977 resultados para Solar Decathlon Europe, analisi in regime dinamico, simulazione energetica
This chapter discusses network protection of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems for large-scale offshore wind farms where the HVDC system utilizes voltage-source converters. The multi-terminal HVDC network topology and protection allocation and configuration are discussed with DC circuit breaker and protection relay configurations studied for different fault conditions. A detailed protection scheme is designed with a solution that does not require relay communication. Advanced understanding of protection system design and operation is necessary for reliable and safe operation of the meshed HVDC system under fault conditions. Meshed-HVDC systems are important as they will be used to interconnect large-scale offshore wind generation projects. Offshore wind generation is growing rapidly and offers a means of securing energy supply and addressing emissions targets whilst minimising community impacts. There are ambitious plans concerning such projects in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region which will all require a reliable yet economic system to generate, collect, and transmit electrical power from renewable resources. Collective offshore wind farms are efficient and have potential as a significant low-carbon energy source. However, this requires a reliable collection and transmission system. Offshore wind power generation is a relatively new area and lacks systematic analysis of faults and associated operational experience to enhance further development. Appropriate fault protection schemes are required and this chapter highlights the process of developing and assessing such schemes. The chapter illustrates the basic meshed topology, identifies the need for distance evaluation, and appropriate cable models, then details the design and operation of the protection scheme with simulation results used to illustrate operation. © Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2014.
Napjaink informatikai világának talán legkeresettebb hívó szava a cloud computing, vagy magyar fordításban, a számítási felhő. A fordítás forrása az EU-s (Digitális Menetrend magyar változata, 2010) A számítási felhő üzleti modelljének részletes leírását adja (Bőgel, 2009). Bőgel György ismerteti az új, közműszerű informatikai szolgáltatás kialakulását és gazdasági előnyeit, nagy jövőt jósolva a számítási felhőnek az üzleti modellek versenyében. A szerző – a számítási felhő üzleti előnyei mellett – nagyobb hangsúlyt fektet dolgozatában a gyors elterjedést gátló tényezőkre, és arra, hogy mit jelentenek az előnyök és a hátrányok egy üzleti, informatikai vagy megfelelőségi vezető számára. Nem csökkentve a cloud modell gazdasági jelentőségét, fontosnak tartja, hogy a problémákról és a kockázatokról is szóljon. Kiemeli, hogy a kockázatokban – különösen a biztonsági és adatvédelmi kockázatokban – lényeges különbségek vannak az Európai Gazdasági Térség és a világ többi része, pl. az Amerikai Egyesült Államok között. A cikkben rámutat ezekre a különbségekre, és az olvasó magyarázatot kap arra is, hogy miért várható a számítási felhő lassabb terjedése Európában, mint a világ más részein. Bemutatja az EU erőfeszítéseit is a számítási felhő európai terjedésének elősegítésére, tekintettel a modell versenyképességet növelő hatására. / === / One of the most popular concept of the recent web searches is cloud computing. Several authors present detailed description of the new service model and it's business benefits and cite the optimistic prognoses of the cloud experts regarding the competition of information system service models. The author analyses the operational benefits of the cloud application and give a detailed description of the inhibitors of the fast expansion of the service modell. He also analyses the pros and cons of the cloud for a business manager, an information and a compliance officer. When understanding the advantages of the cloud, it is equally important to review the problems and risks associated with the model. The paper gives a list of the expected cloud-specific risks. It also explains the differences in security and data protection approach between the European Economic Area and the rest of the world, including the USA. The explains why slower expansion of the cloud modell is expected in Europe than in the rest of the world. The efforts of the EU Committee in helping to spread the cloud model is also presented, as the EU's officers consider the model as an important element of competitiveness.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the situation of the Central and Eastern European countries within the EU on the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Enlargement. Since 2004, the region has shown a trend to catch up with Western Europe in terms of both employment and economic performance. However, the financial and economic crisis which started in 2008 disrupted the previous trends of convergence for some, and greater differences emerged between individual countries' performances. The eastward enlargement has practically doubled labour mobility within the EU, and this phenomenon is likely to be sustained as long as income disparities between Member States persist. The 2004 and 2007 enlargements brought more welfare to the countries receiving mobile workers, whereas countries of origin bear the real risks of labour mobility from east to west. Today, it can be said that most of the newer Member States, irrespective of the varying speeds of convergence have developed within the EU as an 'inner periphery'. In order to make better use of the potential for economic growth in Central-Eastern Europe, investing in human capital should become a priority. The major question for the second decade of our enlarged European Union - aside from the reform of the monetary union - is whether the EU’s eastern region can continue to catch up without the internal socio-economic polarisation observed thus far, and whether the latter process can in fact be reversed.
Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.
Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.
