower for the Oftringen sample. Taking account of uncertainties in the applied experimental approaches, it is reasonable to place an upper limit of ca. 20 g/L on Cl- concentration for pore water in the Effingen Member in this area. There are major discrepancies between pore-water SO42- concentrations inferred from aqueous extraction or out-diffusion experiments and those obtained from advective displacement in both the Oftringen and Gösgen cases. A general conclusion is that all or at least part of the discrepancies are attributable to perturbation of the sulphur system and enhancement of SO42- by sulphate mineral dissolution and possibly minor pyrite oxidation during aqueous extraction and out-diffusion. Therefore, data for SO42- calculated from those pore-water sampling methods are considered not to be representative of in-situ conditions. A reference pore-water composition was defined for the Effingen Member in the Jura Südfuss area. It represents the probable upper limits of Cl- contents and corresponding anion and cation concentrations that are reasonably constrained by experimental data. Except for Cl- and possibly Na+ concentrations, this composition is poorly constrained especially with respect to SO42- and Ca2+ concentrations, and pH and alkalinity. Stable isotope compositions, δ18O and δ2H, of pore waters in the Effingen Member at Oftringen plot to the right of the meteoric water line, suggesting that 18O has been enriched by water-rock exchange, which indicates that the pore waters have a long residence time. A long residence time of pore water is supported by the level of dissolved 4He that has accumulated in pore water of the Effingen Member at Oftringen. This is comparable with, or slightly higher than, the amounts of 4He in the Opalinus Clay at Benken. Ground waters were sampled from flowing zones intersected by boreholes at the three locations. The general interpretation is that pore waters and ground-water solutes may have similar origins in Mesozoic and Cenozoic brackish-marine formations waters, but ground-water solutes have been diluted rather more than pore waters by ingress of Tertiary and Quaternary meteoric waters. The available hydrochemical data for pore waters from the Effingen Member at these three locations in the Jura-Südfuss area suggest that the geochemical system evolved slowly over geological periods of time, in which diffusion was an important mechanism of solute transport. The irregularity of Cl- and δ18O profiles and spatial variability of advective ground-water flows in the Malm-Dogger system suggests that palaeohydrogeological and hydrochemical responses to changing tectonic and surface environmental conditions were complex.
Explosive volcanic eruptions can inject large quantities of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere. The aerosols that result from oxidation of the sulphur dioxide can produce significant cooling of the troposphere by reflecting or absorbing solar radiation. It is possible to obtain an estimate of the relative stratospheric sulphur aerosol concentration produced by different volcanoes by comparing sulphuric acid fluxes determined by analysis of polar ice cores. Here, we use a non-sea-salt sulphate time series derived from three well-dated Law Dome ice cores to investigate sulphuric acid flux ratios for major eruptions over the period AD 1301-1995. We use additional data from other cores to investigate systematic spatial variability in the ratios. Only for the Kuwae eruption (Law Dome ice date AD 1459.5) was the H2SO4 flux larger than that deposited by Tambora (Law Dome ice date AD 1816.7).
The gladiator cemetery discovered in Ephesus (Turkey) in 1993 dates to the 2nd and 3rd century AD. The aim of this study is to reconstruct diverse diet, social stratification, and migration of the inhabitants of Roman Ephesus and the distinct group of gladiators. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur isotope analysis were applied, and inorganic bone elements (strontium, calcium) were determined. In total, 53 individuals, including 22 gladiators, were analysed. All individuals consumed C3 plants like wheat and barley as staple food. A few individuals show indication of consumption of C4 plants. The δ13C values of one female from the gladiator cemetery and one gladiator differ from all other individuals. Their δ34S values indicate that they probably migrated from another geographical region or consumed different foods. The δ15N values are relatively low in comparison to other sites from Roman times. A probable cause for the depletion of 15N in Ephesus could be the frequent consumption of legumes. The Sr/Ca-ratios of the gladiators were significantly higher than the values of the contemporary Roman inhabitants. Since the Sr/Ca-ratio reflects the main Ca-supplier in the diet, the elevated values of the gladiators might suggest a frequent use of a plant ash beverage, as mentioned in ancient texts.