753 resultados para Social work with youth--Psychological aspects.


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Recent literature has discussed the unintended consequences of clinical information technologies (IT) on patient safety, yet there has been little discussion about the safety concerns in the area of consumer health IT. This paper presents a range of safety concerns for consumers in social media, with a case study on YouTube. We conducted a scan of abstracts on 'quality criteria' related to YouTube. Five areas regarding the safety of YouTube for consumers were identifi ed: (a) harmful health material targeted at consumers (such as inappropriate marketing of tobaccoor direct-to-consumer drug advertising); (b) public display of unhealthy behaviour (such as people displaying self-injury behaviours or hurting others); (c) tainted public health messages (i.e. the rise of negative voices againstpublic health messages); (d) psychological impact from accessing inappropriate, offensive or biased social media content; and (e) using social media to distort policy and research funding agendas. The examples presented should contribute to a better understanding about how to promote a safe consumption and production of social media for consumers, and an evidence-based approach to designing social media interventions for health. The potential harm associated with the use of unsafe social media content on the Internet is a major concern. More empirical and theoretical studies are needed to examine how social media infl uences consumer health decisions, behaviours and outcomes, and devise ways to deter the dissemination of harmful infl uences in social media.


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Cette thèse doctorale étudie le rôle de la citoyenneté Suisse et le modèle libérale de l'Etat social dans la production du racisme institutionnel au sein des services sociaux en Suisse. Cette thèse pose la question comment le régime de la citoyenneté Suisse rend possible et contraint les travailleurs sociaux à racialiser et discriminer leur clients avec des différences culturelles alors que les normes de l'aide sociale (normes de CSIAS) ne prévoient pas des traitements différentialistes selon la culture ou l'origine. Le modèle théorique du racisme institutionnel développé se passe sur une approche néo- institutionaliste et des ethnie and racial studies, prenant en compte le niveau individuel, collectif et institutionnel. En incluant ces deux approches, on dépasse le déterminisme des structuralistes dans les études sur le racisme institutionnel. Cette recherche qualitative montre que les travailleurs sociaux utilisent les ressources de la citoyenneté Suisse, de l'Etat social Suisse et leur expériences personnelles quand ils interagissent avec des clients. En plus, cette thèse démontre que le workfare logique en combinaison avec l'idée de l'assimilation culturelle rend possible la production d'un discours sur la nécessité de mériter d'être un membre de la communauté nationale et d'accéder à l'aide sociale. Cette compréhension néo-libérale de la citoyenneté renforce et légitime les travailleurs sociaux de racialiser et pratiquer la discrimination à l'égard de leurs clients et les rend incapable de développer une réflexivité critique. Toutefois, cette thèse montre également que les travailleurs sociaux produisent du travail social interculturel s'ils ont pu développer une telle réflexivité critique dans les institutions de l'aide sociale qui mettent en avant une conception "individuelle" de l'aide sociale.-Cette thèse vise à aller au-delà du silence qui constitue les débats publiques et la recherche sur le racisme au sein des institutions publiques en Suisse. - This thesis questions the role of the Swiss citizenship regime and the Swiss liberal social welfare model in the production of institutional racism in social services in Switzerland. Considering the absence of intercultural formal guidelines in the norms of social welfare (SKOS norms), this research investigates how the Swiss citizenship regime constrains and enables social workers to racialise and discriminate against their clients with cultural differences. This thesis develops a model of institutional racism, taking into account ethnic and racial studies and a neo-institutionalist approach on institutions, addressing the individual, collective and institutional level. In this framework, this thesis allows to overcome the structuralist determinism in the studies on institutional racism. Based on a qualitative inquiry, this research shows that social workers use the resources from the Swiss citizenship regime, social welfare model and their personal experiences when they interact with their clients. This study also shows that the workfare logic in combination with the idea of cultural assimilation enables to produce a discourse on deserving social welfare and earning membership to the national community. This neo-liberal citizenship understanding reinforces and legitimises social workers to racialise and discriminate against their clients and hinders them to develop critical reflexivity. However, this thesis also shows that social workers are able to produce intercultural social work when they could develop such a reflexivity in social services with an "individual" social welfare conceptions. This thesis aims to go beyond a persisting silence regarding public debates and research on racism in public institutions in Switzerland.