Scopo di questo elaborato di tesi è la modellazione e l’implementazione di una estensione del simulatore Alchemist, denominata Biochemistry, che permetta di simulare un ambiente multi-cellulare. Al fine di simulare il maggior numero possibile di processi biologici, il simulatore dovrà consentire di modellare l’eterogeneità cellulare attraverso la modellazione di diversi aspetti dei sistemi cellulari, quali: reazioni intracellulari, segnalazione tra cellule adiacenti, giunzioni cellulari e movimento. Dovrà, inoltre, essere ammissibile anche l’esecuzione di azioni impossibili nel mondo reale, come la distruzione o la creazione dal nulla di molecole chimiche. In maniera più specifica si sono modellati ed implementati i seguenti processi biochimici: creazione e distruzione di molecole chimiche, reazioni biochimiche intracellulari, scambio di molecole tra cellule adiacenti, creazione e distruzione di giunzioni cellulari. È stata dunque posta particolare enfasi nella modellazione delle reazioni tra cellule vicine, il cui meccanismo è simile a quello usato nella segnalazione cellulare. Ogni parte del sistema è stata modellata seguendo fenomeni realmente presenti nei sistemi multi-cellulari, e documentati in letteratura. Per la specifica delle reazioni chimiche, date in ingresso alla simulazione, è stata necessaria l’implementazione di un Domain Specific Language (DSL) che consente la scrittura di reazioni in modo simile al linguaggio naturale, consentendo l’uso del simulatore anche a persone senza particolari conoscenze di biologia. La correttezza del progetto è stata validata tramite test compiuti con dati presenti in letteratura e inerenti a processi biologici noti e ampiamente studiati.
La misurazione del gradiente pressorio venoso (HVPG) viene utilizzata per diagnosticare la gravità della malattia del fegato ma si tratta di una pratica invasiva e che non può essere effettuata in tutti i pazienti. Per questo motivo sono state studiate nuove metodiche per riuscire ad analizzare la cirrosi, una tra le quali l’indagine ecografica. Un progetto in fase di svolgimento (progetto CLEVER) è stato avviato per riuscire a sviluppare, validare e trasferire nella pratica clinica un nuovo sistema basato sull'analisi di immagini ecografiche con mezzo di contrasto al fine di valutare la gravità della degenerazione della rete vascolare causata dalla cirrosi. L'obiettivo principale della ricerca è quello di sviluppare uno strumento completamente automatico per l'analisi in tempo reale della rete vascolare del fegato in grado di valutare la connettività vascolare e quantificare il grado di squilibrio della rete.
Al Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ogni anno di acquisizione dati vengono raccolti più di 30 petabyte di dati dalle collisioni. Per processare questi dati è necessario produrre un grande volume di eventi simulati attraverso tecniche Monte Carlo. Inoltre l'analisi fisica richiede accesso giornaliero a formati di dati derivati per centinaia di utenti. La Worldwide LHC Computing GRID (WLCG) è una collaborazione interazionale di scienziati e centri di calcolo che ha affrontato le sfide tecnologiche di LHC, rendendone possibile il programma scientifico. Con il prosieguo dell'acquisizione dati e la recente approvazione di progetti ambiziosi come l'High-Luminosity LHC, si raggiungerà presto il limite delle attuali capacità di calcolo. Una delle chiavi per superare queste sfide nel prossimo decennio, anche alla luce delle ristrettezze economiche dalle varie funding agency nazionali, consiste nell'ottimizzare efficientemente l'uso delle risorse di calcolo a disposizione. Il lavoro mira a sviluppare e valutare strumenti per migliorare la comprensione di come vengono monitorati i dati sia di produzione che di analisi in CMS. Per questa ragione il lavoro è comprensivo di due parti. La prima, per quanto riguarda l'analisi distribuita, consiste nello sviluppo di uno strumento che consenta di analizzare velocemente i log file derivanti dalle sottomissioni di job terminati per consentire all'utente, alla sottomissione successiva, di sfruttare meglio le risorse di calcolo. La seconda parte, che riguarda il monitoring di jobs sia di produzione che di analisi, sfrutta tecnologie nel campo dei Big Data per un servizio di monitoring più efficiente e flessibile. Un aspetto degno di nota di tali miglioramenti è la possibilità di evitare un'elevato livello di aggregazione dei dati già in uno stadio iniziale, nonché di raccogliere dati di monitoring con una granularità elevata che tuttavia consenta riprocessamento successivo e aggregazione “on-demand”.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
A combined record of three cores spanning the last 18 kyr from the northern North Sea is investigated for content of benthic and planktonic foraminifera and stable oxygen isotopes. The paleoenvironmental development through this time period shows an early deglaciation (18-14.4 ka) and the Younger Dryas (12.7-11.5 ka) characterized by arctic/polar conditions and increased ice rafting in the Norwegian Channel. During the Bølling-Allerød period, warm sea surface temperature (9°C) conditions similar to present conditions are inferred, while bottom waters stayed cold (0-1°C) with normal salinity. The Bølling-Allerød period is interrupted twice at 13.9-13.6 ka (Older Dryas) and at 13.0-12.8 ka (Inter-Allerød Cooling Period) by reductions in sea surface temperatures and increased sea ice cover. The beginning of the Holocene period is marked by increases in surface and bottom water temperature. Superimposed on the broad climatic changes through the Holocene, a series of short-lived oscillations in the ocean circulation are recorded. The amplitude of these Holocene events appears larger in the early Holocene (prior to 8 ka) than compared with the remaining part of the Holocene. This amplification can possibly be attributed to a general increased freshwater budget in the North Atlantic at this time during the final stages of the deglaciation of the Laurentide and Scandinavian ice sheets.
