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Most of the analytical models devoted to determine the acoustic properties of a rigid perforated panel consider the acoustic impedance of a single hole and then use the porosity to determine the impedance for the whole panel. However, in the case of not homogeneous hole distribution or more complex configurations this approach is no longer valid. This work explores some of these limitations and proposes a finite element methodology that implements the linearized Navier Stokes equations in the frequency domain to analyse the acoustic performance under normal incidence of perforated panel absorbers. Some preliminary results for a homogenous perforated panel show that the sound absorption coefficient derived from the Maa analytical model does not match those from the simulations. These differences are mainly attributed to the finite geometry effect and to the spatial distribution of the perforations for the numerical case. In order to confirm these statements, the acoustic field in the vicinities of the perforations is analysed for a more complex configuration of perforated panel. Additionally, experimental studies are carried out in an impedance tube for the same configuration and then compared to previous methods. The proposed methodology is shown to be in better agreement with the laboratorial measurements than the analytical approach.


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The Free Core Nutation (FCN) is a free mode of the Earth's rotation caused by the different material characteristics of the Earth's core and mantle. This causes the rotational axes of those layers to slightly diverge from each other, resulting in a wobble of the Earth's rotation axis comparable to nutations. In this paper we focus on estimating empirical FCN models using the observed nutations derived from the VLBI sessions between 1993 and 2013. Assuming a fixed value for the oscillation period, the time-variable amplitudes and phases are estimated by means of multiple sliding window analyses. The effects of using different a priori Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) in the derivation of models are also addressed. The optimal choice of the fundamental parameters of the model, namely the window width and step-size of its shift, is searched by performing a thorough experimental analysis using real data. The former analyses lead to the derivation of a model with a temporal resolution higher than the one used in the models currently available, with a sliding window reduced to 400 days and a day-by-day shift. It is shown that this new model increases the accuracy of the modeling of the observed Earth's rotation. Besides, empirical models determined from USNO Finals as a priori ERP present a slightly lower Weighted Root Mean Square (WRMS) of residuals than IERS 08 C04 along the whole period of VLBI observations, according to our computations. The model is also validated through comparisons with other recognized models. The level of agreement among them is satisfactory. Let us remark that our estimates give rise to the lowest residuals and seem to reproduce the FCN signal in more detail.


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Objectives: This article further examines the phenomenon of aggression inside barrooms by relying on the “bouncer-ethnographer” methodology. The objective is to investigate variations in aggression through time and space according to the role and routine of the target in a Montreal barroom. Thus, it provides an examination of routine activity theory at the micro level: the barroom. Methods: For a period of 258 nights of observation in a Canadian barroom, bouncers completed reports on each intervention and provided specific information regarding what happened, when and where within the venue. In addition, the bouncer-ethnographer compiled field observations and interviews with bar personnel in order to identify aggression hotspots and “rush hours” for three types of actors within barrooms: (a) bouncers, (b) barmaids and (c) patrons. Findings: Three different patterns emerged for shifting hotspots of aggression depending on the target. As the night progresses, aggressive incidents between patrons, towards barmaids and towards bouncers have specific hotspots and rush hours influenced by the specific routine of the target inside the barroom. Implications: The current findings enrich those of previous work by pointing to the relevance of not only examining the environmental characteristics of the barroom, but also the role of the target of aggression. Crime opportunities follow routine activities, even within a specific location on a micro level. Routine activity theory is thus relevant in this context, because as actors in differing roles follow differing routines, as do their patterns of victimization.