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Aquest treball és un aprofundiment teòric sobre la mort en la realitat actual i un anàlisi de com es tractada des del Treball Social. La mort forma part de la vida i vivim en una societat on hi ha la percepció de que es fa negació de la mateixa. A través d'aquest projecte he volgut esbrinar si aquest fet, es veu reflexat en els recursos amb els que els/les treballadors/es socials fan la seva tasca amb persones properes a la mort. La visió de la mort en l’actualitat té moltes definicions i també està lligada al fet de com s'ha viscut al llarg de la història


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Cooperatives are the basis of the social economy in many agricultural sectors. The present research work investigates the management situation of the olive oil cooperatives in Catalonia. The study identifies a typology of cooperatives based on their attitudes towards to the sector. A positioning map of the different types of cooperatives is then established on the basis of their characteristics. The study concludes with important managerial aspects of olive oil cooperatives in Catalonia.


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Les empreses en tant que formen part de la comunitat, tenen una responsabilitat vers la mateixa i la realitat social que la forma. Les accions que es realitzen no són neutres, generant comportaments que cal saber preveure en benefici comú de totes les parts implicades directament o indirectament. Parlar de Responsabilitat Social Corporativa (RSC) ja és en si un fet positiu que dibuixa nous horitzons cap a societats més responsables i justes. L'incorporació de la RSC en el debat econòmic, social, ambiental, cultural i polític, fa preveure un recorregut llarg en el temps on cada vegada més empreses, entitats i organitzacions sumen esforços al seu voltant. El Treball Social com a professió coneixedora de la realitat social i les dificultats existents ha de poder jugar un paper proactiu en la RSC conjuntament amb d´altres actors. Des d'un treball col·laboratiu que afavoreixi espais de sinergia, on es sumin esforços per assolir una societat més humana, justa, solidària i responsable. En definitiva amb un missatge adreçat a treballar, des de diferents àmbits professionals, per garantir uns mínims de qualitat de vida per a totes les persones que formem part de la societat.


