991 resultados para Sparse distributed memory
Abstract The solvability of the problem of fair exchange in a synchronous system subject to Byzantine failures is investigated in this work. The fair exchange problem arises when a group of processes are required to exchange digital items in a fair manner, which means that either each process obtains the item it was expecting or no process obtains any information on, the inputs of others. After introducing a novel specification of fair exchange that clearly separates safety and liveness, we give an overview of the difficulty of solving such a problem in the context of a fully-connected topology. On one hand, we show that no solution to fair exchange exists in the absence of an identified process that every process can trust a priori; on the other, a well-known solution to fair exchange relying on a trusted third party is recalled. These two results lead us to complete our system model with a flexible representation of the notion of trust. We then show that fair exchange is solvable if and only if a connectivity condition, named the reachable majority condition, is satisfied. The necessity of the condition is proven by an impossibility result and its sufficiency by presenting a general solution to fair exchange relying on a set of trusted processes. The focus is then turned towards a specific network topology in order to provide a fully decentralized, yet realistic, solution to fair exchange. The general solution mentioned above is optimized by reducing the computational load assumed by trusted processes as far as possible. Accordingly, our fair exchange protocol relies on trusted tamperproof modules that have limited communication abilities and are only required in key steps of the algorithm. This modular solution is then implemented in the context of a pedagogical application developed for illustrating and apprehending the complexity of fair exchange. This application, which also includes the implementation of a wide range of Byzantine behaviors, allows executions of the algorithm to be set up and monitored through a graphical display. Surprisingly, some of our results on fair exchange seem contradictory with those found in the literature of secure multiparty computation, a problem from the field of modern cryptography, although the two problems have much in common. Both problems are closely related to the notion of trusted third party, but their approaches and descriptions differ greatly. By introducing a common specification framework, a comparison is proposed in order to clarify their differences and the possible origins of the confusion between them. This leads us to introduce the problem of generalized fair computation, a generalization of fair exchange. Finally, a solution to this new problem is given by generalizing our modular solution to fair exchange
Efficient and persisting immune memory is essential for long-term protection from infectious and malignant diseases. The yellow fever (YF) vaccine is a live attenuated virus that mediates lifelong protection, with recent studies showing that the CD8(+) T cell response is particularly robust. Yet, limited data exist regarding the long-term CD8(+) T cell response, with no studies beyond 5 years after vaccination. We investigated 41 vaccinees, spanning 0.27 to 35 years after vaccination. YF-specific CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in almost all donors (38 of 41), with frequencies decreasing with time. As previously described, effector cells dominated the response early after vaccination. We detected a population of naïve-like YF-specific CD8(+) T cells that was stably maintained for more than 25 years and was capable of self-renewal ex vivo. In-depth analyses of markers and genome-wide mRNA profiling showed that naïve-like YF-specific CD8(+) T cells in vaccinees (i) were distinct from genuine naïve cells in unvaccinated donors, (ii) resembled the recently described stem cell-like memory subset (Tscm), and (iii) among all differentiated subsets, had profiles closest to naïve cells. Our findings reveal that CD8(+) Tscm are efficiently induced by a vaccine in humans, persist for decades, and preserve a naïveness-like profile. These data support YF vaccination as an optimal mechanistic model for the study of long-lasting memory CD8(+) T cells in humans.
The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.
An accumulation of years brings with it an accumulation of experiences. The revision of such experiences usually becomes more recurrent after retirement, a transition time from one period of life to another and, as such, a time in which we, human beings, have a tendency to take stock of our lives. This is actually one of the main issues present in Julian Barnes's last novel The Sense of an Ending (2011). When the main protagonist, a retired man quite comfortable and contented with his present life, receives an unexpected inheritance from the mother of a girlfriend from his university years, he is forced to track down a part of his life that he had left at the back of his mind a long time ago. As he explains his story, the protagonist and narrator of the novel raises a number of questions related to the quality and function of memory as one gets into old age. He experiments the unreliability of memory and questions to what extent memory is constructed through the remembered emotions that invaded him over that episode of his life rather than through the events as they actually took place. On the other hand, the act of revisiting and revising that specific episode, brings with it feelings of guilt and remorse as the protagonist realises that his past acts were not as noble as he remembered them to be. However, these acts are part of the past and they cannot be changed; thus, another question that the novel raises is how to account for those actions of which one does not feel proud and, more importantly, how to manage those bad memories as one gets older.