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Two gadoid fishes, Arctogadus glacialis and Boreogadus saida, often coexist (i.e. sympatric) in the fjords and shelf areas of the Arctic seas, where they likely share the same food resources. Diet composition from stomach contents, i.e. frequency of occurrence (FO) and Schoener's index (SI), and stable isotope signatures (d13C and d15N) in muscle of these sympatric gadoids were examined from two fjords in NE Greenland-Tyrolerfjord (TF, ~74°N, sill present) and Dove Bugt (DB, ~76°N, open). Twenty-three prey taxa and categories were identified and both gadoids ate mostly crustaceans. The SI values of 0.64-0.70 indicated possible resource competition, whereas FO differed significantly. A. glacialis fed mainly on the mysid Mysis oculata and other benthic-associated prey, whereas B. saida ate the copepod Metridia longa and other pelagic prey. Both diet and stable isotopes strongly suggest a spatial segregation in feeding habitat, with A. glacialis being associated with the benthic food web (mean d13C = -20.81 per mil, d15N = 14.92 per mil) and B. saida with the pelagic food web (mean d13C = -21.25 per mil, d15N = 13.64 per mil). The dietary differences and isotopic signals were highly significant in the secluded TF and less clear in the open DB, where prey and predators may be readily advected from adjacent areas with other trophic conditions. This is the first study on the trophic position of A. glacialis inferred from analyses of stable isotopes. The subtle interaction between the Arctic gadoids should be carefully monitored in the light of ocean warming and ongoing invasions of boreal fishes into the Arctic seas.


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Colophon: Gunnell and Shearman, printers, Salisbury Square.


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"A loose paraphrase of not quite fourteen folios of the first three volumes of the French romance of Lancelot du Lac."--Pref.


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The status of English as the language of international communication is by now well-established. However, in the past 16 years, research has tried to emphasize the fact that the English spoken in international contact situations and between people with other first languages than English has different needs than the English spoken locally amongst native speakers, resulting in the emergence of English as a lingua franca (ELF) as a scholarly field. However, the impact of findings in ELF has so far only led to a moderate shift in English language teaching. Especially in expanding circle countries, where ELF should have the biggest impact, change is only gradually becoming palpable. Accent and pronunciation, as one of the biggest factors on both identity and mutual intelligibility (Jenkins 2000; 2007) are at the root of discussion. The scope of this study is therefore to examine accent choices and the extent to which native speaker ideology informs the preferences of ten speakers of ELF and 27 German natives with experience in international communication. Both ethnographical and sociolinguistic methods, as well as auditory analysis have been applied and conducted. The auditory analysis of six variables in the recorded speech production of the ten speakers suggests that there is no significant preference of one norm-giving variety over the other. Rather, speakers tend to mix-and-match General American- and Standard Southern British English-like features in their pronunciation. When reporting their accent ideals, the idea of a ‘neutral’ English accent is mentioned by four participants. Neutral accents seem to have been understood as ‘unmarked accents’. Expressed beliefs on their own English pronunciation show a comparatively high level of reflection on and confidence in their own production. Results from a rating task and a survey given to 27 German participants reveal attitudes that are more negatively stacked. While Germans reported openness towards NNS (non-native speaker) accents and showed awareness of the priority of intelligibility over accent choice in both their own and others’ pronunciation, they still largely reported NS accent preference. The ratings of the production from ten ELF speakers confirmed this and showed that ‘neutral’ is equated with native-like. In the light of these findings, issues are discussed that ultimately relate to the influence of NS Englishes, identity and the development of English as an international language.