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Työkyky koostuu psyykkisestä, sosiaalisesta ja fyysisestä osa-alueesta. Psyykkinen osa-alue koostuu jaksamisesta, sitoutumisesta, vuorovaikutuksesta sekä osaamisesta eli siis lähinnä yksilön ominaisuuksista, kun taas sosiaaliseen työkykyyn vaikuttavat myös työyhteisön jäsenet, työympäristö sekä organisaatiokulttuuri. Fyysinen työkyky koostuu pääosin niistä fyysisen toimintakyvyn ominaisuuksista, joita työn suorittamisessa tarvitaan. Toimintakyky määrittää myös sosiaalista ja psyykkistä työkykyä, siltä osin kun sitä tarvitaan työstä selviytymisessä. Ikääntyminen asettaa haasteita mutta myös mahdollisuuksia työkyvylle. Selkeintä heikkeneminen on fyysisellä osa-alueella, kun taas sosiaalisen ja psyykkisen osa-alueen heikkeneminen ei yleensä näy työiässä. Päinvastoin, ikääntymisen on todettu parantavan esim. sosiaalisia taitoja ja lisäävän arkipäivän viisautta.Työkykytoiminnalla pyritään ylläpitämään työkykyä tai ehkäisemään tai korjaamaan työkyvyn alenemaa. Se voi kohdistua yksilöön, työyhteisöön tai koko organisaatioon. Toiminnan onnistuminen edellyttää kaikkien organisaation tai työyhteisön jäsenten osallistumista ja sitoutumista toimintaan, ja onnistuneen työkykytoiminnan seurauksena hyötyvät työntekijän ja yrityksen lisäksi yhteiskunta. Työkykytoiminnan keinoja ovat työn, yksilön, esimiestyön sekä työyhteisön kehittäminen.Stora Enson Anjalankosken tehtailla toteutettiin kolmevuotinen ikääntyvien työkykyprojekti, jonka tavoitteena oli työ- ja toimintakykyä parantamalla ehkäistä ennenaikaista eläköitymistä ja säilyttää ikääntyvien hiljainen tieto mahdollisimman pitkään yrityksessä. Projektin jäsenien työkyky oli jo varsin korkea jo projektin alussa, mutta se onnistuttiin pitämään ikääntymisestä huolimatta korkealla tasolla projektin aikana. Projektin jäseniin kohdistuneen tutkimuksen perusteella tärkeimmäksi työkyvyn määrittäjäksi nousivat työtehtävät tai paremminkin niiden soveltuminen yksilön tarpeisiin, kykyihin ja arvostuksiin.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies observed associations of various aspects of diet with mental health, but little is known about the relationship between following the 5-a-day recommendation for fruit and vegetables consumption and mental health. Thus, we examined the associations of the Swiss daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake with psychological distress. METHODS: Data from 20,220 individuals aged 15+ years from the 2012 Swiss Health Survey were analyzed. The recommended portions of fruit and vegetables per day were defined as 5-a-day (at least 2 portions of fruit and 3 of vegetables). The outcome was perceived psychological distress over the previous 4 weeks (measured by the 5-item mental health index [MHI-5]). High distress (MHI-5 score ≤ 52), moderate distress (MHI-5 > 52 and ≤ 72) and low distress (MHI-5 > 72 and ≤ 100) were differentiated and multinomial logistic regression analyses adjusted for known confounding factors were performed. RESULTS: The 5-a-day recommendation was met by 11.6 % of the participants with low distress, 9.3 % of those with moderate distress, and 6.2 % of those with high distress. Consumers fulfilling the 5-a-day recommendation had lower odds of being highly or moderately distressed than individuals consuming less fruit and vegetables (moderate vs. low distress: OR = 0.82, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.69-0.97; high vs. low distress: OR = 0.55, 95 % CI 0.41-0.75). CONCLUSIONS: Daily intake of 5 servings of fruit and vegetable was associated with lower psychological distress. Longitudinal studies are needed to further determine the causal nature of this relationship.


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Brief addiction treatments, including motivational interviewing (MI), have shown promise with youth. One underexamined factor in this equation is the role of therapist behaviors. We therefore sought to assess whether and how therapist behaviors differ for Hispanic versus non-Hispanic youth and how that may be related to treatment outcome. With 80 substance-using adolescents (M age = 16 years; 65% male; 59% Hispanic; 41% non-Hispanic), we examined the relationship between youth ethnicity and therapist behaviors across two brief treatments (MI and alcohol/marijuana education [AME]). We then explored relationships to youth 3-month treatment response across four target outcomes: binge drinking days, alcohol-related problems, marijuana use days, and marijuana-related problems. In this study, therapists showed significantly more MI skills within the MI condition and more didactic skills in the AME condition. With respect to youth ethnicity, across both conditions (MI and AME), therapists used less MI skills with Hispanic youth. Contrary to expectations, therapists' use of MI skills was not connected to poorer outcomes for Hispanic youth across the board (e.g., for binge drinking days, marijuana use days, or marijuana-related problems). Rather, for Hispanic youth, therapists' use of lower MI skills was related only to poorer treatment outcomes in the context of alcohol-related problems. The observed relationships highlight the importance of investigating salient treatment interactions between therapist factors and youth ethnicity to guide improvements in youth treatment response. (PsycINFO Database Record