Changes in the Earth's orbit lead to changes in the seasonal and meridional distribution of insolation. We quantify the influence of orbitally induced changes on the seasonal temperature cycle in a transient simulation of the last 6000 years - from the mid-Holocene to today - using a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (ECHAM5/MPI-OM) including a land surface model (JSBACH). The seasonal temperature cycle responds directly to the insolation changes almost everywhere. In the Northern Hemisphere, its amplitude decreases according to an increase in winter insolation and a decrease in summer insolation. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite is true. Over the Arctic Ocean, decreasing summer insolation leads to an increase in sea-ice cover. The insulating effect of sea ice between the ocean and the atmosphere leads to decreasing heat flux and favors more "continental" conditions over the Arctic Ocean in winter, resulting in strongly decreasing temperatures. Consequently, there are two competing effects: the direct response to insolation changes and a sea-ice insulation effect. The sea-ice insulation effect is stronger, and thus an increase in the amplitude of the seasonal temperature cycle over the Arctic Ocean occurs. This increase is strongest over the Barents Shelf and influences the temperature response over northern Europe. We compare our modeled seasonal temperatures over Europe to paleo reconstructions. We find better agreements in winter temperatures than in summer temperatures and better agreements in northern Europe than in southern Europe, since the model does not reproduce the southern European Holocene summer cooling inferred from the paleo reconstructions. The temperature reconstructions for northern Europe support the notion of the influence of the sea-ice insulation effect on the evolution of the seasonal temperature cycle.
This paper considers how far Anglo-Saxon conceptions of have influenced European Union vocational education and training policy, especially given the disparate approaches to VET across Europe. Two dominant approaches can be identified: the dual system (exemplified by Germany); and output based models (exemplified by the NVQ ‘English style’). Within the EU itself, the design philosophy of the English output-based model proved in the first instance influential in attempts to develop tools to establish equivalence between vocational qualifications across Europe, resulting in the learning outcomes approach of the European Qualifications Framework, the credit-based model of European VET Credit System and the task-based construction of occupation profiles exemplified by European Skills, Competences and Occupations. The governance model for the English system is, however, predicated on employer demand for ‘skills’ and this does not fit well with the social partnership model encompassing knowledge, skills and competences that is dominant in northern Europe. These contrasting approaches have led to continual modifications to the tools, as these sought to harmonise and reconcile national VET requirements with the original design. A tension is evident in particular between national and regional approaches to vocational education and training, on the one hand, and the policy tools adopted to align European vocational education and training better with the demands of the labour market, including at sectoral level, on the other. This paper explores these tensions and considers the prospects for the successful operation of these tools, paying particular attention to the European Qualifications Framework, European VET Credit System and European Skills, Competences and Occupations tool and the relationships between them and drawing on studies of the construction and furniture industries.
The Court of Justice’s decision of the 16 July 2015, in Case C-83/14 CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Komisia za zashtita ot diskriminatsia, is a critically important case for two main reasons. First, it represents a further step along the path of addressing ethnic discrimination against Roma communities in Europe, particularly in Bulgaria, where the case arises. Second, it provides interpretations (sometimes controversial interpretations) of core concepts in the EU antidiscrimination Directives that will be drawn on in the application of equality law well beyond Bulgaria, and well beyond the pressing problem of ethnic discrimination against Roma. This article focuses particularly on the second issue, the potentially broader implications of the case. In particular, it will ask whether the Court of Justice’s approach in CHEZ is subtly redrawing the boundaries of EU equality law in general, in particular by expanding the concept of direct discrimination, or whether the result and the approach adopted is sui generis, one depending on the particular context of the case and the fact that it involves allegations of discrimination against Roma, and therefore of limited general application.
Research in the fields of ceramic pigments is oriented towards the enlargement of the chromatic set of colors together with a replacement for more expensive and less stable organic pigments. Novel non-toxic inorganic pigments have been required to answer environmental laws to remove elements like lead, chromium, cobalt entering in the composition of usual pigments widely used in paints and plastics. Yellow is particularly an important color in the pigment industry and consumption of yellow exceeds that of any other colored pigments. Apart from this, high infrared reflective pigments are now in great demand for usage in coatings, cement pavements, automotives and camouflage applications. They not only impart color to an object, but also reflect the invisible heat from the object to minimize heat build–up, when exposed to solar radiation. With this in view, the present work aims at developing new functional yellow pigments for these applications. A series of IR reflecting yellow pigments have been synthesized and analyzed for their crystalline structure, morphological, composition and optical characteristics, coloring and energy saving applications