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The C2 domain is one of the most frequent and widely distributed calcium-binding motifs. Its structure comprises an eight-stranded beta-sandwich with two structural types as if the result of a circular permutation. Combining sequence, structural and modelling information, we have explored, at different levels of granularity, the functional characteristics of several families of C2 domains. At the coarsest level,the similarity correlates with key structural determinants of the C2 domain fold and, at the finest level, with the domain architecture of the proteins containing them, highlighting the functional diversity between the various subfamilies. The functional diversity appears as different conserved surface patches throughout this common fold. In some cases, these patches are related to substrate-binding sites whereas in others they correspond to interfaces of presumably permanent interaction between other domains within the same polypeptide chain. For those related to substrate-binding sites, the predictions overlap with biochemical data in addition to providing some novel observations. For those acting as protein-protein interfaces' our modelling analysis suggests that slight variations between families are a result of not only complementary adaptations in the interfaces involved but also different domain architecture. In the light of the sequence and structural genomic projects, the work presented here shows that modelling approaches along with careful sub-typing of protein families will be a powerful combination for a broader coverage in proteomics. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The type 1 polyaxonal (PA1) cell is a distinct type of axon-bearing amacrine cell whose soma commonly occupies an interstitial position in the inner plexiform layer; the proximal branches of the sparse dendritic tree produce 1-4 axon-like processes, which form an extensive axonal arbor that is concentric with the smaller dendritic tree (Dacey, 1989; Famiglietti, 1992a,b). In this study, intracellular injections of Neurobiotin have revealed the complete dendritic and axonal morphology of the PA1 cells in the rabbit retina, as well as labeling the local array of PA1 cells through homologous tracer coupling. The dendritic-field area of the PA1 cells increased from a minimum of 0.15 mm(2) (0.44-mm equivalent diameter) on the visual streak to a maximum of 0.67 mm(2) (0.92-mm diameter) in the far periphery; the axonal-field area also showed a 3-fold variation across the retina, ranging from 3.1 mm(2) (2.0-mm diameter) to 10.2 mm(2) (3.6-mm diameter). The increase in dendritic- and axonal-field size was accompanied by a reduction in cell density, from 60 cells/mm(2) in the visual streak to 20 cells/mm(2) in the far periphery, so that the PA1 cells showed a 12 times overlap of their dendritic fields across the retina and a 200-300 times overlap of their axonal fields. Consequently, the axonal plexus was much denser than the dendritic plexus, with each square millimeter of retina containing similar to100 mm of dendrites and similar to1000 mm of axonal processes. The strong homologous tracer coupling revealed that similar to45% of the PA1 somata were located in the inner nuclear layer, similar to50% in the inner plexiform layer, and similar to5% in the ganglion cell layer. In addition, the Neurobiotin-injected PA1 cells sometimes showed clear heterologous tracer coupling to a regular array of small ganglion cells, which were present at half the density of the PA1 cells. The PA1 cells were also shown to contain elevated levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), like other axon-bearing amacrine cells.


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Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystem and embrace possibly millions of plant, animal and protist species. Mutualistic symbioses are a fundamental feature of coral reefs that have been used to explain their structure, biodiversity and existence. Complex inter-relationships between hosts, habitats and symbionts belie closely coupled nutrient and community dynamics that create the circumstances for something from nothing (or the oasis in a nutrient desert). The flip side of these dynamics is a close dependency between species, which results in a series of non-linear relationships as conditions change. These responses are being highlighted as anthropogenic influences increase across the world's tropical and subtropical coastlines. Caribbean as well as Indo-Pacific coral populations are now in a serious decline in many parts of the world. This has resulted in a significant reorganization of how coral reef ecosystems function. Among the spectra of changes brought about by humans is rapid climate change. Mass coral bleaching - the loss of the dinoflagellate symbionts from reef-building corals - and mortality has affected the world's coral reefs with increasing frequency and intensity since the late 1970s. Mass bleaching events, which often cover thousands of square kilometres of coral reefs, are triggered by small increases (+1-3degreesC) in water temperature. These increases in sea temperature are often seen during warm phase weather conditions (e.g. ENSO) and are increasing in size and magnitude. The loss of living coral cover (e.g. 16% globally in 1998, an exceptionally warm year) is resulting in an as yet unspecified reduction in the abundance of a myriad of other species. Projections from general circulation models (GCM) used to project changes in global temperature indicate that conditions even under the mildest greenhouse gas emission scenarios may exceed the thermal tolerances of most reef-building coral communities. Research must now explore key issues such as the extent to which the thermal tolerances of corals and their symbionts are dynamic if bleaching and disease are linked; how the loss of high densities of reef-building coral will affect other dependent species; and, how the loss of coral populations will affect the millions of people globally who depend on coral reefs for their daily survival.