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This thesis focuses on the social-psychological factors that help coping with structural disadvantage, and specifically on the role of cohesive ingroups and the sense of connectedness and efficacy they entail in this process. It aims to complement existing group-based models of coping that are grounded in a categorization perspective to groups and consequently focus exclusively on the large-scale categories made salient in intergroup contexts of comparisons. The dissertation accomplishes this aim through a reconsideration of between-persons relational interdependence as a sufficient and independent antecedent of a sense of groupness, and the benefits that a sense of group connectedness in one's direct environment, regardless of the categorical or relational basis of groupness, might have in the everyday struggles of disadvantaged group members. The three empirical papers aim to validate this approach, outlined in the first theoretical introduction, by testing derived hypotheses. They are based on data collected with youth populations (15-30) from three institutions in French-speaking Switzerland within the context of a larger project on youth transitions. Methods of data collection are paper-pencil questionnaires and in-depth interviews with a selected sub-sample of participants. The key argument of the first paper is that members of socially disadvantaged categories face higher barriers to their life project and that a general sense of connectedness, either based on categorical identities or other proximal groups and relations, mitigates the feeling of powerlessness associated with this experience. The second paper develops and tests a model that defines individual needs satisfaction as antecedent of self-group bonds and the efficacy beliefs derived from these intragroup bonds as the mechanism underlining the role of ingroups in coping. The third paper highlights the complexities that might be associated with the construction of a sense of groupness directly from intergroup comparisons and categorization-based disadvantage, and points out a more subtle understanding of the processes underling the emergence of groupness out of the situation of structural disadvantage. Overall, the findings confirm the central role of ingroups in coping with structural disadvantage and the importance of an understanding of groupness and its role that goes beyond the dominant focus on intergroup contexts and categorization processes.


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El present projecte exposa un estudi sobre la motivació, un dels factors psicològics que intervenen en l’àmbit esportiu, concretament en el futbol. Es fa èmfasi en els tipus de motivació, les teories, els factors que hi intervenen, les tècniques que s’utilitzen i també el paper que desenvolupa l’entrenador en aquest àmbit. La investigació es situa en tres equips de futbol de categoria juvenil masculí, en la qual es pretén conèixer i analitzar com influeix en els jugadors la motivació i la seva participació en aquest esport. Es conclou sobre la necessitat de seguir treballant la motivació en cada equip per tal d’afavorir una major implicació dels jugadors i un clima més òptim de treball i sobre la importància de noves actuacions i tècniques que tinguin en compte la motivació a dos nivells: individual i col·lectiu.


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El treball que es presenta a continuació consisteix en una anàlisi teòrica sobre el concepte d'apoderament juvenil partint d'una aproximació al context actual i les relacions de poder que condicionen la construcció social de la joventut. L'anàlisi es basa en la relació del concepte d'apoderament amb els processos de transformació social així com de qüestionament de les estructures de poder existents avui. D'altra banda, es realitza una reflexió sobre l'ús del terme des de l'àmbit de les ciències socials, específicament des de les polítiques públiques de joventut


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Per entendre l’experiència d’una pèrdua i dur a terme una intervenció amb una valoració holística del pacient amb dol, és útil conèixer que aquesta pèrdua és present a la vida humana i que tota persona és susceptible a viure-la. Cada pas que fem en el nostre camí perdem coses, des de persones a un objecte significatiu, fins a les coses més efímeres com és la joventut, els somnis o les idees que ens permeten l’enfrontament a les dures “realitats de la vida”L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és valorar el coneixement del concepte de dol, dol patològic i dóna a conèixer quin és el procés de dol a partir de la teoria de les etapes d’ Elisabet Kübler-Ross, Parkes i Worden com els pares de les tasques d’aquest procés. Per altra banda pretén, donar a conèixer la detecció d’un dol per així evitar la cronificació d’aquest i que el pacient pugui dur a terme un bonacompanyament del dolLa metodologia es realitzarà a partir d’un estudi d’anàlisis qualitatiu i quantitatiu, descriptiu i bivariant en els professionals d’infermeria de les àrees bàsiques de salut de la ciutat de Girona: Girona 1(CAP Santa Clara), Girona 2 (CAP Can Gibert del Pla), Girona 3 (CAP de Montilivi) i Girona 4(CAP Taialà)Per l’anàlisi estadística descriptiva i bivariant s’utilitzarà el programa SPSS v20 per l’anàlisi quantitativa i el programa N-Vivo 10 per l’anàlisi qualitativa. I per l’obtenció dels resultats es realitzarà una anàlisis descriptiva bivariant. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest estudi ens ajudaran a detectar necessitats relacionades amb la formació i l’aprenentatge dels professionals de l’atenció primària i la manca de recursos en relació al dol