Behavioral consequences of a brain insult represent an interaction between the injury and the capacity of the rest of the brain to adapt to it. We provide experimental support for the notion that genetic factors play a critical role in such adaptation. We induced a controlled brain disruption using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and show that APOE status determines its impact on distributed brain networks as assessed by functional MRI (fMRI).Twenty non-demented elders exhibiting mild memory dysfunction underwent two fMRI studies during face-name encoding tasks (before and after rTMS). Baseline task performance was associated with activation of a network of brain regions in prefrontal, parietal, medial temporal and visual associative areas. APOE ε4 bearers exhibited this pattern in two separate independent components, whereas ε4-non carriers presented a single partially overlapping network. Following rTMS all subjects showed slight ameliorations in memory performance, regardless of APOE status. However, after rTMS APOE ε4-carriers showed significant changes in brain network activation, expressing strikingly similar spatial configuration as the one observed in the non-carrier group prior to stimulation. Similarly, activity in areas of the default-mode network (DMN) was found in a single component among the ε4-non bearers, whereas among carriers it appeared disaggregated in three distinct spatiotemporal components that changed to an integrated single component after rTMS. Our findings demonstrate that genetic background play a fundamental role in the brain responses to focal insults, conditioning expression of distinct brain networks to sustain similar cognitive performance.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ollut selvittää miten kansallinen ja organisaatiokulttuuri, niihin liittyvät normit ja arvot edesauttavat tai vaikeuttavat luottamuksen kehittymistä monikulttuurisissa tiimeissä maailmanlaajuisessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen avulla haluttiin myös selvittää miten luottamus kehittyy hajautetuissa monikansallisissa tiimeissä WorldCom Internationalissa. Empiirinen tutkimusmenetelmä perustuu kvalitatiivisiin teemahaastatteluihin, jotka tehtiin WorldComin työntekijöille. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettei yhteisten sosiaalisten normien merkitys luottamuksen syntymiselle ole niin merkittävä, koska WorldComin yhtenäiset toimintatavat sekä hallitseva amerikkalaisen emoyhtiön "kotikulttuuri" muodostavat yhtenäiset toimintalinjat tiimeissä. Tietokonevälitteisen kommunikoinnin jatkuva käyttö on edesauttanut työntekijöiden ns. sosiaalisen älyn kehittymistä, sillä henkilökohtaisen tapaamisen puuttuminen kehittää vastaavasti taitoja aistia ja tulkita sähköpostien tai puhelinneuvotteluiden aikana välittyviä vastapuolen "näkymättömiä" vihjeitä.
Decision situations are often characterized by uncertainty: we do not know the values of the different options on all attributes and have to rely on information stored in our memory to decide. Several strategies have been proposed to describe how people make inferences based on knowledge used as cues. The present research shows how declarative memory of ACT-R models could be populated based on internet statistics. This will allow to simulate the performance of decision strategies operating on declarative knowledge based on occurrences and co-occurrences of objects and cues in the environment.
Since Damasio introduced the somatic markers hypothesis in Damasio (1994), it has spread through the psychological community, where it is now commonly acknowledged that somatic states are a factor in producing the qualitative dimension of our experiences. Present actions are emotionally guided by those somatic states that were previously activated in similar experiences. In this model, somatic markers serve as a kind of embodied memory. Here, we test whether the manipulation of somatic markers can modulate the emotional evaluation of negative memories. Because facial feedback has been shown to be a powerful means of modifying emotional judgements, we used it to manipulate somatic markers. Participants first read a sad story in order to induce a negative emotional memory and then were asked to rate their emotions and memory about the text. Twenty-four hours later, the same participants were asked to assume a predetermined facial feedback (smiling) while reactivating their memory of the sad story. The participants were once again asked to fill in emotional and memory questionnaires about the text. Our results showed that participants who had smiled during memory reactivation later rated the text less negatively than control participants. However, the contraction of the zygomaticus muscles during memory reactivation did not have any impact on episodic memory scores. This suggests that manipulating somatic states modified emotional memory without affecting episodic memory. Thus, modulating memories through bodily states might pave the way to studying memory as an embodied function and help shape new kinds of psychotherapeutic interventions.