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Highly ordered rodlike periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PMO) were successfully synthesized using 1.2-bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane as an precursor and triblock copolymer P123 as a template at low acid concentration and in the presence of inorganic salts (KCl). The role of acid and salt as well as the effects of synthesis temperature and reactant mole ratio in the control of morphology and the formation of ordered mesostructure was systematically examined. It was found that the addition of inorganic salt can dramatically expand the range of the synthesis parameters to produce highly ordered PMO structure and improve the quality of PMO materials. The morphology of PMOs was significantly dependent on the induction time for precipitation. The uniform PMO rods can only be synthesized in a narrow range of acid and salt concentrations. The results also show that the optimized salt concentration (I M) and low acidity (0.167 M) were beneficial to the formation of not only highly ordered mesostructure but also rodlike morphology. Increasing acidity resulted in fast hydrolysis reaction and short rod or plate-like particles. Highly ordered rod can also be prepared at low temperature (35 degrees C) with high salt amount (1.5 M) or high temperature (45 degrees C) with low salt amount (0.5 M). Optimum reactant molar composition at 40 degrees C is 0.035P123:8KCl:1.34HCI:444H(2)O:1.0bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane. Lower or higher SiO2/PI23 ratio led to the formation of uniform meso-macropores or pore-blocking effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In Australia indigenous peoples have never had a treaty with the dominant cultures; and their on-going marginalisation is some testimony to this. However, they have not languished entirely in a policy free environment: media is one area where some policy advances have been made; but media policy development has experienced a number of problems. It has tended to be monolithic in a situation demanding multi and complex treatments. And funding, as always, never seems sufficient to meet those multi and complex needs. This paper examines a small remote community on the island of Milingimbi off the northern coast of Arnhem Land in Australia's far north. People in East Arnhem Land refer to themselves collectively as Yolngu. This community is not typical of many documented cases of media relations between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples; however, the fact that it tends to overturn much of the conventional scholarship surrounding indigenous peoples and the media, helps shed new light on the inadequacy of not only monolithic media policy, but the inadequacy of media-only approaches to policy. Arguably, the significance of the media in Milingimbi is part of a 'triangulated' relationship between indigenous and dominant cultures. That triangulation also involves appropriate forms of government and education, which coupled with appropriate media appear to offer new ways of seeing self-government alongside relative cultural and economic autonomy.


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O objeto de pesquisa desta dissertação são as perícopes de Isaías 7,10-17;8,23-9,6 e 11,1-9. Nelas encontra-se o cerne do pensamento messiânico de Isaías. É importante salientar que o messianismo isaiano parte da concepção de um messias que vem para governar a partir do direito e da justiça, e, assim, estabelecer a paz. O messianismo apresentado por este profeta não parte das esferas de poder da corte, mas dos pequenos e frágeis da sociedade, dotados do espírito de Javé. Há que se destacar que a profecia de Isaías é um divisor de águas no que concerne à teologia messiânica no Reino do Sul, especialmente nos profetas depois dele. Em Isaías, encontra-se a ruptura com as classes dominantes e com um messianismo bélico. A proposta deste profeta aponta para um messias frágil, mas que é movido pelo sopro, pelo movimento de Javé em suas ações. E assim, Isaías abre as portas para compreensão de um messias pobre, como retrata Zacarias, um messias servo, apresentado pelo Dêutero-Isaías, ou quem sabe um messias pastor, como proposto por Miquéias e Ezequiel e bem recebido pelas tradições do primeiro século (Jo 10,10). O messias em Isaías tem nomes e adjetivos : Imanuel, menino, raiz de Jessé, mas não tem rosto, não tem localização geográfica, não se enquadra em nenhum tipo messiânico desde o davidismo de Jerusalém. Este messias pode ser encontrado em qualquer época com qualquer rosto, por isso a importante releitura messiânica apresentada em textos do cristianismo nascente. Muitos deles inspirados na profecia isaiana do 8º. século a.C.


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Not belonging’ is becoming a prevalent theme within accounts of the first-year student experience at university. In this study the notion of not belonging is extended by assuming a more active role for the idea of liminality in a student’s transition into the university environments of academic and student life. In doing so, the article suggests that the transition between one place (home) and another (university) can result in an ‘in-between-ness’ – a betwixt space. Through an interpretative methodology, the study explores how students begin to move from this betwixt space into feeling like fully-fledged members of university life. It is concluded that there is a wide range of turning points associated with the students’ betwixt transition, which shapes, alters or indeed accentuates the ways in which they make meaningful connections with university life. Moreover, transitional turning point experiences reveal a cast of characters and symbolic objects; capture contrasting motivations and evolving relationships; display multiple trajectories of interpersonal tensions and conflicts; highlight discontinuities as well as continuities; and together, simultaneously liberate and constrain the students’ transition into university life.