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This study addresses the role of EFL education, its potential and shortcomings, and the challenges the future of EFL education will bring. It is argued that new societal demands and the limited time we have at our disposal in the classroom make it necessary to rethink goals and content and move away from the transmissionof limited sets of facts and information to helping students develop awareness and competences that can be applied in many different situations, also in a perspective of lifelong learning. The overall aim of the current study is to problematize and increase understanding of the implementation of cultural aspects in the language classroom by addressing the interrelated what, why and how of the cultural dimension within EFL education. This has been conducted by means of theoretical explorations into the area, alongside an attempt at promoting intercultural competence (IC) in a more systematic and insightful manner within my own educational praxis. The focus of the intercultural work in the classroom was on the promotion of awareness of difference and diversity, as well as respect for such difference through the ability to decenter from cultural norms and behavior that previously have been taken for granted. These are two elements that have been suggested as fundamental for other work with IC in the classroom and for the realization of important aspects of the underlying values of basic education. In the context of this study, IC comprises several interconnected components supportingeach other in a variety of ways, with the further aim being interaction with and respect for difference in general, not only concerning e.g. representatives ofcertain English-speaking communities. The methodology was informed by action research, with myself in the role of the teacher-researcher or the reflective practitioner. For the purpose of the project I was authorized to take on the EFL education for the three years of upper comprehensive school of one random class of students originally assigned to one of the language teachers of the selected Finland-Swedish school. Thus, the class of 17 students was not specifically chosen for the project, and the aims and contents chosen for the development project were placed within the framework of the ordinary curriculum. By exploring the students¿ insights concerning different English-speaking cultural groups, mainly through a set of questionnaires, it was possible to outline the work with the cultural dimension in the classroom for the following three years. Work progress was evaluated at specific stages, and the final project evaluations were conducted through individual student interviews in grade 9. The interviews were focused on possible development of students¿ insights concerning different aspects of the cultural dimension. In particular this concerned awareness of difference and diversity, including modification of stereotypes, as well as the ability to decenterin order to be better able to respect such difference. I also explored students¿ awareness and views of the activities and approaches used in class, as well asaffordances both inside and outside the EFL classroom in relation to these intended insights. A further focus area was the perceived relevance to students of different aspects of the cultural dimension. The frameworks and approaches adopted for the work in the classroom all have in common that they are based on a constructivist framework, where knowledge is constructed and reconstructed through interaction with one¿s social and cultural environment, including interaction with others. Reflective processes precede or are simultaneous with the learning of basic factual knowledge. This entails a view of learning as a progression from simple to more complex models rather than as a progression from facts to understanding and analysis. Here, the development of intercultural competence is seen asa cyclical process, or along a spiral curriculum, from simple to more complex levels through a combination of cognitive, affective and behavioral elements within a framework of experiential learning. This project has shown one possible wayforward concerning the development of intercultural competence within EFL education through a more systematic and comprehensive approach regarding linguistic and cultural aspects. The evaluation of the educational process explored in the study suggests the possibilities for work with the promotion of awareness of difference and diversity concerning some specific context that, based on students¿ prior knowledge and preconceptions, would benefit from further work. In this case, the specific context primarily concerned different aspects of both cultural and linguistic conditions in the UK. It is also suggested that many students developed the ability to decenter, described in the study as integral to being able to respect otherness. What still remains to be explored are more individualized approaches considering students¿ different levels of departure. Further work alsoneeds to be put into how to apply insights gained in these specific situations to more general contexts. It is also necessary to explore the use of the suggested approaches in a wider range of different contexts.