Thereis now growing evidencethatthe hippocampus generatestheta rhythmsthat can phase biasfast neural oscillationsinthe neocortex, allowing coordination of widespread fast oscillatory populations outside limbic areas. A recent magnetoencephalographic study showed that maintenance of configural-relational scene information in a delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task was associated with replay of that information during the delay period. The periodicity of the replay was coordinated by the phase of the ongoing theta rhythm, and the degree of theta coordination during the delay period was positively correlated with DMS performance. Here, we reanalyzed these data to investigate which brain regions were involved in generating the theta oscillations that coordinated the periodic replay of configural- relational information. We used a beamformer algorithm to produce estimates of regional theta rhythms and constructed volumetric images of the phase-locking between the local theta cycle and the instances of replay (in the 13- 80 Hz band). We found that individual differences in DMS performancefor configural-relational associations were relatedtothe degree of phase coupling of instances of cortical reactivations to theta oscillations generated in the right posterior hippocampus and the right inferior frontal gyrus. This demonstrates that the timing of memory reactivations in humans is biased toward hippocampal theta phase
BACKGROUND: Cellular processes underlying memory formation are evolutionary conserved, but natural variation in memory dynamics between animal species or populations is common. The genetic basis of this fascinating phenomenon is poorly understood. Closely related species of Nasonia parasitic wasps differ in long-term memory (LTM) formation: N. vitripennis will form transcription-dependent LTM after a single conditioning trial, whereas the closely-related species N. giraulti will not. Genes that were differentially expressed (DE) after conditioning in N. vitripennis, but not in N. giraulti, were identified as candidate genes that may regulate LTM formation. RESULTS: RNA was collected from heads of both species before and immediately, 4 or 24 hours after conditioning, with 3 replicates per time point. It was sequenced strand-specifically, which allows distinguishing sense from antisense transcripts and improves the quality of expression analyses. We determined conditioning-induced DE compared to naïve controls for both species. These expression patterns were then analysed with GO enrichment analyses for each species and time point, which demonstrated an enrichment of signalling-related genes immediately after conditioning in N. vitripennis only. Analyses of known LTM genes and genes with an opposing expression pattern between the two species revealed additional candidate genes for the difference in LTM formation. These include genes from various signalling cascades, including several members of the Ras and PI3 kinase signalling pathways, and glutamate receptors. Interestingly, several other known LTM genes were exclusively differentially expressed in N. giraulti, which may indicate an LTM-inhibitory mechanism. Among the DE transcripts were also antisense transcripts. Furthermore, antisense transcripts aligning to a number of known memory genes were detected, which may have a role in regulating these genes. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to describe and compare expression patterns of both protein-coding and antisense transcripts, at different time points after conditioning, of two closely related animal species that differ in LTM formation. Several candidate genes that may regulate differences in LTM have been identified. This transcriptome analysis is a valuable resource for future in-depth studies to elucidate the role of candidate genes and antisense transcription in natural variation in LTM formation.
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) on laajalle levinnyt ja teollisuudessa yleisesti käytetty hajautetun tietojenkäsittelyn arkkitehtuuri. CORBA skaalautuu eri kokoisiin tarpeisiin ja sitä voidaan hyödynntää myös sulautetuissa langattomissa laitteissa. Oleellista sulautetussa ympäristössä on rakentaa rajapinnat kevytrakenteisiksi, pysyviksi ja helposti laajennettaviksi ilman että yhteensopivuus aikaisempiin rajapintoihin olisi vaarassa. Langattomissa laitteissa resurssit, kuten muistin määrä ja prosessointiteho, ovat hyvin rajalliset, joten rajapinta tulee suunnitella ja toteuttaa optimaalisesti. Palveluiden tulee ottaa huomioon myös langattomuuden rajoitukset, kuten hitaat tiedonsiirtonopeudet ja tiedonsiirron yhteydettömän luonteen. Työssä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin CORBA-rajapinta GSM-päätelaitteeseen, jonka on todettu täyttävän sille asetetut tavoitteet. Rajapinta tarjoaa kaikki yleisimmät GSM-terminaalin ominaisuudet ja on laajennettavissa tulevia tuotteita ja verkkotekniikoita varten. Laajennettavuutta saavutetaan esimerkiksi kuvaamalla terminaalin ominaisuudet yleisellä kuvauskielellä, kuten XML:lla (Extensible Markup Language).