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Leadership is essential for the effectiveness of the teams and organizations they are part of. The challenges facing organizations today require an exhaustive review of the strategic role of leadership. In this context, it is necessary to explore new types of leadership capable of providing an effective response to new needs. The presentday situations, characterized by complexity and ambiguity, make it difficult for an external leader to perform all leadership functions successfully. Likewise, knowledge-based work requires providing professional groups with sufficient autonomy to perform leadership functions. This study focuses on shared leadership in the team context. Shared leadership is seen as an emergent team property resulting from the distribution of leadership influence across multiple team members. Shared leadership entails sharing power and influence broadly among the team members rather than centralizing it in the hands of a single individual who acts in the clear role of a leader. By identifying the team itself as a key source of influence, this study points to the relational nature of leadership as a social construct where leadership is seen as social process of relating processes that are co-constructed by several team members. Based on recent theoretical developments concerned with relational, practice-based and constructionist approaches to the study of leadership processes, this thesis proposes the study of leadership interactions, working processes and practices to focus on the construction of direction, alignment and commitment. During the research process, critical events, activities, working processes and practices of a case team have been examined and analyzed with the grounded theory –approach in the terms of shared leadership. There are a variety of components to this complex process and a multitude of factors that may influence the development of shared leadership. The study suggests that the development process of shared leadership is a common sense -making process and consists of four overlapping dimensions (individual, social, structural, and developmental) to work with as a team. For shared leadership to emerge, the members of the team must offer leadership services, and the team as a whole must be willing to rely on leadership by multiple team members. For these individual and collective behaviors to occur, the team members must believe that offering influence to and accepting it from fellow team members are welcome and constructive actions. Leadership emerges when people with differing world views use dialogue and collaborative learning to create spaces where a shared common purpose can be achieved while a diversity of perspectives is preserved and valued. This study also suggests that this process can be supported by different kinds of meaning-making and process tools. Leadership, then, does not reside in a person or in a role, but in the social system. The built framework integrates the different dimensions of shared leadership and describes their relationships. This way, the findings of this study can be seen as a contribution to the understanding of what constitutes essential aspects of shared leadership in the team context that can be of theoretical value in terms of advancing the adoption and development process of shared leadership. In the real world, teams and organizations can create conditions to foster and facilitate the process. We should encourage leaders and team members to approach leadership as a collective effort that the team can be prepared for, so that the response is rapid and efficient.


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Social tagging evolved in response to a need to tag heterogeneous objects, the automated tagging of which is usually not feasible by current technological means. Social tagging can be used for more flexible competence management within organizations. The profiles of employees can be built in the form of groups of tags, as employees tag each other, based on their familiarity of each other’s expertise. This can serve as a replacement for the more traditional competence management approaches, which usually become outdated due to social and organizational hurdles, and obsolete data. These limitations can be overcome by people tagging, as the information revealed by such tags is usually based on most recent employee interaction and knowledge. Task management as part of personal information management aims at the support of users’ individual task handling. This can include collaborating with other individuals, sharing one’s knowledge, both functional and process-related, and distributing documents and web resources. In this context, Task patterns can be used as templates that collect information and experience around tasks associated to it during run time, facilitating agility. The effective collaboration among contributors necessitates the means to find the appropriate individuals to work with on the task, and this can be made possible by using social tagging to describe individual competencies. The goal of this study is to support finding and tagging people within task management, through the effective exploitation of the work/task context. This involves the utilization of knowledge of the workers’ expertise, nature of the task/task pattern and information available from the documents and web resources attached to the task. Vice versa, task management provides an excellent environment for social tagging due to the task context that already provides suitable tags. The study also aims at assisting users of the task management solution with the collaborative construction of light-weight ontology by inferring semantic relations between tags. The thesis project aims at an implementation of people finding & tagging within the java application for task management that consumes web services, which provide the required ontology for the organization.