The term "sound object" describes an auditory experience that is associated with an acoustic event produced by a sound source. In natural settings, a sound produced by a living being or an object provides information about the identity and the location of the sound source. Sound's identity is orocessed alono the ventral "What" pathway which consists of regions within the superior and middle temporal cortices as well as the inferior frontal gyrus. This work concerns the creation of individual auditory object representations in narrow semantic categories and their plasticity using electrical imaging. Discrimination of sounds from broad category has been shown to occur along a temporal hierarchy and in different brain regions along the ventral "What" pathway. However, sounds belonging to the same semantic category, such as faces or voices, were shown to be discriminated in specific brain areas and are thought to represent a special class of stimuli. I have investigated how cortical representations of a narrow category, here birdsongs, is modulated by training novices to recognized songs of individual bird species. Dynamic analysis of distributed source estimations revealed differential sound object representations within the auditory ventral "What" pathway as a function of the level of expertise newly acquired. Correct recognition of trained items induces a sharpening within a left-lateralized semantic network starting around 200ms, whereas untrained items' processing occurs later in lower-level and memory-related regions. With another category of sounds belonging to the same category, here heartbeats, I investigated the cortical representations of correct and incorrect recognition of sounds. Source estimations revealed differential representations partially overlapping with regions involved in the semantic network that is activated when participants became experts in the task. Incorrect recognition also induces a higher activation when compared to correct recognition in regions processing lower-level features. The discrimination of heartbeat sounds is a difficult task and requires a continuous listening. I investigated whether the repetition effects are modulated by participants' behavioral performance. Dynamic source estimations revealed repetition suppression in areas located outside of the semantic network. Therefore, individual environmental sounds become meaningful with training. Their representations mainly involve a left-lateralized network of brain regions that are tuned with expertise, as well as other brain areas, not related to semantic processing, and occurring in early stages of semantic processing. -- Le terme objet sonore" décrit une expérience auditive associée à un événement acoustique produit par une source sonore. Dans l'environnement, un son produit par un être vivant ou un objet fournit des informations concernant l'identité et la localisation de la source sonore. Les informations concernant l'identité d'un son sont traitée le long de la voie ventrale di "Quoi". Cette voie est composée de regions situées dans le cortex temporal et frontal. L'objet de ce travail est d'étudier quels sont les neuro-mecanismes impliqués dans la représentation de nouveaux objets sonores appartenant à une meme catégorie sémantique ainsi que les phénomènes de plasticité à l'aide de l'imagerie électrique. Il a été montré que la discrimination de sons appartenant à différentes catégories sémantiques survient dans différentes aires situées le long la voie «Quoi» et suit une hiérarchie temporelle II a également été montré que la discrimination de sons appartenant à la même catégorie sémantique tels que les visages ou les voix, survient dans des aires spécifiques et représenteraient des stimuli particuliers. J'ai étudié comment les représentations corticales de sons appartenant à une même catégorie sémantique, dans ce cas des chants d'oiseaux, sont modifiées suite à un entraînement Pour ce faire, des sujets novices ont été entraînés à reconnaître des chants d'oiseaux spécifiques L'analyse des estimations des sources neuronales au cours du temps a montré que les representations des objets sonores activent de manière différente des régions situées le long de la vo,e ventrale en fonction du niveau d'expertise acquis grâce à l'entraînement. La reconnaissance des chants pour lesquels les sujets ont été entraînés implique un réseau sémantique principalement situé dans l'hémisphère gauche activé autour de 200ms. Au contraire, la reconnaissance des chants pour lesquels les sujets n'ont pas été entraînés survient plus tardivement dans des régions de plus bas niveau. J'ai ensuite étudié les mécanismes impliqués dans la reconnaissance et non reconnaissance de sons appartenant à une autre catégorie, .es battements de coeur. L'analyse des sources neuronales a montre que certaines régions du réseau sémantique lié à l'expertise acquise sont recrutées de maniere différente en fonction de la reconnaissance ou non reconnaissance du son La non reconnaissance des sons recrute des régions de plus bas niveau. La discrimination des bruits cardiaques est une tâche difficile et nécessite une écoute continue du son. J'ai étudié l'influence des réponses comportementales sur les effets de répétitions. L'analyse des sources neuronales a montré que la reconnaissance ou non reconnaissance des sons induisent des effets de repétition différents dans des régions situées en dehors des aires du réseau sémantique. Ainsi, les sons acquièrent un sens grâce à l'entraînement. Leur représentation corticale implique principalement un réseau d'aires cérébrales situé dans l'hémisphère gauche, dont l'activité est optimisée avec l'acquisition d'un certain niveau d'expertise, ainsi que d'autres régions qui ne sont pas liée au traitement de l'information sémantique. L'activité de ce réseau sémantique survient plus rapidemement que la prédiction par le modèle de la hiérarchie temporelle.